THE MICHIGAN DAIL'___ nr I.i.1: Im I K,, ni L i ication ini University. Limo U1 1 UIFUL IIUts!LfII the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of Copy received until 3:20 0. m. (1:; Opa. .Baturday.) THURS DAY. IDECEM[BER'7, 112 umber .69 I Uui't' rsilty ectures : _^$n ,h; P'rofessor'A. Sommerfeld of the niety of vtail iu 1e aseies of four lectures on the general subject pf4oi4 tritr, thie week i the West ILecture Room of the -Physical", ortry. ProfsrPBadSommerfeld is undoubtedly On oft ~laigMathenatical physicists of Erope 4nd has- made fi i~s tal tiibbfr. to the fields tf bth 'hysics and Mathemnatics. II.)tf},boti onk, iti trutures is authoritativ nf. The ijtres will be given at :iioWnt ! 1 3huti carand ri- dy. The time osf tfe taturday ectuire wvill 'biouii&1 gamr The subject of the Wdnesday lecture:}. is 'b1i'Q1 id Hliun" and that of Thursday "Atomic Structure adteik4c~~e" ~ ~ OBIS. tnivrsit Letres: The Univrity lectures ?yDr. Ef)4 'A pit; Aithrpoist of te Victria Memoril Museumi, ttawa, a.ia4, whhih ie Ucvidably post- poned are now scheduled to be given at $ . i, n. o14MOway Jan. 22, and at 4:15f p.,im. Tuesday, Jan. 23, inkthe Natural ci eeAu ito~iuin The subjects oC the two lectures are "The Wet Coast J d tys of Cn a and "The Art of the Indians of Canada"' The public is ,crdislly,' invited. ~'.' It, A01INS. Consular Servrice:,_,, '. A'limited number of pamphlets have; beI i.r e3+eit this offie for dis- tributon amaong Stdents who re 'ikt' 4e i't1# X° t' 66A Consular Servilce:' Professor rane of the Poflti l bceixcd r trna:ha agreed to consult with tudents interested in tbA d 1i h a. i n: 't solck Thurs day afternoon .in Room 406, Library, Hrto t bWdki4M asii*#uuy an- nountced.. J'A. TRSIEY. Fellowships and Sholaships t Othr -0lir t~eos, . students wishing iformation about eloweips aFnd ' ehlarships for graduate study. at other unversities in ti country r ibro d my apply at" the' ffice of the Graduate School, wghere specil bulltis and dat- alogues.are kept on .fle. _ . . ALFR i i. D I I. LL.OY. euty, TCollege of Literature, ciene. ad the rts:" There will be no ecember meeting 6f the Factilynd the next regular meeting' will be hield Jan. 22. ily that timeo the Comhnittee o Crrespond- ence Courues will 'be ready to make its repogrt. F ,r^v'..' Y, % JOHlN 'R. EF INGER. tCo1lees of E:rineerlgn,R d Arcidktei' Senors iining1wrk in Februar r' b id cml t th~ e etarys Of- 11fice,j 0Ro 2 ;,aat, chek Up thefir cri' ' Thy;?oreign tudent'I1 oIay:s Lansing,.: Micigan? has sent _an invitatfionsto t At4ets from other land~j' the Ui*ritytto spend their Christnd i¢ itpinf>asing. The nm ;b h wsh informationi about this.inyittion Wi $*se Bro rt .as soon as possible.9 a. in.,Bingcse oos RES. t oo t 1 t11(1 GOra~hia JurnalClb: Th~ere will be a netng of te: Club ii Rcatm G'4, laturael Sience' bail ig; on Thursday, IDec..7 A , p p.7:3) u . " argrain-"Tae Coatton ituaion"' l~ro:'thee, Yea.' Bok of-'ho ,h U.S. earmet oft grculture. ;Revevd y roeso ?,i~l~irry. All interested are crd ially invited t attP~d. I;. lid t, seartary. Oiratorical ,AssocIatlgon Letre: ' ...t GlMen Franak,. the brillant young dt or o the Cetur t$ka ie, will 4eliver:txe ffth lecture. onlthe Oratrical A 4ssoiaon :Leture Corse to- ight t 8o'lock in Hill'Auditorium.,Iit 1a11bettali,1 bhg'tihe Apraching; Renaissance of Western Civilization. inglfsb D)epartment ta Enginering olles The lEnglish Dpartment in the Eugizerin g , i, i1l mteet at the ' Union fo4 luncheon Thursday, De. 7, at 12 'clock., hand eearsl at 7, Thursday, t.his wee)k, Nlbrry'Mal. '" ~FRFIDEZRICK W.I OOr 4Cap1t. .5. 0. PENN ~A PT TO FIGHTTSXLIBTE