::. . !NCE TON S TARS CHOSEN FOR ALL-EASTERN GRID HONOR S : 0 BROWN'S ALL-EASTERN SELECTIONS FIRST TEAM Gray, Princeton, left end. 't'reat, Princeton, left tackle. fDi~ken-n. Princeton, left guard Garbisch, Army, center. Cross, Yale, right guard. hanson, Cornell, right tackle. White, Army. right encl. lluelo, Harvard, quarterback. Owen, !Harvard, left half. Jordan. Yale, right half. Kaw, Cornell, fullback. Cornell pivot man, because, to TflY mind, fuel showed every quality need- Ied in a quarter against the greatest opposition the East could produce. Pfann's work was just as brilliant, but there is a. question as to how great would have -been his wvork against Imore formidable opposition. Cornell had little opposition aril season, with the exception of the' Pennsylvania game, which Cornell won J to 0. Buell was called im~on to show his greatness in defeat as well as in victory and (le- liveredl.t 1 I All -American and Al'- weS:,rn selections I tried to iplace each man in his own position, even holding to the same side of the line and the backfield. In choosing the All-star eleven of the East, however', Treat of Princeton and Canson of Cornell, stand out as the two best tackles in that section. It would be unfair to replace either with another On that ,account. Ilanson could flay either tackle brilliantly. So ee is shifted from the left to the right side of the Hlo. IThreeo Princeton men win places on the hionor team. They stood out pro- ': ninently in the most billiant campaign Prince had in a dozen years. They hselped mnake Princeton the strongest team in the East. Among the other men considered for posts of hionor on one of the two teamns and who might play on any ?Alt.-star team, are: }Ends: Taylor and Parr of' the Navy, Stout of Princeton, Storice of the Army. Tpackles: Mulligan of the Army, Baker of Princeton, Eastman of liar- yar(l.. Gutards: Hubbard of Harvard, How- ? arnd of Princeton, Schwab of lI~fayette. Centers: Alford of Princeton. HOTEL ALLENEL Is serving a splendid steak and fish supper every evening, $l.25.-Adv. Michigan Song Book, Memory Books, Banner and Pennants. at IWVahr's U'ni versity Bookstore-Adv. / SECOND TEAM Jenkins. Harvard, left encl. Gulian, Brown, Left tal.kie. Welsh, Colgate, left guard. Lovejoy, Yale, center. Breidster, Army, right wuard Boles, Navy, right tackle. Hulman, Yale, right end. Pfann, Cornell, quarterback. Erickson, W. and J., left half. pos Miller, Peen., right half. Wood, Army, fullback:. -Quatrak:Nilne fYlTeaPi 01:0ocok appa requested to get in touch with the ' ry fNvy,'Robertson of Carnegie Sigma, Gamma Eta Gaimma, Gamma Intramural department, 2268, at once. Tech. Alpha, Phi Alpha Gamma. The qualification round of the class Halfbacks: Cassidy of Cornell, Thursday night the following team.s bowling tournament fell far below e_:- Neale of Yale, Cleaves and Crum of will have the floor at Waterman gym- l)p-ctation and a share of this regret- Princeton. nasium: 6-6:30 o'clock, upper medics, able happeIning is due to the negli-- Fulibacks: B~runner of Lafayette,; lower medics, soph dents, fresh en- :gence of the managers in getting their B~archet ,of Navy, Mallory of Yale, gineers; 6:30-7 o'clock, graduate teamuls organized and down at the Un- Hewitt of Pittsburg. school, junior engineers, soph engi- ion bowling alleys on time. The time c v eers, senior engineers; 7-7:30 o'-1 limit of the initial round has been ex- 1 a. m.. uraI tems clock, fresh fits, soph lits, jun2ior fits,I tended fob' a few (lays and all mianag"- Inir miiai 1~'lj5 senior Hits; 9:30-10'o'clock, Delta Up-H ers should make an effort to get their _____silon, Delta Theta Phi, Alpha S3; 'teams together during that time ad Phli, Theta Delta Clii; 10-10O:30t o'clolcik, roll off their qualifying games. Fraternity basketball teams will practice tonight in acecordance with the following schdule: On courts 1, 2, 3, and 4, 6-4i1:30 o'clock, Sigma Phi,j Sinfonia, Theta Xi, Zeta Beta Tau; 6:30-7 o'clock, Signfa Delta Pi, Delta SAlpha Elp,;ilon, Pi Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma 1)i; 7-7:30 o'clock, Delta Tau Upsilon, Phi Beta Delta, Phi" Delta 'Epsion, Phi Beta Pi; 9:30-10 o'clock, Cygnus. Trigon, Peers, Theta Chii; 10-10:30) o'lockz, Phi Tate; Alpha Chi Rho, Delta '1. au Epsilon, Pi Delta Theta. Practice for Wednesday night will be a follows: on courts 1, 2, 3, and 4, v-6 :30 