Il Idl NOTRE[ DAME TEAM (Co'ntinued ftom Page One) ing minuites of thfe fray. They ran up 11 points to sib: for the opposition in the five or SIX minutes they were in. Probably. theo ottstandfi, feature of the play from the Michigan stand- point was the machine like combina- tion play of the entire Michigan first team. In the. first half they were able to shoot almost at will and were suc- cessfu~l with a majority of their. at- tempts. On the defense the Wolver- ines were so effective that Notre Dame dlid not get more than four shots at the hoop. Paper played running guard withf the speed that character- ized his work last season and brought the crowd to its feet several timges with brilliant individual plays or un- usual passes under the opponents' basket. Ely did not register the phenomiina] shots from all parts of the -floor that miade his play so spectacular last ses,- son but on the other hand was so es- sential to the floor play that his ab- I 77mIl t ®Fm 8tm f3 ip3.i enewould have cost the team many that made their attack futile; their of-!RfreYonIloiWsey ;E points. He combined with Haggerty,. forts seldom working the ball down Refre, Mioun, Illinois Weslyan; Valuable Indian sophomore playing his first Varsif under the basket and their long shots Uire ilrIlni Wsoa.R lc x iited1 game, to give Miller mhany of his op-. usually going wvild. portunities to score. Haggerty count-' This will be the' last game for the! NEWY ASKET3A L In Local 3fuseum 'n:I ed three il ol isl adpa-Mcia ea ni a.3 hntheMXNA GER NAM.VED1; ed a remarkable game sat right pfor-, Michigan Agge five comeIs to Ata-te r-Ininmnalgclrisofon .!wardc. He is a fighter, a tricky man man gymBr .Fbl.'3,hsbe p sdrbevle eetydntd t wvith the ball, and as elusive as any! The lineups:BetE eee'2Bhabena- sdrblvaurcnldoae to"fradothflolatngtMah;M.4hg .0,eIi }cponebaktalmngrorhste Uvriybyheaiyofhe. er Ims developed a man here who will Miller......L... ....ane year it was announced b~y the Board' fit in nicely and make the MichiganI Haggerty.. ...R.F.......Sheehan of Athletic directors' yesterday, le'atenWili . nl ?er, of Det~rot, e f atackone of the most complicated in Ely .. C ....Reardon is to fill the vacancy left by the inel-' ooial uem the Conference., Paper .......... R.G. .. .Kie~ gblt ftepeetmngreet The collection, which is composed Kalzr Strs or Ntre aneentirely of American specimens. 'mo: t, t Kaizer, running guard, was the most I Substitutions:. Michigan, Stegmieier ostip f Cu Wl M which conic from Mich igan, in- effective of the Notre Dame players, for Miller, Henderson for Haggerty, A social will be held by the Cosmo- celudes interesting flint arrowheads, . registering three spectacular shots . Bukema for; Henderson, Emery_ for I politan club at 8 o'clock this. evening, spears and knives. There are also3 - from- the center of the floor and play- Ely, McGregor. for Birks, Landre for in Weslev hall. The program will con-1 grooved -and ungrooved axes andI - ing a strong offensive game. The vis-..McGregor, Kresbach for Papser, Mil-. sist of short speeches on "First Lu-! hatchets" as wvell as several pipes of itors showed. a lack of term swork 1er for 'Stegmneier, Birks for Landr e, pressions' of America' by students varying ages. t_______________ Paper for' Kresbach, Ely for Emery,! from six different nations,; and native "Some of the specimens illustrate -- = Haggerty for