THE WEATHER UNSETTLED; SNOW FLUB- RtIESTODAY *1 A tiA GOOD WISHES FOA THE HOLIDAYS VOL. XXXIII. No. 70 ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1922 PRICE FIVE CENT UR 0 O ES BUIL'o I I G PL, - . Y pll. I II Y ! Y/IY IIIII YYrI iYtl Y/IrWl iiiiYtlY Y 1 Yi1 Y Y ".. FRM HEARING kI GERTYTI 1ii1ET IGOF ATT'Y - GENERAL. DECLARED OBJECT OF LEGISLATORS LIKENS PROCEEDINGS TO COMIC OP:FRA SHOV Committee Refuses to Permit Ninne- sota Representative to Read. Statement , Washington, Dec. 14.-Representa- tive Keller, of Minnesota, refused late today to 9articipate further in the hearing before the house judiciary 'committee on the impeachment charg- es against Attorney-General Daugher- ty. Characterizing the hearings as a "comic opera perfornance" he declar- ed he would be untrue to his respon- sibility as a member of the house if he assisted further in "a bare-faced attempt to whitewash Harry M. Daugherty." Immediately after he announced his withdrawal, the committee in. open session and without leaving its place voted to go on with the hearings, to subpoena Mr. Keller and question him as to the basis of his charges of high crimes and misdemeanors against the attorney-general. Later he was sum- moned formally by the house ser- geant-at-arms to appear before the committee at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow. This turn in the proceedings came with dramatic suddenness and was at- tended by an uproar seldom witnessed in a congressional committee room. After absenting himself much of the day; Mr. Keller appeared with a type written statement and announced that he desired to read it to the commit- tee. He was refused the opportunity but later made public his statement, which set forth in detail his reasons for refusing to go on, and embodied a demand that the committee favora- bly report his resolution to the house so that he might present his evidence "to an unbiased committee in the proper way." "I reiterate now," the statement said, "that I am in possession of ev- idence ample to prove Harry M. Daugherty guilty of all the high crimes and misdemeanors with which I have charged him." PHI SI-MA SOCIF.TY ELECTS 18 MEMBERS Phi Sigma, national honorary bio- logical fraternity, chose 18 new mem- bers at the recent fall election. The following were elected: R. L. Glass, '24M, C. D. Moll, '24M, R. L. Mustard, '24M, Dale VanDuzen, '24M, G. B. Sartoris, grad., F. E. Eggleton, grad., A. F. Roe, grad., J. B. Leighliy, grad., C. 0. Erlanson, '24, P. H. Jeserich, '24D, R E. McArdle, '24, Gerald Harris, '24, L. M. Folsom, '24, and Norman Cameron, '25. New faculty members are: Pro- fessor P. S. Welch, of the Zool- ogy department, Professor C. V., Weller, of the pathology department, W. C. Wilson, and A. A. Crissman, both of the Medical school. The initiation dinner will be held Wednesday, Jan. 10, at the Union. Collect Hospital Gifts Today Christmas trees and presents from the various fraternities and sororities will be collected this morning by a University truck. The gifts will be, taken to gladden the "kiddies" who are spending the holidays in the Un- iversity hospital. Historic Elm Treet Will Not Be Moved Until Next Week Removal of the elm tree, planted by the class of '69,' to its future resting Mace will not take place until some time next week. A hole has been dug by the steam shovel to receive the tree In front of the new lt building. The removals I a difficult tak as no fixed rules can be followed. A can- vas has been put up around the tree to give protection to the workers from the weather and to keep the ground dtry. A circular ;trench has ben dug around the base of the elm and the smallest roots cut off. ever- I al crisscrossing tunnelsrun une the tree and supports have been placed in them. These will be jacked up and the whole tree will be undermined. The tree wil , be transported on rollers with about 50 or 6 Etons of earth accompanying it. The cost is estimated at more than $800. MICHIS IN MA1NNAED HE 1 1H, 1 INRY T. KNEELAND TO WORKf AMONG ORPHAN REFUGEES IN GRE ECE Word has been received from the American headquarters of the Near East relief of the appointmient of Henry T. Kneelan a graduate of the University, and Dr. Mabel Elliott 0 Benton Harbor as membersof 'a group of 29 Amerians who ar to begin re- lief work in Greece. Already more than A,000 orphans have beenmoved to Gr ee freom a Minor, and theyW will soon be follow- ed by many thousands more who ared being taken from Turkish territory s fast as possible. Many public buildings; and hotels have been turned over for Ueas ay- lums for the orphans, includingd the ancient palace "at ;Athena, which is said to be housing 400 girls. The pal- ace of the former Kaiser on the island of Corfu has been turned over to the workers, and is now taking care of more than 3,000 Armenian boys. It is estimated that.there are at least 160,000 orphans still nsthe dan- ger zonewho have not been reached as yet by the relief workers, and it is the purpose of this party to try to helpr them. RED CROSS LAUDED BY PRES. HARDINGt (By Associated Press) Washington, Dec. 14.