______THE MICHIGAN DAILYV 0 allr I ... All dolls which were taken from the Y. W. C. A. to be dressed for the hos- pital children, which have not b~een turned in by tonight, should be taken to the social service department" of the University hospital before Wed- nesday, Dec. 20. Y. W. C. "A. pledges which have. Uot, been paid should be miailed Immed- iately to Helen Aubrey, 123, 816 For- est avenue. Chaperones for the dances this week end are as followt: Armory, Saturday -Mrs. E. G. Heartt; Union, Friday- Mrs. Yates Adams, Saturday-Mrs. X. "C~ake. JUIOR GIRLS' AFAIR STILL According to. Catl chairman of the Jun committee, no definite yet' be given conceri that has been, made. in an attempt to -be p( .ent the class play1 public this year. By a taken recently it was a large majority of V Michigan campus are; of such an action. No manuscript has. chosen for the play, submitted have been re, conid~ered 1by a comm ditional in regard to to keep its name and u .til just before the pl LOCAL SECRETARY . funder thle direction of Dorothy Bishop,, whiceh is being given by the league VIIT C NF RE CE'24, is planning to give for its member", ince vacation and all w-cen art, at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon, Jan. G,. ____ ____ IIP~TI~f Mis May Ros, gnerl seretay 7i Barbour gymnasium. Reireshmzenit,; of te nvestyYW...,wllbe 1will be served by wome~x from B Tets; h ihia aena-iitd i the Wi ~ ~ i 07c. Take one home with you.! one of the representatives from the - hus. to Pu O l ar's University Bookstore--Adv. ierine Stafford, United States 'to attend the first pia- during the cabaret are beai plannedi iior Girls' play tienal conference of the Canadian Stu- b1'ry Kathryn Woodward, '24, and will - e report can as dents' Christian movement, to bies be followed by dancing. Christmas Cards and 'Deco-rations at ! ng the progress I Held from Dec. 28 to JTan. 2, at Toron- The cabaret party is the first one Wahlr's University Bookstores.-Adv. by the juniors# to, Canada. This movement in Can- ;______________ ermitted to pre- ada correspondls to that or both the before an open student Y.W.C.A. and Y.M.C.A. of ti ia vote which was country. rI714 r T 1JC sindicated that As it has been carried on for only women on the. two .years, -this movement is compar-: --FROMN OUR- greatly in favor atively new. Both representatives3 from the.Y.WC.A.. and Y.M.C.A. will SPLENDIDHOIA ARRAY OFI been definitely be present at the conference.TO ET.- ' E although those The program which is to be takenTOL TA IC E ,ad and carefully up will inclu~de a discussion )f some' PERFUMES CAMERASs BRUSHESe-pobem hih andafae the production as a nation, such as rural, industrial, IVORY WARE THERMOS BOTTLES author a secret New Canadian and inter-racial prcib. GILBERT'S CHOCOLATES lay is presented. ilerfis. 1~ ________ )1w To LIEAGUE TO GIVE, top Soon; PARTY JANUARY 6 J The- Eber bacSoCo Tables placed around the gymnas- 2 -04ES LIET- SRE ~,ternoon, and iumi will accomm nodate the patronsAT oBf IY SRET hown at a shop ; aa~ hthtmW~p' ~'i. ___________- A RIDER FOl A LAST NIii!REMEMBRANCE ri TI COLLEGE INN U. S. L. STORAGE BTTERIES are the best for your- radio outfit. Rentals 25c a day--6 a.m. to Midnight Serice. OLDSMOBILE CARS 11 WomnenAnticipate Fancy .Dress WBall Bale gi l ,c n ic s ni so pb_ e dan cers w ill participate in at party in Barbour gymnasium on~ the nighI~ of Saturday, Jan. 20-oloigitsI regular customn, the annual fancy. dress ball of the Women's league will. be given that night. Members of each Sdor'mitory, sorority and~ league house dress in uniform costume ne~ rd all vie with each other for the prize which is liven to the mostunusual group, Stu~nts are to be put on by Mortar-I board, Wyvern and Senior society. Then cents, admission will be chiarged. T~hose who are not masqueraders will have-to pay 25 cents, and others will be admitted for -50 cents. i Gowns for, snorts.