mmmo Il. . ......... , . 4 . ise+ * "_,,,, a ~7Th3 , 9" ,:, : ,: ., .,. v7d' * ' _ _ _ , _ _ _ h, . _ . . .. : .. j fts for 1: MVIL I theU d U For the handy man around home you can choose no Sgift more pleasing than a ,good tool. If you purchase *them here you are assured strong well-mia de tools that will .last a lifetime. And you wtill get them at *prices that are unusually reasonable. Hamme rsSaws * Chisels Planes. Pliers Wrenches I Carpenter's VisesI I Carborundum nStoimes I GrindersforSharpening j * Many. other articles that we haven't roomI to mention.r PRICES RiGHT--SERVIOE PROMPTI *LARNED HARDWARE .CO.' THLE UP-TO-DATE HARDWARE R hone 1610 310 'S. State St. m U II _ .i.... .. +..ri u:ri. . ..ii ir[... J aye lei 10 2 r Christmas Qifts For }'leon Every year at Christmas time the ladies shave more or less difliculty in selecting gifts for their men-f olkgs. W'e are offering herewith a few ap- pro priate gifts - appropriate because they are the pjersonal sort of. things used of ten byv the 'one. receiving them, rye, . Camrel hair, sweaters, of sof t imhported wool, -heavily brush- ed, in greys, browns and heathers $10 up Neckwear in a widely assorted variety, f ea ur- ing stripes and figured patterns. $1lip { I OTHER SUGGESTIONS Pullman Slippers, " m Blanikets, Ml iatryV Handkerchiefs of Pure Linen, plain: or figured 25c to $1.50 Brushes, Cuff Linlks, Pigskin Bill Folds, Golf h-ose, Belts and Buckles, Collar Cases - ._"'v."-:., ~ .. , ,J ,, _ mar= _ .00 a _.w .:,..: . 0 wX. +ki _i ,owti, x;'y i .'ta . "9..°*....a. .. vWa. , ;::,... y,..Tc+a+ 4., ,... ... __.. Y " 00000 ,. a"t ue00000S G. O L . .400i }oR Ra 'u~ 6 " fi } : r " . :. '.. . , 1 .. ^'% ', ,. ._ . ..ti S ~ o° << i; r, C,-k. . wt.iUG1aaj 3.1 SgafeSL.. .... .. .. I I In the Good Old Days they alwayjs gave. Candy for Christmas PALACi SWEETS, 9 2iO4-' SOUTH C1 N' I V LRjS I T Y^- "Gits }li,9lady, willApprecia te OUR shopis Iit( +crowded with eralv sug- I gestionS that will heln you choose the a ppm- I Be Sue- Come Herefor His' Gift Men are so particular aibout what they: wear--that's 9ne .reason it is so difficult to choose a suitable: gift for theme. Coming here to. choose the gifts you are planning to give to men is an easy and practical way out of this perplexing difficulty. It is our business to. know. what men like, and. we Iare always glad to help you make your selections. Bath Robes:...... ....$6.50 to $1 5.00 Sweaters.:. . ,..... ...$5.00 to $12.00 Angora Scarfs................. .. $2.00. Complete Line of Shirts.. ..$2.00 to $8.00 Special Showing of Nt~wear......1.00 priate and suitable , ,, ., .. _ " ., .. C a y , I tp ,, v. S ti'' ,.} F , , y ,. };i . , ' ; - r: r 3 ,.' 1 t . , . , =, .-:.,,. ! . .. .. . .. t - - .. A. F c= / _. 1 j ~ gif.. I CarlF. Bay ARCADE JEWELER r. l So wve have a wronderf ul stock, of Christmas, Candies 'for- your selection this year I I I I 'I