~I1onen - Dr~. Iden's Bible class will be discoin- tinnied until after the Christmas vaca- I ionl.y _ , { _.. f ,. ..... ._,. . , w .. - .. ,, , , . . .. :' r _. t + l _ ., .. _ r s - f , , , .; , s , r -i All Y. W. C. A. pledges should he paid today without fail, at the office , . a: ° Chr'istmnas carol services will be ld at 4 ('(,lock this afternoon in the south parlor of Newberry hall. All .members are urged to attend.; I [ Decembe-r pledges for" life mnember'- ship in the Women's lea2gue are now dlue. Several pledges have beenj carried over from last year,f the committeo requests that these be paid bWore C'hristmnas vacation. Twenty-five dolls of the lot obtained by' the Y. W. C. A. still remain to bi dressed] for hos;pital children. Aniy- one able to dress one is asked to call azt Nwb erry hail. { All (olls which wero. taken from the Y. W. G. A. to be dressed fSor the lbs- 'ptal ohildrer.nnist be returned .to tho tneie of Newberry hall by today, if Mis D1:ak, United States Veterans' buzreaurs :e, will be in the ofo'ce of- the bureau in ane hall ttie rem~ainder 'j the weoek to consult' wlt~h all train- c -i before vacation:. Members of Sigma Delta Phi so ow- its; will meet at 4::16 o'clock this af't- criioon it the K~appa Delta house. A A meeting of the members of the D. A, ft.Nwill be held at 3 o'lock tomor- i~ow after:noon at the home, of Mrs. Fil- bridge Brown, 1320 Qanmbrldge road. Prof. A. '. Wood 'rill talk on "Tra- anacy." This will be followedl by a abort Christmas program. IFreshman Girls' Glee club will'' meet at 4 o'clock this afternoon 'in the, Parlors of Harbour gymnasium. All members are urged to be present. Women of the University who intend to be in Ann Arbor during the Christ- Dias vacation are asked to sign up within the next Yew days 'at the Wo- men's league booth in University hall or at the office of Dean Jean Hamil- ton, in order that they may be reached by the Women's league and invited to take part in the activities of Christmas vacation. Blue books for signing, up bhave been placed at the league booth in University~ hall and in the dean's diii ce.,' In the Waist section there are scores of delightful Gift sug- gestions --some h'and made at the higher prices, others beau- tifully tailored at moderate prices. ' 'Thie beatutiful hand-made blouses are of. a Pine white voile 'and may s w be had In the tux edo styles with. hemstitching and embroidering on 'he co Parr; ,and cuff,. ®s ~The silk blouses includei the p0ptU jar mautel se ef'fects in black, navy bliWo and dark brownt and also the ortental and jpaisley models in bright, col6r.. 'veils are so very prpular this season, that you can hardly de-l cide upon a better Gift for a woman. Plenty ,of styles and patterns are here to choose from. )? ittcd vils or the comfort vpils ire 4v- 14r for holiday gift purposes. Price4 The' Fre~ne)i dotted yeills are listed aluonig the nmolt populu'r typeS and they n14ye, had. In blachO, bie, thupe or other ,shades, Eric (1 from Wecto 40. $izyd. 'k. a 3 t R ping is soon f ;gotten when:3 enter .this , tc Gift assortrm o are so cony iently arrant - that every C you wish to choose may be lected with a minimtum exr When you do not know what else to give, decide upon Hosiery.' And be sure you choose it from our display of guaranteed values. The silk and wool' hose or the all wool hose will be cordially re eive(I by women who wear oxfords all winter long. There are beautiful miktures from which to choose. of for- you ants 'en-- ged "ift se- ,en- / diture of titne And thrifty shoppers will appreciate the many 'op- portunities for economy to, be found here. and energy. Perfumnes and Toi- lette Goods are al- ways sure to please. And here is an as- sortment that y o u will find surpasses all fo6r Gift giving . This is the store of the, true Christmas Spirit-' Full Value .for Your Mtoney, Always. The Glarden Fragrance sets. are especially. attractive and come in sev~ efal sizes. bets that include face powder, toilet water ,are priced KO~;, sets that include face powder' and perfume are pr'iced $3.00; and the sets that includo face powder, talcum powder and perfume are priced $3.50. No other article of wo- menx's dress is more handy than a pair of