,w ^ mil; J /!'f! .1 1 0 . I . . Nomm" W (f111 1 1 i eee e'der err rr .. '"'" .."",,,,,w.. 0 ME J AWN% u u t; _ .. of int ,st tee in) I ini oll ien hth: be 012 atc Me bbl leg the the A Nvii firs !,-e pri vi 1 bec f'0; 11 i at~ rot {avy, but Centre seems to have the m( 4(1-;rmendations mate to the oard of; prospects n 11 BO SNFR H CKEY POPU RTY GOPER HOCKEY SQUA4D biggest place in the campus limelightICARDS RESIGlNS AS regents. ( wil coe o !1IUBO S hich ever teajn is scheduledl will ap 1lIJ LSlUfii The entire team and coaching sta ster up the 90VOVIR I IU I'J1W IB O N ichards, who has turnedl out some Iin (evelopin IS Tn.HM I, hicxz at teams at the Bdger istit- had ast yea ASUE(B(IE OVRST ANK RED ORFRTMALpeEa AnAbr et ll GIDbobl Pe.e - - - ___-- LVE IT:hR MENV, SIVE SElli-Madison, WMENDec. 12.-Following he g en Schools iXtY Gr~Itt mural Athletics, is plannin a winter SITTE:S AMONtG ."rVAR- nN the1 resignation of John .R Rihars sanetion- to Sport; Tentative hockeypormthtwl ieeey'SITY (CANIDATES 1 llf as coach of the Wisconsin ootbail T 1.[fl[dltJ[o ittm ta y1poArm octiatedie 3ery S OE1111rA1CK Mft fEN lfD tiltatC Schedule Announced ne interested an opportunity fortr L s;I team, Badger officials today were competition "and incidentally to ]eeln(By ,soitdPress) oktgao. ;rapssbeSCO- nra n~out likely n I ral hat a 'ETflilrt Q ATERIA11 AktES develop Varsity tosslilities. Minneapolis, Minn., Dec.12-ihI-to'nvernmeori Ifl hghunp STROQNG TEAM SEEM CERTAIN V,-_- -- u'nters Do I12 eety ,'rrhe, iXIrt~i . SltotilUetrafI'Ap', iU 'Auip "hbonowcmet ht ..,~Sped litn069 b rs 1 nad 1.g John X.Wilce. coach of Ohio State,; ogood flue -J frel H tP I[~ t'shiman football coach, and Fred Entire Squad .,and a graduate o is nsin, i eiut Althouegh a call has not as yet beeni le is a g Along with the .appsOva of svim j,"pp IN UUILD% 11 HS it inliohing, director oV athletics, will :Mentioed for the job, and every f- jsnt out for freshman track material should be t igas minor Varsity, port by -the I tke r cieItrs nhetY'fA oc -ai skeighs ysoe n h te n ativainelst1n I'Ve A N ()Rl)FN'S PPEAUrNCE fort will be mae to induce WVle to; oc ani epn hsee pnatwoh aadin Control of hetics comes {lhI plA ~a ae under way to make the coin- A111FNTS'FGI V QA',eun' w' l m i fo any likely prospects that mayl High school .foR HIT NX O Risseason one of the most eventful t______ma__t_ hozy up. ei tlrsn iigteImtr 1 \ te'recogniton f hock ey, togethe IH sa.peetgiigte]"ie:J r~forte ,newly adr.edl .j: 7 Iahanding i'lis resi ntai, (och #1-,ut li n of Thus fact e ivriy fMnnstSteve Farell's Varsity tiacktrs Rte arls recolflWudeim B ad gmclsee Ihroleamntincetry" i1retlnfau oi.ltiS"~trI? I', C~i ~)~ -es sIn knIes of fndingsome cid'er a- .all)th sho causing rejoicing among the hart] ; , ~ iiuir , ,.,r Coachi Metcal, who also will be i Monday afternoon stated the- last tackle arn the 192 elat~, as his: 5su e, ili hs~oro Atrtohl 1 ob i tr "s ort fawns, and their rejoicing Is : ,I~t1.,- :tE NW T.Il, 1. CUB i n charge o the track siuad, has :weko "ok or~ thehoiays. csso, bllntEadger athotrit ies ae eifoueltd foi tke .1,i9 Offgh'n cutec otae~ f} riig ~ fl cpin ffp lied to feel that Wader has inot h dysalua all ill giv n oh halfm thod "totalial avalale 'to' ena le of the hockey squad. rticll every atlete who in enough xperi ee to fit lhin for teIadh ilpc oemnfo the Coch{ ( ,y ae!ocatcu l riowa) men, prajobeIthoul ; gym classes whlo will .enter tpoi able to get tklulY-rt place a fornildahlc teamr #Y l ive letter ,melt of last year'shocey tends ttyoutfor the sq tad hsi jb;aogh h. etedasCLassistnt track work and (rop athir gymn.thsfeb "'ila ee D?,t. ec 1:-e rit')seaa} enn ao ac ad .grouaof about 0, made I saaipaace