z afternoon, Dec. 27, on "LandEcn! ENs1 1 PA omics as a Fieldof Inquiry and Its E but, J. B. Kincer, Ui. L. Shantz, and; COM VEN IU11 H RE, i0. F. Baker, all in 'government re-i. search work 'in Washington, will also speak on various aspects of land ec- onoiis. At 8 o'clock the same day, a flhIDftI~ uarii1111 round table onf various aspects of land VU1Ii~O VIUIIIU IIroun~d table on "Problems in Land _______Utilization" will be held. ReetWlim? jmnsWl 1EO LQCJST AND1) :0U.l'AAPERS place 'a number of hiss rare maps on TO HOILD J0)I1, MIf I N(l~f display for the inspection of the dele- D-F 64 gates attend ing the Convention. -E Prof. Louis Karpinski, of t>e nmathe- MANYFAC LTYMEM ERSmatics department, Prof. C. 0. Sauer, I ADDESESand Prof. K. C. McllIurry, both of the . WILL GI'VEAD R SE geography department, will present" papers at. the geographical convention.j If ctt:ioii of hny(rent Prbldems iSo MUST EXPAND NATY Geologists and geographers from all' parts of -the country, ilc ludiung thoe Ne MEET FOEG PLANS' England states, Texas, Oklahoma, Cal- ifornia, and Caniadah,i,,l1 attend the joint convention o the Geological So- OpTIfIREEDY IS' 7EXTEN!slI r OF ciety of America and the Association L1MIta'TIQ241TRIEATY i of American Geographers, to be held '?lv,1N1 here De..2N to 30), inclusive. The two,3 organizations will be almost entirely, inplepfndent' of one another, and will (By' Associated Press) hold seuarate sessions. It is estiima'L-Nl Washington, Dec. 13.-Blunt notice; that more than x;25 delegates will at- 1 that the United States cannot avoid a!I I M1L I JYI1. A..sIiN jIL Y E T. T'RE THIIATERS I I Arcade-Oscar Wilde's "A Wo- I inau of No Jmportance;" and (1 the Le.e Kids in "DoubleIt Trouble.". Majestic-George Melford's pro- duction, "Lorna Dobne," for Ulniversity of Michigan Le ague I { bentefit.t IOrpheum-Bert Lytehl in "S her-n lock Br-own;" :comedy and f{ newS.I IWu~rth- Tom Mix in "Just j Tony;" comedy and news fea- I ture. II 1 arick--Wiliam Courteraay i. "T~ier Temporary Huisbanid." Shubiert - Micehi %~n - D fltelle j comnppany ]n ' Midn uStr-eet" s _ __ _ _ __ _ Cout's Rling n Liquor Violations Washington, .Dec. 13.-As a result of the Supr'eme Court ruling Monday that a man convicted in the state court for vioh.tMan of ;the {prohbibition act may be re-arrested 'and tried for the same offense in the fed'eral court, Representative Brennan, Republican, MNichigan, introdluced a bill today pro- viding that liquor violations may tej prosecuted in either the state 'or fed-1 eral courts, bout' not in both. In a statement explaining his bill "' - M4r. Brennan said, "One of the chief ' causes of the utter failure" of the Vol-. stead act has been "the frenzied and till-advised efforts of fanatics, and now" he 'added, "a, weapon of fanat- icism is placed in their hands, doable prosecution and double penalties for one offense." ! -S A nrr azt New Tuxedo Suits for Rental. Wild a d o. S a e S re.A-.Pa ton ize D aily advertisers.- -A dv. I 774r Wa'} ie f of Tp u V P s i. 1 l i l t 'l 1 GO TO DETROIT ;Y AUTO Cars leave A. A. Office at 7:50 A.M. 'houirly up to .16t:50 P.M. . amengrs pica d ciup at Corner State an~d Packard, M~ichigan 'U.Ii li- , 'D agCo.. Offc< 'u ~hoojt" Sbop A k DEcUR Jodi Sorgan mu earn m IwwGAT] k P. SBOSTON 3Usa" Ot~PE 192 3 erate Prices ious Routes rize a party 'and your owpn tour ITOURS O o.Box 5275 ..MASS. ma CA Me I"I 1 sm mu -_ !uh uEEIIEIEIltuuIIIlap a 13 4'tt c z9trr COIN G WO M E 112133 -USE- It I TPAK A LOOK fend the joint convention, new naval, program;Jni.swift cruisers New Tuxedo Suits for IeRintal. 11ild Both societies meet yearly,. but this and fleet submarines unless treaty and Co. State Street.