THE WEATHER COLDEP AND SNOW TODAY .901somdl.-- t: t xi NOW KEEP YOUR RESOLUTIONS I, VOb. XXXIII. No. 71 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3 1923 PRICE FIVE CENTS OpeCharms Cwx NAMES THREE Ohatesr aAIruIr PI YSte __ Inhabitants Of LTURE TO In Longest Tour I lvii U Ill Ufl1I1 I L1I IL! I U Greeted with tremendous enthus- was given including one afternoon UIU IULI1 LlR1UL asm at every place in which it play- performance at Grand Rapids, but ed the seventeenth annual Michigan other matinees were deemed impos- S N A 1- E IUnion opera, "In and Out" arrived in sible due to the distance between I G BUDGET Ann Arbor yesterday morning, hav stops. At Louisville and Detroit sel-' ing completed the longest and mos ections from the opera were sent outN ITPKE CHOSEN AS HALFBACK successful trip ever undertaken b by radio by means of local broadcast- UNIVERSITY ASKS $7,21,O FOR ON NOTED CRITIC'S FIRST any Mimes production. ing stations. CONTRUCTION OF NEW ELEVEN The opera this year invaded six The first week of the tour, begin- BUILDNGS states going as far east as Pittsburgh, ning Frday, Dec. 15, took in all the south to Louisville, and west to Chi- out of state towns and Grand Rapids. ATTITUDE OF S OL O N S KIRK MAKES SECOND cao. This included territory never The second week, from Christmas NOT DEFINITELY KNOWN TEAM, UTERITZ THIRD before touched by a Michigan com- night on, covered the Michigan cit-N - pany and the capacity houses with les on the itinerary, three perform- which the show met at these pont ances begin given in orchestra hal at * A' C. WIiPresent fluflding Pro marks a new era in the broadening! Detroit. gram Reqng $ t Any Other School in Country; of the opera's popularity. ' Crit.ic in general agree that this CoverPerod of Two Years 24 Colleges Represented That the opera is becoming moI year's opera is superior to any show national in its scope is evidenced by iet put out by Mimes since "Michi- Appropriations for the University Walter Camp, noted football critic, the requests for mt~hee perform- genda" first appeared on the stage in building program will be prominent in gave the Wolverines unusual honor ances received not only from Michi- Ann Arbor as a Michigan college the schedule of legislation proposed last week when he named three Mich- gan cities but from cities in states show in 1908. The book for this to the state legislature, which con- igan men on his all-American football never before played by any opera. pro- year's show was written by Edwin R. venes for its fifty-second regular see- selection. Harry Kipke, captain-elect ( duction. A total of 16 performances 11Melss, '23, who also with Myron E sion at noon today in Lansing. The of the Varsity, was given one of the Chon, '2, composed the music and budget of President Marion L. Bur- half back positions on the first team, R.lyrics ton, announced shortly before vaca- Bernard Kirk won an end berth onReceves sToE. Mortimer Shuter, director of tion and requesting $7,267,00 for the second 'eam and Irwin Uteritz Mi chgan opera, must go much credit buildings urgently needed or already asslcetoplfthe thideea O Mti acal I eanL for the finished product that the show l under construction, will. present the which was picked by Camp. - presented. It was a metropolitan University's needs to the legislators., Michigan Places Highest 1 ^'show and came up to metropolitan The usual mass of proposed statutes Michigan was the only school which standards. The costumes, designed by and constituional amendments, and a lad three men on the mythical Lester of Chicago, were beautiful and! request by Dr. David Friday, president elevens. Harvard, Princeton, Annapo- dazzling, and the settings were well of the Michigan Agricultural co- 1is, west Point, Iowa and California taken, but the success of the show, lege, for $1,00,000 for building dur- and Yale each placed two men and as Mr. Shuter says, does not rest upon ing the next two years; are also on the the remainder of the honored athletes :,;"one man, but upon everyone who legislature's program ffor the next were chosen from 16 different schools. helped in pitting it across. few months. It is noticed that 11 different schools Receptions and dances were given Gives Disposition of Xoney are represented on each team and for the men In every town encounter- The sum asked by the University that Michigan is the only school to - ed on the trip, and Michigan men and will go toward a Journalism bulding, htalumni were always on hand to help an the literary building, heave one man on each of the, teams..'