-''y i -' ._ .- " ', 'tiF TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY1' LIR Pfy 1[CHES Greelted E nl, tusia LARG CEIECIONLonges our Acquisiiton £ FVgawuirls musierh t 01 Pr naryi;prtance( (UTAPJI) II V C-OPERAQTIQ N By' the recent purchase of the li- bralry of Yt. Vignaud of bagneaux , ~ nep Pariii, the University library has now what is considered to be one of the largest and most important col- y p the best represented flelds are tlr ;i The resgiatbn of D. Warren of phlosohy' and ancient histor_ Plimpton Lombit0a 'o th htilogy This matter will be ncrpcrated i t' epartmite ot the "n i t acs ac-! the general lbrary etdb h or ~Rghsa h )lanyIiy ~re Volunies Included latmeigoftey.V i 1rtay According to Mr. Bishop, -who £f Dc.2.Pof oo'iia~lisbe lowed his cabale notifying the Univer ont4whth uivrtyfr ci authrties of the purchase xx l onetiwthtu 1n rj f) several letters; many of the voumec'mre'thn °tweity yefrs." in the collection are exceedingly rare Dr. Lobaid rcelved his A 13 de- 'many of themn being gifts to M. VI- gee fronmtIHa'ad is ;1878andc three naud from the authors. "The bulk &" years later hris CsD.dt'ee. ~poli his the books' are in Spanish, French gaduatonhie traveldinm Europe and Italian, with English next, and a few' studied for two yer 4 0 Leipzig.'Fe- German works. The collection of un- turning to this oiihtrti , he Wa iad bound pamphlets is enormous, all very' an assistant ii the cllege of piyl carefully arranged in pamphet bo- ,cin an a.surgens at Cluitia. In es, and many bearing elaborate. notes 1889, he became assistant professoi' a by Vignaud, notes which would be of Clark university, holding _tis pok- immense value to another investiga- tion until he cae to Michgan in tor." 1902 as professor of Physiology. The sale was made byr Madame Vig- H-e is recognized as a lader in his nand; widow of the colector. M. Vg- field of study, having hd mnember- naud was an 'Amnerican by birth but ships in the American Physological spet most of his years in France, Society, A.M.A., Society for Experi where lie was' connected withl the dip- mental Biology and Medicine, A.A.A. loma tic service. The library has been S., and was at one time one of the packed under the personal supervi- secretaries of the International Co- lion of Mr Bishop, and is already on gress of Physiologists. its way to the United States.' Mr. Dr. Lombard has "not reached the' }bishop left France on Dec. 27, aboard age limit for "retirement but e wishes the Majestic, and is expected to arrive to engage in some research in w hich in this country today or tomorrow. Ire is greatly interested. In Oera His toy M Boiar Law- Oives n~Ri n* ui t First Direct State-, tend Coneerning rattis out the necessary steps must be taken; to force her to comply." ''Classes Fight YES TRD A. YIN WASHINGTON finhe senate and house 'wore both inj recess. CLA ?"S. ,IITYT WO (R ES ~i FHearinxgs on the Kellog-White rfed- i OPE'N 'i4) ALILIED) POWERS eral1 radio control bill were begun by, the house merchant marino comit- (By Associated Press) tee.;c Paris, Jan. 2.-"You can get certain° jv amounts, of money by tainhig inimedi-i Announcement that. Secretary A. P. !i 1Fall, of the interior department, would ate poks sIo n of Gerniany, butn you retire from the cabinet March 4 was f cannot take over Germtany and 1re-e:s- made at the White THouse. tablish herfiiancialstability,"' declar -____n ed Mr. Bonar Law , the British. prime Pecbulr o t al a mdinister, tonight In the course of the s,:worn in as an associate justice of ,the o first direct statemiendtlhe has made of Unritedl Stater supreme court, sue-" . British policy concerning reparzationis c e i g W l am 1 .D y r sgn . I since he became head of the gVerii- ceigWlla ay eind ment. jAssurance wa~s given at the 'White l s wiie M Qte tiou . House that the United "States wrould "The allied have reached a, point abide by the Hague award of $12,000Q,- ; whlere they . must choose between 00 to Norway in settlement of ship- these two courses, "lie continu~e(:. ping claims. - "They cannot have both. This. as not' a politi,c uest ion; It is a business; Increase in the maternity death Iqeto.oucngtcrananusIfront Germany if you tak~epseso rate and increase in infant morality p()~eson!in the United States was noted in the. of ie hrbut you caninot take t1 acm anC nulr rto h hlde' ueu re-establish German credit. anulrpr o h hlre'-aaeu C"1 wish to a that it.] is cerlal'i ! tat n te. ram oftheBr~'s1 .The state departuient announcedl thallnt ntherepaoftert dsir t .,Jtht evrniany had proposed a four eoerm.c.inentcthr ith.an er ansteire toI newer agreemnenltfor no wars for a convtinccd iththis alif les. tam Igene ration without thde sanction of the coviedthatrenhsaloe;Is tl(.C- plbsct but that the succession was . real danger 'it that, difference- in 'the .tnacceptable to France. putlic opinion of the countiesc will, be so strong as to mrake. it ditfficult, New Cardinals Sooht to be CreoIod a if' not Iinposs~ble. to reach :gn aree-r Romde, Jan. 2.