-High. praise for the American Red Cross was oi- ed by President Harding yesterday in opening the annual meeting of the general board of the organization. "Not only is the gvernment giving, of its influence and its power in the protection of human rights and hu- man interests everywhere in the world," he said, "but this fine expon- ent of American influence and power and capacity to serve is giving the best that is in it for the release of' human beings in distress wherever in the world there is call. You have done a fine work, and you will be called upon to do more." Michigan Reindeer in New Preserve Newberry, Dec. 14. - Michigan's 75 reindeer are to be moved at once from the wild lands around Grayling to the new, fenced game preserve of 3,000 acres near here. Ten miles of wire fence surround the preserve. ~GEMN ECONOMIC (ADDRESSES STUDENT BODY SITUATION NEARS ,TOTAL BREAKDOWN'1 PRESIDENT URGES STUDENTS TO SUPPORT NEW: PROGRAM FOR HUNIVERSITYEXmPANSIDI NEWLY RECEIVED DATA BEARS OUT ASSERTIONS OF BONAR LAW REPARATIONS QUESTION DECLARED RESPONSIBLE t , : I I ': .s PUBLICATION NOTICE With this issue, The Daily will suspend publication during the holidays. The first issue of the new year will appear on Wed- nesday morning, Jan. 3. SEEKS CO-OPERATION IN PiRE- CHRiSTMAS CONVOCATION ADDRESS COMPARISONS JUSTIFY PROPOSED EXPENDITURE Contrasts State's Luxury BIl of $240,000,000 with Sum Requmsted LaCk of Agreement Among Allies Prevents Commerelal Recovery (By Associated Press) Washington, Dec. 14.-Information reaching . the American government through trade channels, it was said to- day, tends to bear out the statement made by Bonar Law that an economic collapse is threatening Germany. Inj fact Germany seems to be approach-I ing the point where she will be una-1 ble ,to import food in sufficient quan- tities to feed her people. No estimate was made ,however, as to when her food supply would be exhausted. Offcials SilentI So far as the allied debt situation was concerned officials maintained si-1 deice. The position of the United{ States, howfver, has been repeatedly stated as one holding the debt ques- tion to be distinct' from reparations. Germany. normally produces only about three-fourths of the food she requires and the information received here indicates that she is now two, million tons, behind on her normal an- nual import of cereals alone. The credit situation was said to indicate that there was little if any moneyl tvailable to buy the extra food needed roni the outside. Rparation the Cause The whole situation was declared to' be based upon the reparation prob- ? lem, Lack of an agreement by the{ allied powers as to the amount Ger- many will eventually have to pay andf how she will pay it was said to have slackened . the whole of commercial Germany with the result that unem-I ployment has markedly increased and those who have money are participat- ing in the "flight of the mark". Foreign Students 0 Visit Lnansing During Vacation Thirteen men and five women stu- dents from foreign countries plan to; spend at least a part of the coming. holidays in Lansing. They have cor- responded with people living in Lan- sing and arrangements have been made for their entertainment. Some of the students will not bef able to stay in Lansing more than two or three days, but the majority; expect to spend the entire vacation there. The trip has been made pos- sible by the cooperation of Lansing _s. S AL FX ASSAMaking a strong plea for student support of the University building program totaling a proposed appropri- TIU fLi U110I SU N U ation of more than $7,000,000, Presi- dent Marion L. Burton addressed the GIRL'S CLUB REPORTS RAPID pre- Christmas convocation, the sec- SAE IN ASHTENAnd of the year, yesterday afternoon S CE UN WSTE Ain Hill auditorium. C'UN'Y The legislative program, the build- ing plans and the close connection be- More than $2,000 worth of Anti-Tu- tween the two were first explained by herculosis Christmas seals have been the speaker, and then he launched in- sold in Washtenaw county. The Bus- to a detailed defense of the program iness Girls' club reports returns from from technical angles. the seals that were mailed to all of The argument which apparently ap, the homes in the. county ,are coming pealed most strongly to the audience, An rapidly. was his comparison, in figures based Many novel schemes to aid the sales upon internal revenue reports, of the out' in the state have been adapted, money spent in the state for luxuries Some milk companies have placed ,P and the amount made available by the seal on every bottle of milk sold any 'legislature for the expansion of the merchants have sealed every pack- University. age, leaving Their store with an Anti- Compares Luxuries' Cost Tuberculosis seal. Large companies The luxuries, including soft drinks, ( with a long payroll intend to place tobacco and cigars, cigarettes and the seals on every pay .envelope on 'movies, cost the citizens of the state the last payday before^ Christmas. $240,000,000 during the past years; he It is expected that the seal sale will said, while the legislature had made carry over Christmas and that the available only $5,100,000 for a two new year will have arrived before a year program of building for the Uni- complete report can be made. versity. While he did not condemn the ex- S t'tuents Punish penditure of more than $200,000,000 in the state for luxuries, President Bur- ton believed that the presentation of such a comparison would silence the arguments of those who "were ap- Madison, Wis., Dec. 14.