-Adv. is the first time that 'the medting has regulations are extended to such n -- been held in Ann Arbor, the usual cus- craft was served 'by the *house a'pro-, New 'ltedlo Suits for Rental. WIiI torn being 'to have the convention at priation committee today, In repor~t- and Co. State Street : .4v. one or the eaisternr colleges. Prof. W. F. ing the $2ip3,806,58 Naval appropria- Hunt, of the geology department, states ion bill. A six ine provision put i that the U~niversity is especially for- the bill by the committee requested tuate in securing the convayitiozi this !President H~ardinig to 'negotiate with year, since in the na, t when a western! Great Britain, France-,' Japan, and - (college was sceoted .Is "a Meeting I Italy, for such an etension. of tlre place, a collego in one of the licrger treaty, limitation. of aircraft to he n cities was usually ehosen. eluded. Opens I.)", 241 The comumittee said lai ge cruise~r Kcnu(2ky Egg and Lump On D~ec, 26, the opening date of the; and suibinarine pirograras were plan- convention, a meetiing of the National ned abroad, adding; PocahbnL s Assciawtion of (leagraphy Teachers, I"In other words, competition is an 11BEDEIATE a:n organization of geogr nhy teachers; again in the single directidn to wh':ich in high schools and normal16 schools,{ the unratified agreemnent (the Wash- COMMON ANE will he held.i ington naval treaty) doces not ex- -, S3everal of the nro gramns of the geo- stound, and if 'it be allowed to go :un- ogyconvention 11-e drawing a numrY checked the purseestrings again must r o ~ W er of m nen from m i. ing companies in, be relax.ed, and this government, like 1OE I N orthern _Michigan, thle rmost notable all others, will be :constrained to Pf g among these'being a s;ymposiumr on the launch a new program to toe, extent -Ofc ~& geology of the cooper r o,_k3 of Mvichi-I necessary to keep us at least gbreaiat" gan1 heldl in conjunction with the Sod!-1 of any of the other polders." 0 --AT -- Thfe Ann Arbor'alroa . .: , --Wwilim MAWOWWOMMMMO a THESE PRICES! E SIARE CoR VACUUM CUP Ill COA L ) West Va. Egg and Lumnp sand Coke I&kLIV E RY D -FACE ERICK 30 x3 $11.60 $11.60 $2140 34 x 4 LL COAL -F1 ahnl 2007 'nWeHBlock. M Pty of Economic Geologist,~, on Friday--._ ___ afternoon, Dec. 29, in Dill auditorium Western Studlents Flan Dante Mrost of the delegates, lio~ever. are 'Westerners of the University havo, connected with universities or' with re- arranged an All-canlpus tdance to take Search organizations.( place in Barbour gyminium onl Wed-y Sessions in both- branches of -the nesday, Dec. 20. The dance is open to convYention will be held mornings andi all students *ho are remnaining in Ann afternoons, r;ith thne evenings 'largely j Arbor (luring the holidays. T'ickets open for amusement. Thuirsday even-' can be nirocured from Grahlams' book- ing the delegates will 'be the guests of store andi at the main diesk at "the ' f. the Regents at a smroker. ion. Several pro ramis--nd 'paners of the Upon presenting 'ticket 3551 at the' geological mneetilug are of particular' Arcade Barber Shlop, 'the Christmnas Interest. On Thl rsday afternoon, Dec. E watch will be given'to Marvin Jones. 28, in :Hill auditorium, a symposim -.adv. on mountains and mountwin building I will be held. Seven pap.lers;on v Trious SHUSERT flghts 50.7541 .60 phases of thne subject -xill he lpresent- anI OH IA N P.Mats. tue...1mu. I (41. Among -the 5*ne: keyes on this pro- O000*1e t.adillac Het. U dl 77610 ;'rant is iPr I. W.lliam . THobbs, of THE 1BOWSTE L CO.', th elg ea~et.I MLI EI'Dr. ('harles Schu-crt,.of Yale uni- .MAIN STREET" versity,, nresidcnt of the Geological ;First 'rime in Detivoit Society of America, will address the g>calogical abctiosn Thursday nirnin . IG'ARRICK Nigts: - ic to 2.eo Decc. 28. His subjctt will be "The n Site c t . Mae. 5Octo 11.5~ ..and Nature of the NrhAirc m CNu~'~u~ {; esyncln sIn thke Three-Act Gale o! Laghter Four fac ulty members appear on the "H r e po6y6f~bd r ogra{m of the geological convention. 