.:N:..:k ,buldn Walter Camp's selections have not out in the entertainment. Professor the completion of the University ho- met with great approval especially in, hBruce M. Donaldson of the' fine arts nital,. a nurses' home, remodelling of the Middle West. While three of the department was faculty advisor of the the gymnasiums, the sites of the new four backfCeld men on the first team sccompany. It is a notable incident that Law school building :and the mu i are chosen from Conference schools not one thing occured during the en- seum, and general improvements, in-- they are the only men from this sec- tire tour to bring anything other than eluding the purchase of additional tion of the country who made the . praise as to the behavior and con- land. The program is the result of first eleven. Muller of California is duct of the entire company. months of study by a spelaj. buildingl given one of the ends and the otheri -;"--------committee appointed by. the Board of' seven members are all picked from vRegents, acting in. conjunction wtl4 eastern schools. No player from the ElTPresitent Burton and the 4eans o South was given recognition on thel the variou collegee. initial eleven. The fact that the east- ' ;The budget was submitted to G4 ern schools did not show any such su- A. J. Groesbeck on Dec. 11, ad the periority over western schools inIn- Ustate administrative board . in it0re tersectional games has led many of port and repmmendations to the leg- the leading critics of the country to islature last Thursday, involvIng hissn h utlain fCm fis Do Damage Amounting'to More Than slash of $4,0&){,400 fomn the $8,1XXY1 question the"ustlfcatian of Camp in, s$ placing seven Easterners on his$s00is budget- of two years ago , 4 d no r I team. jPpass an opinon on th UniversIta re Many Pick Kirk Weeks .f quest, merely re ~inerding tbat sitI The failure of Kirk to make the Harsym A E E T E E be referred tothe- legislature". t .W1h Qs twa sr edfi s tha no s e u b yas . a rW a lter r ; , . W C a mpti e n T h e a t t i t u deE o f t h e s oOlB-o naNT! T e f a t t o e ft o w a r d ttw a rh ee to mclst of the close followers of foot- as half back on hs irst All-American TO GRAND RAPIDS AND MONROE new building budget is declared prob- ball. Kirk was -one of the bestAnd __eam. lematical by unofficial observers. The seen in the Big Ten in years as many request for $7,000;000 made by Pres critics chose him as one of the ally (By Associated Press) ident Burton in 1921 was met by an' American ends However, Camp gavo iin TII Lansing, Jan. 2-The state fire mar- appropriation of $4,800,000, some of the preference ,to. Rtaylor of the Navy IIIUIINeI and 'Muller of, California. Camp ev- ;1 LEASESy eciedrpotofa thepreereIe J. aylr shal's olflce today received report of which h~s not as yet been received the renewed attempt at arson at by the Univerity because of the tate dently was determined to have eleven ;l O lU Orn n n ~hl'amnistrative board's eneral cr- d ff renedasn w hssepreto h R le hiM Grand l pids rind Monroe, in which nsr ban different schools represented on his'.. LIiissRIULsUI'er first team and for this reason KirkcitiesIncendiary fires have :causedfthat the reprsentatives Pr .:the was chosen for the second team UTheEET C damage dutring the past few weeks- of farming distrts will irs. t ,fimn a- placing of John* Thomas of, Chicago ySTIJIEN 'S GET SPECIAL' RATEmoeta$20O.Sae aid may ento to the reuests chi the Mf1CT. at fullback has also aroused consid- Ov SEASON TICKET, e nmtre than R200,00.piState ce adan Agriutural colleg, ine Pre-. erable opposition. While the Maroon IS RULING - beent to rand Rapids ficersen- t ridAy's recent erganiationI player is one of the best line plungers gaged in running down the fire ma-hv secured for hii the fl sup- e his all around work niacs. -Deputies already are.on duty port of state fariners- does not stack up against some of theE Arrangements have been completed at Mopnrepot fekt dfa.Hue oe no tsl ackr au so Gordon with the owners of Weinbergs' Coll- The latest fires were ,set in . a Groesbeek to Address Rouses t ocke of Iowa, or Barron of Georgia seum, ice skating rink at the corner theater - at Grand Rapids this after- ward'organizatin, is on the schedule Tech, who was chosen fullback on of Hill street and Fifth avenue, non and at St. Michael's church at for. today's sessions.. It is expeted the second team.hrbIt will be leased and ape- Monroe last night. Both fires were that Rep. George Welh of Grni Sack, one ofathe best line men Pitt whereby th i be ed ndoe checked without serious property loss. Rapids Will be electid speaker of the has had in years, ws not mentioned 8ated by the comb-ined intercollegiate TefisRarpairndRpisoc doseadlthealted hspeommtte of the on any of the teams and Weller, No- and intramural athletic departments curred Saturday night when a theater poutments will be announced almost I braska's star tackle, received the for the remainder of the skating sea- was damaged to the extent of $160, Immediately. , Governor Groesbeck sam medicine.Goeror C oeIxc same medicine