Slippers. Here is a special showing from which you may pick. E~~~BUT LX3EED -AF41 The shartest of Beads in g a y I y contrasting ande . : . z E , ,' AT THE THEATERS Daniel Green's Comfy slippers come: ini shades of blue, rose, gre-e,- purple and other colors anti ave very popular: for gift. priced Quilted satin slippers in tos and old blue finished With a' h~kt1 om- pomn in a heelless, style ate espe- c'illy attractive. Priced 0.75. Warm knit thins for cold weather wear - Sweaters, ~Scarfs, Gloves,' ThriwA, in fact everything that dcn lbe knit from wool or silk. And they main: then ,most Sereen --today Arcade-M-Nae Murray in "Broad- way Rose;" Bull Montana in "The Punctured Prince." Majestic-.George Melford's pro- duction, "Lorna floone," for University of Michigan League. benefit. f Orpheum-Frank'Mayo in "Afraid to Fight;" comiedy and( news. Wuerth-"A Fool ThereWa, with Estelle.Taylor, Leils Stone -and All-star supportfug' cast; comedy "Faint Hearts." Stage-Ths ee Garrick-William Qourtenay i~n, "'Her Temporary Husband." ShObert - Michigan - Bon stelle' company in "Main Street.", '_,. 4. harmonizing colors, and Many materials, call for your 'attention-and they ,are very fashionable right to :co, a f to , b . r k As tndestructahble pearl beads, imported from Franco,; will mnake exttemely pretty gifts. They come in the graduated - strings, With gold clasps. and may be had in, four dlifferent length strings ranging in price from $13.00 to $15.00. wonderful Gifts. Your I, The new. Umbrellas supply a wide range of variety in the hanidles shown, many, of which are .h and' carved- others are inlaid.: tT 1 i'$~r1 may, be 6douiited useful gifts but -when a beauitiful silk one ini a fayorite color is chosen it be- comnes a luxury as well as a ne- Cefioityr!; choice of finishes, colors and material in a wide variety of styles. . .vrystyle you can uam in Y~y57Gloves that are being worn now Sy the better dressed women. Thfe 4..; quality is the best, ..the materials those most popular. I Cape leather gauntlet gloves In a one- clasp style are very, popular for Christmnas- gifts. They come in sv se-eral shades. Mocha gloves in a one-clasp style with silk iinigs may be hiad In two popular colors, gray and, Beaver and ,-ill be appre- ciated immensely! V I The scarf and cap sets are es- pecially popular for girls-and Little Sister will be quite hap- py indeed it you: bring her °a set 'The umbrella section Is specializ- ing in beautiful silk umbrellas 'at moderate price~s and there are madels priced from $W.90 to $10J.0 Christmas Cards and Decorations at ,Wagr's University Bookstores.--Avv ., ;. ., . ;.. k' fromh Ann Arbor! k r ; Choosing. a Pocket. Book is often. yK,.. ; How Mucch.Time, Do You Waste?7 Sharpening wood pen- cils means loss oiftime and effort. Iag ngrs&o* 1 Ends all pencil sharpen- . Costs less, to use than, wood pencils. Uses double length leads, each equal to a seven inch ; wood pencil in writing service. Guaranteed not to clog at the point. The FEATHERWEIGHT-r shown here-of light weight a difficult,' but not here, for only the newest styles in the most f ash- t 1 ionable materials are shown. Genuine tooled leather i)urses- in the large sizes are lined with suede and are very acCeptAble. as -gifts. Prices range from $7.50 to, 3$i1.0 SIlver mesh, bags are always Welcom- ed by the girl who does not already own one. Both gold andl silver. bags are on display in many styles; PrIed $6.9A and $7.93. Handkerchiefs are the gift that may always be selected with ia. se - cure feeling- for everyone en- 'Joys receiving handlkerchiefs! Di.,.- plays include the finest of models and nore mioderately priced ones, too! . Dainty white linen handkerchiefs" with a bit of embroidering in flu corner are priced from 35c to $1.00. to' please any woman.. Hair ornaments of carefully se- lected styles in handsome gift boxes-a gift that will be sure "1 An am ple array of styles awaits you r approval. The Spanish combs may do~ had in carved styles or set With stones in bright coors and are priced from $1.00 up to $7.00. Hair dresses -for evening wear iay he had in gold or ;silver and will pirove' a m uch liked gift! Priced from $1.25 to $4.00. 5P The Ch ristmas .Vtnrn. Al~ AAi The Christmas