men's league .booth in University hal or at the office of Dean Jean Hamil- M omenton, in order that they may be reached by the Women's league and invited to - - take part in the activities of Christmas vacation. Blue books for signing, up Deceinlwr pledges for life mebr have, been placed. at the league 1)ooth ship in the Women's league are now, in University hall and In the dean's duve. Several pledges have been{ office. carried over from last year, the committee requests that these be cc Givzes Part paid baefore Christmas' vac~ttiou .' For Foreig'n Women Two women remaining in Alan Ar- 1 bor during the Christmas vacation are askedl to volunteer their serv- ices to Merle Trebilcock, '21, dlrec. tor of the south department of sociali service in the University hospital,{ to assist with the C,hriimas party to be given Dec. 23. Twenty-five dolls of the lot obtaiaed by the Y. W. C. A. still' remain to ~ dressed for hospital children. Any- one able to dress one is asked to-I call at Newberry hall. What would Christmas be like in a foreign land? Many people think that Christmas away from home would not. be worth having. However, there are many students among us from for- eign lands who must spend this 'Christmas' as they have spent others -far from their native home. Yet they are happy, and enjoy the festivi- ties of this new land as much as pos- 'sible. Among the various holiday events planned, for the foreign students this year was a Christmas party givenI Y. WV. C. A. TO SING Sunday afternoon at Newberry hall by!I the members of the World Fellowship) CHRISTMAS CAROLS commtteeof the, Y.W.C.A. A large Chrisitmas tree, gifts and a Santa ;Odfsindcrl n napo IClaus lent the holiday air to the oc- Olfahoecrlsndn r- casion. An interesting program of priate Christmas story will form tVim carols readings and musical numbers special features of the -Y. W. C. A. also made the hours pass pleasantly.I Christmas vesper services : this yra±t The foreign girls, wearing their or-E The vespers will be held at 4 o'clock- iental costumes, gave a new and tomorrow afternoon in the soutl ft1- charming aspect to the celebration. for of Newberry hall. All -women onw Perhaps the most interesting event campus who enjoy singing Chitm--I Iwas the distribution of gifts, each girl carols are invited to attend the-,e in- receiving some personal gift. fornmal services. sThe carols will be sung under[e direction of Wilma. Demuth, '23 Dor- ffhIothyT Jeffrey, '24, will complete the aF- LurN9 DOONE iu Ivu. ternoon with a Christmas story. Al' 1members of the Y.W.C.A. are, urged FOR LEASU& BENEFI~To 1Isa ~er p. k IMssBaerSpak o l .iiie eCir. ic ______ IMiss Edith M. Bader, assistant sup- "Lorna Doone", a motion picture re- erintendent of public schools here;, production of the famous book by spoke at the Chinese Friendly Circle Blackmore, will be shown this week, meeting, Saturday evening, in Wesley leginning tomorrow and continuing; Hail. rrhe subject of her talk wais for the remainder of the week, at the! "Women's Contribution to American :Majestic theatre, undler the auspices of, Society" in which she pointedl out the the residents of Martha Cook build- ing. A percentage of the profits from the sale of tickets will be given to j the 'University of Michigan League. y Tickets for the show nmay be obtain- I ed at. any. of the following stores: Iv sm n Grain's and. Wahr's bookstores, Calkin's 'dugstores, Mack's, and Vfan Seuite Boven anti Cress. Sc rte SLEP ANYWHERE, BU 1T Conservative EAT AT REX'S THE CLUB LUNCH i Character 712 Arbor 'Street Near State andi Packard Streets ,' I1 position that the American womani takes ini American life; their fields of endeavor and their organizations. SOLALINDE TO LECTURE Prof. Antonio G. Solalinde of the Spanish department will deliver a Urniversity lecture at eight o'clock Tuesday evening in I lre auditorium of tiie Natural. Science building. He w ill s)Eak on the subject, "The Art of Kin. Alfonso the Learned."' The icturo. will be illustrated with lan- tr n slides and music. P'rofesnor Solalinde, -who comes; from :'gnain as temporary professor of Spanish literature for this year, has! had 11 years experience in lecturing to American students in the Tlriiver- sity of Madrid. Although the talk is to be given in Spanish, it will be de- I veed in such a mannqer as to enable all Spanish students to understand it. Patronize Daily advertise rs.