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October 01, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-10-01

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Detrot Symphony Orchestra Coming
Four Times During'
The fourth annual Extrag Concert
series offered by the University School
of Music in Hill auditorium during the
coming season wild provide five unus-
ually attractive musical programs.
The concerts haye been designed to in-
terest' not only the professional mu-
sician, but the entire music-loving
In addition to four programs by the
Detroit Symphony orchestra, a piano
recital has been arranged with Al-
fred Cortot, the renowned French
pianist at the keyboard. Cortot gradu-
ated from the Paris Conservatoire, the
great school of which he is now the
head. After phenominal successes in
France and other European countries,
Cortot was induced to come to Amer-
ica, where,, in a number of concerts
wit the country's leading symphony
orchestras he duplicated his European
successes and won a reputation as one
of the first living masters of his in-
strument. His performances are
characterized by great briliance,
marvellous technique and perfect t~n-
derstanding of the music which he in-
terprets. The tour this year will be
Cortt's'fourth in this country. His
appearance in Ann Arbor is scheduled
for Dec. 4.
Bourskaya Coming Oct. 30
The orchestra programs will b of
two distinct types. Two of them, the
first which will open the series Oct.-
30 and the last which will close the
series Feb. 19, will be conducted by
Ossip Gabrilowitsch. At the former,
the Russian mezzo-soprano, Ina Bour-
skaya, will appear as soloist. This ar-
tist, who is recognized as one of the
greatest of living prima donne, madea
a sensational success in New York
last season when she sang with thec
Russian Grand Opera Co. Represent-t
atives of both the Metropolitag Opera I
Company and the Chicago Opera as-
sociation immediately besought herI
for appearance this season. So flat-1
tering were these offers and so in-
sistent were representatives of both
these institutions that for the first
time in their history the two organ-
izations consentedto divide her time
and thus she had the distinction of
being the first artist to hold contracts
with both of these great companies.
French Pianist to Appear
At the March concert the soloist will
be Maurice Dumesnil, a French pian-
ist who has many triumphs to his
credit. Like Cortot, he received the
major portion of his musical educa-
tion at the Paris Conservatoire. His
orchestral debut was made at Paris in
1909, following which he appeared in
Switzerland, Holand, Germany, Bel-
gium and Italy always with great suc-
cess. Last year he gave 158 concerts
In South America. When he appeared
in New York recently, he elicited much
favorable comment.
The other two orchestra concerts
will be given Nov. 20 and Jan. 15. Un-
like the first two, they will be designed
particularly to have a popular appeal
and all the compositions played will
be of the most melodious and easily

appreciated character. At the Novem-
her concert, Raoul Vidas, the young
French violin virtuoso wil be the solo-
ist. Vidas was scheduled to appear in
Ann Arbor last season, but on account
of illness cancelled his engagement
and the Hungarian pianist, Erwin
Nyreghazi appeared in his stead.
Vidas' career has been very spectacu-
lar and he is everywhere hailed as
one of the greatest of the violinists
who have recently appeared on the
musical 'horizon. Victor Kolar, Gab-
rilowitsch's distinguished assistant,
will wield the baton at this concert.
Kolar will also conduct the other pop-
ular concert on Jan. 15. On this oc'
casion, he will be assisted by Kathryn
Meisle, the American contralto whc
appeared with great success at the
children's concert at the 1922 May
British Labor Opposcs War
Wimbeton, England, Sept. 30.-The
policy of the British government in
the near east was severely scored this
afternoon by Arthur Henderson, the
British labor leader.
"The duty of the government is to