-According to infor- anent. imation in authoratative Vatican ciir- All the old classes on the campus are up in arms to protect and pre- serve their memorials from the de- struction at the hands of the steam- shovel and the Building program. '67- is striking an attitude and shouting in the. words ,of the poet "Woodman spare that tree!" and '69 also is Jeav- i[ng no, stone unturned to rescue her, memorial. Amid all this turmoil it. is rather comiforting to know that one class any way can rest at ease about its memor- [al. The lucky class is the class of 1901, who placed the stone bench be- fore the University hall. They are, not worried about the fate of their bench,, and this is as it' should be. Why? Because as. far as we can find. out, there is no thought of moving it. Would You Waste Money Needlessly ? You are wasting money if you~ aren't taking advantage of the Miichigan Daily Want-Ads. Of- tentimes you can buy very good articles for vwhich others have no furthier use, at very much re-_ diucedl prices. If you are not taking advantage of these sales do so at once. You'll save m~oney. And if you want to sell ,some- thing, there's no better wvay than thru the Daily. Call the 6office, 960 U sMil" Clirnt of "In and Out," 'the IPY2 IMichigan mthe cgs anad Mot 'au'cessiul trip Indemnity Mnt TP Fxe Ic "Large sumis are only "vailable " I ,through loans; the amount of indem- 'For d Ca nsV ok fity Must be flied, not b partisans, c IWill Soothe W orld but bi nnttalbsns people. No E on ihfondof a~yig- ebts ifit'-can -- i be avoided. This is equally true of Detroit, Jan, 2.--Henry, Ford b)e- any natioin, and Germrany is no 'ecx- lieves that "the one sure cure for ception. "Having fixed reasonable conditions, World unrest is to create for. every if Gxermany does not theu take nec es- able-bodied man in the world a job. sary steps .forthwith to carry then.~ of Fome s ort' the manufacturer today --- -- toldl a delegation representing the in-' ternation~al lab~or office of the League of -Nations whose members held, a long' , TT N'TP ~ A clfrn With him at his Dearborn tI tLLHI T1 A offices. .Tie delegatlon), Which cane' to thisi country recently to obtain ideas that Your bank should. be might be introduced in other countries for benefit of Workers, is headed by: efficient. But that is ni IAlbert Thomas, of France, director of sevcIobeo h thec intern atioi l lab~or office.sevctobeofhe C 'During the'interview Mr Thomas de- plored the present unstable co ndi- be also intelligent and stions' in mn parts of Europe and, Csuggested that equalization of ex- change rates !night have a beneficial That, is what this bask j change, might have beneficial results. Mr. Ford replied that in his opinion! ,the, nuestion of :bringing the world 1 AR~IR E oles Pope Pius plans to hold1 another oensistory in March at which new cardinals may lbe created. 'Of the sev- enty places in the sacred college, tive are still vacant. V u Iill LearnMoreRpidlyI FIrnATELES m1 NINTERESTED'I has its tlace In chlldhood's joys and it isgood forgrwn-ups t#. A ie-long friend. It's the sweet tf tat's good.-for, teeth and stomachs. Itl's them ideal: ref reslune' t' that helps to digest the haMstily-eaten. meal "The Nw P. K. 4FlavorSea led Tit Kept Right fo rrx ' 1 { sound, accurate and ot enough,, Banking ost use to you should interested. ktries to be. CIANICS BANK Sback to peace and prosperity couh(I not, be solved through money, declar- ing his 'belief that the solution rested in extension of industry, iniprovement of, agricultural methods and education of the workers of the world. 1,It, was learned' authentically that rMr. Ford told his visitors that "tall the money 'in the world could be c}jrmped into the sea and as long as mnen would put one stone-on 'top of. another 'and till. their, ground they would have 'pro- ducts to barter and exchange and world commerce would go on." Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv. . .. F . v , Ii. - ,al LAT IM ''OAY Shows Continuousi, 2-l p. n. S.eaO e' mladys eil Matt. Moore 101-105 So. MAIN -330 SO. ST'ATE ST., Uf ii TAYTRSARDYI This picture has no plotting MEIGHAN AND 5 ilains; no pageants; no ADE . jfashion pacrade~s - But just More Fun Than a big , wholesome, smiling BARNUMal story of real folks -i AND' BAILEY I R INGORGE ADE'S Ia lof IGeorge 'Ade, Amecrica's leading humorist, wrote thxis story especially for his friend, Tofu Meighafi. More' laughs to the reel than any comedy ezr produced. Andl a r'edl "homne town" romiance.. CAST INCLUDES LILA. LEEB THE NEW -. I "Leather ishrs". I Shown n Any Sreenm STARtRING AND SAM4E BIG CAST '61; WATED) iMORE - HEIEEE THEY A E _ Knit Coats and f ,, d minima ATIN From the novel by kA'THlI,-\N ORRTS bwealters 1For ladies- and mien "S1STP 'S " i: a perfect motion picture icr- trayal of one of the greatest nrovels ever writtenl about marriage. It was a taked- abotut iioavel for two yeairs. Alix $tricklancl fought~ the hardest battle of ,a woanl'S life inl her struggle to hold he liusbaud -=and,.her own s ister was 'the other vvomani. " Wihin the walls of her own home are elder girl, whose heart had starved for love, faced, fought and whipped heer 'younger inster and hield the,,man' woo possessed the key to happiness in her life.. t: Suft-PLUS, SUPPLIES S~ -IN- P'L i= Adults, 35c, Kiddips, 0fC. i . 5TORE\ 213, North Fourth Avenue "'THEOLD SEA DOGK" IIn- «.It pays to walk a fito blocks" . I M N I lienefit of Women 's ,League Tickets at Graham"' $1 An ma Mairna. anA e_