-Two stu- n e t the size and expense of the dents at the University of Wisconsin University's program". were recently convicted by the stu- a~t uew structures to be erect- dent court on the charge of scalping ed," he said, "should be thought of as football tickets at the homecoming merely means to an end. They are game, and were fined $30 and $60, re- to be built so that every student who spectively. A third students' case Is comes to Michigan will have the now before the court. chance for an education that he All of the cases were tried accord- should have. Regardless of what sur- ing to regular court procedure, with face changes we may undergo, Michi- student counsels for the defense and gan must remain always the same, President Ma'rion L. Burton Dr. Vaughn Praises Pasteur Former Dean Declares Human Life by Discoveries of St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 14.---Average life was prolonged, greater freedom from illness obtained, and higher intellect developed through the experiments of Louis Pasteur, declared Dr. Victor C. Vaughn, former dean of the Univer- sity Medical school, chairman of the Council on Health and Public In- struction, American Medical associa, tion, speaking here tonight at a cen- tenary celebration, honoring the noted French scientist, held at St. Louis university. 4 "He pointed the way by which the human race .might wholly free itself. from all. infectious diseases," Dr. Vaughn said. "Today false teachers are urging the multitude to descend. to the valley whence it came, and as a scientist I fear that the near future ArgueClosed Shop Prolonged and Much Illness Banished French Scientist of the race is by no means certain. The greatest homage we can bestow upon Louis Pasteur is to follow hise teachings."f SEN DDOUT LETTERS To DELINQUENT STUDETS NOTICES WORK OF UNSATISFACTORY' ISSUED BY LITERARY COLLEGE the prosecutiou. The fines are depos- ited in the student loan fund to aid' needy students. Protein Advances' Outlined By Lewis "Some Recent Advances in the Role of Protein. in Nutrition" was the sub- ject of a lecture given by Prof. H. B. Lewis, of the. department of physio- logical chemistry, yesterday after- noon in room 303 of the Chemistry buildin under the aus nieas of thp More than 1000 letters have been sent from the office of Prof. W. R. Humphreys, assistant dean of the lit- erary college to delinquents in the lit- erary college. Finger Print Use Favored Ja mes R. Ratti, Local Criminologist, D eclares They Will Gradually Replace All Other Means of Identification people with members of the Univer- Prinl Befo Approximately 600 letters were sent ""American Chemic ie y, of which sity faculty. to students notifying them that re- he is an active member. It is not yet too late to arrange to Capacity ports from their mid semesters show- go. Any foreign student who wishes As trm ser h Dealing with figures secured from to do so should consult Prof. J. A. C. ed their unsatisfactory work in one nutrition studies of stidents used as lildner in room 302, University hall, Management of American industry subject Ninety-three students were examples, he discussed at length mod-1 Hilder n rom 32, nivesit hal, i ubjet-. Niety-hre stdent ; ereern developments in chemistry, show-i between 4 and 5 o'clock this afternoon on the "closed shop" principle was placed on warning at this time and ern hwey have focused the at- or at the same hour on Monday, argued before an audience of 600 that 114 were placed on probation. Notices tentio of students o the o - Tuesday, Thursday or Friday of next were also sent to those already on in- week. packed Natural Science auditorium poainadwrigwoewr dividual amimo-acids" instead of pro- wee gslast night. Paul Blanshard, '14, who probation and warning whose work teins in nutrition. Professor Lewis1 .Those going who possess costumes wssilo orclbe peculiar to their own country, photo- was said to have been one ox Michi- Ia sofp ca libe. s illustrated his speech with lantern graphs, ox pictures of their home gan's greatest orators during his un- vI seces, tets whochould slides. grph, r icuesofthirhoedergraduate days, argued for the have received the, letter which noti-__________ land have been asked to bring them "closed shop" against Mr. Noel Sar- fled them that they were reported as along. sgent who defended the "open shop" doing unsatisfactory work in one STATE CONVICTS asrepretae o the t National subject were sent, through an error TO HAVE FACTORY Artn M usn the mailing, a letter in which it EPAnBlanshard based his argumentsn as stated that they are on proba- ti principles of democratic on already. Correct letters have Lansing, Dec. 14.