son. The arrangement has been 00. Monroe's list of fires believed of will give his address to both houses ua ofc Gron whT ed u made in order that more students incendiary origin numbered 18 up to tomorrow, but it, is not expected that Glian of Brown who showe u oftwill be able to avail themselves of last night. . the solons can attack the great. mnass this seasoack s ant oththebest ofe the opportunity for engaging in th Officalsaod legislation' before next eatrntcleonrwowat.ce three fires last week that were belev-we. by many critics for their first eleven The rink is said to be the largest ed to have been of incendiary origin. Taxation will be the first problem' indoor rink in the state, and accord- presented to the assembly. A special is le t andeJ. 'Red" Rob- ing to intramural officials is excep- legislative tax commission is expect is left out altogether. Rd Rb tionally well situated for use by the. ed to offer drastic suggestions today. erts, one of Cam}sp's" first team selec- tinW Wel[iute oOueb teVFILKS-da ton last ted so students. Various other measure4 that have tions last year is also omitte rom Tickets, entitling the owner to 40 been reported unofficially to the con the list of 1492 honoraries d tree admissions have been placed on sale, ITHUtflCj ;mittees are proposals for a bill- of I However Camp has pickeainrt and cost $3. This price is open to M rights for women, a tax- on gasoline great teams and s merely upagis the same opposition which is bound students, faculty members, and high for the benefit of- th state' highway to come pwhentheopinion of one school students; all others must pay (By Associated Press) department, gaibIibing laws, an income ta isptted against theinopinions of $4. The tickets are on sale at Moes Lansing, Jan. 2. - State 6fiicers, tax amendmet, reforstation of idle man ts pertsaofithe country. Sport shop, Intramural office at Wat- elected in November, were sworn into landas and centralization of state de- all teexp picdte following erman gymnasium, Intercollegiate of-. e partments by me s of ne commit- men on his first All-American mythic- fice in the Press building, Ann Arbor office yesterday. The ceremony wasndcomissio high school and at the Coliseum. simple. and brief. The elective off- al eleven;napolis, End. The rink will be open from 1 until cers-Gov. Alex J. Groesbeck, Secre- Ban JOhnson Wi Fight ambng Tayyor,oAnnapolisUEnd. " --.. 1 -!R ' nem k V. V A.'~lttn~ ~fRi}a....J titsl yy~e T7- .A C~n s Aa5 30i Yn 9 n2nn White Successfully Ends Copper Wheel Experiments Owing largely to the work of the twice as hard inside. In addition, It department of engineering research, is a well-known fact that copper has under the direction of Prof. A. E. a much higher conductivity than has White,, it is thought probable that bronze. The work of these men has trolley wheels, heretofore made of also proved that it is possible to fash- bronze, will from now on be made ion wheels of copper, which has never from copper. before been done satisfactorily. Professor White and Prof. Allen F. Professor White has also under- Sherzer, of the mechanical engineer- taken an experiment in testing the ing department, have demonstrated motor of the Willys Knight motor through research work and exepri- car. He will give the motor a test + ment that copper is three times as before it is used at all ,and the car hard on the surface as bronze, and will then be tested after every five thousand miles of use until it wears E out. The -car will be driven over aver- age roads, will be given high grade' gasoline and oil, and will receive the care that an ordinary owner puts on Shis car. The results of the research the manufacturers of the car, as well, as to the members of the engineering . faculty. Season Will Be Divided Into Two Groups of Games of Four .e Of D ReOf InuWresc Received In Wreck ALE STARTS AT 9 O'CLOCK KIRK DIES *FR'OM SHURTS RECEIVED IN AUTO CRASH NAMED ON CAMP'S MYTHICAL ELEVEN BEFORE HIS D)EATH FORMER TEAM MATES ACT AS PALLBEARERS TODAY IN PRESS BUILDLNG Basketball season tickets will be placed on sale at 9 o'clock this morn- ing at the ticket office of the Athletic aszociation in the Press building. As in previous 'years, two groups will be sold, each group at $2, If, however, any group tickets remain unsold- by Dec. 6, applicants will be allowed to. purchase tickets for both groups of games. Group sone consists of the following games: . A. C., Illinois, Minnesota, and-- Iowa. Group two consists of the games with Northwestern, Ohio State, Wisconsin, and the Cornell indoor track meet. In order to obtain aI group ticket, applicants must present ooupon- number 23 of their athletic boob for, identification. a Because of the. limited number of tickets .that can be sold ",for the bas- ketball, games, the athletic depart- ment urges that all students desiring them ;apply as soon as possible. Tickets: for the M. A C. game, to be played this evening in Waterman gymnasium, will go on sale today at the tickeot- .e' ein the; Press build1 ing. The price will be 50 cents. - V1 DECLINES HARDING'S OFFER OF THE SUIPREi[E BEN SEAT (fly Associated Press) . Washington, Jan. - 2.