3OHr Tem. C st ey Fraze T ntr w N Pro °. Frank Leverett, Prof. I. D. Scott, 1Prof. W. 1-I. Hobbs, and Prof. C. W. Cock, all of the geology department,LI91El are on 'this branch-of the program._ *To Dolove -ationial Leaders Among the muen on the geographicalLO1XxNE ' econvention r,rogranm is Dr. Richard T. 111,y, hiead of the political economny de- ,-,RCEL par~nment of the University of Wiscon- ,.in, who will deliver a talk Wednesday D ]ELIX/ERY, U~pon presenting ticket# 3651 at the ! I Arcade Barbee' Shope, the Christmasl watch Will be given to Marvin Jones. I A dv. -_ Remember 445 Huron Street Taxi , 25c.--Adv II ... _ U5fl cAi21 iding a lot Proy- t FABRIC PENNSYLVAIIA WiT 1EACH TIRE 'VISE D TIRES as well as A Ft'MLIN E (OF SECOnDS~, . Gaol Qnalkty V. S. mC CRUM 113 SOLTTI ASHLE1O, DEPENDABLE . AND CONVENIENT TRAIN SERVIC1E For accoinmodatloit of. mtuirnfi s 'tudent.; Fria ay,. liecemnxwr 1,-)01 account Christmas Viaentiou follom-ig train service nn Arbor to Toledo 'i111 rel'nil: Lv. Anu Arbor 1100( A. 1l.(C. '.) w2:Q011. <4:304)-1. M.'T) .Arr. Toledlo'2:00 P. )i.(I .T.) 5:00 1P. fl".( 1.) 4 "f0 1.)N(.T.) SP ECIALSERVICE. In order to protect Toledo coznnectiops a first siection o,' Train No. c54 wlil be ,operate4, leaving Ann~ Arbor 11:10 A. M. (C.. i'.), arriving' Toledo, 2:00'P. M., ('M 'T.), makimit; no sloips between Ann Arbor and Toledo. This Train Will Handle Passcngacrs 'NLY for Toledo and Pints Beaond Would suggest lpurchase railroad tie ts. and check . baggage in ad-, vance, so as to avoid unnecessary delay and confusion at train flti's. NORTHBOUND 1RAINS Northbound trains Nos. 51 and 53 leave Ann Arbor, 8:10. A..1q. (C. T.) and 4:41 P. M. (C. T.) respectively connecting with Cra(I' Trunk, ichigkan Central, Pere Miarqluette, and G. It. & I. for all prin~ 'cipaldestinations in lower and uppe, Peninsl la of Michigan. IN ORDERA TO PROTECT DU;RANI) CONNECTIONS, A FIRST SECTION OF TRAIN NO. 53 YHL, BE OPE.RATED) LEAVING ANN ARBOR PROMPTLY A 4:41 .P. Iv. (C. T.), FOR OWOSSQ, AmICH., STOPPINCl AT INTERMEDIATE POINTS TO DISCHARGE P'ASSEL- GERS. For inforimatin- regardfng Fares, Train Schedules, R,serval on%;. etc., apply to J. C. Elliott, Ticket Agenit, Ann Ar-bor Station orth. 'undersigned. E. 'W. Kells, Traveling Passeng(-r. Agnt, w ill be at the Mtiicigan Union or Ann Arbor Station December -13, 14, and 15 a~nd. will also be glad to furnisih' any information necessary in connection witi, above service. 11. A. MILLS, 0 November .27, 1922 Comnmercial Agent, Ann Arbor,. 'Mich. I e . ,, _ , , .. ,,J t Dodge Brothers have been bull motor cars for olght years and of polple tare still.drIvItig the they bought back In 1915. I lug that you cani buy a Used D 11rothers Motor Car a. ainfosi stage Of Its life anil still pet i for dollar In -value p irovided hi fr6un' the right dcaler. tAny loll ar ".Shout the Glad Tidings, Exultingly sing, Jerusalem Triumphs, Messiah is kaing." ., , 'PALACE IIIN iO4 SOUTH UN ~IVRST Y- R*emfwmbgr: A usid car is ohl& qs gop~d as the firm Ivith Ia'hich yc'u deal WeV wish eery student and faculty member Of MICHIGAN AnnArbor Garag ex i $ W'EST HURO S~TREETU I ,, l ,, !} I i r i TIhe Heartiest G:reetings Of the Season 'w . ...r... ... I V16 Thle theory of saviig is simple but its employ- menit-requires constant deter.. niination -the cardinal charac- ter of success. I A Parting Message iv tOur. Frienids Going Home. Forget school and its petty cares,' Throwv yourselves into, the spirit of this Christmas, Make this vacaton one of the happiest of your school career. To Our F'riend etraining in nn Arbor. f, in any, way, w can help yrou enjoy the i-Ilidays in Ann Arbor, we want to do-so.s We will lx. open until Chr ,tm~s. S , . k M 4 u v Boind&c I .i/3 - - -iA - - I. R.W CHAPMAN &QMINC 116G S. Li Salle St. 42 Cedar Street . CHICAGO NEW YORK osk m* t'o rtnsaisi O n AiAbor{ Are mbst cordially imited to th Rectory, 4079 E. K ijsIey Streut, r usday et'ei*Iig, Dec. 26th, at, 6 _a 'clidck ., .. ".. ,. FILOWERS, .Lti ins Corsages I is Mrs. Grice Pal sand Ferns to Rent FLOWERSRY WIRE Mrs. Vandervest 1204 South University I 1 1 4