[IN un BRINu BRIEFRES In striking contrast to seemingly in In tramzural Ite; evitable weakness in the Varsity sqid for the last two years, the dlis- tance men this year are of the strung- The following teams will hal est parts of 'the team. In the half 1 use of the baasketaball courts t mile, Reinke, Hattendorf, Marsh and in Waterman gymnna slumr, as il mps ye the lonight° licated Evrery Department oIf Farrell's Teami Shows Remarkable Raldalee And Poiver MICHIG~AN FXPE TEID TO'BE SU'PRE31E IN MA-NY I"EEM'S As 'the pre--season work of Michi- Sgan's Varsity track team draws_ to a close the prospects for a Conferencel championship seem the brightest, tha: they have been in two years., Al- though no trials have been lield in any of the events so far every depart- Ineilt of the teamn seems to be really :strong and capable of garnering points, while several of the menu ont the team can be counted on for -five or more markers in every mieet. In former years, at least ever since the war, there have, been weak: spots inl the squad which have overcome the brilliant work of °the individual stars to the, undoing of the team's record. This year the. Wolverines are not counting upon slamns in any event as they have been forced to dto in the past and no opponent of the M1aaze and Blue- will get rmch more than heer quota in any sigle depai~tinent. Two Good Va~ulters The bole vaulters and dashnen ill probably be tho :;cest poilt gettersn on the squad. Ea~ch event has~two o,' three men who rare really ;~tars and who canl be dfinitely depended iipoln to win from aimost any coninptitior~i in the Confer'ence. Prosser and Brook- er are two athletes above the average ( in, the psole vault. With the twelve' foot, nark .almost ,sure to. be topped if the men are feeling right they will requnire strong competitin 1) ef're yielding a first place to anyone. ByC then end 'of the' season, if n6t now, this pair is expected to' be the most' reli- able in- the. Big Ten. Cati.Bre n ftesprinters in the Conference last year, has fast bunch of teammates. Mar- tin is the fastest man in Waterman gym with the exception of- the cap- taini and. he is a sure point getter in a dual meet. As the season progress - es h,3 is expected to outrun "the best= competition that the Wolverines will meet. Whitman and Hubbard will help tq compalete the dlash squad and many more men are, expected to show, up for the event after "vacation. Hub: bart?, a.. superb) broad jumper, and hiurdler, is another sprinter who can be relied 'upon even agah** the blest of-coy i petition. SRO 3ten Fast tOnce again Michigan bids fair to have the best quarter milers in the iniddle-Wes't. Simmons, Joyner, Ran- kin, Th omas, and Roesser are all first 3string men and all of them will prob- ably represent the Maize and Blue in the home meets. If they come up to their past performances, during the comning season the Wolverine squad will not miss Larry Butler as much as last season. With Emery of Illinois graduated and many of the othser Conference schools weak in this event many, points should be gather- ed by this group of the, team. Th le highls uip "and 'the .shot put, are bo0th well accounted for. VanOr- dlen andl Hindles are, both. weight men of no mean ability and McEllven can be. counted on for five points in almost any dual meet that hie will be entered in. Nufer is another man who my, develop into a. point getter before the season closes, although hie, is not Jumping eXceptionally as yet. Hubbard .Fam~edI an The h lurdles will be one department :in which two or three men will have to be relied upon.-ubbard and Simp- son are both o1d; tiners at clearing the sticks sand broken legs will be the only things to keep themr from plac- ing, _-Hubbard, considered to be the greatest colored athle::o In the coun- ' try, took three first );laces in the Na-~ tional A.A.U. ineet at Newark lasir1 'summer and is without a peer in the huirdles in this section of the coun- iry in. almost any meet, including the All-Confere~ce gatherings, he cans be relied upon fo.