during the last coachl last fall. Aichie ha his eye on everal goodl b any of .Hockey has beer played as an in Lnflo l , , iich klly i e..,as ipoil- other cntlia"esare ort for the re- I week or two while Iot of tlhe ca- Tea oftcmito Rcad'r- -', ___ ,rmal sport at the University for the; i. led the Tetroit Tigcr.: whether they j mininig berths. (ia ,av Hl otfo heistnt.y ca'metd* altupriswho fleed Ltthroeeyearsa ,nthtcma- Vr ip'o Nn,< ht ts TevtraswoaE xpected to ,J monc.st. erdy f ter noon evey- cvl hrt time. its poplarity has, I heart on an Ama'iean 1I a ;r=. pennant aamn def'end<'rta r 6u ol ount io .iV a raidy.oM ny weten in fP 92. )nd haer flnn soLas honor as I body teas, out. o'o put the lsln t ha B aw " woi r'ur oiio tlteae4 raidy..May wstrnlnYfo 193.puk casrsare J. Wyatt, Ll3eruistr1 ochson theJpreliniiilriy traiflh te ea4,exti:s\"T mc itutiohs have been fostering hockey Tho Tigers, coning from thie cellar P . liggnt, Lee. Bartlett all([ Paul In tender~ng lira esigniation, Coach .1 I ants for soine tie also and advauc-position to third bfate ini the 1922 Swanson. Ili addition, seven men from V4auter (,r, Welll tca ssore*"tswihnui #the Ssport as-rapidly as pOssile, race, are expected by the fans to be the second team are back at school, i Elvei r llatft tof the team ergre t'y a jllice tr elent SILK HOSIERY HATS his may mean that a new form of {stronger in 1923 than they werec this and among the likely players to round kept bus! esEda.t ry n from activy coachig. Sinc my play- Ysedy lalinthe ing oasa icosn h~ nded in ttercollegiate activity will rise to year". Frank Navin, presidenzt of tle up the squad. "af'ternoom tlni pole vaulters made a Vsosiwh; I KADWOL OSEYCP AS aplae i tie ahleic rogams lub beievs tat uchsho le' The 0Gopher puckmen have a -stiff ;their apl~e~ran ce, throe in number. 1896 1 have always take 'aikeen!i-, winter sports along with the al- the ease. schedulle ahead of them, and several of teren4Vosr vr ci~g s ntegm eas oedrW O OIR V C edy popular basketball and swim- Strong Hurling Corps the tentative dates arranged for in- b ear to, 12 fet that the coach finally itLIaecace.tmn pae,~SITS, but the fact that l closedt my coach-' GLV ing. Poor pitching has been the downfall elude: Michigan, Wisconsin, Mch- 1 had to send them: to the showers while ter wll UeDaR Material Gvrod of the Tigers for several years, in the igan Aggies and the University of , Kelly wvas jumping his utstl 10 feet, ing days at my alnira iater'wl b JEWELRY U D Mihigrsapossesses team osibl-opinion of observers. Net season, Mantoba. -six inelcP. A the rate themni am re l can:I5fCio sIh er wnewt'!Dtri wr sat ihon.hs srn -COLLAR BAGS SPORT{ es~ fod inn emadwt eri ilsat ihtebs tig-- oing no, with andowklki to sup-1 I'$?lttleai'gtmn ihIlni ie surety that playing facilities will, of hurlers which the local outfit bastC N ID RCE T Eport them when' the outdor season liynthigtoado with mylaio.iT~ IGBG NTJ obtained candidates will be called boasted. in a number of years. InCON ID RrCNvR ;hadnotichiogan"tilpoysetioses a pairLC.BAG ofT AI at tne Cessation of the holiday's peaking of 110 teams prospects Mr. I FOR EIGHTH GAME I non who are probabtly the equTisatteeI owa;loedin dn UMBRELL.AS SWEAT tivties. Three veterans will be ceI- Navin said: as yi heBgTnthsytr luig~ far as I aiti oncerned. My wife BET lb-Ie for competition, W. H. Comb, {. I"W'e should have ile )est pitching i.Just whot will be Michigan',opon- !the past tie !Vase and B ue h49 ai - mlyisstfIdeoemytiet BATH ROBESBET i MlacDuff, and R. A. Hahn, all of tafl in the history of the club. "Rip" ents in the eighth football game ofI ways been represented by great at h-I outer iusmness, anld that. is the main