IlUU1JiIIII I flMtIRL 14IJU REPLETE W I TH '': c~gC - 1' i' ti' ' v:ns, brought the Hill auditorium ~'r~ly1~ ~4*&5j 'Twilight Organ recitals for the year to a close yesterday afternoon-witFr "Famit)? condition" in Russia are one of the finest programs presented not. lbatiing, buit are on tine increase. i s fa during the semester., A crowd The outltook for the future. is ver y.ograetinodnrysz'trc- lark ,"Tyr. CLcy Elliot, '11-m, of Flint;fgctrta 'diayszatat told an audience of Ann Arbor towvn-1ed, no doubt, by the failiarity of the people last nigh"t J-, Natural Scienc compositions pjlayed, expressed its ap- atuditorium.' preciation of the well-balanced pro-1 Dr. Elliot, wvho has served four, or ' gram. five months pis a relief worker in the j'Ashmnall's "Fantasie on a Christman Balkan valley, spnoke last night in e)-j ire" was the opening 'piece, of no half of~ the local commnittee to estsab-; reat depth 'but interesting for the lish interest in a 1 "nd for, the relief development of its %melodic themei., of R'lussian chlldren,. 'The "Cradle .Song", opus '68, no. 5, "Thlere were a_1 ;:o . 7at!Esy 35 il-l of Grieg and "Ave Maria" by 'Schu-+ lin lavie...-leinRusi lst;bet.failare *rssiogf lJ L AA. A.-A. I-/ I A-d -y TMAS MUSIC At S.. A. Partyl last evening in the Union.~1 A. technical , meeting followed the ousiness mc-eting. Profs. E . C BPragg and A. bind Blad were pres- ent. ited comiposition that closed the po I rani. Its heavy chords and sw irling 'one figures completed a recital that was more than usually satisfactory. S.C.A. DELEGATE HONORED i ~AT ILLINOIS ~iCONVEi'N TiO Hilarity reigned amindst. a real Christmas setting withi a gaily dec- orated Chriotmas tree and, a Ifireplace large enough to permit the entrance of Santa Claus, at the party in Lane hall yesterday afternoon, given the children byr the S.CA. ore than 150 children 'were 'present, many ,of them fromn the hospital. 7 - w + ; f i i THE SCHOOLI IHALSEY'S 1DANCE ;STUDIOS 'Wn~erthtJrcade STEAM FITTING 215 E. HURON PHONE 214-F] ______-- lhc majority of the sororities and x Michigan was again awarded recog-' fraterrities on the campus have talk niltion when the delegate from the en upon thxmeselves' the. provision of S AARoss Fox, '23, wa's electedt a real C( hristma s for ode or two. poor "l'cecn. 1All those who have 'not, chairman of the convention of thedn omysilseuetenmso Student .Fellowbipl for Christian life Ichaildlren who, are in need of help. A service held Dcc. S, 9, and 10, at thF collection of all those gifts which re-F Unversity of Illinois. main after the parties at the sorority It i_; planned to organice the local and rternity pnarties will be'nmadle cozmttee of. tina fellowship through tonmorrowv or Saturday andl will be dis- the S.C.A.unft~s which Nwill be estab trited among the children* in the fished at each church, the Aiontieth j hos~pital. club, and the Student Voluinteers. .- - - -- membership of 100 is expected by P~aper,; Roend at Qtuarterde4Ck :Mfeeting J une. REstablishment of branches in 'I'apers on "Shipy-ard Management" More than 15 colleges throughout ihe; and "Naval, Industry Arouand Cape state is to he carre d out thrduigh the3 Codl South .Africa" were read by J. F'.I state Y.1M.C.A. Wlaines, Jr., ' 3,' and .T. "S;weliger, ' . , ,Y '. *,. iwnter "the peaerquoted dstatistics.,Igentle andi ecstatic spirit inmetnor- "Only a few rops wvere planted, but i ally associated with the Christmas because of a draught in the month, season, were playecd with fine grace of August little Nas harvested." and quiet sympathzy. In cormmnting oni the, need for Bach's the "Great P'ugue on the foodl, Dr. Elliot said that thousands Namve Bach", contibuted 'some intel- Npyre allowed to lie without the least. lectual. depth to a program in other effort to save them. "The situation respects highly emxotional. -lc