~ a good ten points., Simpson is a man who has proved his ability in all varieties of competition' and is :expected to reach his high mark this year. Loomis; and iAig ivs, two. members of- last year's all-Prosl: squad are two more hurdlers who are expectedl to develop as the season pro'- gresses. Gibon~kav ben wrkig ot, , l~hebelow, on courts 1, 2, , and 4: 6-6.30; in the mile several cross-country mien , are making a bid for places on the i.cok pe eis oe eis squad. Bowen, Arndt, Cochran, Rear- I soph dents, fresh engineers; 6:3Q-7 ick, Schenefleld, Polhanius, Crzymln-j o'clock,' graduate schoel, .junior engi- iski, and Nicholson are included in the.Inveers; s$)phi 'engineers, senior engi- list of, men who have been working neers; 7=7:30 o'clock, fresh Tits, so ph t out in the gym for the: past two lits, junior Tits, senior lits; 9:30-10 months. Isbell and Davis are being o'cloc k, Delta Upsilon, Delta Theta counted upon for the two mile race. Phi, Alpha Sigma Phi, 'lTheta Delta, Davis is an old tiniear 'while Isbell, the Ci;1-0:0ocok h am leading cross-country runner of the Delta, Allpha, .SigmaDelta Upsilon, B ig Teri is starting something new. Delta Sigma Delta. Both of these me n are reliable andl This. practice will conclude the they are certain to press any other! prelimninary ,sea ,cn of the fraternity; ruiners whom they may, meet. ad ,slt ~r!.1 ornret.Tl schedule ior thec opening games in Gift suggestins list, for'men: W ool the se competition's 'will1 be ann ounced flane sirt' any o pai coor u i The D.; , either Wedniesday or flanelshit, any o plin olos pThursday morni7n alter .school; opens. to $6;.00 at ; ,.TF. Wuerth Co.-Avy. tup, so those raffected are urged to watch these columns. Christmas Cards' awl Decorations at _ - _ Wahir's U~niversity Bookstores.-Adv. IChrristas Stationary-an select 7 I stock at Wahr's 'University B~ook- Huron Street _Taxi 25c 445.-Adv. I store.--Adv. i ior ftf a man'* store. For a man A RIDER ASTERPEN FOR. FATHER'S ,CHRISTMAS A LASTING REMEML BRANChk' KID)ER'I, PEN ;HOP _ Poln sprla lists IN COLLElI, INN I Ur. I ~I, "WILSON BROS. SHIRTS There's not a gift mo re practical than a good shirt --- especially a Wilson Bros. No shirt is better made; none wear iBette.-;they're wronderful values at $1.50 to $5. QGLOVES A pair of gloves are an always wel- come gift for any man. We have .all kinds, fine dress gloves and fur-lined motor. gauntlets. Prices range from $2 to $6. SiCARFS They are essential iatn men's wear. There. are.. nice fluffy wools ; knit and b rushed silks. Yu can't get:- better surfs-best of all:, they're priced very reasonably at $1.50 to. $5. -I I. SUPERB ,VALUES WIN- fItlAVATh MdOVES P~AJAMA S IJYUV AGE ,4OUSE RQBSS BATH ROBES, AUTO SHIRT JEWEILRY MATS -SOCKi$ SWEATERS 7C1 V E - THI f NL SS II COTHISM CLOSES LASSIfl AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 9 P.M. (W&H, 922 SAMPLES Permanentlyon islplay, t GUY WOOLFOLK & 330O South Staite Street. Ann Arbor. Vfehigan Desigued by CO. 'LEN, 'CU -the house of ,Ktippenheimer good clothes 211 Sousth Main Street I' JIHIN DAILY Classlfled Rates.. Two Cents ,per word ~a day, paid in advance. Mn- iiaurm charge for first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. Three cents per Nord "per day If charged. Wh fe sp'ue~e charged for at rate of 5c per, agate line. Claissified,. charged only to ose ha~vng pxones. Liner Rates: Twelve Cents per line, Without contract, paid in advance. PHONE 90 BROADlWAY A-r4q"h STREET 144 WEST 42"° 95'ET5~ MMk Itw k OuMPA 104& St WG. KNICKERBOCKER B1UILDINO NEW YOK I,*I,~I E Mom= e LOST-Canvas notebook,°, name on front cover. Notes extremely im- portant. Call 154 or leave at Daly. .John Breakey-. 69-2 LOST-String of black beads in or near~ Whitney 'Theatre Saturday. af- ternoon. Call 147 2-M. Reward. - 69. LQST A black leather -portfolio con- tajiing;books and lecture notes., Re- ward., -Phone '1281-..6- LOST--Brown', fur-lined glove Mon- day night on State or William street iiiy al86M.9 LOST-.Alpha Kappa Psi fraternity pin. Initials on back. Finder please call 1521-W. 68-2 LOST--My pen troubles, at. Rider's of coul'. . --21 FOR iSALE FOR SALE--or Trade; will trade' land contract 40 acres, 5 room house and -barn, 4 miles north, of Cadil- lac,-for car. Extra for house. Call, at &Q05E1;- Kingsley., 68-4 FOR SALE---Cheap), one brand new C- melody Conn saxophone in A-i con- ditio~n. Call 236. - 1 FOR SALE--Persian kittens; , also one oran~ge male, 2 years old. 511 Cheev- or eouxrv. 