THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, J ,1\ istinct Economic Progress British Publisher jflg ISTMN GCEDETSNRAE MaeI .92Sasov r eecsAercn Representative!TEM Iora AccrteDiagnosis Brings Toll N 0 - !no-99 o 34 istinct economic progress has ness and commerce has gajned sub- Si't Arl,,4inn'r thp n~ cti Ai* arnc1 3,,tantiaj ascendency over 4truotti°v""r (.Continued from Page One) Reports recently made public by these. Miller and Haggarly were sen- the American Society for the Control, sational in their floor work, howevrer,; of Cancer show that the .niumber of; the h-utter proving himself, an swcep- deaths from cancer in the United z jtionally fast r~an, and himself being' States during 1921, was ,9,,000, or jres cnsiblo forxa. trio of field goals in 4000 more than were reported in the seco-nd half. Kipke played well' 1920. r.,iat for-war: and guard duning the sec-! These figures, it is stated, however, orcd h li when Le sub~tituted for Hag- should not he taken to mean that arity and T'aper the number of deaths from cancer is At thie guard~s Cappon and Pager increasing, but merely that more ac- -were nvin}cile. The Farmers were curate diagnoses are being made by able to M~ace but tfour fi'eld goals in physicians as to causes of death. Cans the~ entire garme, their threo free cer is a difficult disease to recognize t row s being responsible for the re-, and this is thought to be responsible murduder of their points.,!for the fewer number of diagnosedl For M'4i. A. C., Fefsaendlen, at guard, deaths from cancer in former years. was almost the only min to diistin-! The report also discloses the fact guish himself doing somne exceeption- that the death rate from cancer 11) ally brilliant work at times, but being higher in the northern states than in ; tunable to cone, almost single ban . the South, and is practically the same' with the swift -atta:ck of the 'Wolmr-i for the white and colored races.. The m}, ie forwards. The Argle~ played fair' highest death rate from this disease b akotball,,at tines showing ra1: in 1921 was 99.6 per 100,000 'popula! lburs ts of sne 1, but Ilchigan's g"ard- tion for Massachusetts, and the lowest lag ;h ld them down to a oe lsr;w~ 47.6 in 100,000 for South Care- than they gaemed capuable of taking. lina. Ne-w After the first few roanm, tf play lot- tit was a corapv.rati rely Interesting House Judiciary Comnmittee to Meet s the game to watch, 'ar more st, t lst,+ Washington, Jan. 3.-The Housej the~~~~~~~~ thn'eoeigee~trwt o judiciary committee will meet lbehind MODE RN LANG UAGE Professor Hainford was elected T HOLD chairman of the Milton-Spenser group ,t' tE . N rof the as o: iation for next year, Pre- fessor Camipbell wa re-elected chair- IFour Professors Represelit XMihiar nman. of the WVordsworthi group, and1 at Yil lx~t Profes sor Mioor e vas named on n ____C'Cmmittee to Jinvestig ,te a Middle Prof. J. H. Hanford, Prof. O. J.' E{nglish dictionary. Campbell, Prof. Samuel Moore, and Prof. S. F. Gingerich, of th{: English a klhan, iis a ared Froiai Ja r deprtrment, attended the nmeeting ot« Chicao,.Jan. -E-lder' Jutstice M. I te odern Language Association of: L. MKclinley oJ the Criinal , Court America on Dec. 28, 29, and 30 in1 here ha!s brrdmembers of the° Ku c Philadelphia. 1pro . C. C.-Fries, o Klux Klan from i, ri on the grand the Etngish department, attended the Jury." meeting of the central branch of the association in Chicago. Professor Campbell read a raper at, You W1ll 1, rn -Bore R apidly one of the meetings, on the subject, lRin ta Few 'Recent Work on Shakespeare",'Proc-1' fessor Fries read a paer on "Ameri- N r RJ C ,can. Usage in Regard to 'Shall' ant! ASY' AC SU~O 'Will' ", Professor Hanford discussed the topic, "Milton's Library". anti Professor Voore discussed "Problems SHUSE,;'7 i )Ms50x75-31.00 and Methods in Early Middle English MI CHIGAN Pop. ndMats.25TuendSOThr sMorphology". Professor Gingerich's--_____________ paper dealt with the contribution o,0T1g Arthur Beatty to the study of Words- ! " I 4 . 