-Secretary A. B f+All'of the inte'ior department will retii'e from ornce March 4, it was an- tiunced toda~f. at the- White House, to retitrn to the .practice of law and the. conduct of private business af- fairs in New Mexico. President Harding, who is not yet Sprepared 'to 'name his successor, was declared by an administration spokes- man 'toshave made every effort to re- tain the'cabinet officer in service, and to have- tendered him, without avail, an appointment to the Supreme court bench, to. fill the vacancy caused by the recent retirement of Justice Tip- ney. Secretary Fall said later that the only. cause for the. step was the con- dition o -his own affairs. He will go to his cattle ranch in New Mexico immediately upon leaving office, and after a short vacation resume the practice of law on the administration of his ,business interests. COITIIUED 'OPERATION I I' .; -, r, i ' I 4 k i a Knocked Unconscious When Machin Skids Into Telephone Pole; Dies 6 Days Later Bernard Kirk, '23, end on the Var- sity football team in 1921 and 1922, died of meningitis at the Beyer Me- morial hospital in Ypsilanti, Decem- ber 23. Meningitis, the immediate cause of death, w-as brought on by a fracture of his skull sustained in an automobile accident December 17. Kirk was in an automobile with Cyrenus Darling, '25M, and Harold E. Covert, '21, and the party was driving to Kirk's home in Ypsilanti, when the car struck a sign-post that had faller} across the road, and skidded into a telephone pole. Kirk, who was im- mediately knocked unconscious, was rushed to the Beyer Memorial hospi- tal, where lie recovered consciousness 12 hours later. Meningitis Sets In He was thought to have a chance for recovery by the doctors who ex- amined him, and who hoped also that the football star's powerful physique would help him in his fight for life. After several days of apparent im- provement, however, meningitis set in, and in spite of the anti-meningitis serum injected by the physicians, lie died early in the morning of Decem- ber 23. At the funeral held at the home of his father, John P. Kirk, of Ypsilanti, were Robert J. Dunne, '22, Paul G. Goebel, '23E, Harry G. Kipke, '24, all Michigan football captains and team- mates of Bernard Kirk,- and Irwin C. Uteritz, '23, quarterback on the 1922 team, Edward T. Usher, '21, Leroy E. Neischi'24, Stanley Muirhead, '24, Franklin Cappon, '23, F~rank Steke- tee, '22, William Van Orden, '23, E. R. VanDervoort, '25, Meyer Paper, '23, and George S. Haggerty, '25. Bruton Honorary Pallbearer Active pallbearers were the mem- bers of the Michigan football team, and the honorary pallbearers includ- ed President Marion L. Burton, Gover- nor Alex J. Groesbeck, Coach Fielding H. Yost, and Congressmen George P, Codd and-Earl C. Michiner. Bernard Kirk was born May 8, 1900, Bernard Kirk 'Who died on Dec. 2-3, sip days after receiving inejuies in an auto wreck. Shortly: before his death, Kirk re- ceived notice from Walter Camp of his appointment to the All-American second team. LIBBY TO LECTUREON DISARMMNTSURA NATIONALLY KNOWN AUTHORITY the son of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kirl of Ypsilaniti. He played for threo SECURED BY LIBERAL years on the Ypsilanti high school CLUB ( football team, and on his graduation from that institution, entered the col- "War on War" will be the subject lege of Notre Dame, where he stayed of the next lecture to be delivered un- for three years, playing for one year der the auspices of the Liberal club team. at 8 o'clock Saturday in the Natural Acclaimed by all Critics Science auditorium. The lecture, In the fall of 1920 he entered the which will be open to the public, will University, from which he was to Libhave received the A.B. degree this be delivered by Frederick J. Libby, June. In 1921 he played ofId on the executive secretary of the National first team. Last fall he was again Council for Prevention of War, who one of Yost's regulars, holding down is said to be one of the most import- his position at end for the second ant figures among those who work' essaveseadon. IHe was selected as all conference, against a repetition of the late war. x all western, and all American end by Libby is an observer of the ravages' the majority of football critics in the of war. He acted as European com- country, and the news of his selec- missioner for the Quaker Relief coin- tion as end on Walter Camp's second mittee in Germany and several of the team was read tot him before his allied countries. Mr. Libby has also ; death. kept in close touch with the various Kirk was a member of the Sigma movements for prevention of warfare Nu fraternity, the Knights of Colum- that have sprung up in this country bus, and the Holy Name society of St.