>EUllied every nn~rnng (eXcvl Monday
during the Uinivtrsity year by the B,ird tol
Control of 6tude_ t 4ulicar,"on.
Member of. Western Cut.ience E1At~eiUt
The Assuciated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the 'use toi republication of all
news dispatches credited to. it or not other-
wise credited ton Pxis paper and the local
news Published therein.
various colleges and the upkeep of!y
the Ui iversity itself, it is obvious than't
the state university has many imnpoi -
tant needs' left unfilled because or
lack of money. The state university
does. require endowment if it is to
accomplish to the fullest extent itsi
17 TOI 'I tU'
L. I [I"YO
~~I Af URS E D
t 1
p~I~ursein eauUcdionJij her arenu An JIdigniant -Note
dreds of wealthy men who could 1e "And the letters that aren't very
of inestimable service to the alni m serious could be handled by
mater to which they owe allegiance it algla.
they, would, but realize how much their Thabv rgah sted u
aid means in helping the state to bakyi h aeysedymr.
make the most demo cratic universities blcl nth aeystra.on
in the world the most complete an: n rm comnctonozh d
mosteffiientin te We take this occasion to voice;
mosteffiientin te wold.our opinon and as we do so our typt,-
The welfare of the state university writer trermbles with righteous in-
must depend not alone upon the dignation.
state, but also upon the generosity o: The author of the communication i:z
its enefctor.question, vidently is one who has
EwDered at the postotfice at Anin Arbor,
Mlichigan. as svcond class mnater.
Subsc-ipion by carrier or mail. $3' o0.
Offices: Ann Arbor 'r-tss ltuidmg, i4ay-
nard 'Street.]
Pboiie ~ Editorial, 2414 and 176. NI Busi-
n'ss. obo
Co ,'itCa#:,utt. not to exceed jou word-, O FRBSIEBLJjmpdt h o
if signed, tbie signature not tiecessarily tO Jmpd orheco
apJed, ,n print. but as an evboi~tcc of laitth. O FRBSEBL
a#rii noticcs oi events will be published in although the official basketball'.saa- a light-rninded co
The Dialy at tits discretion of the Editor, if We have, in our
kIt t'. or mailed to The Daily office. un- sonl does not commence until Jan-an owr-ok
signed cmunltunricaiions will receive no "n rte is potniytue h
swcerntion. No manuscript will be returned ary the fispeotuiyt eetead forwrdlookt
unlssth wrte eclserpotae.Tht Dil Wolverine ball tossers in action wl
doe% not necessarily endorse the sentiments be afforded tonight, when Michigan cold oughtesonali
~xre~edinte onriuicton.plays Notre iDame. M1tichigan, with-
fiv letermenbac onthesqud, iassteam shovel, but
EDITORIAL STAFF fiedlttenmeybakyosthesqadha
Wupes for-honors in basketball whichedolystra
'T'vthiuv ;?1.13i stn1lMNtruth from the li
will compnare favorably with her new-
WAN'AG1IG EDITOR ly achieved honors ini football. nnsByn
Basktbals wileit o nee'si WhVat more cool
IeA~kiON 13.. ST'AhLBsktai hieito ncsI Furthermore if
cannot be as spectacular as footbali,.
News editor..........Paul U~atzel~ is fully as excitinig and absorbing, w hl rsc
t.Aty tntor.........Jauns tku. ..cut rliiu
A Ssistant City'tidito.......Marion Kerr and the honor of putting. out a chain-.cutareiiu
Edit,,rial Board Chairman ...... 1 . R, Miss pionship basketball team is one do- ishall prove that"
Night 1?ditora;-- :,animated by Man
kalpi Iicrsl-ia~y oey (serving. of tremendous efforts, as the
] .a],. 1SawsonJi f J.yx3 Mack coaches and players well realize. ism, and Bahraisn
L. 1. llfrshtloi..'r R. C, Moriarty Tecnutadroig ofti..
11. A. Donahue, The 'coplays anhighly inoftiatAN
Spurts Editor.............F)l H. cik crowd plyI ihyipran'pr TU )
Sunday magazine Edtor,. ,...1)elbert Clark One night we
Wyonie-i's txduto ............ ivarion Koch in the winning of basketball games.!
