THE MICHIGAN DAIL_ ,. --__- DAILY OFFICIAL 'BULLETIN rubllcatlon in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of h Trivraf P-n_ raaitr"-riHI -'Q1' n l-QA a r Q nfirm FRI)AY, DECEMBER 1J9.1922 .. IL. a &uray Number 70 plementary Announcement, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Material should be handed to me at once for the Supplementary An- xicerhent of changes or additions in second semester courses. These ild come though or be approved by the head of the department. ARTHUR G. HALL, Registrar. Foreign Student's Holiday: Lansing, Michigan, has sent an invitation to the students from other Is at the University to spend their Christmas holidays in Lansing. The who wish information about this invitation will please report as soon possible to J. A. C. Hildner, Room 302, University Hall, M., T., Thr., 4-5 p. m. The women interested are asked to report to Dean Hamilton er regular consultation hours. J. A. C. HltDNE R. double return type to attain an air shown on the map designation (20). for a photostat room where copies of space of more than 100 miles an Industrial arts shops, laboratories rare books may be made through pho- hour and the other, smaller in size, and lecture rooms of the physics, tographic processes. The building expected to reach a velocity of V' 'bemistry and biology departments, will be open to all students of Amer miles per hour. In the first one full a green house, locker and dressing can History but it is especially de- size structs and niodel planes may rooms, a large library, a printing signed for research work. be tested under conditions approxi- shop, a gymnasium, household arts The new Field house under con- mating ideal flying conditions while :nd room for the psychological labor- struction by the Athletic association the smaller one will serve for spe- atories of the School of Education will provide athletic equipment for cial experimental work on the higher are the outstanding features of the 4200 men. The main floor will be air speeds. building. Just the size of a football field, with a Metallurgical laboratories will be A somewhat smaller building than wooden floor that may be removed fo1 situated near the forge and foundry indoor football and baseball practice. shops on the top floor to the rear of those previously described but one of It will have a seating capacity of 12,- the building. This location was em- much more complicated contructionf 500, an eight-lap-to-the-mile track, a played so that the necessity for run- will be the new Physics building, 75-yard straightaway, several basket- ning large ventilation ducts might be excavation and footings for which ball courts.1 avoided. have been laid. The first unit will be i I. CH RISTMAS GREETING CARDS GIFT STATIONERY - AND- 20 per cent Discount Law Club 135 by 242 feet of L-Shaped design, Perhaps the most unique of the located between the present Engineer- buildings soon to ce constructed will ing and Medical buildings. Perhaps the most striking thing about this be the new Law club and dormitories sbuildingissthekdepth into the ground structure. 'this was made possible +. which the structure extends. It by. the donation of one of the alumni was found necessary to resort to thisl of the University last year. This plan in order to avoid a tunnel in theI group of buildings will face South part of the campus and to providej University avenue and will run on -ht, sound, and vibration proof State street down to the former Del- rooms for delicate experiments in and 3ts: Inot be able to meet these courses today. M. P. TILLEY. VIHAT'S GOING ON ICE-Cony for this column Khould submiltted by 5:30 o'clock of e day before publication. FRIDAY k-JAw faculty luncheon in Uniou. -Mathematics staff meets in room o, Tappan hall. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 27 a Kappa Epsilon house. The archi- 12:00-Aounmi lunch in Union. eeture is of Gothic type and the ex- lrior will be in a cream-colored T'iRSDK . DEC. 23 one. Accomodations for about 15U 4:00-Church school' fectiv«l servic cnen will be provided. In addition> and Christmas tree in H-Ia ris hall. Ahere will be a general living room 7 30-Geology smoker in assembly hail d a small library for reading and of Union. writ ing, to be used by graduates and 7 :30-Kappa Nu smoker in Union, . members of the bar who wish to do 8 00-Exchange club dinner in room special work. The dormitory itself 318; Union. ill begin at the east end of the Law- yer's club and will extend to the SATURDAY, DEC. 3 4point where Tappan and South Uni- 6:30-Rotary club dinner and dance in ,rsity avenues intersect. Oakland Union. venue will be closed and at this 6:30-Kappa Nu dinner in Union. .... part of the structure will be the larget 3_tower through which a great arch physics. Twenty-seven rooms will be levoted to research and numerous classrooms with more adequate lec-I :uro room equipment will be provid- ed. L Dental Building vtomen's B11lig More than $68,000 has been raised' for the proposed Women's building to stand on North University avenue occupying the block between the Mall, to replace Ingalls Street and Twelfth. It will be approximately 150 by 200 feet, the tentative plans calling for a building four stories 'high to provide Aining rooms, offices, a cafeteria, a small auditorium, and accomodations for 44 guests. The first of the new men's dormi- tories built by private initiative is now under way and will be complet- d by summer. $130,000 worth of stock has been subscribed. The building will be of gray stone, 37 by 120 feet.:t ind will accomodate,120 students. New Tuxedo Suits for Rental. Wild and Co. State Street.