IO F 2SNS HAPP'YAS ITDRAWS TO C'-LOSE GYMNASTIC TEAM There is a posibility that it will TO BE DEVELOP3ED' be entered in the Western Confere'nce 2 1although no definite action-has beenj taken upon that yet. It i .is Dr. Mbay Issues Call For Tryouts For, an informal team will be formed, and Ne informal. Squad I meets will be arranged ,with severab Detroit colleges and probably with Men interested in gymnastics will .A.C be given opportunity this year to dis- play their prowess on Michigan's new- ly formed gymnatic team. Dr.] LEARN TO. DANCE George May, director of Waterman IH L E gymnasium, has issued a call for re- DA~NCE STUDIOSI .cruits to report to hint in the gymn- hours 1.5 7-10 Wuerth. Arcade nasiumn oflice from 2 to 5 o'clock any,_____________________ afternoon before next Wednesday, and sign up for the squad. The team will be coached by Doc- tor May, who. was coach of Princeton DR W. .M L S university's eastern intercollegiate 'I .S.M L S champions from 1898 to 1900. Work OSTEtiIPAT IIC, PIIYSIClA~i 1will be done in tumbling, Indian club I i6 First Nat'l Ilk. Bldg. swinging, on the parallel and hori- Office HI4'ur: Phone zontal bars, the rings, and the .horse. 9.12; 1:30- I2-F1 e.i Got something for sale? classified ad will sell it for A "Daily" you.-Adv. Losa something? A elais the Daily will find if.--Adv. -~~i CORNWELL COAL Kentucky Egg and Lump West Va. Egg and Lump Pocahontas and Coke, I3MEDIATE DEIVERY COMMON AND FACE BRICK, CORNWELL COAL PHONES $14Fl and 2207 Office - Cornwell Block. hu m wo f VARSITY SPORT 511IP GREY SHOP 60o E. Liberty Htabe you had your Noon Lunch at the "Grey Shop? Hot Specials Every N~roon ATHLETIC [QUINM[NT Of -uALL. INDS SPECIAL PRICES TO FRAIVERkN.ITY AND INTER MURAL TEAMS SWEAT SHIRTS SPECIAL. $1 . DERLRILL PRATT JACK ICJN PHONE 3102-J, :;a. mommumomm dwommommom Idnnnn I1 ON The football season drawvs to a clesse. Gridiron enthusiasts shouild be thoroughly satis fied. 'There has been no dearth of luniinaries. The toot- ball heavens are laden with di 2y, dazzlini. thrills. In theo way of individual perform- ances. one finds stars to-the, north, ea. t, weit. and south. Enuough mate- rial for vibrant discussion to keep the hoes that satirate heat in the ,gen- ral store supplied until it's time to plow the garden. Exhibitions of line plunging have been numerous this ,season, but with- out a doubt, John Thomas of Chicago, carries off the supreme honors. Thomn- ,vs' work against Princeton caused ut- ter p)aralysis of mlany a lower jaw. Smasihinig and crashing, he tor from one end of the Aleld to the other, prac- tlcally unaidedl. On 14 rushes hie plunged for a' total gain of '125 yard;. Owen of Harvard, is u'versatile baeck{ A.nAj a good kicker, a headcy player of] thoe vintage of 1920 that can stand up) under nunisihment and (10 about every- tliilng expected of a grid warrior. J Captain Paul Goebel of Michigan" has commdanded no little attentionr thin season. He is fast and furious. Iris articular forte lies in his ability to not only plunge in. and break up the interference of the opposing team, but' after so doing, nail the mnan with the ball and down himn in his tracks. The kicking of Harry Kipke, an- other Wolverine, is a , sure-fire cher jerker. Punters in Kipke's class are as scarce as ey'e-teethe in poultry. The achievements of "Brick" Mutl- ler, California's star end, stand forth with scintillating prominence. "Ho is clown the field -like a flash of a search- light and can p~ass or receive a pass With dieadlly precision. The day of a California booster is incomplete with- out some laudatory comment on Mll- ler's prowess. One of the gameost players that ever stood tinder a headgear is Eddie Kaw of Cornell.' Although not a fast run- ner, this untamned Texas maverick is ahi~ost iml)ossible Ito corner. He. is not ,a brittle player and is seldom out of a game. fie can circle the ends, pass, crash the line like a boatload of cement and is as valuable to his team as any. man in the country, and inorc so than most of them. ATHLETIC HONOR WON BY STUDENT Having successfully negotiated the 12 entrance tests, William C. Knox,z '24, S. of M., was recently admitted to Sigma Delta Psi, national athletic honorary fraternity. Knox is the fourth undergraduate to receive the key since the institution was founded here last spring. The requirements, none of which in itself is exceedingly ;difficult, are of! a diverse nature so that the average athete after completing three quarters t You Can't Get More Value No Matter How Much You Pay I QGordon Locke, captain and fullback of thecm ails on the retraining two or of Iowa university's squtadron, is like titres.