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January 03, 1923 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-03

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games Feb 16 'and 17, with a veteran
team in its second year of Varsity
standing.' The Gophers 'have gone into
the ;game on a bigger scale than any
lTof the other teams up to the present
and s re ~receiving valuable training
in scrimiinages with the St Paul A. C.
six. AT. A. C. will play two gamest


News of


uleara e

. ... .. ... .... _ _ 4




(Continuedl from Pfage Six) Here Feb. 23 and 24 and the. following
of he eaon.Ths oganzaionisweek, the squad. will visit MinneapolisI
of te sason Ths oraniatio isfor a return engagement of two gamnes;
the first intercoijegiated hockey. leag;ue iwith the Gophers Mar. 2 and 3.
west of the Alleglianies and as such It is highly probable that the -Wolv-E
its founders expect that it will tare erine ice representatives will meet As-
a"_position as parent of the game in sumptionl college, of Windsor, in; ar
this section of the country similAr to game that will; feature a big ice car-
that held by the~ Big Ten in all brancli-,ival to be. held in Detroit Jan. 27
es of sport, and other Detroit amateur teams mnay
With hockey taking such. a. strong be scheduled for practice tilts.
hold on the favor of sport. lovers in Hate New Uniforaly
all of the larger cities of 'the sec- The Michigan pucksters' will wear;
tion, mien behind the project a'e con- a. uniform of regulation equipment.
fidlent that the gamie will soon take with a blue jersey and a maize lct-.
a place, with basketball, in tihe col- tered Michigan' across the chest sini-
leges which are taking it up. Miiwau-ilar to those worn by the Varsity bas-,
lee, Cleveland, St Paul, Duluth, and ,ketball and baseball teams.
Detroit are some of the, larger citleC3 Coach Little expects a large] turn-
that have gone into the game" on c' out _at the practice tonight ai3Cl urgos
big. scale. every mlan on the campus who) is elig-=

that is t,,aking all Ann Ar by stort

House..coats. and lounging
'robes ; comfortable- and at-
tractive ; were. $5 to $12.
Now 25%i Less.,

r ~
t ' r . 1;
4 1 ,i..
,, Z 4
j "..
;.' . .\
}". :
(rr " jh.. .
" 1' {
' .

Shirts of finest makes, with
or without collars attached.
WTere $2 to $7. Now
20V Less.

Players .must Train ible for Varsity:,comupetition to be cn.
Candidates for the team m "et with hand to start work promptly, at six,
Coach Little yesterday afternoohn an o'clock.
listened to the P)rogramt for the se--
son. Little assured the new pre BOJARD REDlUCED.
that strict trainling rules would be ini f f ~ mas $.0
force at all times and that a car Jul $4.00 (2 meals) $4.00.
check would be kept on the condition1 604 E. W~'ashingto.
of the players at all times. "Th ii g s Js f tteSre.-"
will be. different from now on," Little;Js f tt Sre.-Av
(declared.' "As long as the' sport vas I
informal the playeirs could g'et awany, Got a room to rent? "A"'Daily c lassf,
with almost anything," hie continue,, fled ad will fino a roomer.-Adv.
"but when you oen have that word 1 -
Michigan' on your. jerseys it wrill Huron Street Taxi 25cA44.-Adv.
mean that you must be in first class
shape at all times..-" Little Will handle'
the; managemnent of the team himiselfTC
and assist ill conditioning, the play- R ER
Three v eterans fronm last year's; hALSEY'S DAN CE STU IOS
strong informal team are at pre;ett Wuerth Arcdc
in ; chool and are eligible for Var,,ity
competition. Comibs, w ho has 1)ni,,yea
goal for two seasons, McDuff.. a de-
fense man and captain of the teao!
last year, and Kahin, also a d(efense
man, are the men who will form t4he
nucleus of the new towm. 'The prob-
1cmil of the new coach wrill be tr, .levcl-,
op two wings and a. center- capable
of standing up under the Stiff coan,)e- TIRAcI AIO ROU 8s.PAT.
tition the team is sure to mHeet. .6Is o s n he e F iA R I A
W isconsin opens the season here at WIDEr e C ls u ,w e rt rd y a d
Saturday, Jan. 12 and 13 and Will be
m et in return gamtes at Madison, Jan. Two rips hold the
19 and 201. Jan. 26 Notre Dame will sock more evenly and
come. to the Coliseum with its pow-Crft and freedo yor Z2 R7
erfu tem in'wht pomiss t be action. The garter is the vogue among you4
erfil eamin hatproise tobe hen who went the Fiest. 35c to $11, every-
one of the stiffest gamles on the schled-. where, in sirgle~grip and the$. Z. 2 Grip,
adthe B. Z. Sport Gartcr. --
ule. Last year the Catholics upset the ade 'solely by ThleThos. P. Taylor
i Maize informal team in two gamea Co.* Bridgeport. Corn.
and in Paul Castner, one of RLockne's etrdbLainSuet
football stars, showed the - greates Fea uredbyleadingrestdn
hockey player ever seen on local ice.:upisSoe
Minnesota comes here for two!


