[LY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ion In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of versity. Copy received until 2:20 v. in. (11: 30 a.in. Saturday.) TUESDAY..l)ICE'.11ER. 12. 192a Nuinber 67 i { { place their orders before 5 p. mn. Tuesdlay, DPec. 12, either at the desk on the second floor of the Engineering building, or with the J. F. Wuerth Co. C. A. MILLER, Committee Chairman. (lass Asaernbly will be held at 8 o'clock in Room 348 on Wednesday, Dec. 13. It. is important that every member be in attendance, as the matter of theater reimrations and other class business will be presented for dis- cussioni and decision. W. C. HOAD, Class Mentor. RIllle ;Sc r ,t: All scores and data. w~ill be ,publishedl on the Military Science Bulle- tin board opposite Room 239 E!ngineerinn building. Note the score made in competition wth Georgia University now frosted. WILLIS SHIPPAM, Major, C. A. C. re will be no conference of tite Deans Wednesday morning, Decem- M. L. BURTON.' atications to tce IBoard. of Regenuts: e next meeting of the Board of Regents will take place Friday, Dec. mmiunications, in order to be presented at that time, must be in the ant's hands before 5 p mn., Dec. 14. M L. BURTON. ity Lecture: Afessor A. G. Solalinde will lecture on "The Art of King Alfonso the d"', in the Natural Science Auditorium, on Tuesday evening, Dec. 12, mn. The lecture will be, illustrated by stereopticon and music, and in Spanish. F. E. ROBBINS. ,Collejes of Engine ring and Architecture: re will be a meeting of the faculty of these colleges on Tuesday, at 4:15 p. in., in Room 411 Engineering building. LOUIS A. HOPKINS, Secretary. from 2 to 5 o'clock. any afternoon Got something for sale? A "Daily" Christmas Cards and Decorations at' before next Wtednesday in Dr. May's; classified ad will sell it for you.-Adv. Wahr's University Bookstores.-Adv. office. Aill group pictures for te 1923 Mich. , -..._.._._: 'iganensian must be taken during ; fo the month of January. All (rater- 2- nities, sororities, house clubs, and campus organizations must pay for93 their space in the 'Ensian before these pictures c'an be taken. TconiorroW is the last day for freshman enginers to pay their class dues at the $1 rate. After tomorrow's class meeting they will be $1.25 Ret urn of U. S. Gover nvent Rifles: All students who have taken U. S. Rifles out from the. R. 0. T. return them to the Military Department this week. WILLIS SHIPPAM~, Major, C. A. C. C- P. be University Rifle{flub: There will be a business meeting of the University Riffe Club in Room 330 Engineering building 7:00-7:45 tonight. Everyone out. WILLIS SHITPPAM , Major, C. A. C. Playerm Club: ryouts 'for the next play will be held 2: 30-5 :00 p. m. in the Work-. shop. Those wishing to tryout who cannot come at this time call me at 1 142M. ROSS L. TAYLOR.' On Tuesday evening, Dec 12, at 8 o'clock sharp in the auditorium of University Hall., members of the classes in Interpretive Reading (Pubiic Speaking 9) will give a review of several selections of poetry. Free to the public. 11. D. T. HOLLISTER. The Forelgu Student's Holiday: Lanseing, Michigan, has sent an invitation to the students from other land% at the University to spend their .Christmas holidanys in Lansing. The men wko wish information abrout this invitation will please report as soon as poigsible to 3. A. C. Hilxlnef, Room 302, University Hall, M.,. T., Thr., Fr., 44 p. m. The women interested are asked. to report to Dean Ham- ilton at her regular consultation h ours. I. A. C. HILDNER. ilfathigatical Club: Regular meeting will be held in Room. 401 Mason Hall this evening at 8. Mr. H. L. Ol!son will- present "A Geometrical Application of Diophantine Analysis." Graduate students and members of the Faculty are invited. W. W. DENTON, Secretary. 