/ q sGiven J d-ear Y SIGMA ALPHA IOTA Emblems, TAKES 12 WOMEN ost's .final T'alk Sigma Alpha Iota, national lior ____________________ Iary musical sorority, pledged the fol- _u..,.. _... ... , AnotherrrDament Meet ., . -....... Gathering together for. the last time' hope is that they will be constant re-' loin1g girls, on Saturday afternoon: as a body; Michigan's 1922 undefeatedj niilders to you .of 'the service you ten-. Lucile Belilhiny, '26, S. of M., Roselle Varsity football squad me t with Coach dc. ed Michigan in establishing the R~e,~ fMDrtyiIrson Yost yesterday at the Union, w\herc splendid record that you did." '2t;, .o; M., Dorothy Johtn on, S. of he gave the men his farewell a1ak of The remainder of the coach's _speech M.,.BetPylmha, S. of M., Irene Find- the year and awarded te With they was taken up with asking the men to ley, S. of M., Florence Welders, S. of gold football charms;. retain the spirit of promptness and 'M., Frieda Wishropp, '24, Margaret The entire squad, with the sc tNv illingness to work at all times, Tra irc r, '24, Josephli22£ "Dulrran t, '26, coaches, trainers and mnana en., -twere _; hiclithey manifested this year.. "L S. of. 111, Mrs. Lavtteji, Helen We'er present for the presentatio-n anI the future," the coach concluded, "al- S. of AM. speech. A total of 28 a1;ards= in all ways keep wt you the spirit of - were made. promptness an(1 servilce whieh has t Prof3 Itt nsl :rti 1 ad;Thl p *Gold minatutre fotballs ar. given made sport wvritd rs place you at the Prof. P.. Brand Blaulshard >iri~4d only to members o, chamipion hir I tp truh the country.~ paper on Bfehaviour~2m .i ,as 1or teams and to ien who have tic ' ------- -- -- of Knowledlge" last night t the re three letters in football at the lVniv, r- Duoforld health underwear, wo0&l jfar meeting oft I1 Acolytes i~ ~a city. All of the coaches, tralner.a, ;anoi outsidcotton2 insie- J. F'. Wuerth son, fail. the manager also received the aw ards- ~ltf yesterday. L1ose sonmetllilp-? xA f :itt ed i In presenting the charnms to theJCtfristmnas -Stationary7-a select thie Daily will fm a it.--- dv. men Coach Yost said,- "For the firstj stock at: Wahr's University Pooik--__ time I am speaking to you as yours store.-Adv. , Patronize a ily advertisors.-,-dsv. athletic director and not as your ,.. coach. I am presenting these charmsj to you in behalf of the University. My will continue to be enlisted tow4-rd YE Al or reoures, ffots ad ailites, E ) t x L a " t , , t: L f ROCA AD. . sfi NIA, - OW MIA o Kt t oei.marwemrs+! Stoddard Hair We hqndleThe .E.Burn ham and JMarinello cosmeties Raiin Water Shampoo M1anzicuring } ~rairflEgT NI~v il%50.75-$1.00 M9 A1r is p. Mats. TuOS.,Thura. ' anJ SaM., 25c and Sao O ,ao ,t,.C~wiiliac i3 taliiMain 7790 THE S3ONSTELLE CO. NIMAINSTREET" ' FT-!t 3Time in Detroit GAPRI K i lts -- 5c to520 A . C' Sat. Ma. 50c to $1.50 IeI. r irr' Act G.de of L ,!it "Her Temnporir y Husband" O"- ri;"inaI 2east ifaoln Irzee 'Ife t re, N. _Y. 1 707 N. UNIV. PHIONE 2652 .. by a<:,l~;a and lher westerni neighbors are holdinga iritue cn ferellce in Moyseal . Ripusht has offerAd to rree hor srumy to200,000 imen a nd~a(,i-e$ t.,l t .r , bud ets It bier ucigli-s do 1 ikew n ;- %{l Di nmna . 2-.4,)Nin;. W'P, i0ch Ilms long £eured atfaicdi ;y TRussia Wecause of e zii«a ' teot'ba 4ll dring the' 'iorld wari*,.i4r presConf(,d cadthe cf'- Sen. Simmons, D..G the soldiers bonus. bill, President Harding. t einatrcdlced1 v(otood btya President Harding, signed the hill authorizing the retirement of associ- -te justice Pinkney from the Suaprdrne court bencb. The Senate passed. the annual treas- ury appropriation bill in practically. the same_ form in which it was ap- Droved last Saturday by the House. The Department of Agriculture es titated this year's total cotton pro Auction at 9>964,000 bales. it was indicated at the White:House that the United= States regaided with concern the failure of allied premier- to reach an agreement on German re- parations. 