)fAILY ...-. . ..a.,.-. ,, t 7 F f. t1 % use 'Aviator sses Difficult License T e sts f~w nr der that their names may still be car- TE U ~ b Ired on the roster. VETERANSKuRESERVE SQUADTOSEND WAGS TAKEIN FlIVE N iI WAE MAUEET One faculty. member and four stu- MebrofteRsre otal dens wreiniiatd ntotheRihar 1squad who have not yet sent in theirn dent wer intiatd ino te Rihar measurements to the Athletic associa- N. Hall post of the Veterans of For- tion office for sweaters, should do so eign Wars Tuesday night at the Union. before leaving this week, to lnsture The; men initiated into the organiza-, their recc^iving the rewards after the tion are : Dr. Harry T. Folger of the holidays. zoology department, S. B. Rentsch,; La'st night seven of the 28 men c li- 23M, K. R. MacDuff, '23E, Hary Pa-' ible for sweaters had not yet sigs- ,1 gels, '25, Harold V. Kelly, '23E. I ed. The association urges that the It The approaching military ball was: men do this immediately as the sweat- discussed, and the members were ask- ers wiull 'be ordered during vacationr ed to get in touch, during Christmas to b~e presented at the re-opening of vacation, with all alumni who former- school.s ly belonged to Richard N. Hall post -j with the object- of forming an alumni Library Club to Hold Party I league to aid in the completion of the A Christmas party will be given byI Union reading room. the Ann Arbor library club at 8 - All fiscal business for the year 1922' clock tomorrow evening in room 110 was closed at this meeting and a new of the library. A group, of Christman finance committee will be appointed carols, a short play, and a series of at the first meeting of next year. The tableaux will make up the program comte ihst nonta.-all members who have not yet paid Lose' somiething? A classified i heir dues must do' so at once in or- classified act will sell it for youy %Adv DUJNLOP APP'OINTED TO PUBLICATION BOARD; Burton &E. Dunlop, '23, has received notification of his appointment to the 3oard in, Control 6f Student Publica- tions. The appointment of flunlop was made to fill a vracancy created this fall, by the resignation of one of the mein- bars of the board. Rupjet to he Sole O~wner- of laaakees New York, Dec. 13.- acob Rupert, annoounced yesterday that- nego- tiationis [or the transfer to him of (NA. T. It. Hur'ton's half, interest in ,the New York Yanlkee~s had beer~ virtuaIlly completed end that withiti a week: he YOUR, FRI EN will be in teres the campus' a M ichigan 'act * home s ome would be the '"le owner of the Amer- I lean league champions. The clubs in- eluding the Yankees seven have anj estimiatedl value of three minlion dol - t ars. WANTED- Two experienced men to work for room and board during! the Christmas vacation at the rest-; 'deuce of President Marion L. Burton. Any students interested are asked to call at 5:30) o'clock this evening. j 25c rCate for students 445 Huron WW etTaxi.--Adv. Got something foisaeA "ly the Dlaily will fordsale--A daily IRVING WII3L".OLTS, D.S.C. CHIROPODIST 706 first Nat. Bank .Bldg. Phone 1746J *We Gluarantee to Teach Yi * to Dance All of the I MODERN DANCES In One Course HALSEY'S 1DA-.CESTUDI( I I GIFT SUGGESTIONS [DSI AT HOME ted in views of nd of the many :ivities. Take pictures from i I j I l I t t SILK HOSIERY SILK AND WOOL HOSIERY WOOL HOSIERY GLOVES JEWELRY COLLAR BAGS TRAVELING BAGS UMBRELLAS BATH ROBES SILK SHIRTS PAJAMAS UN DER WEAR SPORT COATS KNIT JACKETS E SWEATERS BELTS AND? BUCKLES HATS CAPS OV'ERCOATS SUITS HANDKERCHIEF'S NECKWEAR ........ . _. ....... .e ,... .. .. wva J vas -RSaa _ -__-_ __ ____ k r r~ M S r { '...; THE GREY SHOP A a ns om t SANDW ICHES ISANDWICHES! Have a hot sanidwich and a CUP of coffee before you go, and take a sandwich with you on the train LYNDONAND. COMPANY 719 NOtRH UNI VERSIT"Y i Wadham 'S and Co. Two STORES STATE STREET M4AIN STREET I M..., .. . I ~u.. :4 i. ,, -Harry, 0111 Harry Chin, 25, s~ident at the Cur- # tiss flying school at Mineola, is the first Chinaman to qualify'for an avia- ion license.. He easily passed the rigid tests prescribed by the National Aeronautical. Association of the Un- ited States. WHITE TO INVESTIGATE NON-CORROSIVE METALS With the financial assistance of a Detroit steel, manufacturing, company, the industrial research d partment of the UJnversity, under the supervision of Professor A. H1. White, is preparing to investigate methods° of manufactur- ing non-corossive ' metals at' a comn- mercially reasonable price. The specific metal desired' Is for wa- ter conducting pipes , and for, metal parts, such as in automobiles, exposedI continually to atmospheric condi-' tions.. The research department will center ite attention on methods of manufac- turfing non-corroding metals at a low- er price than it is now necessary to charge, thus making its use more] common Guaranteed sil1k stockings, also silk and wool; the Scout kind, at J. F. Wuerth Co--Adv. All wool gauntlet gloves, plain and fancy, $1.50 and $1.25 at J. F. Wuerth Co.-Adv. SLEEP Ar Y 11E RE,, BUT EAT ATREX'S THE CLUB LUNCH 712 Arbor Street NFear State _and rPackard Streets boo KL iberty just received MAVIS AND NUNNALLY'S CHOCOLATES Tom Is the time to redecorate those rooms that need to be done. for the d-Hop" LETr 'USOFFER SUGGES'TIONS CHRISTMAS VACATION *Talk ItCAt Home U U A Christmas Vacation Suggestion To Seniors U * T HIS is your. last year in college. This is your latChristmas yacation. * Your career after graduation is a question ® tat you will want to talk over with the folks U at home. They will be even more interested than you are, Now is the time to do it, U The John Hancock has in its field organization U producers who began as life insurance men' immedi- m ately after graduation and have made a conspicuous success of it. U Why waste time trying out something else which looks 'just as good" and then come into the life insurance work to compete with the man who got U into the game from the start?. Talk it over at home and remember that you can get information and helpful advice by addressing ® Agency Department * LIFE INSURANCE COMPANYU ® ~Oi BOSTON. MABSACMUO TS I * OSW ALD A. HERZ 1 12 West Washing'ton St. i f 4 ~ ~ lip 1 PHONE 353 F-1 II / 0 Th Utmstln1Muic1 mot 1onerulcosticeyo coumake. /A bst Chriismin life Ihe hioa A. 13. Chase Piano fuflsti eurmn nterasm fa must woperetl.u slrchod ignified:csedgncmbied r Boigthit n sturps resonace e a tone h lmden it thoiledo th e mposthriiing hch las ocusticversa- aspelastanyoh /, ofstthelrest nervtreof usc Thwl e ApleCasuedemPontratesthis uerbntinstrumrentl-at j \your convenience. / .\ ~WE ARE OPEN EVENINGS ; £r.i N oi U 111m irt t 1!gnr v n L #J , " Ittipi~t ' 1 I Mt ig~t id i'ce _. t : , ........ 0. A..' c Christmas Greeti~ng! from A. .Marquardt TAILOR AND HABERDASHER , { t; . s;. 4 .. I, -- mf 608 E. LIBERTY . SI