-To provide workl m____ e pintcaiinatinipedusorabeen sent out but in case any student for a portion of the "unemployed" at 30chigan Men Send Report to Burton t peren the go inndstry, as in has failed to receive another notice the Michigan State , penitentiary at From Philippines public 55 per cent of the people had and has any reason to think that.a Jackson, the state administrative of mistake has been made in his case is board has authorized construction of President Marion L. Burton has re- the people to observe certain definite invited to enquire at Dean -Humph- a $35,000 textile plant. ceived aletter from Carl Guthe, who rules and to live up to agreements res' office. A year's investigation by Warden is conducting an archaeological entered into by the majority. Sar- Harry L. Hulburt of varioustman- expedition of Michigan men in the gent's defense was based on hi's be- Ifraci tories in other penal pnstitutions Philippides, in which the writer tells lief that democracy ,is a failure, and NATURALISd tTO COM ETEI c the selection of a plant for the of the success of the expedition. on the assumption that organized em-m More than 100 caves have been un- ployers do not believe in democracy. I p lans to make woolen blankets were covered by the excavators in which Each of the debaters attempted to Boston Society Offers Prizes F abandoned when it was found that the were discovered many ancient imple- prove that the side he represents is Memoirs on Natural istory prison would be placed in a competi-; ments and other remnants of an ex- for the greatest benefit not only of the tive position with several private in- tinct civilization, workers or the capitalists, but also By provisions of the will of the dustries in the state., The party is carrying on the expe- for the public in general. late Dr. William Johnson Walker, dition through the generosity of aI _two prizes are to be offered annually OFFICES TO BE OPEN. Detroit alumnus who requested that Belding Students Plan Frolic for the best memoirs written in the his name be withheld from publica- Music by Paul Wilson's Michigan English language on subjects an-I All of the administration offices of tion. A sum of $30,000 was given by Union orchestra will be the feature of nounced by the Boston Society of Nat- the University will be open during the spiritually." Urges Support At this point the speaker asked the students to be alert to any discus- sion of University program which might arise in ,their home cities dur- ing the vacaton period, and urged them to correct wthout hesitation any erroneous impressions which citizens may have and to support the program on every possible occasion. During his talk President Burton disclosed several new units of the building program which had ont been given out before. The first is an en- closed swimming pool to be added to the Waterman and Barbour gymnasia. A field house for women is also plan- ned to be built at Palmer field. The Board .of Regents, President Burton said, are offering full support to every' unit of the program and are convinced that every item of it is' a necessity to the perpetuation of the high. intellectual standards of ' the University. Further details of the program out- lined by the President, with a dia- gram of'-the campus as it will appear in a few years if the legislature rati- fies the budget recently submitted, will he found' on piiAge 5 of The 'Daily - PROFESSORS PLAN ANNUAL MEETING Delegates . to the annual conven- tion of the American Association of University Professors, to be held Dec. 2c and 29 at Yale university, New Ha- ven, 'were appointed at the meeting of the local branch of'the association lat night at the Union. The delegates appointed were of the history and classical departments oJ th; University, who will also attend meetings of historical and classical societies at New Haven. DETROIT SEEKING MARINE HOSPITAI Finger prints will in time; take the place of all other forms of identifica- tion according to James J. Ratti, a local expert on the subject, who has' been lecturing in the criminology classes of Prof. Arthur E. Wood. Mr. Ratti explained the methods used by those engaged in this sort of work. The print left by the crim- inal is photographed by a special camera, equipped with miniature elec- tric lights, which is placed directly overthe finr rnht. The nhoto'ranh. present to pass a law requiring every person in the United States to have a print made and filed in central sta- tions through out the country. Mr. Ratti said that such a method would facilitate the capturing of criminals, make easier the identification of dead bodies, serve to identify unkowns, lost children, and' the like. The lack of it handicaps the fingerprint ment great- ly. During the lectures Mr. Ratti took the fingerprints of Professor Wood in i