Bukema, Cappon for !music by members of the club dressed unusual skill and patience 'in work- u Birks. Notre Dame, Logan for Kane, in native costumes. An initiation of I manship," said :Dean W. B. Hins- t ~Mahoney for Logan, Enright for ronw, members will follow, dale, custodian of archaeology in the t ~Sheehan, Miller for Reardon.I - ----f museum. "The materials indicate an Goals from field: Miller '7, Hggery j Aiibs 4dr Ssails for iTJ3t~d tiales asscmblage from widely distributed 3, Ely 1, Pape 2, Baizer 3, Eriht2 Rome, Dec. .-Prince Caet ni, amn- iisflicts so far as the reck forma - Free throws: Miller 14 out.-of".19; bassador to ih United States, has 1,fim is concerned." 1!rKaizer 13~ out of-.20. sailed for America., Mr. Candler had two sons who were } .r . S PLAN NOW TO TAKE I enrolled ill.thle University, Henry F. and George V. Candler. They were both in the class of 1892. Ts serving a spli sipper every even LEAN J1 TOl)ANCE HALSEY'S DANCE STUDIOS Hours 1.5, 7.1-Il Wirthi arcade I DR,. W. S. ME OSTEOPATHIC 111MY 6 First Nat'l Bk. Office 4'Hours 9-12; 1 :304 ; 0 030 -M f GIFT SUGGESTIONS S'ILK HosIERY ,SILK AND WOOL HOSIERY WOOL HOSIERY GLOVES JEWELR'Y COLLAR BAGS TRAVELING BAGS UMBRELLAS BATH ROBES SILK-SHIRTS PAJAMAS HATS CAPS OVERCOATS' SuITS. I UNDERWEAR SPORT COATS KNIT JACKETS SWEATERS BELTS AND BUCKLES HANDbKERCHIEFS_ NECK WEAR VE ff -- % 0 0 WHERE DO WE 60 FROM HERE BOYS ? Wh'lerever you go you wvill. be better off menteally and physically, :after a game of Pocket or Caroum Bil- .liards. 1J L' r lN " CJ : M 4 t x r r Shorthand and Typewriting COtI;IE1 IW li JANUARY OR FEBRUARY HAMILTON BU-SNESS5 COLLEGE, S jATE AND) WILLIAM 8STREETISt TWO STORES STATE STREET MAIN: STRZEET _w I .,n..f. Wadham's .and a. coo /f 4 __. _._. _ .._ __ _,..- ¢.ti. ._....... . __ k ,_._._ _ .. .. I Ann A rbor *; : :, M , r ,/ i _ - _ IL I: SHOE. Repairing and Shinedc AT SCleaned ,,HATSand Blocked Big Brother,,Big Sister, Friend- XLI~liiCIGAUSCNDE I PEUS INCHES SODAS " we+y to tt yo. .h# KimUU~EU~sa SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 625 E. Liberty THIS CLOSES ATS PM.: ADVERTISING TH IS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M, I DFON'T FORGET THE KIDS ,/ CHRISTMAS I ame making.. Headq uarters at E. G. Hoag's f Washington Street and will ex] fMe. You know how much mo something new, something diff( kT HOME TI my Ann Arbor, 3ig Store on East pect you to it re it means to the kids to receiv;,,e" erent, esp ecially if the gilft comes ' I h1C:2 tiCir1 Y t'nI ti I6. A 7 NA T I MICTI1t0AN DAILY Classified Rates. Two Cents per word a day, paid in ,advance. Miu- -imum charge for First day, 25e. Minimum thkereafter, 20c. Three ."nts per word per dlay it charted. White space charged tor at rate of be per agate line. Classified, charged only to those having nhnuft. Liner Rates: Twelve centi peor line, without contract, paid In iAdv A~a.C PHONE 9600 .f FOR SASE fFOR SALE-Balance Medical l"ibrary 25 cents each. Also choice literary. sets. Mrs. Fraser, 16 South Wash- ington Street; Ypsilanti, Michigan. Phone 674-M. 65-3 FOR SALE-Persiaft kitten and one' 2 yo4r old male. Phone 516-R, 511 Chd3ver court. 64-2 FOR SALE--Michigan Banners, Pen- 7nants, Pillow tops. Phone 2384- M,? 1341 Wilmot.643 FOR SALE-Ford Sedani of June 1922. Call Williams 2619. 64-31 FOR SALE-Ford Coupe In fine con di- tion. $325. Call 1855. 65 FOR SALE-B-flat Clarinet.' Phone 1484. 