Huo dtr........oadCnyThe game is played indoors, with thei Purveyed by
C mnierenc ;Editor...... . 3. B.runidy , First .a schre
Pictoral VEditor...........Robett'arr onlookers in close proximity to th1e
l'vusc En.r...............IA.Aiesplayers. Their cheering is enhane Tnaktz
2211~a,~irxsAsitns~i effectiveness through this, con-
J. A. Bacon, Walter c (;nodspcer tact, and remarks from the crowd areThnshtllv
Dorothy Pennetts_ Portia Crouldce plainly audible to the players. The girl Who sl
Idauvica B1,eraan rankiin D). I-epbulti'iha ubel
K. A. B 11 gt(?n Winona A. Hibbard Since the rooting of the crowd iha mrl
Edw.rdlT. kiLowell 1; plays such, a signficant part in w_..- the walks. ameswMichigan ! The weather.
A. U, Cwnwable Samuel lloe igbsebl aeMcia f1~IIen'et oe M 1 o People who $12
E"velyn I . Coughlin W. 13. Rafferty will do well to give the players every
Wallace F. Elliott Rober t G. Rim~nscy possible- bit of encouragement they hat!."
Joselph EpTstein 3. W. luwitch IIrThe weather.
Maxw+ell Fead W. If. Stoneniant can.
Isabel Ftiter Fied~leric G. relmos Michigain this year iiiust have nior . 1 The girl withk
T. I?, Fiske 1P. M. Wagner lylroThe astanee bfrweather.
,v 1'. Webbink lylrotn as hneer eoe
BUSINESS STAFFf since every true Michigan sports er-
thusiast wants to, see a, repetition of To the Editor of
Telephone 900the football .accomplishments, ill therDa Sr
BUSINESS MANAGER most imriortant indoor game. 'There isoic ha
AL~BERT J. PARKER ,no lack of basketball Wateria_., say that it water
Advrtiin..........Joh 3 flrnl, r. Everything, It, seems, depends upo~ cobol and sent tl
Advertising...............nEJ. amel, Jr. upot fte tdetbdy igt.fountain, the v.ati
Adver tisag ... ... .,.Ll aIF.Cni ,..ipAvrsng ........,Walter 'K. Schierer and the team fights with you! No.
Account~s.............. Laurcnrce 11. 1aw. rotThwaewo
Circulation ........ ,.....DavidJ. 1. .Park ?-Thwatrwo
Publication ..........L. Beaumont Parks 13ACK TO WETHUSEiLAII fountain would dv
AssistantsjThsetnasdofteodfrteI sp
Tow nsend H. Wolfe Alfred NM. White nThevsen"ttinghsdethe oldbforatheyReI
Kenneth Seick Wmn. D, Roesser nw vntog h e evsl
George Rockwood Allan S. Mortonx super'ior to the old, always brings Pti-Wotli2t it?
Perry M. Hayden James A. Dryer totehatfsoeafr fms
Fugene L. Dunne Win. 11. Goodtotehasofom'aor ofi-
Wm. Graulich, Jr. Clyde L. Hagermran placed seantimentalismi. Now comes Would it (Iry ua
John C. ILaskin A, 1liarovell, Jr.,h pelo h ertr ftecneti h
l ar vey E. Reed J.. Blumenthalth apelofteserayofhecnntitei!
C. L. Putnam Itowvard Havden, Horse Association of m2ei'ca tim-1 use,, though?
E. D. Armantrout W. K. Kidder .' _
H,. W. Cooper Henry Freud since 'the horse and mail; made, ciy-
Wallace 1Flower lferbeni P JBostwick iiainte!hol oevrsadWILIL
E'dw. B. kiedle L. Pierce,2zain'te.solfrvrsadI
Harold L. H1ale one and insenarable. "Poor old
n ~Maude; she served mse well," is the
cry of the members 'of the. Horse a3-
_________ -- soc ation, as, new means of locomo- '
FRIDAY, DECEMBER. 8, 1 22 tion and Power takes its place in the'
_____________ realm cf a new era. "Even though
Night Editor-ROBT. C. MORIARTY the dust of' a thousand automobiles ~
pa- s us by on our plodding way to
Inclusion that we ar
Ayum. We are nay.