-Adv. 1 LAST TIE TODAY GEORGE FAWCETT ADD DROTHY MACKMAILL IN "THE ISLE ,OF DOJBT" _. . , . Today din SWednesday I -1 Members of the Women's Rtesearchi club will meet at 7:30 o'clock this r'veninig inl room Z-211, Natural Science building. Tbere will bce a meeting, o Masques. ait 4 o'clock this afternoon in tho west parlor of Barbour gymnasium to b(. followed by a reception for tryout- al. 4:0 o'clock. WH-ICH - l ~?" RAVF.NHIARED * ~ ~ENCHANTRESS tARMER, DHEA15 R51iPEW 4ls ,; YN t' ___ I 'r ' I , ' : i d 111r 11 I ', AT THE TREATERS Screen-Today Areade-b-Mae Murray in "Broad- way Rose;" Bull Montana in "Thme Punteured Prince." Majestic-George Melford's "'Ebb Tide;" Waring's Pennsylvan- There will be a combined meeting o& Athena and Adelphi. at 7:15 c'clocl: i } 1 IAJIgHL ii uu ~uipnmroom. !ans;- "Chop Suey'," a Christie ., .. ..comedy. All doll: which were taken from the I -I V. WAV.C. A. to be dressed for the i rpeu.Th Ileo Dub, l)ital- ohiidren. must be returned to the with WVyndham. Standing and office of Ne wberry hall by Wednesday t Dorothy 1Mu~kaill; and 'corn- ifresslble.. There are shill about 40" edy. (115out, and it is necessary that they _____ be tuned in as soon" as possible -in or- I rh-~" olThr a, Oer that .the "Y" may complete Its I *ith Estelle. Taylor,, Lewis ('rsmsprogram.' Stone and All-star: supportingI 1a cast; comedy, "Faint Hearts." MJiss Dack, United States Veterans' bu'reau nurse, will be in the office o f t lme bureau in Lane hall 'the remainder J- c the week to consult with all train- te-ihWk e.s before vacation'. I' Garrick- Wi lain Courtenay in Members of Sigma Delta Phi soor-~rryHsbn. ity will meet at 4:15 o'clock Wednes- J Shubert - Michigan - Bonstele II clay afternoon at the Kappa Delta! company in "Main Street." ' I OU5t . ".1 - A meeting of -the inmbers of the D. ___________________ A. R. will be held at 3 o'clock Thurs- 'y afternoon at the home of Mrs. El- . IRVING WARMOLTS, D.S.C. b ridge .Brown, 1320 Cambridge road. j .f-*tTTP ttT Prof. A. E. Woodi will talk "on "Trm-; 1 I7t acy." This will be followed by at ' 76 First Nat. Bank Bldg. sh ort Christmas program.t Phone 17464 Freshman Girls' Gflee cub will meet _________________ 61, 4 o'clock .tomorrow afternoon in the parlors of Barbour gymnasiuim. All mebes re cgeotibwpesAt n5~embe1 arArelt epeet Women of the Uiversity who intend TeProa ~n ahn to be in Ann Arbor during the Christ- nflas vacation -are , asked' to. sign up I . within the next few days at the Wo- . 'We IO time Most Approved Svstell of 'lead ingH BALLROOM DANCING HAL1SY'4IDANCSITDIOS P. W. CHA & NC 116 S.LaSalle St. 42 Cedar St reet CHICAGO NEW YORK FA: lZ 1 TODAY UEEPUUUEEEUEEEEEEEEEEEEU F TODAY ONLY 1 u jam. t "4'Fr ' ^R L IW('AUSE OF WAIU ,NG'S PIEVIOUS VO"Ti~ RA('"s TS USjIMPOSSIBLE T4 O D10111 OVER TIltS 8110WE° EVEN FOR ONE EXT*RA DAY. WNE ARE SOUR WE 'WHIL BE LYABLE TO .ACt0 'O3mODATEV AL OF 01'R PATR'IONS BUT WE RIt'O IE'ND T'HAT- 'I°iOSMEWHO VAN $4[01VI) ATTEM ) TUE SDAY:'S fX ~ N rF ,.M I J"uy Toys Ilefore Going Home I lie man who madehA"The Sheik," 4BehoiddIMy Wite," etc. presents the thrilling South Sca Masterpiece Written by 0 £ TLOUI STEENSO 'o. tti . ' Qa i a I. rramounl!.?Celur With One of the Most Competent Casts Ever Assembled in One Phcoioplay Including J ames Krkwood Lila Lee GCor Jacqueline Lga Nah.Beery Faw'cctt '2:, 7 . e. Fa.wett Rlaym onHaton --- U TGTHE ORCHE T' A INCOMNPARABL4-E 13 "Weeks -at. ('I ieaamgo Tieaalre hinC'iclago -. T'he Greatest of All Entertainers J 11-- UNIVERSITY MEN -11 PlnayIng Mutsic Never 'Before IHeard ht Anit :Arbor Capitol The~atre in Detroit _ '1Tuesday 3L-. 'ace Waring's Will Vntr Ninh~t~1-ouiisted atBox. Office X~a ring's Penuisylranialmswilll1)1 fy fI ALSO THE iLATEST o2h ic#, otwi air ea