64-2. LO}STl WANTED IWANTED-Some one interested in making a little money during spare hours can connect' with a very g od proposition by writing Box JTfit. care of Michigan Daily. .65412 W AANTED-Man or woman to secure a party for summer tour. Very at- tractive; proposition to right party. Write Box 'G.T. care of the Michigan JDaily, for details.. 65-2 WANTED- By graduate student.' Room in private family, second semester. Box E.L. Daily. 65-3 tJ WANTED-A garage for dead stor- age. Write W. K. Scherer, Miclil1 gan Daily. 65_-j WANTED-A Rider Pen' which fails to write at °toulch. Rider's Pen shot). 21. WANTED-A C-Melody Saxophone. Call Diehl,, 1057. . 1A.1III LIUS t LY. iv.i. .LiYag uaz- 111. 111b i4 i y Pl : LIC..a1y i iW new toyr and game on the market. And for the, sake of you stu- dents he has made special arran gements for packing and m~ailing. You will s ave both and money by doing you r Chris tmas Shopping here. it ,, s 117 Signed 111 II GAMES Everything, to Bowling from Jack- Stra Alleys, TEA SETS ELECTRIC TOYS DOLLS DOLL FURNITURE BOOKS DRUMS MOUTH ORGANS BOATS GUJNS FOOTBALLS TELEPHONES TEDDY BEARS CHRISTMAS TREE TRIMMINGS DR.4 WTN~tC- '!TQ SANTA CfLfAUS PING PONG SETS3 CHECKERS TOPS, BLOCKS PUZZLES COASTERS / III 'I Absolutely the Largest Assortment of Toys between Detroit and .Jackson. See the W nderful Talking Dolls, the Electric Trai that-(Yoe-sthrougIha Tunnel. LOST-Basket ball shoes in Gym newt .ROOMMATE -WANTED'--Quiet house. locker 737. Will finder please noti- 1207 Willard. Phone 1020-.T. 65 fy W.L.B1. at 196-M. Reward. 65-2 LOST-Gold 'wrist watch. Elgin - * - *make,. Ribbon band, flower design. ANNOUNCEMENT-Do you know that Call Mrs. Ted Bank, 2845-W. .64-2. Rider's 200 drop capacity Master- ._ - pen is the most popular pen on the LOST-Gold fountain pen between campus? 'There is a reason. Call Thompson and V. 'Hall. Tbiirsday at Rider's Pen Shop. 21 a. , Rear. hon219-.-4- ,NOTICE-Christmas vacation the LOSTChiPsibade. Nme n bck. Students' Dining Rooms will be LFin-Chipesbe Nam ew ack. kept open. 1309 Wilmot St., near~ Finer ~ cll--- . 64- corner of Forest and Washtenaw. 64,3 LOST-Beta Theta Pi badge. Name on back~. Call R. Rice, 371., 65-3 LOCKSMITHS--All kinds of door and _____________________________ trunk keys. Phone 2498. Dell Keel- LOST-My pen troubles, at Rider's of er. 65.61 course.' 211FOIE RENT BAGGAGE FOR RENT--A pleasant suite neaul Campus, for, secondv semester. 429 DONT FORGET Green's. Hurry up South Division. 65.3 Dray and Baggage line. 520 De- I--- troit St. Phone 3130. 64-7 ,FOR RENT-Single room. Well .fur- 3 ., _ , t . 1 !. y 3 l i 3 3 j t t" w f is ,, i BUY- THSOE PRESENTS TODAY! c cCcc 209-211 EAST WASHINGTON STREET; .to :<: . u.u~. . . ... , . tt+. tt~tutt Y 1,~ i 1,P I L! a*.rar..asAsas*,t.f1!ra1tttai21 fti7.hl:Se0LtiI{fl!'i1'rilI*liiiiii# i -TlI ra I I4 f . a ' - . 'r f " ;! ; .Lr ;lid ' w . o / , 1 1 iii' /jY *1 nished, ±easonable. 924 Oakland. ! , i TYPLYWRITERS FrCALL H. W. C. DAVIS FrRemington Portable typewrit- ers or used typewriters. Phone 1786-W.' 60-11_ FORL SALE-A Remington portable typewriter in excellent condition. Pricea reasonable. Call evenings. FOUND FOUND-On Washtenaw in front ,of t he 'Homeopathetic Hospital a pain of glasses in a leather case with a pencil and pen. Pen. has name on it. Owner can have same b;? call- s , ,3 i - , 1/f , ; r 4 1 4- r -, f ! r i . .. ,T ~ VA4 t ilz