THE MiCHIGAN0 I ALYWE sDA~ 777 - ry- { x low" ow- - ~ ,,,, r AONCIE F IVEHRE n uL 11 % T h V - F I ) W IN , OV E R V A IT V 1N CO NDITIO'0N FO~R STRENUOUS GOING 21 flayers Work Here Since Dec~,26 , I'r1 pare for stiff Blg 1ea YOST, WITH ii ALL-A MERICANS, CO ULD PLA CE S TRNG C MBINA TION IN FIELD! Made Camp's Team rnn nnraiiiin nnnfinr rnaitfirr Allineladinger c Coach MAathzer sent his basketball' squad th rough a zard practice yester- (lay afternooni in prepa'atiQfl for the next sane oft: te season which wiI; be pae aantMichigan AgricuN I tural college at 7:3t1_o'clock tonightI Thle Wolverine court squad of 2,k men hlaS beeccn in Ann Arbor sinc Dec. 2m in Order ta t11.they might' contin- ue thir d I"fly wor!'outs and beJin: flte bes ofshe for the real open-! ingkof the ,cheduile. Mather Ias been drivin the wn had since they camie bak f ter Christmas, holding twol pracicesessonse'acl day with the excetioni of yesteray" when he let* of 1 l -x~il l ' orFk 010t aG::3{) at 0)1(otz iiz which calls for 11 gamens as it now iiith G(k-rge IMi~e hi Charge stands 'and,1game., Awill be added from I mtlt dii.Sune time to tume throughout thesacia < 4 ralidly~ as ^pponents of sufficien1 l~A)V~l\4)P'~ I1U~I ~ standing are discovered. !I Hai e Thr~ee torvered l eaguie i ~SEASO)N HEME EXT'VWLLE M1ichigan,. Minnesota, and WNiscon- ..: ~sin the first institutions in thes West -. "it i Iickley will receive its" baptism a, a Varsity sp~ort at 6:.10 o'clock tonight ei Cocnferenice to give hockey Var whencaldi(a14 fo a o~,iionon 1hecity rating have forined a league to nextette will m eet at W5einblerg's col- be linown as the Western" Intercol- {. i ~ise um for the first wer kout of the :Yea-'< loiat(e Hockey League w ith regulai- kLsoi.; tions governing the memhrers Identi- .." 1e~te , It had been. pan:)ed to hold the op-1 cal to th~ose in force in the Big T'en1 s t l eiicing practice c, terdhaiy but soft ice, Othier teamis will be allowed to enter "r ~~interferzrend: with the, plans and thjl from time to tim;eas soon as they Sehul dozen meisn who returined a day' early have dignified the .gam1e with a tvar- +:ere hel-d miu idleniess with nothinr~ sity rating 'and have proved that it. mnore tLhan a dliscus7sion o f plans fo, is on a successful basis ini their in- theccemig~seas on'to occupy their at ;s'itutions. It* is expected that North-u tdntioni. western and Chicago, both of whom~ii ! tle ill ('Jiarge have lead hockey teamis for several' Foalloing closely onl the anuno unce-j' years, will oe the next entrants. - ... Y thei aici on of the, Board in*n rhe league} as it, ".L l'nity i nm at111osotiaty lfllt Cotol,'altlet )regaitionts 2 nes Bold t' ccisive vitory', defeated leak rather vo.'Ez the Fa 'nr - by a small sacore. West-' Such a. Cteam-, wotild inE )un-loe- eirn 'State Norma.l also won from the wat as fellows,. with olily one orM twot east Lansing; five but the Atggie tea.mri meii placed out of their f-egulum- -aasi- le'.eat 'd the strong Carnegie Tech) tions: Ger'Inany_ Schulz, chosen by' teami last we'ek by a rather large Cain p for his All-tinmc All-AMericanai wore.: at center, would undoubtedly b)e the" t[.A&.C. iay be counted upon to give Speer of any center mnan placed again3t" ts best ag:ainst the Varsity as the hime. On either side of him would be' "g-iWS Consider Michigan their keen-' Aqua Allmendinger and. fleubrook,I e£st rival,, and are' always at the top the two greatest guards ever turn-- of their for hen they conic to Ann edl out by Yost. Arhocr. The F 1+armiers *are somewhat Although Pat SmithF way; a full; haanicappcd t hit.;year by the loss at' back, he had the weight and natur .al C~iiltey, the_.,i iminutive -star' :of the football ability to hold down oze of i a s t v fels. who was the main- ' th~e tackle positions handily an ip~l f1.Ct~m n u ;p-ig fth M C tam ndfu-with Vichi at the eth~er tackle the. 11i1hed many th 'rills in 'Waterman gym. fcorward. wall would be assured of. Liimp ^ f A'111 iiacea great strength. Vick played defensive It is expcted that most of the meii tackle his last year on the M!ichiganl ! oin the-varsity squ~adl will get into eleven and it was largely } is w>ork; in'r tie gam)e to~nigh1~ before the final 1 this capacity that won honors for him. wvhistle blows but just What five men r o nste Wleieeee will sta rt the contest is Tirollematicai. would have Stan Wells, one of the, Ali l :r wiill 1) at one of the forward greatest hlankers of all time, and l positions an1d lafggerty will take. care rn Seetewhhog abck of thle other forward job.'