A r-M Alit, .1 AZ L7I1 \ 6 aa&iLa . . W, x _ ,_. i. Wrses Stage Carnival For, .. , . . LIUUI1 I IWlL IJUlIUlII II . Benefit Of Michigan League INSAL T MICHIG N:,___ _ Charlie Chaplin with all his antics which was visited by each guest in Xi chapter of Pi Lambda.Theta, na- was1present Friday evening at the turn, l and was always crowded. i tional educational fraternity for wo- s men, was installed here last evening, Christmas carnival given by members Among the numerous novel booths at Martha Cook building. of the junior class of the Nurses' was a Christmas gift booth conduct- Miss Leila Gerry, national secretary Training school. Mixing with the ed by the graduate nurses. The candyt of Pi Lambda Theta, assisted by six rowds, playing tricks and in general and ice cream booths also received Detroit. members. conducted the in causing a great deal of merriment, he their share of attention. One nook stallation and initiation. A banquet ar tai~fn ne ersmeo tito~ottia stalatio an Iniiatin. banuetsucceeded In -initiating a spirit of fun was filled with balloons, confetti and was held in the Chamber of Commerce into the affair. Charlie was assisted Serpentine, which the guests were to{ inn, fallowing the ceremony. Dean in his stunts by two clowns. buy in order that they might partici- Jean Hamilton, Miss Jean Thomas, More than 100 people were present pate in the feature dances which fol- '2.2, of Detroit, Miss Leila Gerry, Miss at the carnival which was gvnfrlwd ooewtotterqie Margaret Camer'on, and 'Natalie Jor- ttecria hc a given for lowed. No one without the required Margaret ', eioth ad Natlie r-the benefit of the Women's League, favor was allowed to appear on the dan, '23,,wee the speakers : and the results proved unusually sat- dance floor. The initiates were as follows: pres- isfactory. Perhaps the most success- ----- ident, Natalie Jordan, '23; vice-presi- ful part was the house of nonsense Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv. dlent, Harriet Blum, '2$ ; recording secretary, Martha Chapin, '23; cor- responding secretary, Mrs. Ivaleen Smith, '22; treasurer .Helen Alan, '23 keper of records, "'Margaret L d e lp erI h it a Walker, '23; Lucile Welty,23Flor- adies Slippers For Christm as ence Kelly, '22, Frances Ames, '23, I Helen Davenport, '23, Carolyn Heinz, '23, Ethlyn Servis, '23, and Margaret teineke,'23They All Want a Pair - So They Are Pi Lambda Theta at Michigan wasS* formierly the Girls' ducational clhb, Sure to be Appreciated. which has been in existence here for the last ten years. The members of Da-lGen '' ar oosi hspp the club are elected from either the W iterary college or the School of Ed- , o ular style-the finest of satin. u cation.xs $3.00 PER PAIR AT- THE T1t.?1 T 9 ;A similar style in 4 colors is only $2.50 per pair SWE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF FELT SLIPPERS # [ Also felt and satin combinations I Women December pledges for life member- ship in the Women's league are now due. Several pledges have been carried over from last year, the committee requests that these be paid before Christmas vacation. Women of the University who intend to be in Ann Arbor during the Christ- mas vacation are asked to sign up within the next few days at the Wo-, men's league booth in University hall or at the office of Dean. Jean Hamil- ton in order that they may be reached by the Dean's office and invited to take part in the activities of Christmas vacation. Blue books for signing up will be placed at the league booth in University hall and In the dean's of- Tice. by the Y. W. C. A. still remain to be dressed for hospital children. Any- ene able to dresso ne is asked to call at Newberry hall. Members of the Women's lttsearch club will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonior- row evening in roorh Z-231, Natural oil painting made by one of its men- bers. Barnes won the prize for his paint- ing, "A Shady Street." D. W: S. MILLS OSTEOPATHC P11YS1CIAN 616 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Office Hours Phone 9.2; 10-5 821.Pi It#i#!#1ltt #ttl rirr r llff1 t1##11111 DOROTHY B. LOWRY i CHIROPRACTOR -- 606 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Hours. 