Winter, hats. in all 'the
smart shapes and colors
Mlen- pref er; were- $3.50
t4 $5 N bow,. 20% Less.

Hlose of silk and- Wool
that 'were regularly from.
$1i to $2 a pair a~re mark-
cd 20% Less.

w4 x . C

INeckwe ar of the newest
shapes andl colors ;regu-
larly 50c. to $2.50. Now


Sweaters its practically all
colors and 'styles;. former-:
ly $8.50 to,$,12. Now
20 Less.

. t:
;:. }.
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j- -:

.l '.
" '7.:.' .
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}s _4' t".
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f. .
, Y
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,r "
1.It'tm .

Cashmere hose. in heather,
mixtures, formnerly 75e a
pair, are marked down to.
onily 53c.

Gloves' citbest leathers;
some are. fur lined; regu-
larly $1.50 to $6, Now


Copyright 1922 Hart Schzaffne r & Mars

rir Yir. w - .....r . ........ ...... w . ..

t4 ORE sensational than the price slash-
IVIn ins of any previous yeat are the ter-
rifi reducbtis we're ma king on men'
finest winter suits, overcoats and furnish-
ings8 on, everything in the ent ire store!

C~~~ ONIEAL selling must, be done
to place stocks at a reasonable in'iven-
tory fire. We're not hesitating.a mo-
ment, but are taking quick, drasticcer-
tai n measures; we're hacking prices to the

. .

Start the. New Year right by
eating at the Y inn, where the
food is carefully selected, scien-
tifically prepared and' attractive-
ly served..,4 4


Hre they o

Hart Schaffner & Marx and ozther

fineSuits and O'coats at the lowest prices in years!



B ECAUSE. this lhas been a season of fine
B overcoats. we are offering garments
that have.,n e + r been equalled for styl7e,
quality, warm-th, service. There are huge
ulsters and greatcoats, there are lighter
weight box coats -- all made of rich wool-
ens that m~ean years of sturd T wear. Price
reductions aret he most vigorous An Ar-

rp HESE suits are the newest in style, col-
orb and fabric. Sup er blIy tilored.
Most of them have an extra pair of trous--
ers to insure double wear. Sports styles;
two, three and four - button- sack mlo dels;
everyth ing thba t well dressed men f~s ie ,~nt l r tavor.
Wn il the w jnter iyet young, give you
v alues of astonishing worth,


Classified Rates. Two Cents,.per word a day, paid In advance. Min.-,
imuun charge for llrst day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 200. Three
cents, per word per day if charged. White space charged. for at rate
of be per~ agate line. Classified, charged onlyto thopsb having phouts.
Liner Rates: Tbkelve cents per line, without contract, paid in TAdvance,

bor has ever witnessed.


. _.

FOR RENT-Fraternity accomoda-
tions for 2nd semester. 15-20 men
with exclusive use of parlors. Two
blocks' fronm campus. Box P.M.D.
Daily. 71-211
FOR RENT--Single room; first floor,
private entranee. Suitable for
couple or will rent single. 433 B.
Division. 1780-Rt. 71-21

FOR RENT-A warm quiet room
private family, for ,a business
man or upperelass woman.
Geddes. 2322-J.

in a

WANTED-._Light, pleasant room for,
girl student for second semester.
House near campus preferred. Write
box 11R., Daily office. 71-3.
WANTED-A Rider 'en which fadls
to write at touch. Rider's Pen,
Shop. 21,
WVANTED--Two tickets to Paderew-
ski concert. Reply Daily, box W.L.
V. 71-3
LUOST--My pen troubles, at Rider's of'}
course. 2
LOST-$:15. 'Finder call 3383-R. Re-
ward. 71
FOUND-At Rider's Pen Shop. A real
fountain pen for exams. 21
LOCKSMITH-All kinds of trunk and3
door keys. Keeler, 1136 W. Huron.
Phone 2498. 71-6:,

Fine. $75 Crombies

$45' and $50 values


All $30, O'coats

$4 "3


$,3-7 and $4D valuer

$3Z.50, $42.50 values

$30 and $35 Suits



$55 and $60 Suits

$45 and $50 *values



FOR RENT ROOM-Present well!
heated double room. Inquire house.I
Handy to campus and Main St. 217
S. Fifth Ave., 71-21
ROOM FOR RENiT-Three rooms fur-
nished for light houseke'eping. FEi
erythinug modern. Steam heat.
Phone 2736,. 71-3
FOR RENT-One single and two-
double rooms at reasonable prices.
944 Greenwood. 71-6
FOR RENT-Two first floor furnishedl
light housekeeping rooms. Phone

Hurry and share in these sensational, offerings!





i __ _

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