capacity of uplifter
per, not only expos-
the building program
fght the sterling, ann
ty of Alfred the
talso we have print-
y a. pronouncement or
ips of William Je_,-
ild ask?,
Iit seems necessary,
ute 'on our own ac-
inquiry whereby we
the student body is
ichae-anism, Voodoo-
*)RPK !*
edrank some stuff
an emnblarner---
e Ang~eredl Me Today
peared us in the eye
fa as she skidded c::
touted "Wher e's yorv-
bright grey socks.
n Toasted Rolls y )l:
;r was mixt with a7-
thru the pipes to the
ter would niot freeze.
ldn't freeze but the
1-7 tip. Yes.
kurdue Exponent)
It is often said that to be collegiate
is to be "broke". Anyway it is rarely
that college students get together that'
some one of the crowd does not in-
form his fellows that lie is "down to
bedrock" and that if his allowance;
doesn't appear, or if his "ship dcesni.'
come in" before long lie will be an
object of charity. The basis for suchi
light and jocular expressions as to
the 'financial status of these students
may be a near fact at times, but UL
does seem. that the frequency wit: i
which it is used would indicate that'.
it is more often a-bluff.
College students, niore than an v
other class of people, are obliged to
live within an allowance, and this
allotted sum is far below their pote;:-
tian <spending power. A student's
needs and deniands for money aggre-
gate a sum that is elastic to. the nth
(egree. If he has the will and the
! wtt Diatont.)ccntinue in school he
.-ia get. along on a small p~ittance.ii-
deed, .but if the opportuniity, presented
itself whereby he could have access
to an unlimited bank account, his ex-
pendf res would leap into startling-
figures. Our pe 'sonal expense: are
largely what we choose to make them.
There are certain expenses which are
standard,'nearly the same for all, stu-
dents, but these necessary items of
expense lack much of being the total.!
The. overworked expression "I _am
flat broke" is too often used as a::
excuse to defer paying a debt jr as a
shield from asstiming an ob'igation-
which it is plainly a duty to assume.
TIhere are a. great many worthy causes
which should be supported by college
students, obligations and pledg es which
they should f II, that are left out be-
_cause of lack of finances. Yet whlenz
these, same students want to attendl
an out-of-town gamiie, go to a high-,
priced dance, or purchase one of the
latest style hats, hie can usually fint%
the, money. It is largely a matter o_-
inclination and' the management o.
one's allowance. Financial manage-
wient might as well begin in collegel
and. the lessons of profligate spendini
learned here as well as afterwards.i
JMake a-, your monthly budget, run
acco: ding to ydur schedule and see if
aat the e rd of the month you cannc:-
conic out 'With a sufficient balance to
meet your obligations withiout it being'
necessary to rely on friends or tFie
good nature of creditors to carry you
:-0 AT
r ....._ w-. -. ,
Something? Let a "Daily"
ad find it for you.-Adv.
United Cigar Store
Anin A.boi antd jackst n
(1',astern Standard Tiine)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars"
6 :oo a."., 7 :oo a.mi., 8 :oo, 4
a.rm. and hourly to 9:05 p.m.
Jackson Express. Cars local stops
west of :inn Arbor)--- --9:47a.m., and
every two htours ta 9 :47 P- .
Local Cars East Bound-7 :oo arn,
and every two liure voy :oo p. 'tn.,
t i :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti oily-t 4
To Saline-Changc at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bc-and-7:5o ajrn.,
To Jackson and 'Kalamazoo-Lint
ited cars 8:47, 1o0:47, 1- :47, 2:47,
4:4i7 p.m. n
To Jackson and Lansing-lintited at
8:47 i-n,~
$25.00 Genuine Meerschaum Pipes, our price, guar. $18.00
Milano Pipes, Italia Root, choice, guaranteed.... $ 3. 50
$3.50 Bakelite Pipes, our price......... .... .. $ 2.49
$8.00 Cigar and Tobacco Humidors cut to..
$5.00 Gillette Razors, cut to ..... ..
$1.00 Auto Strop Razors.... ....
S1.00 Gillette Blades (One Dozen)......
Cigarette Holders,. all styles;. from. 1 Oc to.....
Virginia Brights Cigarettes} (per Carton)- .
Fatima Cigarettes (per Carton)......... .
Prince Albert, Velvet, Tuxedo, etc., 8 oz. 70c;
..$ .99
...'.$ .89
..$ .79
. $ 1.69
* 6 oz..$ 1.35
1,922 1)ECEMilER 1922
1 21
93 4 i G 7 8 9)
119 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 I8' 19 20 21 t2 3
21 25 28 27 2'8 29 X30
We have just made up some
very Snappy H-ats for the
I dliday 'I rode. Step in and
.look them over.