1 l f r f t t ieJ li "f j t; S -" L lr r (\}i TI P: C! TH A REDUCTION .WHAT'S GOING ON I ion. E :00-Prof. A. G. Solalind lectures In Natural Science auditorium on "The Art of Alphonse the Learned." FORT THE REMAINDER OF THIS WEEK. WE AR~E OF- FERING OUR ENT°'IRE STOCK, OF OVERCOATS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. NOTICE--Copy for this column should WEDN3-o cmmtEem ,boAYc e sbmte by :0 'coko tive and appointive meet in' room. the day before publication. 30", Union. 0:1 5-Warfarers' club meet's In' room, TUESDAY 3. Uin 3 :0-- eeting of junior class of Schiool.7 :00-Delta Sigma Rho business meet. of Education in room 202, Tappan ing in, room 205, Mason hall. hall. 74 :15--Circolo Itallano banquet at Wil- 7 :00-Jewlsh: Students" congregation litts restaurant. mesi aehl.7aa oioain aoi 7 :00-"O0ral Interprotations of the templo. Bible" class meets with Prof. R. T.7:-esrns'cumetinoo D. Hollister in Upper room, Ladej 323, Union. hall. :00-Dr. Lucy Elliot, of Flint, speaks - 7 :00-Varsity Glee club meet-, In read' on "What I Saw Along the Volga," in;g rom Union.{ in Natural Science auditorium. 7 :Q0- .F. 'W', initiation in Uion., -- 7:30-Western State Normal club U-NOTICESr Ann Arbor VanBoven & Cress Romance Club: There will be a meeting of the Romance Club Room 304 Michigan Union at 4:10 p. m. PROGRAM Mr. N. S. 1Bement-Balzac before 1830. Mr. A. Herman-The Semantics of Doublets in (reviewv of thesis by A. Menut). Wednesday, Dec. 13, in SHOERepairing and Shined HA TS leaned HATS and Blocked 1 107 SOUTH UNIVERSITY AVE.. Old and Middle French SATISFACTION GUARANTEED A. G. CANFIELD. {-_____________________ Xatheina',Is: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: There will ' be a meeting of the Mathematical Staff on Wednesday, Dec. 13' in Room 110 rappan Hall at 4 p. in. Statistics in--regard to all sections of all courses of present semester. Consideration of: Bulletin of the com- ing Sumhmer Session., JOSEPH L. MARKLEY. Amerlan Cheailcal 'Society, U. of X. setion: The. next -meeting will be held on iThursday, Dec. 14, at 4:15 p. in. in room S03 of the Chemistry building. Professor H. B. Lewis of the Depart- ment of Physiological Chemistry will speak on "Some Recent Advances in the Role of Proteins in Nutrition." The Annuali Business Meeting and 1"lection of Officers will .take place immediately afterward. C. C. MELOCIIE, Secretary. E'.ruchilo About N(thl'ug" ehearsals: Memnbers of the cast ,shiould report promptly for the following re- hcarsets for this weeka: Tuesday at 2:00, Act IV, Scene l. Tuesday at 2:00O, Act t , Scene 4. Tuesday at 4: 00, Act Ill. Scene L. ~Tuesd y et 4:15, Act VT, Scene 1. Ttuesday at 5:00, Act IV, Scene 2. Tiie day at 5:15, Act III, Scene 3. Wednesday' at 7:00 the entire _cast will meet in room 302 Mason 1Hall. 