4 ,
\z /1 F
T Aaft,
frnpig atl7le from (a ihole pokd
Von h3llfa rcndz aP!Bitt:
Coach Mather's Varsity basketball
earn will play the first game of the
afason at 7:39 o'clck tonight in at-'
e3rmah gymnasium when they facehe
trong -Notre Dame court aggrega-
The Wolverines have been practi-
iLug steadily for the past two months,
with the excpihol of those who were
on the football squad, and most of the
wren have rounded int ine form,' the
only requisite lacking being the~ fact
hat they have not had any outidc
oppostion i tofae.'t'his o. course,.is
not as much at handiap to the veterans
on the squad as to, the new members
brt toanight's game will give all of the
mien ' chance to show' their mnettle un-
der fire before the opening 01f the (341
erence schedule next month.
Mther bas not definitely deided
;pan thcrmen who will start the game
gainst the 'Catholics but with half a:
ioecn letter mn frin wxhch to choose
,oud have little trouble in picking
V-team which will adequately repro-
;ent the Maize and Blue.
Ely, star center and capttjn of theI
Woverines, will start the game from
he jump off posion. While the Vcar-
ity leader has been worked at guard
julte/a bit recen~y he shows to best
Wvantage at his regular position and,
Ovill cover the center of the floor for
ho Wlverhip, tonight..
Miller to Start
,Miller, another veteran from last
ear, will take care' of one of the,
orward positions. Miller is rated as;
)nc of the hest men in the Big TPen
nd was one of, the mainstays in the
,olverine squad which gave every
eamx in the Conference a run for .the
honey. Ie is considered :the best :
thot in the West and if lhe i in farin j
onight Notre Dame will fod. itef
'acing a real forward.
The other forward will be played
y either Henderson or Haggerty.
Jenderson is a former member of the
arsity squad who has returned to
,chool this year, while H-aggerty comes
o 4he Varsity fromi last year's fres.
nan team. Kipke, who in all pro-
ility will play this position regular-
~is out of the city.
*apr Ready
"Rgikec! Paper will be at hs regular
"sIton at guard. Mike was the find
]f the season Dst year and no doubt
ill prove even better on defense than,
ben. The diminutive guard proved
ast year that no man ;was too big
or him to cover anid is out to keep
ip "his record this season.
kirks, another veteran from the 1922
Season will be Paper's running mate.
irks is one of the hardest working
uards Michigan has had in several
years and should prove a great help
6.Mather this year.
Varsity Favoredj.
With five letter men on the team
hch starts the contest Michigan
Mould have little difficulty nUiess the
Intholic team is unusually strong.
father will ffroba ly give every than
nu the squad a chance to get into the
ante <as he wants to get a line on what
fey will do when facing outside teas
Ad for this reason the game should
pe many substitutions for the'Var-
Ity. MeWood. and Emery seem cer-
~in to get into the game at center in ,
lace of Captain. Ely,. while both"
raggerty and Henderson seem certain3
D play sometime during the contest.