4' 1 I , ! - I worth. STRICTLY 11O3E COOKING HEP LER'S STUDENT LUNCH 409 EAST JEFRSON ST. The Wols. Weaed.&St I1N "MAKE ITSNPY A- myRevue, All New PRICES: 4ihi~50c to $2 c .~eto $2.29 1. -- - 'r, - --- T-. - I Ag - -- 0- 1 ciosea aoors tomorrow to aeciae rvnat i tre uZ'amt. in actual noor -workit n 1-- v:a'vua vvw cu V1 both attac k zand dlefensu Tichigan1 to do about the Keller imnpeachment will bre a hiard- tea to quat, bu un-i charge ag in ;t Attorney GJeneral lefss the'Woiverinea tatte hbetter Mm 4t Daugherty. the basket. hopes for the $4'g Ten ti- tle will not. & bright as they! Michigan Song Book, Memory could bie. f looke. *Panner and_ Pennants at i Tahvr's Trn~irprit", Rol<-,~nre-Adv_ . Lind, and in detail and, coloring IA ex.. $49,000,000 was bet at the four oine- tremely accuraite.( mile race tracks. in Maryland last, year it i,. shown in, the third annual Idependenits to Organize Team; ( jreport of the racing comnmission, I which has been sent to Gov. Ritcehie. Independents on the campus and the This is about $5,0 00,000. less than in students that are attending the dif 1921. Despite the falling off in bet- feret chrchs otAnn rbo wil beting the revenue to the state increased given a chance to organize basketball fo 6393t 6163 teama this 'winter and enter thorn in I rm$7,73t 6163 the independent and church leagues .At1(11,O that will be organized by the Intra - ?"Y uosalI MICHIGANM.. .I miller....... ........... ive llen' i -ggerty ......l.f ............. Nuttila E'ly (Cant.), ..,. ............. .lsn Cappon esemnden Paper .........l.g.. .......... - Substitutions: Micliigaii, Mice for Ely, Kiphce for Haggert, laggerty i for Kipke, Kipke for Paper; 4I. A. C., ' Kidman for M1VIMllen, Ytalston for Nuttila., Hultman for M~tason, Swanaonu for Fiessenden, Archboid for Ev 1 Field goadsa: Eily 6;.1Miller a', Has- utn 2. Free throws: Wille~r 4, lily ~, Nut-! tila 1,IMCIillen I. Officials: Referee, Villqrd, lllhnois' Wesleyan ; umpire, Ray, Illinois. TY fLil'1 5 uulveI-zay I3u(m:suoru----vuv. 4 Prinee of Wles Not Engaged London,. Jan. 3.-Emphatic denial was issued tonight of the rumors. of the betrothal of the Prince of Wvalesj The Prince returned to London todaM from Sandrlngton, where he had spent Christmas with the royal family. m'ural department, it was antnounwod' yesterday at that office.. Winners of thes-e two leagues will be given charms by the Intramural department, am a reward for their efforts. m~ew I U'ki, jaII..' I 'trucks killed 1,902 persons in New York In 1922.. Of this numbher, 890 wet their deaths on the streets of New York City. AA t THEY MUST GO Every Overcoat a+nd Suit -- the finest ever made by Fashion - Park and other well - known nP:akes--will be sold in this sale for 76% of their value This includes our whole stock of Men' aa Bos'.Ove rcoats and Suits. many with two pairs of trousers; nothing °i 4 E resrve -~original tickets left on gar- ment-reduct s imde at time of pur- T :i' chase. -.. Men's Overcoats.,............. $37.50 and as low as $18.75 Men's Best Suits ....... ...... $37:50Oand as low as $15.00t Boys' Overcoats............... $15.00 and as low as $ 5.25 Bays' Suits, "with extra pants.'..... ;$13,50 anti as late as $ 4.50 WieMen Will Grab These Of seferi gs COOPER'S UNDERWEAR, EAGLE AND EMERY SHIRTS, BRIGHTON PAJAMAS, NIGHT SHIRTS,. HATS AND CAPS, SWEATERS. BATH ROBES, GLOVES AND MITTENS AND, ODD TROUSERS ARE NOW reduced 20 Do not hesitate a moment, but come e arty and get in on First Choice. : i J o. F. TERMS CASH ,w URCo Fashion Park Clothiers NEXT TO WUERTH THEATER ALTERATIONS AT COT ,1 . , 2. II V enef it of Women 's -League Tickets at Graham's $1 r-2 13 rkW ? g n "_ 1a I.e ,Matinee Dgnes 1