.Members of Revolutionary Comnmittee
Accept Portfolios in'
Athens, Sept. 30.-The revolutionary
committee will visit King George to-
morrow for the first time. The ac-
ceptances of their appointments as
premier and minister of foreign af-
fairs respectively were still being
awaited today from M. Zaimis and M.
Politis. Favorable replies from them
are expected tomorrow.
A reply from ex-premier Venizelos
to the appeal addressed to him by the
revolutionary committee had not yet
arrived this morning.
Dispatches from all the provinces of
Greece tell of the eagerness of the
population to join the nationalistic
movement. It is officially announced
that possibly all the civil and military
authorities of the country have recog-
nized the new regime.
A delegation of the agrarian party
recommended to the revolutionary
committee the punishment of those re-
sponsible for the disaster to Greece.
Colonel Geonacas, the head of the com-
mittee, replied that the people could!
have confidence that the committee
would settle all questions in accord-
ance with the laws and interests of the
El Paso, Tex., Sept. 30.--Ten persons
were kited and more than a score
wounded in a clash between rebels and
federals in Juarez today, fdllowing the
revolt of the forty-third battalion, a
part of the Juarez garrison. The
clash between the loyal federal troops
and the rebels was a surprise, and
lasted but a few minutes, ending when
the rebels exhausted their supply of
In a public exhibition this after-
away the colors of the battalion. Loyal
members of the regiment will be
transferred to other units, General
Mandez said. Army officials said the
uprising was piurely local in character,
and expected no further outbreaks..
Call for Mimes Vaudeville Tryouts
All students with vaudeville . acts,
wishing to try out for the Mimes
performance to be held Friday, Oct.
6, are asked to communicate imme-
diately with B. C. Robbins, '23, in
charge of the acts, at phone 16.

Students" intending to go to Colum-AY 1
igan football game should send in ap-
plications for tickets 'at once if' they
statement given out yesterday' by NERENgE PEN
Harry A. Tillotson, assistant director
of intercollegiate athletics. IRITISH CABINET RELIES ON
Applications are coning in rapidly HAItINGTON TO AVERT
and although no definite count has yet WAR .
been taken of. the seats sold, it is
known that the number of remaining WAR PREPARATIONS 0N
seats is fast diminishing.
Tickets for the Illinois and Wiscon- BOTH SIDES UNABATED;
sin games scheduled for Oct. 28 and. -
Nov.. 16 respectively at Ferry field Venizelos May Represent Greece in
are also being mailed out in large Europe; Now Studying
numbers every day. Exact figures on Opinion
the sales are not yet available.



Jet Philip Sousa, who
with his band tomorrow
Whitney Theater.

will appear
night at the

f i

"Stars and Stripes Forever," "King
Cotton," "In Flanders Field,"
Ire Be ]tendered .

78,000,000 IN WR,1
THAN 13 00 0()00 STATE f

Constantinople, Oct. 1.-The Rem-
alists haive evacuated Eren. Keul, and
the British now control the whole
coast of narrows from Chanak to
Kara Bournou. The latter point pos-
sesses an excellent key, enabling war-
ships to anchor in deep water.

NEW P1 51 SIC U N IT Ann Arbor music-lovers will be ac-
corded the opportunity of hearing one
of the half dozen greatest bands in
the world .when John Philip Sousa,
the American march lng," and the
organizationwhich bears his name,
First Section Only to Be Built at appear at 8:15 o'clock tomorrow night
Will Have 95at the Whitney theater. It is just 30
Rooms years ago since Sousa resigned his
position as director of the Marine
SUB-STORIES TO FACILITATE ; Corps band and organized Sousa's
INSTRITMENT ADJUSTMENTS band,, every performance of wbich
has been under his personal direction.
Sousa was born in Washington, D.
Queries are numerous as to the ne- C., Nov. 6, 1854, the son of a Spanish
cessity for the great depth of the father and a German mother. From
new Physics tailding excavation for his earliest boyhood he had an inter-
est in music, and at the age of 17
footings" which are now laid. Many was a teacher of the violin. He be


FIGURES (By Associated Press)
London, Sept. 30.-Tension remains
unrelaxed pending word from Gen-
Berlin, Sept. 30.-Seventy-five milli- eral Harington. "the man on the
on men were mobilized through the t" - w tact ad u t the
world during the late war, according British government placesfullecon-
to official. statistics publisl/ed here. fidence. The cabinqt expected to re-
Thirty million were under arms at the ceive a dispatch from him this after-
close of hostilities. noon, but waited vainly, after which
Germany's total mobilization is the minsters separated, remaining

believe the reason for carrging the ex-

Gen. John J. Pershing.
Gen. John J. Pershing is regard-
ed as the acme of -:terial peefee-
tion, but it remained for golf to
make the general forget' dig-.
nity. On the links Pershing ap-'
pears in his shirtsleeves. igh4
. dress, general,. right dress?
Mt. Clemens, Mich., Sept. 30.-Self-
ridge field aerial speed records were
shattered late today when Bert Acosta
drove Beeline Racer, a navy entry inI
the Pulitzer Trophy race to be held
here two weeks hence, at the rate of
213 miles an hour. Tihe Beeline racer
is a monoplane, powered by a 380
horsepower areo-marine motor.

