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No minimum of maximum lengths are specified for the papers. The judges wil give full con- sideration to t'e ouality of writing, necessary st--porting evidence, and relevancy of material, in judging the quality and adequacy of a contest- ant's paper. For further information! write the J. Walter Thompson corn- pany, New York City. F 101 service to be of the most use to you should be also intelligent and interested. That is what this bank tries to be. 'ARMERS & MECHANICS BANK 432 Thompson 1 128-j Exclusive Ur. Svc7r tit y Dealcr Y fui~ t 111111suni111tnsualiiai:uugia ino :Et1t e~u nuniaui,~til~r lntii~~ TAKE HOME A BOX OF -105 So. MAIN 330 So. STATE ST. MacDiarmid's Candiles OR LET US SEND IT BY PARCEL POST-ANYW II RE Conditions on Arrival Guaranteed The MacDiarmid Candy Co. 715 N. University Ave "Garg" Advocates A. Gump As Dean , ;1 ,, ,r ; 'Ii e' , ri I' Christmas atmosphere will be cre- ated on the campus Wednesday as a ftting., iApetus for, the coming holi-~ days when the'Santa Claus number of the Gargoyle - is placed on sale. A red and white cover, with a sleigh, snow and all of the typical Christmas scenes, drawn' by'A. T. Peck, '25, in- troduces the issue. Burlesques on some of the leading cartoonistsc 9f the, day introduce An- dy Gump as a candidate for the posi- tion of dean of men and Maggie Briggs; as the dean of women. "Paw" of "Pol- ly and her Pals" fame is made a pro-r fessor, and Evertt True gives vent to his usual rage against one of theM campus errors. The Michigan Daily Sunday maga-. zine is muade the subject of a page of comment. The Honorable Stetson Dobbs is interviewed in a style typical of the magazine. Further satirical material on' student publications is included in a publications banquet menu that lasts from "Toasted Rolls" to "High' Scream". A copy, of one of the contributions that did not get accepted as the Mich- igan opera is published in full. It is called "Over and Under" and the scenes and music are remarkably like that of the production that was used. Poetry is especially featured in the .number. ' Christmas poems that are unusual and poems that are 'related, to evry subject from college women tO "The Cabbage Tree" are. published. PIROFS. WENLEY, HENDERSON, 'BRUXM GIVE EXTENSION TALKS: 'Three University Extension lec- tures were delivered in the state yes-' terday by members of the faculty. Prof.-Robert MA Wenley, of the phil- osophy department, spoke at School- craft on "Scotch Proverbs and' Stor- ies' Befor~e .the Ladies Library Asso- ciation. Prof- William D. Henderson, of ?the Extension departm'ut, address= ed 'the Alba "Columbia club at White Pigeon on 'The Social Problem of the' Boy and the Girl". Prof. John L. Brumm, of the jour- nalism department, talked at Kalama- zoo on "Education and Life" before the Kalamazoo Court of the Catholic Daughters of America. Band Tendered Banquet Members of the Varsity band at- tended a banquet in their honor at the Chamber of Commerce, last night. The Kiwanis club acted as host. The ban- quet was in recognition of the serv- ices which the band' performed when they accompanied the local Kiwanis club to their convention at Toronto. Father Michael Bourke was the prin- cipal speaker. President Arthur Bernardes ThiPty-four years ago a thirteen- year-?ld boy left school in Visosas, state of Minas Geraes, Brazil, and started his business career as a gro- cery clerk, selling beans and rice. He became manager, bookkeeper, lawyer and politician. Now he is President Arthur Bernardes of Brazil. WO, KALEIS TO AOORESS' Members of the Engineering Society will gather at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the assembly hall of the Union "ur their third discussion meeting o :hc. year. Entertainment features have been provided, including speecl, s, a boxing match, and music. MMr. W. R. Kales, engineer c t:c: new field house at Ferry field, and Prof. E. M. Bragg, of the department of marine engineering, will address the organization. Under the auspices of the Boxing club Clifford McKeck-1 nie, '23E, and George Wolinitz, '24, will stage a boxing,match. Music will; be provided by Frank Pollen's or- chestra, James J. Johnson, '23, and the quartette of the Varsity Glee club. I Refreshments and smokes will be served. Members of the society will be ad- mitted to the smoker upon presenta- tion of their membership card. Michigan Song Book, Monory