'Thursday at' 2:"00,' Act I, Scene 1. Tihur slay at 2:30, Act III, Scene 2. Thursday, at 3:00, Act I1. Scene 3. Thursday at 4:00, Act II, Scene 1. R. D. T. 1TOLLIS TE1 . Auid-West Debates; The question for 'the mid-west debates is as follows: "Resolved, that whatever statutory or constitutional changes are necessary to render ir: - possible the use of injunctions in labor dispuftes should, be immediately intde". This question is subject to restatement later, but thme essentials oz the question will remain the same. This new question takes the place of tne eune previously announced. PAY K.. IMMEL, lIntercolleg;iate Contest Director. Acolytes: A regular mxeeting of Acolytes will be held. Tuesday, evening, Dec. 12, at 8 o'clock in room 108 Mason Hall. Professor Blanshard will react a p-aper entitled "Behaviourism as a Theory of Knowledge". HOWARD) D. ROE LOE S, Arch-Acolyte. me ets. 7 :30--Engineerintg society, meeis Ell Assembly haill, Union. 7 :80--Lantisca pc dealartrrent meets- in room.4401, South wing. 7:30-I~o Malay rehearsal, _Harris baIl. 7 :30-hiounid.Up club nr-aets in room 30.". Union. 7 :e3{)--Simai Delta C'ii meets in U n. pcial arrangements bkay# been made *for students from Rochester, N. Y., and vicinity for a special ear to be attached to the Wolverine next Fri-3 day at 3:55 oclock. Akllinterested are' requested .to. call Allan Soults, 1070-M, at f 12 Church street. All1 ixe desiring to. try out for tU4 XymnIaiurI, . team should report 625 E. Libertyj OPEN EVENIVGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS TAKE HOME WVITH YOU A Michigan Calenda LIMITED SEDITION. 75c. Students Supply 'Store AH I'S nUIVE5 .BOOKSTOR E I111 1 South University Ave. A, MICHIGAN INSTITUTION Engineers' and Architects' Materials Stationery. Fountain Pens. Loose Leaf Books Cameras and Supplies Candies. Laundry Agency, Tobaccos n I ata G9 il.t H 1, 215 E. HUJRON PHONE 214-F1l Juior Eng.'inee'rs: All, members of the class desiring to '-u:chase checkedi shirts shiouil CO IV 0OME t*{' 4' *p- --FOR *--- CHIf~SMA-USE-- The An n Arbor Railroad DEPENDABLE AND CONVENIENT TRAIN SERVICE- M ' -- - U- - The slogan of the Boy Scouts orgxan- izationis "Be r Prepared." . Keep that slogan in mind, whren you leave for the Holidays._ - The satisfaction, in having a grip full of crispyclean clothes xvill add im- f = measurably to the enjoyment of your vacation. U "Put Your Duds in Our Suds" - Uw - P EM -rU - U V- U-S .VA - Un-aw~dr - Co. r-Ole- PhonU16 r v. I I. ,I I 'I ;, HAVE YOU FOR- GOTTEN? For accommodation of returning st Idents Friday, December 15th account Christmas Vacation following train service Ann Arbor to Toled - will prevail: Lv. Ann Arbor 11:40 A. M(.. 2:30 P. 31.(C.T.) 4:30 P. l.(C.T Arr. Toledo . 2:00 P. Ml.(E.T.) 5:0.0 P. 13L(E.T.) 7 :30 -P. M(E. r.> L'".} SPECIAL SERVICE __ , Y. o Let Flowers Bring Christmas :I Cheer i S In order to protect Toledo connections a first section of Train No. 54 wlil be operated, leaving Ann Arbor 11:40 A. M. (C. T.), arriving Toledo, 2:00 P. M., (E. T.), making no stops between Ann 'Arbor and Toledo. This Train Will Handle Passengersi ONLY ,for Toledo aind Points Beyond IWould suggest purchase railroad tickets and check baggage in ad- vance, so as to avoidI unnecessary delay and confusion at train time. NORTHBOUND TRAINS Northbound trains Nos. 51 and 53 leave Ann Arbor, 8:10 A. M. (C. T.) and 4:41 P. M. (C. T.) respectively connecting with Grand Trunk, Michigan Central, Pere Marquette, and G. R. & I. for all prin- -cipal destinations in lower and upper Peninsula of Michigan. IN ORDER TO PROTECT DURAND CONNECTIONS, A FIRST SECTION OF TRAIN NO. 53 WILL BE OPERATED LEAVING ANN ARBOR PROMPTLY A 4:41 P. M. (C. T.) FOR OWOSSO, MICH., STOPPING AT INTERMEDIATE POINTS TO DISCHARGE PASSEN- GERS. For information regarding Fares, Train Schedules, Reservations, etc., apply to J. C. Elliott, Ticket Agent, Ann Arbor Station or the See Our Displavs iI :1 t 4 12T TAAT'7T t 1