o'clock, Phi Kappa Psi, Al- pha Chi Sigma, Tau Epsilon Phi, Lu- cher House; 6:10-7 o'clock, Phi Sig- ma Delta, Trigon, Beta Phi :Delta, Psi Upsilon; 7-7:30 o'clock, Chi Psi, Chi Phi, H- ermitage,'Delta Tan Delta; 9:31 -10 o'clock, Pi Delta Chi, Sigma Al- plia Epsilon, Phi Rho Sigma, Delta muu s~uusm rrm UH H J .4 U * USXS ACES * Urh Aead N~bo1 dyt east Ho [fel- ig~l1acn1ma, (ev'er layed l 11- U * Iards here- once; they acre aanil repeaters. IThe miore R ofIRII .land regularly yaru play, the tgreaater your e. U * oyiexnt. R I * U M S Y A It= ' S it i fJ Us /' L Pi (lainna Delta, Alpha Sigma, Del- - t Upio ,D l a S g a D l . n i rht Soit f)61 ' 511-elThis list copcludes the sehlduled MAemblers of the Engineering socic ;y I practieps for both fraternity and class' will give a smoker Dec. 12, at the Ur- teams that will be hield ])afore" vacra- ion. Among the several feature - tion. Schedules for the games to b~e planned L or entertai:nent will be a played after vacation in the team; three round boxing bout staged 1;,, leagues will appear in tomorrow's I George Wolinitz, '24, and Clifford MNc- Daily. If any manager has not had Krechnie, -'231, both me'mbers_ of last a practice for his team and none has, year's boxing team. been alloted to him through the above schedule, he should call the Intramur- al office and one will be arranged im-I} mnediately. ' rClass bowling team maagers areI SMagazines-Subscriptions-Best Club; rates at Wahr s Bookstores.-Adv. M Thlere will lbe 'ameeting of all ; Varsity wrestling candildates at 5 o'clock this atterh~oon in the wrestling room of Waternmni gynmnasium. Comb Your Hair EO R~awl.orel (Iri lie well, If rear d In any Style you Like (By -Nox3Mlar Y" Brawia) Owen and Buell of Harvard, and Ora Out of the eastern grid season, just o' Princeton. behind us, camne a miuaiuGe of wond- Ku1-w vis tWriti1oU quest ion the erful players. With the exception''0of greatcs. fullback In the East. fc-uir instances it is an extremely dili- j(11a "ey u01 ; ."I1011wi t 1arival culjt matter to. select from the candi- a?. .t uine atorrha k position. dates one roan who can be ranked as j{Gerge Ouenis 5tI!c poer of all without disite the best at his post., lalbbacks an d Gray is the per. 'these four mnen arc Kaw of Cornell, feet eid, withiout an equal. ar Buel~l is select defog the quarterback Lose soinething'? A classified lu S position anea of 1-'iann, the great the T i;'will find it.--Adv R id S di )_ i U COLUMN LA F1ECLM CLOSES ,U E AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING A . Stacomb, the most success- ful product ever made for men's hair, will train your hair immediately to any style of brushing no matter how unruly. Greaseless, stainless, not a liquid. Made with natural oils which the hair and scalp absorb. It shows only in the neatly combed effect. +,& Makes the B-air OC~o~tro~s Stay Comibed Cotosthe Most Fractious Hair Standard Laboratories, Inc. 750 Stanford Avenue DEPiT, 7'39 Los ANCELE9, CAL WORNIA The hair stays soft and glossy. Ideal 'after a sham-r poo or shoxver. Clean and effective. Used daily by motion picture actors to bru~sh the hair in 'different ways. You'll1 get the same results. Ask for a jar at any drug store. 'Or 'send 10c. fora ten-trial tube. $I Photographer to Michigan Students Established 1887 M ; xi " I i XICllIGAN D1'ILY Classified Rates. Two Cents -per word a day, paid in advance. Mn- mnum charge.- for first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. Three cents per word per day if charged. White spice charged for at-rate of" 5c per ,agate line. Olassifled, charged only to those having phone5. Liner Rates:'Twelve cents per line, Without contract, paid in advanice. PHONE 960 -° I i I .I Send Coupon Below for Trial Tube IStandard Laboratories, Inc. D~ept7039."75o Stanford Ave. Los Angeles, California I Please se-nd me trial tube of Stacombi for Iwhich 1 enclose ten cenp~. INAME ..... ....... ........:... ISTRE~ET ...................... CIT ....... ..............STATE ..... The degree of Doctor of, Philosophy was offered for ithe first time at 'Michigan in 1876. ......._ . . . . . . . . . . . . W . . , . . . . FOR SALE FOR SALE-Ford Sedan, late '"20. To- tal mileage less than 8,000, over- size cordl tires, everything in good~ condition. Ordered a iew cam',.nus1j be sold this wee k. Bargain. phone 2951-W. 67-2 FOR SALE--Balance Medical library, 25 cents each. Alpo .choice literary sets. Mrs. Fraser, 16 South Wash- ingtona Street, Ypsilanti, Michigan. Phone 674-4. 