Books,. Bauner and. Pennants at Wahr's University Bookstore-Adv. E VERY woman of refinement wants the same daintiness and good taste reflected in her "quiet- hour" slippers as in her shoes for street wear. That is why so many women are interested in the beautiful Daniel Green Boudoir .Slippers we are showing. You can take their-c m- fort for granted, for they 'are hAdd in the famous Daniel Greafsc= tory, where their felt Comfy Slip. pers are made. You will enjoy looking over the s any beautiful designs in or store. They give you a wide range of choice to ma.tch your fa- vorite frocks and dainty negligee. WAHR'S SHOE STORE Perfectly Qz,4 oinmtd-- 17IadtoTe i SHOES Down Town HOSIERY -. FIRST7 NAT IONAL BANK ORGANIZED 183 :: OLDEST BXNK IN ANN ARDOR :. OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN MICIflGAN . f '' , , j ,. r i +r. f 't . i .. . \' . , " . ' . -_- , We Use the Xost Approved Syst em of Teachin'g BALLROOM DAMOING HALSEY'S DANCE STUDIO 11, Copyright 1922 Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits for Holiday Wear I: jp " ®' MOMEMOMEM094113 -411 o Rented or Sold on Easy Terms You can rent any typ~ewriter you select from our catalog with *~the privilege of deducting from the purchase price all rental paid dur- ing the first six months, should you at any time decide to buy the type- writer. Or you can buy on small monthly payments. FREE TRIAL ^ny mbe4hped tosyous on ten days' free trial. If you are not satisfied for any reason whatever, y'ou send it back at our expense. ALL MAKES Take your choice of all the latest models, Under- wood. Self-starting Remington, Silent I" C. Smith, etc. Every machine is in pe; feet condition--rebuilt by our exclusive Young Process, and backed by. our. iron-clad guarantee., You are satisfied or your money is refunded. SkWE 50 c/cewe save rou from 5o% you choose your typewriter from the largest selected stock in America. W ite for our illustrated catalog, low prices and convenient terms. Yung aTypewriter o g as West Lake St., Dept. 476, Chicago Dress or Sports "It's a Great Place Lowered in Price to Eat" Newest colors, patterns, styles, .4 I THAT'S WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY WHO EAT AT THAT OLD - FASH.4 ION ED RESTAURANT OF I THESE two low sale prices are mak- I ing it easy for men to be well dress- ed during the holidays and through the entire winter. The suits are the finest that Hart Schaffner & Marx make. Tailored of superb woolens, in newest colors and styles. They'll give complete satisfaction -,or money back. Westerners Mreet Tonight. Special entertainmnt 'will be pro- vided for the last meeting of the West- erners club before Christmas vaca- tion, at 7:30 o'clock tonight in Lane hall. Plans for a party to be given in Ann Arbor during vacation for the membors of the club not planning to return to their homes will also be dis- cussed. kYou Will Learn More Rapidly I in a Fels PRIVATE\LESSONS HIALSEY'S DANCESTUDIOS Train For Leadership To men who are eager to shorten the years between the time they leave school and the time when they. are fitted to fill a position of responsibil- ity and trust, the Babson Institute of. fers an intensive traininig course of one or two years. Fromn actual experience the funda- mental principles of business are made clear. By positive examples. the student isshown how to apply these Principles in the conduct of v A N' S 1 1 6 S. UNIVERSITY I PI - t "" Suits that were, )vith ex- tra trousers, $42.50, $45, and $50 now reduced to Suits that were, ivith ex- tra trousers, $55, $60 and $65, are nols redued to There are many ways in which the Holiday Season may be made more cheerful for the home-folks. Make those walls smile with cheerful, wall-paper, give the woodwork a new Sunday dress of varnish or enamel, make the floors reflect beauty by a soft wax-finish. Make the furniture fairly radiate with the effects of our line of polishes. Get new glass for the lamp-shade-any color or pattern to harmonize with your hangings. Make a beau- tiful winter bouquet of flowers with colored bronzes, all leading shades including silver, gold and copper. As a special inducement to buy NOW we are making a Special 20 Per Cent Discount -; 11 - to m.A. nn -m fnr atr 1Q' 2 line whichis b ein shinerd at this time. $31.50 $0.50' Add $7 if second pair of trousers is desired Add $8 if second pair of trousers is desired The Reule Conlin Company U M...:.... IA!