im have had two years of exper- Colins, whom we obtained from Bos -'the 1923 season is still undecided. les in this department and with theI reason for my action. SILK SHIRTS HANDK WceathichtaneThaepenrilltonforHowrdhemeeadtoherWitatheaprovlhorth exragam oter ectonsot ileteae weltalewuportfrobtheWiconinAlumiSPJAM S NCK anIelnucleus about which to layesilgv u epweew by the University ;sna, it is high- to take care of .thenselve the poleanstdt beadwieIhe ll.it ateam and their stre gth will ned it most. Sylvester Johnson, out l rbbeta deta ilb aitr ilprovetobe a bi asset no tugien t be ' cain win I 'v ly roabe ha soe ea wllbe autes il t ite fourm yecarps, i myeevns tadded to by, a number of nen,. who nearly the entire, season, due to in- scheduled for one, of the two open Although it is'-mre than likelythra t hlat-sp cm 3we become acquainted with the jries: undoulbtol} willdeliver. Her- dates which fall on Oct. 7 and Nov. the other Confereur'srads will e relatw our yars yingleades cot- ort eitheriin high school or, on am- man flilltte, one of the ledding pitch- ~isrn po-tiw e inorty oinarion" agr oi :.1. ' s euir team;. Among these are C. 13. Ors 'ini1922, iandnwho with Johnson -tlff TwoeSsnRnS lKechnie, J. A. Beresfom~, J. Blunm- wa. obtained from thle Pacific coast "etecleeo nxvle yWsosnwoe$awyiiliil vh ev d the P'acific appears to be the most favorable op- gathrered poaiits .iVift=i ta, G. Lindstrom, MV. Hunt, If. egfagu, iti. with Collins, head onrl ponent but the way the "Praying:Col- nir years, i9$,faced by a lack 6of It oat -;.na oncbuies f STATE STREET MAIN Cobb, R. Siewert, and, E. Camp- hirring staff. It is possible that we ontscduetad.nwhyhae eaIhs-yran teWovrl.4 a e attenile(. to. A business' 111. will make one of' two deals this win[.- teimayeetinlg of the athletic council will '- garethat Will giver use evendagreaterargames scheduledve 'forbthe 'openldateFidonr rreak'e Planed tothavei thlirveway. -e r greter bescalled SFriday yaad rerc-- Th r r si cagge oaf ahLi-stegt ndhof.the Wolverine calendar. However thq: 1 14Sua trh Th orIsichreoCoc L it-sregh nth nfadin which Centre has on the card Steve spent most of his time yese4; 4 . .;, assistant Director of Intercol- Pratt CompletesInel st t for Nov. 10 may possibly be canceller day instrnfl yt4 .inners. Mi *'_ glace Athletics, and he has been "The fetom Ail be strengthened at and if this is done, Michigan will take sprintersq-ater-riers, and lTal_' 1LEARN TO DANil' -.'.I priing, onl a playing schedule with ser nd base by the addition of Delh aeframeinfee iesaltoehrh a i ,'e teamts 'who have announced IPat lei n ftebs is Other teams which the X1'olvern ln ah yr I as 'o das re' DyC dr intentions of backing the sport. basemen in the game andI Rigney, with aeoonierngae ebaka adt iltln.., l1oh Page 3even) II a plan hihhsntyet received buit.one(, yeart in the majors, already l Iors 14; 7-10 6i erth Arcade j Piial sanctioni is being proposedl is corsidered one of the best short-________ ______________ iach calls for thke formation of the stops. At third, we have Haney and e'+. %t Western Intercollegiate Hockey i .Tns.eceln fedes Jns alft Jguc. This league would be con-+ aflcd batsmnan, (can alternate with x}COM11FORT A tnesota. A tentative schedule has "In Bassier, we have a great catch- ~~-n tonl arranged with these schools as e, and Woodall is close behind him. .Seil-T 'Oug he : Ilows: Jan. 12 and 13, Wisconsin at The ability of the Detroit outfield is Pn apey.' C11 ihign; Jan. 19 and, 20, Michigan too. well known to need comment. aka '1 We can furnish yu h '-Wsconsin; Feb. 16 and 17, Minne "4he club, with an even break, t- a storm house on that o ta ,at :Michigan: Mjar 2 and 3 Mich- Ghould do better next season than in Pineannle Parfait oam :i'I -t,.