- a clock in a s ioolroom. The eyes Knox is the first man to receive this of' the oppositioxf rest on hlim through-, honor this fall. Several men are at cut the batt#le, for Lockte has the rep- present engaged in trying to pass the u3tation or berinig the most. dangerous tsts, and many others have dropped ~iidVack in the west.' A versatile jug- °t genalt punting,' end running, ndline demolishing are developed to l 1HOTEL ;AI4LENEL de ig leree. Is eerving a splendid steak and fish ['lhes are many others .who feature sppr vey:eein,$1.25:-Adv. I i f .; ; I I3 I 1.riglitly on the football zenith, Cov- ington of Center college, rrebeill of xgis(:ansjfl, etc., etc. Altoa 'hr-r, it has been a- success- tiul soar ,n. The price of a heavy over- coat to w;ithstnd the stadium's chill was not squandered in vain. Ladies of: St. Thomas Church will serve a chicken dinner Friday and ISaturday night from 5 to 7:30. At in- ter-church and_ the Wonmen's League Bazaar, lharbour Gym.-Adv. T'S LASIFI COLUMN A 1ECOLUMN CLOSES CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVER TISING AT 3 P.M. si I MICHIGAN DAILY Classified Rates. Two Cents per word a day, paid in advance. Min.- imum charge for first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. Three cents per word per day. if charged. White, space charged for at ratea of 6c per -agate line. _Classifid,' charged only to those having phones. -Liner Rates: Twelve cents per line,. without contract, paid in advance. PHONE 960 WANTED FOUND WANTED-Two seniors desire suite 'F'OUND-On Washtenaw in front of in quiet house; with private family : the Homeopathetic Hospital a pain preferred. Must be reasonable. Ad-I of glasses in a leather case with a dress Box A.D., Daily. 63 pencil and pen. Pen, h'as name on -- it. Owner can have sanme by call- WANTED-Furnaces to take care of - ing at Daily Business office and through Xmas vacation. Call v43, idniygsae615 8-10 p. in; 210'7 Hill St.I ientfyngsam. 1- FOUND-At Rider's Pen Shop. A real WANTElD-A Rider Pen which fails fountain pen for exams. 21 to write at touch. Rider's Pen Shop. 21IIOUlJND-icket for "In An Out" IVANTED-Alarried "student wants I , -J suite of rooms near Campus. Box MISCELLANEOUS Huron Street Taxi. 25c 445.-Adv. a. usssmofms ! a EAT; SHORE, DRINVK, aU * REST AND PLAY is All Michigan mten are ex- r A pected, nitdanUe quetedto'akeuse of 3 fit' IsI f SUDENT L LUNCH~ * ~ WI 11 x l rGO. II'° CPW II C F . ,c cm, E E CM COR. To get more value and more quality, to get fabrics that stand the test of wear with staunch and faultless tailoring, to get style, that is at, once becoming and new in fashion, at the closest figure to actual cost, buy I 10 KUPPENHEIMER GOOD CLOTHES 0 the nation's standard of a soundand sensible investment in good appearance WVANTED-Two tickets for Paderew- ski Entertainment. Call Peters 253- W. 62-2 L06?T_ LOST-Not ,book, Economics and French 'gooks. Notes essential tq miy welfare. Return to Daily office. I 63 LOST-Xi, Kappa Kappa Gamma' pinA marked M. L. Hood. Call 290. Re- ward, 63 LOST-Tauf Beta Pi and Sigma Xij keys. N. S. Fiook, phone 1511-F. 63 A1N ±'J tJNUM~A2 1'- . IJ3' YO U mowLIIaL Rider's 200 drop capacity Master- pen is the most popular pen on the campus?. There is. a reason. Call at Rider's ,Pen Shop. 21 SITUATION WANTED-First class typing promptly and neatly done. Call: 1015-W. mornings. 63 WINDOW SHlADES -WINDOW. SHADES Cleaned. New shades made to order. Ht. S. Col- lins, 214 E. Washington St. Phone 785-M. '21 TYPEWRITERS . ... _ t I VfRADC MARK REG. U.-S$..PAY. OFP.' tHpE ORIGINALwiD GATE When you change from N. F. ALLEN CO. 21 1 SOUTH MAIN CALL IH . i. C'. 1)A lS i