given as 13,250,000, of which 8,000,001 within call for a further cabinet meet-
still were engaged at the end of the ing late tonight. I cavation to such an unusual depth
fighting. t the height of its expan- Premier Stwys in London was tosreach a foundation of solid
sion, at the beginning of the westernI rock strata. But as Prof. Frank
offensive March 31,. 1918, these fig Premier Lloyd George will remain Leverett, geologist of the United States
state, the German army totalled 3,500,- in London over the week end, and' if Geological survey and lecturer in the
000 enlisted personnel and 140,000. of- necessary will summon his colleagues university geological department, has
ficers on the western front, besides Sunday. In the meantime the Kemal- pointed out, "This is quite untrue, as
160,000 enlisted men and 3,000 officers ists in the neutral zone as quoted in the surface outwash plan is a splen-
irr recruit depots. the Associated Press dispatches from did foundation for buildings. The real
These fighters were distributed -Constantinople, are in no way relax- reason for thedeep excavation is the
amongs190infaterydiveisionsuand oing their military preparations; and pooe ntlaino irto
among 190 infantry divisions and two while the projected meeting betweenp.l.i
defensive cavalry divisions. They General Harington and Kemal Pasha proof room for delicate scientific in-
were equipped with .32,218 light and is delayed, the danger of a premature struments where the passing of
27,143 heavy machine-guns, 8,845 explosion remains threatening. wagons and other surface disturb-
mine-throwers, 5,652 field- rifles, 3,158 i ances will \not interfere with their
light howitzers, 3,083 guns for heavy Highlanders Sail adjustments."
WA_- _

Tod.y. Te Chrche
T'od'y InThe Curchs _-

firing at high' elevations, 1,747 guns
for heavy 'fire' at low elevations, and
1,137 aerial guns.
Horses to the number. of 764,563
were "mustered" into the military ser-
vice of the Fatherland.
football Results
Harvard 20, Middlebury 0. ,
Army 35, Springield 0.
Army 12, Lebanon 0 (second game).
New York 33, New York Aggies 0.
Williams .41, Hamilton 0.
New Hampshire 21, Bates 7.
Vermont 7, Maine- 0.
Tufts 13, Connecticut Aggies 0.
Syracuse 47, Muhlenburg 0.
Yale 13, Carnegie Technical 0.
Butler 14, Franklin 0.
Brown 27, Rhode Island State 0.
Rutgers 13, Penn Military 0.
Dartmouth 20, Norwich 0.
U. of D. 7, Wilmington 0.
Lehigh 0, Gettysburg 0.
Penn 14, Franklin and Marshall 0.
Pittsburgh 37, University of Cin-
cinnati 0.
)Centre 21, Clemson 0.
W. and J. 35, Westminster 0.
Colgate 50, Clarkson 6.
University of Georgia 41, Mercer 0.
Notre Dame 46, Kalamazoo 0.
Wabash 16, Hanover 0. 1 -
Cornell 55, St. Bonaventure 6.
George Washington 0, Virginia 34.
Western Reserve 45, Akron Uni-
versity 0.
Michigan Aggies 33, Alma 0.

ifteen hunctrectmore. troops, con-
sisting of the Gordon Highlanders, ar-
tillery and other detachments, sailed
from Southampton this afternoon for
Constantinople on the transport Cor-
sican, requisitioned by the govern-
ment from the Canadian Pacific rail-%

Two Sub-Basements
These two sub-basements are more
than 30 feet from the surface of the
ground with one compartment which
will be set on foundations entirely
separate from the rest of the building,
to free it from surface vibrations.
Otha Patinn of this bn-~rntr