-Adv. better anywhere. ages for mailing. 0. D. MORRILL 17 NICKELS ARCADE The Stationery and Typewriter Store Open Evenings Until Christmas Special attention given Prices range from $1 This unusual offering of our large, choice assortment of Hurd, Crane, Whiting, Hampshire, and other gift Correspondence Papers is made on account of the early closing of school. You will find nothing to pack- upward. i i ., .,...,. 'a l' LTURDAY rs' club meets The new addition to the Dental col- lege, giving 110 additional chairsto the clinic and several more rooms for special work, has just been complet- ed. A building of the monumental type ' of Italian Renaissalice is the Clem- ents Library, now well under way.. Entering through the pillared loggia, the main reading room is encountered' which will be lined with shelves con- taining the least rare books. On this floor will be the rare book room, to- ,other with a large office for the pro- fessor of American History, and an office for the custodian of the library. On the second floor will be the office 'of the assistant professor of Ameri- can history together, with a catalog- uing room, a map room, and book al- coves. r! - OPEN EVENPNGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS TAKE HOME WITH YOU A { LIMITED EDITION. 75o. SUNDAY, DEC. 17 -Bible class for young ets in Wesley hall, led in Lane SUNDAY, DEC. 31 7:00-Rev. Sidney S. Robbins and Mrs. Robbins are at home to all Unitarion Sstudents and their friends. people 9:00-Watch night service in Wesley by Mr. hall. 11 lead to the quadrangle. Model High SCeboIl The University model high school uilding, a unit of the School of Edu- ation now under recent construe- ion, will provide more adequate lab- ratory facilities for that profession-# school. When completed the group f buildings will occupy the whole' Mock included by South University rge West( -Christmnas TUES] nn Arba llandal )riurn. WEI'E AlumniI ifrbrnei erman. s carol service in Meth-IU-NOTICES All. contributions to the January is. guid moeiing, Dorothy sue of Whimsies must be in by Jan- uary 10. All group pictures for the 1923 Mich- [AY, DEC. 19 iganensian must be taken during w high school chorus the month of January. All frater- 's "Messiah" in Hillnities, sororities, house clubs, and campus organizations must pay for their space in the 'Ensian before SDAY, DEC. 20 these pictures can be taken. lunch in Union. rs' All-campus vaca. nnll hill fnnnnn a A MICHIGAN INSTITUTION I avenue, East University avenue, Mon- In the basement provision is made ce street, and Haven avenue, as for receipt of .incoming books and ID E 'S PEN SHOP FOR WAHL SETS AND EVERSHARPS We will help you to select the correct pen. This insures satisfaction when you buy, and our service' BOOKSS'ORE , r1 A Complete Line of mce i .Barbour gymnasium. DV iLuINh rBnI1IIIV Drug Sundries and TRURSDAY, DEC. 21 insures satisfaction for the life of the pen. 6:b0---Exchange club dinner in room NRIDER'S PEN SHOP 318, Union. G'EN SPECIALISTS FEJDAY, DEC. 22C G 8:00-MIchlgun undergraduates' dance (Continued from Page Five) in abbey of Detroit Athletic club, tories, conference rooms, and library Detroit. offices, classrooms, smaller labora-' in the front part of the building. SUNDAY', DEC. 24 In the basement of the north wing N 00-Annual Christmas carol pageant will be situated the highway labora- * in Epis opal hurch. - tory where the principal tests for all 5:04 l-ris1tnas pseant a mregaroad building materials for the state tle'l church, " _The hildren and the are carried on. Immediately above tthese laboratories will be located of-3 s5o-- ~ocia$ hw tr If! Wesley >, ihees of the department and the Davis 6:30-Wesleyun guiiid nieerhe ilenai library, one of the most valuable o Avery leads. ,s kind in the country. The rest of 7:00R-ev. Sidney S. Robbbi and )Ir . the floors in the north wing will ac Robbins are at home to all Unitar. commodate divisions of the chemical BEST WISHES TO OUR fan students and their friends. gineering department, such as gener- al laboratories, special small labora- FRIEN DSt CHRISTMAS DAY, DEC. 25 tories for research, gas and fuel anal- * 7:80 A., X--Carol singing at the Ep. ysis, and clasp rooms. iscopal rectory. Probably the most striking feature of the laboratories will be the wind TUESDAY, DEC. 26 tunnel to be. constructed for the aero- 6:*-Students' party and supper at nautical engineering department. They 1 rectory of Episcopal church. will be two in number, one or the Phon 2508 Garment Pr'sni FOR C HRIST MAS C2508y ssI For Christmas nothing is more delightful Repairing dainty boxes, carefully. packed, are assort- "ie ]ome cf Snergine" ments of the finest chocolates that ever de- 209 South Fourth Avenue I lighted healthy appetites. See us when you do your Christmas shopping. m * a r nee u * Toilet Articles 0, tI I I4 I C:oI'nor'S ee Cream Gilbert's Chocolates Prescriptions Carefully Compounded MANN'S DRUG- STORE 213 SOUTH M A I N STR- EE U z., ,:. _ _ .. _ __ r^ t f .. Frl ;1 yT ' f , . J + 4 r ^ . . J _ "//// . \- .1 _ u _. . ..- I 0 !rd .. I .r nmr n irl i tn u r I ~1 U for Christmas fOPE}LAt - ' ~ .-... . _____________________________--.__ " }",r oQ oJ3 .. * IqapQ New Yer iAro. . it. flout ,gull-6115 East 1 Willim #trrrt I4 "HARRY" You will like them, too l r -00.. 4.* \~ -- - , ... *, . u J X08 f~}Se,,. "1 q T ,R . y'{, I u r t+ 4" GW" _ "" 4 cf " .w 1 , 1 , I Z ( ' 0 0 4-'a oC'~kp u c.. , "c", I. w 1 m i III111IIIIIIIHJ