THE MI1CHIGAN DAILY 500 REFUGEE S R EAST WAR ZONE1 DELEGATES OF BUILING LEAGUE RRIVE MONDAY -{ I EXPFACT 150T MEMBERS MUAL CONVENTION ON TUESDAY FOR AN- HERE - A B * Y .. 1 ) L j fI ! I T '" E E L L A N,1 A 4 Eagain s ri i gYoar er orig inal 5cons and t dau ghtler w ere born to us; TII . ) I'01? Cof, k CvHAlt'>PRiWNSH 9iPgoal.-ithy geizp id eagh ound a niche She is Mrs. idela Hanna 66 years in theore u iv yeas fag oniy hus- Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 30.-Comple- od, of 1002 Cornwell ilhce, entered i e tion of 72 holes of play over the Belle as a senior in the Literary college, band died. Some time later I went Meade course today for the open specializing in French. Gray-haired, to S tteY; Washington, to visit a championship of the Southern Golf and possessing tIhe digiity of maturity, brotherand my daughter. There I association, found Abe Mitchell of the light o youth yet flashes in her entered th& University of Washington England and Leo Diegel of New Or- blue eyes. nd coitplted my sophomore and cans in a ti for first with "After g nfrom ghschool u rniirstudies; I could have graduated scores of 280 each. The tie will he I taught grade school three years to thirc, h ad not forgotten my early played off tomorrow in a 36 hole match Obtain mOney 'fomy Un rim m ambitionand so, here I am. at medal play. cation," narrated Mrs. lanna. "1In And some day'as she crosses the Those finishing behind Mitchell and 1876 I einroled as a freshman at i'a m nis this oldest student of Midh- Diegel in the miqney were. French Michigan. There were but thirty girls igan will probably encounter dininu- and Barnes 283, George Duncan, Eng- in the University then, and the men tvefifteei-year-old Marshall Skadden, land, and John Farrell, Quaker took no painsf to hide their scorn for 421 Thompson street, a knee-pants Ridge, New York, 286; Bobby Cruik- us. It's (uit different now, ish't it?" frie i a~n and the youngest student of shank, Fnackamxon, N. J., 287; Mike she remar'ed, with a reminiscent the ,o 4, Order distinctive Flower and Bottle Thayer.-Adv. favors Shop. 115 Delegates to the thirty-fifth annual convention of the Michigan Building and Loan Association league are scheduled to start arriving tomorrow although the sessions of the conven- tion proper do not start until Tuesday. Most of the convention meetings will be held in the Ann Arbor Y. M. C. A. with headquarters at the Allenel hotel. Provisions this year are being made to take care of the wives of the dele- gates and it is 4xpected that from the Brady, Birmingham, Mich., and Wal- ter Hagen, Detroit, 288; Jack Hutch- inson and :Bob McDonald, Chicago, 290; Eddie Loos,-'Chicago, 292. smile. "I finished my first year success- fully, but the death of my father forced me to relinquish my hopes for a higher education in my inimdia te duty to my family. Six years later' I married and settled down to live in lily old homie town of Aurora. Two 1IHER'S PEN SHOP FOR 308 S. State St. "b ;r ,y i 80 state organizations which make up the league there will be more than TAF 150; delegates. The first session will 50 YEARS ABSENCE meet at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning at which time Mayor George E. Lewis Fifty years ago a sixteen-year-old3 of Ann Arbor will give the welcome girl, just graduated from the Aurora, address with a response by Win. H. Illinois, High School, set her heart Peck, of Kalamazoo. This will be fol- on receiving the Bachelor of Arts de- lowed by committee appointments gree from the University of Michigan. and a report of the executive com- Today, after passing through the out- mittee. ! standing experiences in life, she is Now is the time to book Jennedy's .rchestras For House Parties After Foot-Ball Games LABORATORY COATS VAN BOVEN AND CRESS wil lP m T' Y AV I HtoUs:a Whole Barrel Full of Ink Not. a Barrel Full of Trouble tw i Phone 129-M1 Allmendinger's Music Shop 1 TROYER LITCHFIELD ENTERING SMYRNA HARBOR AND, INSET, Dr. Esther Lovejoy, directing medical relief work in the stricken city. The U. S'. navy department has ordered every available warship in Eu- ropean waters to the near east trouble, center to rescue refugees and protect American nationals. Rear Admiral Mark L. Bristol is in com- mand. Dr. Esther Lovejoy is in Sinyrna directing the medical relief1 ALL WE ASK I I TINOOrkl LW R IEW fiARO THREE SENIORS, FIVE NAMED ON BASIS SCHOLARSHIP J U M O RS . 1hs comment on recent court decisions. The last three divisions are the work, of the board of editors. Work on the next issue, to appear in November, will be started immediately. 1DESJITE ANXIETIES, MIIAEL COLLUNS RAISED PRIZE DOGS jBelfast, Sept, 30.