- Captair was a brilliant and versatile player- Ily will be at his regular berth as and could easily have held downa .eltecr and Mike Paper will hold down j ing1. position. 'noftedefence positions. The It would be behind the line that atlher guard wl-,ill be either Birks or Yost couldl show the greatest Array ~appn wtiithl chances favoring the hat-of 'strength with a ciollectioni of stars er to a ar t the fracas. that would disturb any coach's direanxs. Kinke. a braimn nlvr nd a :i ka ccu -1 muster' such a colle*ction of Ali-I '']?, riCaFna; one that conift equa! lli ,ll s,.-ountl strength the Michigan ar-j Such an aggregation of "gridiron ieats is further tribute to Yost's grit skill as a maker~ of football stars 1nd pla ces himn far ahead of his col- leagues in th~e middle -v,.,t in results Lost Someothing? Let a "Daily" o~ass- o ,6ailfind it for vou.-Aglv_ r r -.. ..__.,.__..... waiiim ia.Aw " I . i- nnu l sale #rtsednemlay .orning, Jan II 1 INA 1ITR'SCOURT SQUAB Urbana27', Ill., .Jam. 2.--Coach Ruby'sI ihini quintet-J is stepping off with r . in c le getting ready for tho, natural leader would make ani ideal quarterback and, as well pis directing the play, Duild1 share the lid- hiig duties with Steketee. Maum lhtselb, ) without Cxce Dl ion Ithe greatest 1 is~r plunger- Nvhmo ever swore a mielli ga Euniform, would be given the full b)a'Ik post. This would leave for the half bu<,ck s its and H 0 0 verc is ume withutler here January 20.3 oertt is hen B idWo IYost. has (:to7 .fl 3 utler ha: s (defeated Wisconsin, a tfor his All-time Michiganm team, '\Vl- lon pasts co)mbiniation. Illinois iq 1lie R-eston and Jimnmie Craig. -estton, ,sint; thshort pasp game this year plrobiably the most famous figurei in th e or thne first time. !Mi chigan hil-7 of fame, has allso. bee'n TeIlhin i coach is dlrillin his "placed by Camp nj)onlhis All-time All- urlCord P'ipe of.Danville, and 'American teami and isgeellhil hal- n o', Oak Park, and per- ed as the greatest hi~ babck wtiiho ever ccting the other positions' in the five played the game. The o ieing of tIme Western, Con- c lie sasoii will be celebrated atm n nA.rb 'or aga inst, the Wolverines. br 'ach Mi tiier attenlded the Washing- on Vniiver'itiy anid the -Notre Damiel _ ames b(mre, to scout the Illini squad.j oachi liuby ,'s five is -less experienced an i £ici igan players. Captain Swede Hellstroin and -Wal- er floettgei arc the Illini forwvards, ho have been garnering the I111- ois points, While "Slim" StilweItl at eniter is doing fine floor _work. rtethth iuppenheimer and othef, good makes h~eady for the biggest sale event this store has staged in years. And there are saving opportunities such as we have never before offered. Spring w ill su r ely bring higher prices in all clothing so buy now at these low prices 40 Suits and Overcoats Suits and.. Overcoats VA LUES TO $2.0 NOW VALUES TO $45i.©0 NOW $ .U xa $ ° 31 ljtal timulus is born of ~ omttion. You may find tyogi self lacking the vq to carry on in the af- teru ooi)i whenftee inoraig I isbeen tryingbq. Get re- ntewed energy which comes Iwith a. game of billiards 3 of Allowance with an Mass; prodution makes the first cost moderate. The simple mechanism never gets out of order and each double length lead offers the same writing service as a 7 in. wood pencil- at only 1c. The FEiATHER WEIGHT- shown here --of ligh-tweight Suits and Overcoats.. VALUES T $ 500 ~.ONOW " ou'li tie~d serviceable fabric, smart styles and the best of tailorIng In these suits and over- coats in three groups. These classes inwiude all of our winter stock. Styles, sizes1 and patterns for every matsn or youth-no mngtter -what your'iphiysical ipropor- tions may bie..- Nothing wvill show you the real m~eaning of tliisSalle, except a visit to our store. Come. 1 00 All Furnishings at Sole Prices Emphptic Redu DtfoiiA on Everyth~n' in oar Store. Nothing Reserved. I 1I x 11 i j