- tow and hopes thalt they tit for track and help~ bol- sstrength, of this year's e will have a difficult time ig any'hotter team than lie FNas the last day of track 1d all th~enmen will rest tie holi days. In the short oach 1Hahin has hadl to find nen lie has discovered soy- re good. Pritchard is a r that should prove to be ality Snider at the Hurd- )od man. The pole- vault Laken ca~re of by J. D. Vi- L5 (lone 11 feet 6 inches inl .Richards is a good two eColes hats(lone 10.1 in the 11 a11d iK a Strong manl ill t. (lstances. Finderly will ofVe? to )e a strong, man inl Ice. thur h-as n ot as yet been - u ood line oii any hut ant belevesthat there UWill Strong quality. )ATS ACKETS .RS AND BUCK, ES .ERCHIEFS EAR id C04 material . for Cdh, easily. putj / : ign1 at -Minnesota. V . Room For MNore If-the plan goes through the league would, from time to time accept menm- bership from other- western institu- Lions and wouldi adhiere to the same2i standards of eligibility as those ac- ceptedl by the Western Conference. Coach Little believes that if this game is placed on .such an official basis anqj r Fiognized as a regular intercollegiate sport it will cause the popularity and supp~ort to be greatly increased. With this, in mind, 'the athletic department' is making every effort to provide "ev- erything in the ;line' of facilities that wrill enable the enthusiasts, to get away with a good start. 'It is thought that the rink 'used in former years will be obtained and" if such is the' case E. D. I'itchell, Director of Intra- M92, when we finished third." The Michigan Calendar-limited edi- tion, 75c. Take one home with you. Waher's University'Bookstore--Adv. Patronize TDa ily=advertisers.-Adv. Would You Waste Money I Needlessly?I You are wasting money it you aren't taking, advantage of the S Michigan Daily Want-Ads. Of- tentimnes you can buy very good articles for which others heave no further use, at -very much re- duced prices. If' you are not taking advantage of these sales (10 so, ati once. You'll' save money. And if you want to sell sontie- thing, there's n'o better way than t{ hn the Daily.. Call the office, ~960 1L lAiU. i .ri7 r a. Asa as av Try. .thus Delicious Ii ik Beaumont Only 60c a quart at youjir deale'rs Q~nn~rt Phone 1427- 2830 A -DELICIOUS Try a piece of our Pie with, the "Hoame Made" taste for l,ch. 1oda! You'll argree tuith us that ve, serve a iullcfithat :is r---w--different I r s - - - - - - - - - - - We Guiarantee to Teach~ You to Dance All of' the MODERN DANCES InI One (Co(rse lrAFQlVQUrQyAN F & i U41T1AQ CHRISTMAS GREETING, CARDSI Since coming to Ann' Arbhor I have tried ;nu- merous eating-houses but only at the Q~niversity Dining Rooms, have; I found that indescribable something--that compbination .of courtesy, serv- ice, good food, variety of menu, and above all that home-like atmosphere which-leads onet look forward to meal time with pleasure, and makes for that:"fit" feeling which can b~e main- tained only by eating well-balanced meals.. H.& S., TUTTLE'S 338 MAYNARD I --AND- 'I i V. s GBLANAN7.IAI GIFT STATIONERY / CUSTOM TAILOR 20 per cent Discount I i This unusual offering of our large, choice assortment of Hurd, Crane, 'Whiting, Hampshire,- and other gift Correspondence, Papers is made' on account of the early, closing of school. You will find 'nothing I KN OWLEDGE better anywhere. ages for mailing. Special attention given. Prices range from $1l to pack- upward. i I ill Did you ever stop to think what part good foodj plays in getting your edu~ation:?j Tuxedos Evening,.Clothes Golf Suits. SATISFACTION I UNIVERSITY DININ1G- #- n nl 1NinbRrT.r. I X 'TO I I 'A j