Wasl wvas' reduced to a mathematical I reminiscent of the fine fugue placed problem," shle continued. "We fed skillfully by Prof. Earl V. Moore at those whom we thought should live,'I last week's Twilight recital1 and proy- and refused food to those who were ed that massively constructed comnpo- least dc:serving . sitions can he rendered with particu- "I am proud that the Amnerican gov- lar success on -the University's s ipres ernnient has appiropriated over 50 s ive Memorial organi. millions of dollars for Russian re-' "Christmas }'astorale". by Harper, lief," said the dtoctor in hotr concluding Was 'a pleasant interlude betweeni the, rPmarks. "Th Russian people ire B ach Fugue "and .Handel's t lalleln- worth all the effort. we can expencd in J ah Chorus", the resoundling and spiir- their beh lf." The campaign now -in progreaF is A1T T TTh primlarily In the interest of Russian Ah TA.. children.. __- 4CLOTHE I~I Give Music Fo'r Chricstmas Here are two Records that will make Hot Steps for you during the Holiday Season: ,ees Knees !~- and- . All Muddled Up i Both by Ted Lewis GET THEMR BEFORE YOU 'GO HOME;r Aimendinger frusic' Sh 71 ,. 305 MAYNARD STREET .~, H~ay iuy to iEnterian Opera !j Plans for lthe reception of the Opera m s if.K JAIN . cast and chorus during Its platying at B~v C 4tv. Dec. 26. were discussed*- at BEFORE YOU the mneetinga of the Bo~y City club) last L A E tieT4 c i a no . A d n e that night, for ' the entertainm entt of the members of [lhe Owera was pro- posed, and details regarding it con- I! 4 clu d e&. ; ______ - CLANEr . D t LAST TIC TODAY FRANK MAYO EDDIE POL i, ..WHILE AWAY ,-ON VACATION ,, ., ,! _... Something new in desserts: SHOW'#S AT } t ' i Matines .. 20 JEven~tngf4 . . Niddfes tt. . M/aple N.1ut Ice Cram c, lOc w Veterans P'erform Like you / P THURSDAY - SATURDAY t~Y Torn1 1ngsters T HE delicious flavors of maple a nd walnuts are blended in this choice ice cream.r Pure and wholesome, it is a dessert at once health-u a ,d.stsyn . S re here daily.,Small dishes, 6c, laurge, loc. Tit whfich .~o,'I'I x anol i[l horse, "Tony," 'bre the honors. Mix I *Nine Studebaker Big- Six Touring' Cars, with a total of one million miles to their credit, recently participated in an ceconomy- reliability contest conducted by the Stude- baker dealer at Los Angeles. All camthroughwith perfect scores except two-one had dirt in the gasoline pipe, the other required a slight adjustment of brakes. This is the most convincing demonstration of motor car .reliability of which we know. The tun was from Los Angeles to Big Bear Valley and return-239 miles--of w.hich 90 were on steep, rough mountain roads that necessitated" stamina in every part. YSet the Big-Sizes reached °every checking station on time. One of these old veterans has piled up the auming total of351,000 miles of practically uninterrupted service of two trips daily between Los Angeles and Santa Brbara. Another has 250,000 miles to its credit; and so on. No such group of cars was ever before assembled for":such a strenuous proof of endurance. Their entry in competitiona, over one of the most difficult of Southern Cali- fornia's mountain roads, was an expression of confidence of the owners in Studebaker everlasting goodness, The dependability of the Big-Six Touring Car, its low cost46fmintenance, its comfort, fine appearance and complete equipmenlt make it the most desirabI4 seven-passenger car on the market. Its price is way below cars that do not even approach it in value.. *The name Studebaker is your assurance of value and satisfaction, t6 .1' i I 'I The rcy tale 'at'ii orse With more' than (hrso senise. 4 1icigan Cafeteria PATHENW "FUN FR9M "tiff P ES' I 612 East Liberty PAUL PARROT COMED i p , ,i _ .. _ _ i - I .._.. ]NOTE! During Christmas Vacation, dances will be held SATURDAY"" IGHTS 0 LY m - - -