Former Premier Venizelos of Greece f vLner, sctons U 1.s u e
informed an interviewer tonight that will be -;.und-insulated for facilitat-
beforedlie wol bnterale tonreply to' ing research work in sound. Spectro-
before he would be able to reply tosoeeprmnswl lob a-
the new Athens government request scope experiments will also be car-
to represent it in Europe, he would rie on in this nart of the building as
need to examine the opinon of the well as many other kinds of research.
allied countries, and, as the French In general the building will be U-
premier had' been unable to see him shaped with wings extending toward
in- Paris, h'efort Tuesday, he had. de- the north. The building will face
cided to acquaint himself with the west toward the center of the campus,
Position'rof "tEsnglandbut would re- in accordance with theysame idea as
turn to° Paris Tuesday. , I that of the main library. 'When coim-
pleted, the base of the "U" will mea-
sure 240 by 60 feet, while the wings
No Material Change will extend 72 feet and will be 60 feet
.London, Oct. 1.-The British cabinet in width. The space within the" "U"
held a two hour council, beginning at just below 'the level of the ground
11 o'clock ;this morning. It was an- will be utilized foil two lecture rooms
nounced that there was no material each of which will seat 375 students.
change in the Near East situation, Di- The construction principle of the
rect word has come from Constanti- building is the unit system, each of
nople in the Associated Press dis- the units of which will measure 23
patches, that M. Franklin Bouillon's "in 12 feet.
mission to Smyrna has been success- In all the building will have 140
ful, which means that Kemal Pasha is rooms, of which 16 will be class
ready to consider a peaceful way out rooms, 16 intermediate and advanced
of the difficulty. FurtAer announce- laboratories, 10 elementary labora-

gan his public career as first violin-
ist in Offenbach's orchestra when it
visited the United States in 1877. In
1880 he was appointed director of the
Marine Corps band, a position which
he held for 12 years, during which
tine he developed great proficiency
among the musicians and laid the
foundation of the extraordinary rep-
utation which he has since attained
with his own organization.
Following the organization of Sou-
sa's band in 1892, it toured Europe for
four successive years, where its excel-
lence won universal approval. In the
season of 1910-1011 the band made a
tour of the world.
Sousa is the composer of yeveral
suites, symphonic poems and comic
operas, but it is as a writer of march-
es that he has attained his greatest
and most deserved distinction. Among
the most popular marches are "Stars
and Stripes Forever," "Washington
Post," "Liberty Bell," "Manhattan
Beach," "High School Cadets," "El
Capitan,' "King Cotton," "The Gladia-
tor," "Semper Fidelis," "American
Wedding March" and "In Flanders

Few outside ministers and only the
usual number of faculty men are in-
cluded in the services of Ann Arbori
churches today as the local ministers1
are taking this opportunity of making1
the students feel acquainted and help-
ing them to decide on their church
Regular services will be held byo
Rev. L. F. Gunderman at the Trinity
Lutheran church. Students' bi)1e class
will be at 9:30 o'clock and the church
'services at 10:30 and 7:30 o'clock.
"Getting into One's Stride" will be
the theme of the sermon by Rev. Sid-
ney S. Robins at 10:40 o'clock at the'
Unitarian church. Dr. Preston WN.'
Slosson, of the history department,
will open the year's discussion at thel
forum of religion at 6:30 o'clock with
"Modern Approaches to Religious
"Christianity Translated"
Dr. A. W. Stalker, at the Methodist
church, will use as his topic "Christ-
ianity' Translated" at the morning
service at 10:30 o'clock and "The Sub-
conscious Life" at the evening serv-
ice at 7:30 o'clock. Bible classes for
.students will be held in Wesley hall
at noon.
Carrying out its policy of "Real
talks on real subjects by real men
and women," the Congregational
church announces for .today 'a discus-
sion led by Prof. Thomas Reed, one
of the new men on the faculty, who
will speak on "The Church and. Poli-
tics." Having spent a number of
years in active politics in California
as executive secretary to Governor
Hiram Johnson, and as a city manag-
er of one of California's larger cities,
Professor Reed is said to be an in-
teresting speaker on this subject. The
regular church services will be .held
at 10:30 o'clock.
Services in German
Services in the German language
will be conducted in two churches,
each beginning at 10:30 o'clock. At
the Zion Lutheran Church, the Rev.
E. C. Stellhorn will speak.on 'Things
Revealed uninto ae." while"An C