;appon has been ot for practice this
reek and the coach may use him at
;ard before the game is over, while
luchema, Stegmeier and Landre are
right 'mines toot, ofl ~gt man out fre
FACES MIHIGANh 1 923 Grid Riopes 'II ABriLghot ai RTSSTAEI~rsto dyof
p 9Z AHATS S1 eey tg n3 il1OBU .MNNorthw estern Turns Tcourt 1t squad agiie ali doVan Order. wial
r~~ n~ n~inrn rainiip unn aniaurfProbably cmtir~rse the shot-pu: e
SEAS N~S OPE ING L~IR~ UI~ ~Lld~ll V~fl RVRI~ la rtnnent du i:g ihe indoor trac: sea-
E ON'S OPINING(Spei to The Daily), obrt'inab'l only after months of (on- isn
Elvanston, _111., Dec. 7. --After corn-; sistent practice, Coach Maurice Kent 1PRIOSPEC'TS ,1011 TnId: ; ' TAM1 Conference Indoor meet comes off Serbian Premer Sbits esIgmton
haifcoy esnil as every reason to feel that this will SFEfl B111 I'vESTINeir tespin heWovri
(;etet e bi isttse~peigavr stiicoysaoti an eventful year in court work, EAIiSi Begrade, Dec. 7.-The. minstry o
Var ity lplayinfg tonight, every, respect, e'ery Purple suppoter Coach Ketihas as a nucleusg around should be able to stand up beside any Premier Nikola Pachitch resigned,
Little is known of the strength of is a,,yn 2:ohra egto nte 2gTn look~ingg towardl to the fall of 192:, which to build a winning tew.nt eight The nucleus of -t liia's ;2 ohr greain nth ,gTn but will hold on till antew cabinet is
Nce Dame this year but thcy have when footbill again will be king of veterans, all of whom are showing UP Vriy rc1ta oo tc iaa Little vork was done by the jump-ognzd
the reputation of being figiirs on wl nterlmnrypatc.Nomtvl ay straatrno vtw '~.r
thbe basketball court as wol as on the sportLs 0onthe lEvanston campus. Ev- el! nte rlmiayprcie.Fo3tvl es}esedy atrno ihi(cis and n n9 . No('11 ui tr. mlii
footbaill ridironan vmy nerO - ery one is convinced that the onejfisyer squad there are Johnson,i only about hcalf the squad out for e rs, with 1'.e eCreeptibn of Rubbard, Los somethin g?, A iASSiFied In
elupnto lnt up their best bitthl !iian who can develone a; vinningClhunfPtrsntan Perwie ac Atrte arysteuuLave khown ap ye while thz high- the Daily will find it.-Adv.
ei upon foot- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~there are several men et to report. practice of the lay before all of thiei________________________________________
Irn agisSteWeveralbl ta t otwetr i oc men from a year ago will also men were (due for a little letup anld the'." r
U~en Tisrewate nd he esutsbe out to strengthen the weak places number of men who were out was as ________________________________________
p,,1 ~this year fromn practically a green ;and add competition, to the game. large as might be expected. Coach
1 at Schedule 'squiad of men are startling to say ther There are several men from lastr Steve Farrell is taking great pins{
lea:. (Cntiuedon ageEigt) ot o war is en out before he
I t w ul d e a e r y iffi u l t at t e t o W h ile e ig h t v a rs ity m e n lpla y e dl th e ir ____o n ti n u ed____ o n__ P a ge_ _ E i g ht___ ____ ____ is ore a d y toe n hl a v e th e m gao a t fu ll s p e e ,. ed jK- , .V
Itr w uldg e a e yde icults m ac t r to 1 t g a fr e P r le a a n tD u rin g a ll th e y ea rs th a t S tev e h a s WAKOE
mrrange a fshe Cfeentifcry tiowl~a, 'Ph lewate has every reason
each ptme~o h ofrne~n ~ ~ adde elta h L a u rnons guided licigan'is destinies, on the
titwas (desirable and~ permissabile 1 spects for next season are better than Finance Iiirec tori cnder path almost no one has one'
play all the other nine schools. Each ever. The Purpl,' mentor has not as c wththisb eaor'sh.tpr opes rasd a
schiool would be hard, to satisfy as yet uncoveredl many individual stars Yeshths sir popetsa goda
to the mianner of roting them. but lie has developed a mass of Mate- te rtevt~rnMcia oc
However, it takes t v\t aean]ta lt oether as one man. ! stkn ome h a /
contract. Michigan ffered to lay t h emwrkta otwseni Practically teonly ge hhdaT e v ,1~