--It is recorded that in the midst of all the pre-occupations and anxieties of the past six years, the late Michael Collins, found time to keep ip his one great interest outside thea establishment of the Irish nation. This was the breeding of his beloved "Kerry Blues," a type of dog that has become very popular in the past year or two. Even when on the run wnd later during his bitter fight with Eamonn' de Valera, Collins is said to' have found time occasionally to attend to his hobby. Eat here once and if you aren't a reg- ular customer we'd like to know the reason, why. I HOME-MADE PIES AND CAKES IT EY T E ATR E .N IGHT _ _ _ _ _ _ _TH U R SD A Y , O ct . L 7 M P , ; R 3 E P M o 's C T Y ADOLDH4 KLAUBRM~ TH H OST f12(MAggALE PLAYog/he CU1TUQY L UGJ N O'N1 L LUS f I r{ - - I . t h aau i gatr wit 1hx a mn cc&n o iic.,Lzb! p ooz cucd ,ed P he vingtowwAn. )?ayrs C 'l 2 G U2LEE AFIER AI ENTIRE 5ASON AT ThE- PkIICESS TEAT E - NEW YO AiND LONG& iUNS I. BOSTON - CHICAGO avid PHILADELPHIA Prices. 75c, $1, $1.50$ $2.50, Plus Tax SEAT SALE OPENS TO ORROW We have been talking toe Medical Students these first days but we have remembered all the others salso. You will be convinced of this fact when you see our display of the many things you need and like. "TJhe Quarry Drug and Prescription Store G CLAUDE DRAKE PROPRIETOR Ph~one 308 Appointments for this year's board of the Michigan Law Review wer9 made Friday at a meeting of the fac-. ulty of the Law department. The men appointed -were as follows: Juniors, NT. Frogner, V. H. DeBaeke, and J. P. Dawson, B. E. Schumacher, A. George Daimann; Seniors, J. W..Bird, B. J. Smith and F. M. Parrish. These appointments are dteermined on thej basis of scholastic ability. The above men, together with 10 held over from last year, constitute FOREST LUNCH HOME COOKING Open' till 12:30. Delivery at night 538 FOREST PHONE 1526-M Iwws+w.r.i, 7I " Specially prepared food served at e board and handle the writing of a I the Chinese Gardens, 106 S. Main st. rge part of the Review. The Law -Adv. view consists of four main parts, ading articles, book reviews, notes 'Ask a user; he- will -Rider's d comment on legal problems, and "Masterpen" is the best.--Adv. A I ; , p r, try rr 4 i CONTINUOUS SHOW SUNDAY - - 2:00 - 11:00 P. M. - - From Mation Picture News: "Nothing quite so delightfully human, truly hurorous, likable and entertaining has come thru this season. "Mr. Arliss as a comedian is a revelation. His pantomime is expressive and subtle; his char- acterization is always sharply defined and always pleasing. "There is a fine cast of types and a fine co-ordination of effort in every role." THE SECOND OF OUR BIG FALL SPECIALS. WATCH F0 .THEM! SEE TH EM PATHE NEWS SCREEN HUMORISTS REEL "OUR GANG" .OA. A-c., ti ' ,.s- ° / From Exhibitor's Trade Review: "The comedy situations are in- numerable and the humor is clean and cleverly presented. "The interest is sustained to the end without being forced in any way. The continuity and direction are excellent. "George Arliss in a new guise rises to great heights. He is splendidly cast in a role of new . appeal. The supporting cast is well chosen and des good work." f- ADM., 31c, TAX 4c-TOTAL 34e --- - IDDIES-10c - - - R. H. FYFE & CO. I ' DETROIT Announces a Special Display of Men's Footwear daring the week of October 2nd to 7th at the establishment off ARTHUR F. MARQUARD 608 East Liberty Mr: John A. Murphy of the Fyfe Store will be in charge. Mr. H. C. Mack will assist. Many interesting new models will be introduc- ed including the creased vamp oxford shown below. From the Film Daily: "Because George Arliss' latest offering not only establisheshin as one of the best screen actors of the, day,,but even goes a step further. It really puts Arliss in a class by himself. "It is the kind of picture that sends you out of the theatre wholly satisfied and pleased with everything. It is a de- lightful, human and humorous entertainment thatncannot fail to please. "DON'T LET THIS ONE GET BY IF YOU CAN HELP IT." From Moving Picture World: "This is a picture with an ex- ceptional appeal-that afforded by splendid acting and direct- ing of a very human story. "As one of, the shrewdest,, most intellectual actors of the screen, George Arliss is perfect- ly suited to the leading part, v ' f F7e P - - -- ___________ a- R,=A LDG R bGGg2'STr-Y IN Th W ATUPDAYVNtNlG POST ZCNAQ1 O IY OFPAG&CT HAL'SgY-DIRECTGD BY PA N WIG4T TH ERE'S SOM E THING ST RANG EABOU T EVER YBODY Yourse f; your wife, your neighbor-Every nerson From Harrison's Reports: "It is doubtful if the screen has witnessed a cleaner, pleas- anter, wholesomer comedy dra- ma, with comedy situations that would create a more genuinely hearty laugh, "Original in plot, 'The Ruling passion' is one event after an- other, in rapid succession, so well acted andeso skillfully di-,- rected, that one, aside from be- ing kept in a constant roar, is made to feel as if present in a real-life occurrence." - ,.- i ^ i -. ".,;t o F t./ C / -- J/ A s COMING CHARLES RAY IN R. H. FYFE & CO. "A.r. "A TAILOR wMADE