the speaker for the first service at
10:30, o'clock. At 3:00 o'clock, Rev.
G. Claus of Detroit will speak, and
thq address at 8:00 o'clock service will
be given by Rev. H. Fehner of Wind-
sor, Canada.
The Church of Christ (Disciples)
will have Mr. G. K. Lewis, national
secretary from St. Louis, as the speak-
er at the regular service, 10:30 0'-
Music on the program follows:
Organ prelude, "Idylle", (Harker),
Mrs. Bryce; anthem, "Hark, Hark, My
Soul" (Shelley), the choir; ofertory,
"Pastorale" (MacDowell), Mrs. Bryce;
bass solo, "The Ninety and Nine"
(Cam pion), Mr . Clark; postlude,
"Marche Pontificale", (Gounod), Mrs.
Henderson to Talk
With its regular service set at 10:30
o'clcek, the First Presbyterian church
will also hold a student class at 12 o'-
cloak. At that time, Prof. W. D. Hen-
derson, director of the University Ex-
tension Service, will lead in the dis-
cussion of "What we know about the
New Testament."
In the Upper Room, Lane Hall, the
Sunday Class for men will be held
from 9:30 to 10:15 o'clock. Regular
services will be held at the First
Church of Christ, Scientist and at the
First Baptist church at 10:30 o'clock.
The following numbers are announc-
ed for the Baptist church service: Or-
gan prelude, "Offertoire in F. major
(Grison), Mrs. Emma Fischer Cross;
anthem, "Te Deum in F major (Schil-
ling), the double quartette; offertory,
"Invocation", Maily; contralto solo,
"God Shall Wipe Away All Tears"
(Roma), Mrs. Helen Cady-Courtright;
postlude, (Heintze), Mrs. Cross.
Wenley on Program
The evening program includes the
following: Organ predule, "Autumn",
(Johnston), Mrs. Cross; anthem,
'Softly Now the Light of Day", (Schil-
ling), the quartette offertory, "Evening
Star" (Wagner); baritone solo, "The
Vesper Hour" (Coombs), Mr. Burley
C TErvimore noAtlide "Processional


ment was made in Constantinople that
Kemal would confer with the allied
generals early in the week, and that
Kemal has been requested by General
Harington, the British commander, to
arrange for a new line between the
British and Turkish forces around
Chanak and in the neutral zone.



_ .. : ,




t .,_



tories, and 33 research rooms.
Only First Section Started .
Electric current generally will bej
developed through four storage bat-
teries which will be charge indirectly
from, the power *eneratea at the Uni-
versity power house. Four main and
21 minor switchboard's will control
this current.
It is emphasized that the whole
Physics building is not under con-
struction at the present time, but that
only the first section has been author-
ized by the state. This first unit to
be built will be L-shaped with wings
facing . E. University ave. and the
Engineering building. It is said that
the rest of the building may not be
erected for several years.
A temporary entrance will be con-
structed at the west end of the south
wing, the latter being 148 feet long.
The two large lecture rooms men-
tioned above will not be built withs
the first section, but this first unit
will contain 95 rooms, including 13.
Intermediate and advanced labora-
tories, six classrooms, and 28 research;
units. Although the cost of the build-
ing completed as originally planned
will reach $800,000, the present struc-
turd will require about $450,000.
The time and program of "Tradi-
tions" night will probably be an-
nonnnp.3 "h lv mo 'rn ening ol1owing

With a reserve squad that furnished
three teams and held the Varsity to a
13 to 0 score the campaign conducted
by )Coach Fielding H. Yost and his
staff to bring out football players was
yesterday called a success. More than
40 men reported to Coach Fisher who
handled the reserve squad yesterday.
The results of the campaign than
has been conducted through the last
three days were evident in the pract-
ice yesterday. Aside from having
enough men to send in. new teams
from time to timfe that held the Vars-
ity, the reserves had a spirit that is
unusual in a reserve team.
Yost Optimistic
Coach Yost is optimistic as to the
looks of the reserve squad at the
present time and expressed the hope
that the showing would continue. In
speaking of the squad, he said, "The
reserve squad offers a great opportun-
ity for service and 'is a broad avenue
to the Varsity along which road any
man showing ability will reach the
Varsity squad, in which group all
(Continued on Page Seven.)

D O you read the Daily Clas-
sified ads? Those of you
who don't would be surprised
to find what bargains you can
pick up. Radio sets, drawing
instruments, dress suits - in
fact most anything you could
want, are advertised in the clas-
sified columns of the Daily.
If you have something to sell,
on the other, hand, this column
will help you just as much. Just
look over the column this morn-
ing and see what other people
are doing along this line.
The Daily is charging classi-
fiedsthis yea, nd if you will
call us, at


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