68-21 FOR SAIL-?-ew $70 Hirsch Wick'- , wiretuxedo, size 37. $35., ;406 E. Hiuron. -c8-6S3 FOR,,..SALE-Complete set drums. PrIce reasonable. Call Byers, 753. 69 --TYEWRTERS CORONA-T-e visible durable, port-' able typewrter. Over 500,000 in use. Recent iimprovenients put Co- ro'na. still farthiei jn the lead. Price X50.00. Easy terms if desired. Other typewriters takten in .exchange. -0. D. Morill, 17 Nick~els Arcade. Open evenings. --66-5 J Rl MINGTON- PORTABLE.-The snew t ypewi iteqr with standard kleyboard and speedl.'Sold on easy terms. -C4ALLI. IV.C. DAMIS 1 7ss-.w o-1 --TYPE WflITING 11101t REX A FOjR RENT-Suite and single roomf well heated, private lavatories. Near campus. - Meals served during va- cation. 1021 E. Huron St., Phone 4 1- 6'7-69 FOR EN-Very reasonable, to rlit, . party, furnished home partly rent- ed. For particulars call 2196-R. FO RENt--Lar'ge double roomn near' campus, for two. men. Call at 41' - E. Washington St. 63-21 IFOR RENT-Warm single room, $3.501 f311 Th2ompson. Also reasonably Ipriced' suite. 68=3 FOR RENT-One large single room, in Girl's League IHouse. 511 Cheever Court: 68-3 MALE HELP WANTED STUDENTS SELL "Amazing Story of} H-enry Ford."; Make $10 to $15 pe r (lay. Going like blazes. Free out- fit. Write quick. Standard Pro- ducts Company, Dept. C-2, Jackson,,I Michigan. -69-2 WANTED--Twos students to work for board during holidays. Phone 1386- J. 21-2,N. Ashley. 69-2 a!WI CELLA NEOIS Mat- ANNOUNCEMENT-Do ydu know that. Rider's 200 drop capacity Mse pen. is the~most popular pen on the campus? The-re is a reason. Call &t Rider's Pen Shop. 21 WINDOW SHADES WINDOW SHADES Cleaned.; New shades made to order. - H, S. Col- 1 lins, 214 E. Washington St. Phone "785-M..., 21 RUG CLEANINGL RUGS CLEANED-Thoroughly. W'asb- ed. or dust cleaned.. Ann Arbor I Carpet Cleaning 'Works. Phone 50. ... AGGAGE - I DONT FORGET Green's. Fuarry up Dray and Baggage line.. 520 iDe- troit St. Phone 31130. -6+4-7I WANTED WANTED-A Rider Pen 'which fails to write at touch. Rider's Pen: Shop. -21 FOUND - 'A,-n A-rbo'r, Michigan December 14, 1 92 D AR F'Ox.Ys.AT. HQME: ., f' y. // ;; r l' '! f r q III 1' , /I r~' 'R' U r, \;, ) ifs' As; you .have probably inferred from my recent lettecrs, I -find it wi!11 be necessary. for, me 'to- stay, in Ann Arboar during Xmas vacation. -- You ;probably can guess the. reason, -- yes, its money. I really ,have enouigh to buy the ticket, but, looking ahead, I can see where it is 'best for' me to. deprive myself, of a few joys this winter, in anticipation of a great old vacation next summer. Anid Mother, don''t worry about my Christma's dinnier. I've 'run across the swellest place to. eat! By swell, 1 don't mean gildled ceilings, and colored waiters, and soft music behind palms, but good -substantial food, like I'd fret at home, well cooked, and a variety of it. They will close the House, as in seasons 'past, and consequently we feb- l.ows, who:-are staying over, will have to get 'our '-meals, somewhere else. Sun- day 1I,,'ead 'an announcemnent in the "Daily" that Byuce Esic and- his wife wrere going to .manage a Student's Boarding House at 1212 South Univer- sity. We can get lunch and dinner there, and at a much lower rate than I've had to pay elsewhere in Ann Arbor. I ate there a ,few times this wieek, and was so 5pleased with the eats" that I've gotten every man in the house to eat', there during vacation. Everything, tastes so good, folks, that really, staying away from home is not going to be half as bad as 1 had expected. Well, I simply must close now, as I'm way behind in Chem.]I and have simply got to do some studying for the Blue Book Friday. . .. . -i' I .; ,/ , I i .. ; HeoAlwaShis!d As a gif t suggestion it is hard to find Anything that will surpass shirts. Hsere- are the newest patterns in the season's most; popular, colors-and fashioned from fab- rics that will give good service.' Good-be, Ang ora Mlu-ffle rs. .'. 50 to $3.00 Lots 'of Love, Silk and Silk And'Wool Hose, 75c to $1 The Newest Patterns in Neckwear at $1 JACK. All Styles in Sweaters ..$5.50 to.$12 Why don't YouEat Esic'-, To? The.. Place- is at '1212 South J. FIRST neatly kSS typing promptly- and ne. Special prices on man- n.-, Jill r-r!,anf0 LUTZ CLOTHING CO. 1 " { ,