- and in Europe within the last few John's church in Ypsilanti. years. He was present at all the ses- sions of the Washington Disarmament Cutter to Intercept Draft Evader conference, and had interviews with Wilmington, N. C., Jan. 2.-Coast all the leading statesmen that were guard cutter Moderie left today to present, on the question of world-wide intercept the American Steamer and complete disarmament. Aquarius bound from Bremen to Wil- The Liberal club will hold its reg- mington, upon receipt of the reports ular bi-weekly meeting at 7:00 0'- that Grover Cleveland Bergdoll, draft clock tomorrow night in room 302 evader, was on board. The Depart= of the Union. The discussion that ment of Justice agents were aboard was started at the last regular meet-, the cutter. ing when Rev. H. A. Jump of the Con- gregational church spoke on "The JANE ADDAMS SAYS Textile Strike Situation in New Eng- land," will be continued at the meet- U. S. IS BACKWARD ing tomorrow night. In accordance with an amendment to the club's con- London, Jan. 2.--n the eve of stitution adopted at the last meeting, starting her tour of the world Miss all meetings will hereafter be open Jane Addams, of Chicago, addressing to the public, and discussions will a meeting in London today,.referred Sbe conducted as an open forum. to the United States as a recalcitrant country, but predicted that it would ACCUSED WAR GRAFTERS WILL enter the league of nations. BE TRIED BY SPECIAL JURY Miss Adams said she saw indica- tions toward such a- movement, first Washington, Jan. 2.-Trial of the in the influence of the farmer bloc in f 1 ul IlILU IILLJLUwnllI II Y Treat, Princeton, Tackle. Schwab, Lafayette, Guard. Garbisch, West Point, Center. Hubbard, Harvard, Guard. '-hurman, Pennsylvania, Tackle. Muljer, California, End. Locke, Iowa, Quarterback. Kaw, Cornell-, Halfback. Kipke, Michigan, Halfback. John Thomas, Chicago, Fullback. The Daily v ic eeyaervuecet ay of State chartes J. DeLand, State New y orx,.Jan "".Ban Jonson Sunday, and from 8 until 10 o'clocic Treasurer Frank Gorman,, Attorney president. of the American league every evening. Saturday the rink will' i launched an attack- on gamnbling in f be open from 9 o'clock in the morn- General Merlin Wiley, Auditor Gener- major league parks in'the joint major ing until 5:30 in the afternooon. In- al 0. B. Fuller and Justice John S.league 'meeting recently. The gambl- I tra mural and varsity hockey teams MacDonald, assembled in the execu- uing still flourishes in parks, he said1 will have the use of the rink from 5 tive chamber, where the oaths of or- particularly in Boston where most until 8 o'clock every evening. fice were administered by Justice gambling has been found than in any Signs will be placed each day in Howard Weist, who today became other place. He asked all club own- the three Calkinks-Fletcher drug'chief justice of the state Supreme ers to join him in. warring on tho stores, on the corner of South Uni.. court. gamblers. versity avenue and East University It was expected that Attorney Gen- avenue, the corner of Packard and eral Wiley shortly will announce his State streets, and on State street, and resignation. He has entered a law Rad lE' ment in the window of Moe's sport shop partnership in Detroit. His success-" telling of the condition of the -ice. or will be named by Governor Groes- beck, with the approval of the sen-. Would you like to buy or' sell Actors May Strike .ate. some radio supplies? Perhaps New York, Jan. 2.-Thirty council Members of the state legislature would-like to trade yurs members of the Actors' Equity asso- will be sword in today when the fifty- you ciation today began a series of con.. second legislature convenes for its for something else. At any rate UNITED STATES SIO. WIRES ACTJON TO COAL COMMIS- NEED FOR COAL MEN (By Associated Press) Washington, Jan. 2.--Ab obvious necessity -exists that employers and employes in the unionized sections o% the bituminous coal industry, whose representatives will meet in Chicago tomorrow, should promptly devise some, plan to keep mines in operation after next April 1, according to a telegram sent today to officials of the gathering by the United States coal commission. "Business halts - while in doubt as to your action, and awaits with anxie- ty the speedy and successful outcome of your labors," the message, signed The business department of The Daily wishes to announce the ap-j pointment of Townsend H. Wolfe, '24, as circulation manager, and of David J. M. Park, '23, as manager of the copywriting department, beginning i i L i