65-3 FOR SALE-Radio' set. Bulb type, neatly encased. Detroit broadceast- ing clearly received, $20.00. Phone 1937-M. 67-2 FOR SALE-C-melody Saxophone. Price reasonable. Call 2009-J. 97-2 FOR SALE-Gibson guitar in excel- lent shape, _$45. Call 388-W. 67 LOST-Stonemartin choker scarf be- tween Main. and South University Finder return to W. Cuddy at 814 S. U. or call 368. -Reward. 66 LOST--Package containing pink andI white silk kimona at Ilnterchurch! Fair Friday {night. Call 2826. 67 LOST-Beta Theta Pi badge. Name on back. Call R. Rice, 371. 65-3 i1 LOST--My pen troubles, at Rider's of4 course. 1 LOST-1923 M ic hi ga mnua badge. Please call 2738. 66-3,. TYPEWRITERS. I ,I . f a WANTED WANTED-Reader tw o or three hours (aily (luring holiday,;. Reading will be mainly, in Shakespeare' and I Shakespeare Criticism. Only per- I (sons majoring in English need ap- ply. Call 243-,, Tuesday 3 to 5, Wednesday 7r to 9 p. in. 67-2 WANTED-Furnaces to care for Dec. 15 to Jan. 3, south of campus be- tween Forest Avenue and State St. Desmond. Phone 1600-J . 10141 Church St. 67 For Michiganen ian Pictures Phone 598 121 East Washington Street _.____ 4 .._.,. ....::: , ,, r ' < ! .% \^ r \y l A :; ' - t -,er --; fi:: } fn / i ,E j. 1- f 1, f, ,, f , , l I I -j l1 WANTED-A garage for dead stor- age.. Write W. K. Scherer, Michi-i gan Daily. 65-31I WANTED-A Rider Pen which fails to write at touch. Rider's Pen Shop. 21. WANTED-Job as' cook in fraeternity. Phone 2846-M. 66-3j ANNOUNCEMENT-Do you know that Ride'r's 200 drop capacity Master- pen is the most popular pen on th6 campus? Tye is a reason. Call at Rider's, Pen Shop. 21 !MAN who loaned pen in health serv- ice Dec. 11, call Thayer 2162-M. 67 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Suite and single room well heated, private lavatories. Near campus. Meals served during va- cation. 1021 E. H-uron St., Phone 481-R. 67-69 FOR RENT-A pleasant suite near Campus,. for second semester. 429 South -Division. 65-3i Sa c Dayvcchu We are already, o care for your Cleaning and Pressing Needs FAST' AWay to Her Heart -=Try Music To make her happy -- bring Brunswick Records. Find out her taste for music and you will always be sure to please. Brunswick Records are ac- ceptable to every hostess, a permanent gift-one you can both enioy. Stop i and hear sime of the Go od Fellows A man is a goo4 fellow for lots of reasoner If he's. gen- erous, charitable and optimistic he'll 'be called a good fellow. And men of this caliber usually reflect their per- sonality in their clothes. You will want to look your best when you arrive home Christmas. They want honest, rugged, enduring tailoring; all-wool. fabrics'; real, distinctive, sturdy style. wear- staunch They ENERGINE. CORONA-The visible durable, port-'-______ able typewriter. Over 600,000 in FOR RENT-Desirable suite, one use. Recent improvements put Co- block from Campus. 920 P. Wash- rona still farther in the lead. Prico ington. 1770-M. 66-2 $60.00. Easy terms if desired. Other OfV typewriters taken in exchange. 0. FIT~ D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. Open evenings. 006-sF'OUND-At Rider's Pen Shop. A real ________________________ fountain pen for exams. 21, CALL . IW. C. DAVIS F~er Remington Portable typewrit- TYE ITN ers or used typewriters. PhoneI MANUSCRIPTS-Photoplays -- pltays 1786-W. 60-111 -thesis beautifully typed on nice BA~rGA~rE , paper with two carbon copies, fifty1 _AGG cents a thousand words. Mabel DONT FORGET Green's. Hurry .up- Stiles, 17 Stanford "St., Muskegon, Dray and Baggage .line. 520 De- Mich. 6 7-2 troit St. Phone 3,130. 64-7 ___ _____ Pakgand baggage express. Phone ':WINDOW SHADES 2741. 211 WINDOW SHADES Cleaned. New PIIOTl1A PITY shades made to order. H. S. Col- I today serves oyu the fastest of all known solvents 'K GOOD CLOTHES, All good fellows will find their clothes needsr instantly satisfied at this store. You'll get the maximum of value at the absolute minimum of cost. -SUITS AND GVEBCOATS IN A SPILEN- DID)YVARITETY OF STYLE AND FABRIC The Phone 25081 Ganna t , Com aany Cleaning Pressing STO FFLET Phono. Shops 110 East Washington Street PHONE 3060 Nickels Arcade, Over Post Office $35 04QV Other .good.' makes $25 . $30 $45 I eairing I N% en1~ f I