1Tepublican leaders decided to give rural credit, when the bill -is, rea d,- for consideration, right-of-way in the Senate over the administration shin. ping lbill. % I A maing the service of this Comupany the kind of s'ervice the Pe~ople Gf IMich- igan need and desire. MI-ICHI1GAN STATE TELEPHONE CO. "IdealTelophone Serviee for AMiehljan" .::. z ._:_ i __ p.9;i". -= ' K' ' WorrRiesr rxwr. ...,... . ..... ..e..., r I ,- -' I ,, Shows: 7-- *---?: amE m a. ,B; U ®;x .$ _ U: U. r U; t U U U U : a '! ; a:r 4p't iPUEEU*UEEBUUUEEEEE*U Few of us chew our food. enough. Ihasty meals aere lharmtul, but Gift Hosiery $1.50 to $6.oo Plain or clocked, in conservative or dashing } fcolors are hose displayed here for Christmas giving 'Goody.ear 's U U a U t r$ Un Wrigley's stimulates tihe flow of saliva ft hlps the stomach take . care of its load. 1:1 The wrapper& are M Pres dcent Harding and his adviser- decided that the adninistrafioh WaR- not obliged to act on the proposed merger of the Armour and AMorri meat Packixig industry. I-t l The annual supply bill for the de- paz~ile. t of state and 1, tlce, car-: partmaents of Sate and P .,Aloe, car~- rying a provision of 640,0,0, for thlte investigation and pr2o.zeC.in of war, '" f i j} { { it t r:, t Eat less, chew it ore and use Wrige' fe every meal. It, keeps teeth white, lbreath sweet And corn- bats acid mouth-, Thig 'orsWrigley's, new PePPermnint Chewing sweet'- bringing the Wrigley de- light and benefitsi to you TheiFlasvc ormLst C81 i a 11 I~ ! :'AV1 124 SOU'TH MAIN s Charges were made by former Re6r resentative J. t. Kelly, of South Da- I wcta, b r the senate agricultural committee today that the Chicago Board of Trade had contributed $100,- 000 to the organizavtion of the A1meri- can Farm Bureau Federation, one of the largest farmers' organizations in the. country. The $53,000,000 appropriation bill for the department of state and Justice carrying half a million for investiga- tion and prosecution of war fraud case was passed late today by the House with out a record bo vote. ANOOUJCEEX[1A TRAIN TO tEAVE HERE H I UA Transportation facilties will b)e considerably ai gillente'i Friday to care ;'or the thousands; of students re- turning to their-"homes for Christmas vacation. The Michigan Central announ ces the addition of coache., to all trains paesing tirough Ann Arbor. A spe- cial train for Grand Rapids will leave the station at 3:20 oclock city time. Two specials -will be0 run by the Arnn Arbor railroad. The first will leavel for Toledo at 12:,10 o'clock city time,1 and the second will leave for Lansing at. 5:41 o'clock city time. Extra cars 'will also be run on all other trainsI on that day. All available cars will be placed in service by the interurban company. No special cars will be run, but the number of cars for each section will be greatly increased. A special car has been chartered by R~ochester, N. Y., studentts on te Michigan Centr~al. It will be attach-t ed to the Wolverine train whichl leaves Ann Arbor at 3:35 o'clock cit time. i jig j s, t,. JC' "a"='rr,.EUU3UUUmn, ~3'~rzrummm-,Y. L F 11fi 19 t d 1 . -I..-,, . . '~rA' AT)THURSDAY STARTING WEDNESDAY, P' We willingly endorse this picture to our' patrons. L The Year Will See Few Pictures as, Great as K1 - s lo< htav edh ok-n he mlios mr i i _ rU r I : t-0 .d"- 4 - - a' i ( C - ,-.. 7 t II f 1 ^ i- 10 14* I 3a" Ija a'4 JAYNS0,1Y---Th1 W4AY9 IRANK MAYO "AFRAID TO0FNUT" BULL s MON TANA. da"TH PNCT URED P. 'iNCE" .I x it i } t