- evening wear will be s ECONOMY GARAGE 1 ""M to be opened" at 719 East University 1. . . . . . . . avenue .,on January .8, under the ! ________ mzanagemhent of Mrs. Evans Holbrook and Mrs. Frank Cornwell. A perm- anent location for the gown -shop hasDO' W O not. yet been chosen. Mrs. Holbrook recently returned 'from New York City, where she made a, selection, of exclusive spring modi Sels. . M~rs. Cornwell and Mrs. 71o1-M a brook havye been conducting a gift shop dluring the )jast two Christmas } easons. ,.r~...... ... . .,. , .'. I I 1 4 C.' i R DNE HT OGV TODAY, AND, SATURDAY S Candies The Year il See Few Pic-luires as re;.,at as "Lgrna Ijooe" , . I ARE SURE TO PEASE Christmas Stationary-af select :Rtock at., Wahr's University Book- store.-Adv. New Tuxedo Suits for Rental. Wild in d Co. State Street.--Adv. 4 Dean to 'Spend V'acatlofn In New Tack Dean jeani Hamilton will spend the fChristmas holidays ,wlAth her family 1 in New York City. B~efore retu~rning to Ann Arbor Miss Hamilton. will go 1 to Ithaca to visit Cornell university. V "Std U MAC DIARMIDCANDY GON 715 No. UNIVERSITY AVE. f i t a 't{ { .. ' a , ', p p I I1 INTELLIGENT AND INTERESTED]J ow.g. - .-I ''I 11 . litii lip 'i MHATINEES. Adults. ¢iclies O c 10c Z . Adults. Riddies. .3s5k ...loc Your bank should be sound,, accurate and t4 icient. But that is not enough. Banking service to be of the most use to you should be also intelligent and interested. FRIDAY and SATURDWf t f r . f1~ s w ul Trn ::i That is, what this bank tries to be. FARMERS& MECHANICS, BANK i OUR HOLIDAY PROGRAM~ 101-105 SO. MAIN 330 So. STATZ ST. I saiumliy - "t ednesty, V4ylc.17.22 AN:yA ( . NMLsON "~WHIY (110,S LEAVE HOME1" Siuithly Trjuesday, Pec. 121-21 'NAZYLI.YA 91IE DOLL'S HOUSgE" Friday - Saturday, bee. 29-30 SESSITE HA AKA A, In - "VEIRM1I [ION PENCIL" EACH 8110W IM'Lli)~u ES NEtWiS "TBE i- ' AN PROH HEIL'i S -LtV E i WVedniesdays Cliirsday, Dec. 27-2S Sunid'ay D ~ii. .y1ee. 31 -Jan.2 it¢f J 1.. VW!,'N ANtpD MATT 3MO{)IiE Ff J GlIcricws eqs r l 1 .v.' f!t , .. .. _ _ _ _ _.k _.~o msZan~~w Pr'erf:ectly Zpointed ,eft Tr 'VERY woman of refinent 6)fIt r rntd, fo-th vemade wants the same daininess za A in'the azneus Danil(renf good taste reflected i~niher "qiet- tcry, where, their felt Comfy Slip- hour" slippers as in her shoes for p>ers are mae street wear. Y.. lou willnjqy lokinig over~th~e Tti s h omn oe r mr "atpldsgsJnorterested in the beautiftil4Daniel store. Th~ey'give, you> a wide Greeni Boudoir Sljipers wie are range of 66cet 4" youe~r (a- showing. You can take their 'm- vorite frocks and dainty negligees. WAHR' HESTORE SHOES Down Town Adults .... ..15C Riddles......0c I, ' EVENINGS.... .-" - .3 Adults....... ~iddies....... No Ivonder el'ery -as splenldid on the screeni FRIDAY AND SATURDAY IYEE'k 6F I)EEBER t.17 sunda'y - T ue; .ay tqMY FRIE-8D THE 'DEVIL" Wednosday - Thiursd~tay ~I IJLIA-3 USSii T5LYJ in "'IE C('IUS TE~R' Friday - Saturday IEN1;Y WALTRAL I IIn"THE TONG CHANCE" WEEK O( F )'CE3[3ER 2-4 Suzndjay --- Tuiesdaiy TVALLA('E JRETD in "THE FATAL M~A~ A'lITa SE RT I l hRMA3,) BARG[ARf as in.the book'_ f.1 th , gra i is 4 as uu fx egiu .hol ~ ~ i]c REX 7.MS rINOWMN AN) MANY Q iHIThR .11 . .. . , ., iri rr ai 1, r.r r:ir+ yrr ii+Yr rr j rr..+ r.. :. ~"°.. . _ _ .. ... .. FK ,r ,. . : ,r x . TODAY All SATURDAY., "A AWdNDBP.PJL PLAY ____L~a 3 V 11up ' In Photop~at LFot)'nx It Is An'Entertim n fRare Ap Scintillating Wit and Masterly Knowledge 'of Human Nature as Never Attempted Before on the Screen. ADDED -l- THE, FPAMOUS LEE KIDS IN""DOUBLE T ROUBL.E-" ; ,tab ..., e