p ti h emwrkta otwsen(..'good workout yesterday were tis
eachl other nmember of the Big r f~jen is developing that will be the potent :c lash inen, while the hurders vre
Soine stated they did not want to play factor in next season's games,i oraltlewieos tmedith l ok
Mcia beas thi'Sedls From thes freshmen there are 20 1 The chief trouble with mrost of the
were already too heavy, and~ othersI men who will return to school andl new men seems to lie in their inail- Ti~~~1
Sodnocosdragm.Tiiseveryonme of them will manke any regu-j ity to start to thne utmost advantage . ~ V~L
cah nes riilg. icign ~Vgtlar fight to lamrfl~h place on the squad. ,Iland it is tlmg first thing they are go- O eshl hi
not want to play every Learn that of- ThOfeh rmmd h vrit hihold tin o e agh.CatinBuk's-1-
tee e ae ihoeuie-year at regular intervals scarcely a-'.,ces as a stne lies mi insh p bea e
city no satisfactoiry (ate coulld be lowing the veterans a chance to / i : ~ ""~i t anybe a s
ag ,duo his getting the jump on everybody at rs uln they are m1ade of
breathe. These men are out for blood, the start and the same thing has bleeni~bs e
Micigan has four very hard Con- to make Northwestern take the placetueofttehretWoveinedste leather buhrmdlwt
£erece owalas 'sclam tie ofthegret woverne dsheFenclahrp le, tr
ercegames,. Iwl year'scai-it should in Conference football. ® .--* of thes past. The men who are juste there is. sr nh pe newBarna
pious and tiedl with us; this year, Wis- If everything goes right academical- I.y starting to workout under Coach Far- smrt wnthe srp~rticlo
cousin, Minnesota and Ohio State. A ly, Northwestern should have one of relhveeey hneof(eerpn.ow the s prsonclo
game-has been scheduled with Van- the best teams next Year in 'the history Mlaterial seems plentiful.even "this
(lritfor October 1S at Ann Arbor.,co the school. A wealth of material early in the season and before the (j "" '~ 1f
Vanderb ilt has not haolobegaenwo will be on hand when the first caill' I°:Q rice $1'u
yer.Agm a lobe ce-for practice is, issued, and :northwest -_______________________
uled with M. A. C. for "either October iemn will become a potent factor inmVCh LIMN1~1
27 or November 19!, this date to VCO be Big Ten football circles. "ALI1D1G~
agreed upon ltr tosoeue',PAN U INo
Scho l ofM usic 'Inuer
aohrsrn gaet beplayed Eason I. Dec. 7.-The North- PHONE 3062
either October 27 or November- 10 at western basketball team, which hasi Deputy Alber(, Beitedue Office at Res., 418 'N. Division St. -' .
ions~~~~~~~~~~~ toscrtlattogmswt ic h is fOcoesatdwr euyAbroBndcfre
Ann Arbor. Michigan was very anx- beet} practicing three times a week The league of nations hbas appointed -n o~'
dither burdeotwsen or Il- in earnest this afternoon when two Italian minister of labor, controller ip I e~
iaa-btgames with these institu- piceked teams- went through the first of Austrian finances. Beneduce is re- I G0i i t
t~u were hi greatt demand since Vie-tsrimmage of thes season. garded as a financial wizard and good 11. an't
tormes otver them count onl what i Althoughr the relay is still rather rag- results are expected in Austrian con- P .h 151a'n .
trmed ;'!charnionshrip gamnes" just as god in spots and lacks the co-operation rditiom'- UPia,~
"much as winning from any of thie,
stronger teams in th-o Conferencti I After graduation, you must bridge
ItisnWwell known that neither will be fitted to occupy a position of-
Yale, Harvard, or Princoon will con- business responsibility and trust. I
si der any wesern game on a home and BRU SH ES ! thmese years, oabsonagInstituteoffers7. ,
no basis. an intensive training course of one c
j AS or two vears in business practice.
Hr a! t Trouble Takes Nebirkska Deamn
Lincoln, Nob., Dec. 7.- Prof. Wil-
liam Francis Daun,.65, head of the de- {
-partsnent of arts, history and-crii-
cism at the University of Nebraska,{
died here today of heart trouble.
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