1-6 p.m. Phone 4014 2 Two women remaining in Ann Ar- ieneo Lmuoing. bor during the Christmas Vacation; are asked to volunteea their serv earnest H. Barnes Wins Prize ices to Merle Trebilcock, '21, direc- Ernest H. Baines, of the architec- tor of the south department of social tural drawing department of the En- service in the University hospital, gneigclee a none h to assist with the C,hrismas party to gineering college, has announced the be given Dec. 23. winner of the Marvin Preston prize, which is awarded annually by the Twenty-five dolls of the lot obtained Scarab club of Detroit, for the best .x11111111111 i rtnEt rr tut nm tt r,, . y:. . ."+i1.i 1111111i wr a9 --at 'GFoEodBrs THE GiFt STORE OF ANN ARBOR $ I' r i' . + . 1 '° I f' .+ (; ; f i i screen--Today Arcade-Mae Murray in "Broad- way Rose;" Bull Montana, in "The Punctured Romnance Majestic-George Melford's "Ebb Tide;" 'Waring's Pennsylvan- ians; "Chop Suey," a Christie comedy. Orpheum-"The Isle of Doubt." with Wyndham Standing and Dorothy Mackaili; and com- edy. Wuerth-"A Fool There Was," with Estelle Taylor, Lew4 Stone and All-star supporting cast; comedy, "Faint 1{earts*"' I Ii I: I,. II I4 it t1 0 I I Siage-Teday Whitney-McIntyre and Heath in "Red Pepper." Stace-This We k Carrick-William ourtenay in "Her Temporary Husband." Shubert - Michigan - Bonstelle company in "Main Street." The Michigan Calendar-limited. edi- tion, 75c. Take one home with you. Whr's University Bookstorer-Adv. t ; i IWALSEY'S DANCE STUDIOS, THE SCHOOL..PREMIERE We Specialize In Teaching BALLROOM tDA.NCING :'Private Lessons Exclusively Studios WUERTH ARCADE Hours: 1.5-7.--10 CC Neckwear, 59c-$3.75 Shows New Modes For Christmas giving! DAINTINESS, go o d taste and delicate -flattery are evi- denced in the neckwear for Christ- mas giving. Rich berthas of lace or net, crisp little collars and cuffs of organdy, clear white ves- tees and guimpes of linen. Such loveliness! 59c to $3.75. Main Floor C fs Kerchiefs, 15c - $2.75 Have Quaint Charm Fascinating colors T HERE'S a winsome appeal in the Christmas gift of dain- ty handkerchiefs. In white and delicate tints, plain or embroider- ed and trimmed with exquisite lace. 15c to-$2.75. Main Floor 4 4 1)4 Purses are Gifts of Good Taste In various shapes WHO cares for a lack of wealth when one has a purse of such smartness of color and de- sign? Made of genuine leather and suede - many in party box styles. Fully equipped with ev- ery vanity need. $2.50 to $17.50. Hosiery, $1.50-$5, in All Colors For dress, sports .LOCKING imparts a bit of gay color to the hose suggest- ed for Christmas giving. Of silk, wool and combinations of the two, in shades ranging from conserva- tive to brightest hues. $1.50 to $5 the pair. Main Floor PettiCOats, $4-$13, in Striking Colors Beautifully made T HIS season finds us welcom- ing petticoats again - and who can resist them, for lovely silks in pastel and evening shades fashion them into marvels of shin- ing colorand practical service. $4 to $13. Gloves, $1.50-$6.50, Exceptionally Smart Everything that's new PARIS is responsible for the -fringe, the colored embroidery, the swagger facings of the .new- est gloves. Kidskin, suede and fabric - all their possibilities are realized in this Christmas collec- tion. $1.50 to $6.50. Main Floor Second Floor + 4 a v ION r Ce Jewelry Completes One'Cstume 25c to $3.75 C OSTUME jewelry, costing very little, does much to en- hance one's charm and individ- uality. Beads, girdles, earrings, bar pins.- alone or together -- earn a reputation for good taste and clever design. 25c to $3.75. Main Floor \lI Perfumes De- lightfully Effective In numerous scents T"HEY hint of mysterious lands vibrant with color, they breathe of fragrant blossoms and exotic scents, they bestow a touch of in- dividuality to one's person and boudoir. 59c to $3.50. Main Floor I 1e r rum Lingerie, $2-$1, the Gift Intimate Hosts of suggestions SIMPLICITY is the rule the newest lingerie follows, de- parting occasionally to take on lace, embroidery or ribbons. The, gift intimate that every woman adores receiving! $2 to $15. E _ _ __ Ar S i