We do all kinds of Cleaning
andl of hats at
lowV prices for HIGHL CLASS
417 Packaird Street- Phone 17:92
(Where l.U.11. Stops f
a____ :t State Street)_.I
ap from the
nixture orf
?V* My Go
an elf
And fig
by so
Of tine
Not long ago a coast paper, the
San Yrancisco Chronicle, printed an
editorial plea for endowment for the,
U1niversity 'of California which struck
the keynote 'to a sentiment felt Ly
m1any who are interested iA education
through state institutions.
Michigan has been forunate in
having a number of benefactors who
h-.3ve realized certain needs; of the
U'niver;>ity. and have been able to5
cmtritute generously to answer thoset
needs. But state uuivers~ties as .aU
whole have long suffered from the too
P revalent idea among those who are
ableP to give that such inst'tutions be'-
long entirely to the officia l govern-
ment, and as such should be entirely
s u hporte~l 1,y governmien t approra-
Mea nwkhilc, the Ipr~vate ulnivyert3tics
gain steadily increasing' endowment;
lwcatuse of their very nature.- In o'd-
(lition) to this, however, not ab few o,
the mor~e important ones receive sums
from thtestate in order that they, may
carry ontAheir work.
The stt universities are fir,ancean
by the state, but with the immnense
nlpropriations granted them they must'
do an equally immense work. T'ie
funds wh.ichi they receive only too
Qfteii fLail to cover certain needs 'which
while not .bsolute'y necessary to the
life of Cie institution would .contrlt)-
ute vastly towards its effiicency and,
the benefits which it might bestov,-
upon its atudents.j
One glance at our own Icampus;
will reveal the significance of tiizs
fact. Martha Cook dormitory, proba-
hly- the most beautiful building at
Mlichigan, as well as the two other
wvomnen's reside-nces are products of
the genermiity of interested individ-
uals. The Union was built by a coin-
bin iIl effort of the students and alum-
ni. Andl now meon's dormitories are
being constructed by an organization
of alumni. 'These are three importanm
features in the University life which
owe their exis'tence to sources othe,
than the state. The new Clements li-
town, I shall never desert you," says
the loyal supporter; while Maude, if
she could talk, would' probably adm;,
that in the race of locomotion prog-
ress shte was anl "also ran", and hint
that she be retiredi for life to green
pastures and flowing Lbrooks.
The secretary of the Horse asso-
ciation, jeferring to the horse, says,
"HTis spend' served the eariest geol.
who lived by their herds and flocks."
B~ut, after all, were not' the earlies-t
people, in the light of the niodern age,
rather slow? And the reason was net
far fromn the fact that they followed
behind such slow-moving vehicles as
the horso. Continuing his pathetic
appeal the secretary of the associa-
tion says, "Since time began the cour-
age and strength of the horse have
won battles and decided wars". B-u:
not until the present age has man
had a war like the last, and surely
the horse did not decade that. The
combatant dependent upon hzorse-
power and horse-transportation wouic
have fared badly during the years
of 1914-1918.
Maudlin senimentalism will cause
a weak .^ot in any civilization-ma: -
fng progress. Any form of propaga:,-
da w hich aims at a principle deti!-
mental to the social organization a s
a whole is a wrench in the machin-
ery. Far better in apprec'ation fo.
past favors turn the horses out :
pasture and establish a Weekly Dls-
cuss.n Circ'e for Aeronautical Au-
once enchlanting
And enchanted, sours upon
tal eairs
A, sound so sweet and ravish
Think "Gee, it must be w
to nlay
The inart of Jimmy to her
s mina.---
"Why, you're so fi'esli---nu
but J like you.
THlE WEAT:HER remind s
tlhirdl cfrcle of.IDante's Infer
t ' N RI) Y!
Sng a song of Michigan,
A carpus smooth and g
Had the nicest trees and
That we had ever seen.
'Sing a builing prograni,
A v:on fair and brigh
Invented by our Presldent
In vigils late at night.
-Sing a song of Alfred,
Trhe shovel brave and
With him to carry on the
Prc sident Burton can't
(Daily Ilhini)
After 'long years of observa~toni
has teen ,concluded that thli,e is ne
}dlIstlisdefinite hiarm done by the I-Knoi
an? Isthis stickers that clutter up the ; uitcarse:i,
ly. Lass?,bags, and trunks of Illinois students.
f eatures Uipoi first appearance of these mini-
Iledfromature pennants there arose a protest.
[led fomld of their use on baggage, and .the in-
fin muldvestigation w las started at that tune.
gur -catBut now it has been given up. The
oire Prax- advent of the Valentino trouser.: has4
made 'it impossib'_e for more tune to
er world? he(levtotedl tothe problem..
Oh~ Pt.But yesterda~y there was found a
i iiyinr-student wvho actually had foundi4.
my1101utility in the triangular advcr:tsc-
mont. This student, a man with slig~ht-
lun g thatz ly mnore erions trend of mind Chian
wonderful'' that of the -average ,itudent, wiin
touring Yellowstone National Par
r Whilhe:- when hie was savagely attacked !by a
hungerniad mountain lion. With it-
rd hnvy-- markable'presence of mnind lie thrust
his suitcase into the mouth of thet
PERDU.; creature until lie could. (lspatcli it,
but in so doing lhe punctured the suit-
us of the aeo hc an'mial's teeth. Then was
:rno. the opportunity to mnake use of the
Illinois sOclhers hie had with himt (in~-
side his grip). lHe stuck then over!
V: ,( hole ; and thus avoided emaba rrass-
;iCOei, ment until he could pure hw we anather
g ra s i grip. But thirt incident wa a hist un-
Th~e average studlent finds no in-'
t rinsic value in the stickers Cexptn~
tthe puhicty it gives bimi. It proves'
it to the home-town folk that he attends
the Ujniversity of Illinois. When one
see:; an Illinois Central special pul
into the Tpwelfth street statiomi in Chi-
strong, cago and disgorge several hundred
work young people whose _baggage is re-'
go wrton:;.. enforced with triangular bits of pa-
per bearing the name Illinois and theC
es ~monogramn Ul, he may possibly deduce'
was bai-- that the young people are from Cham-
paign; in which deduction he shows
)d idea- no unusual mentality.
'rout, yard. One of the two underclassmen who'
DAD)A. argued the question of adorning one's
baggage with the things, while r.--
)ck ladder turning from Chicago Sunday night
ks the a: - proved to the interested listener that
he had given the problem due consid-
YAkNI(. crationi. The otherI young main was
convinced that the University nee'ls
e studenit additional advertising through th":;
and btti: nmedium; his gr ps bore orange an;:
called in blue testiniony of his convictions.
I, the n .w But there is really nothing wron,;,
pamded tlic in it, of course.
iow build- _____________
The most expensive tag .day of tOe
year is promised for January firs-,
Sche.?ueainoFffect October rt8,-ngz
CenitralI Ti" e. (Slow Tin-e)
T) X x D~
1: 45 7:,+5 . Adr-ian ,1-48 2:43
8:1 t. Teuin-h .. 2:r5 8:15
4:30O 8:30 ., . int r1. . 12:o0 8 :o0
5:45 9:.45 Ax \l'il rhor L v. 10:45 6:45
(Cootrt Liouse -Stinare) A. M.
I.)-Daily, X--lDaily except Sonldays
and V-ias.Fidiay and S aturfla special
hins for s-t,,lentss It-ayes Adrian .1 45,lEaves
ATMn Arbor 4:.,5
JTANI ES II t LblOT,Proprietor
lim-o1. 6- T Adrian, Mich.
We IUse the *M3ostApproved
System of 'Teachling
. , r,
., rI rr y
ny " 3 ' K /{
N ^ ' t
Tihe automobile may have p'ayed
the horse a mean trick by ousting him
from popularity, but some day the air-
plane may become universal enougn
to revenge the former monarch of lo-
In Philadelphia a one-mani trolley'
was held up by a lone bandit and
looted. Runior has it that Detroit o:-
ficials are using :this as evidence o:
the inadequacy of one man to handle
a street car.
Sing of Flanders trenche
,Where the German foe
And you have a very goo,
Of the hookls of our fi
TH-E (C ;i iron hamno
goes, to the goof who thinl.
chor watch is a timepiece.
We calledI it s onie Imor(
and excprnded the campus
some new builing-s and
some moure -students to fill
bui'dings and THEN we exI
-campus AND built some II
.;, \X