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December 07, 1922 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-12-07

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ptain Burke, Goldwater Showing
Best Form in Dashes; All Sprint-
ers Not Out Yet ,4


nnnnnrnrn nnmnnur

line. Hohlfeld may also be in uniform
next fall. He has had considerable
experience and will be valuable for
the 1923 team.,



Steve Farrell gave his proteges an-
other good workout yesterday after-
ioon when he put the sprinters, half.
nilers, and milers through their
Every one of the men are showing
ap. well in the pre-season training
period. and since most of them havej
been out for the last five weeks they
are practically all rounding into
shape for the first official trials after
"hristmas vacation.
Captain Burke Out
In the dashes Captain Burke and
xoldwater are showing up above the
'est of the field. Several other sprint-
rs who showed up well last year are
iot out yet and are not expected to
urn up .until the beginning of the'
fficial training period. I
Gibson was the only half miler on
he track yesterday afternoon with
Polhamus and Crzyminiski out for the
nile run. Tpe quarter mile squad
vhich has failed to make an appear-
nce with the exception of Purdy w P
e conposed of Simmons, Joyner, and
Rankin from last year's Varsity and
Iilse, Roesser, and Thomas from the
il-fresh. Roesser especially is. look-
d to for some good work because of
uis brilliant work with the freshman
quad last year. f
So far this seasontSteve has been
raining all of the runners together.
n the wor"kouts yesterday all of the
nen ran several' heats in the dashes
ollowing with a fast three-quarter.
nile grind on the track. As soon as
he men beginto show first class con-
ition they will begin to train for
heir particular distances. t
Van Orden Resting
Van Orden is resting up from thy:
ootball season and will not be out
or the shot put until after the holi-
ays. At present .Hindes is the only
ne who has been working with the
In the high jump McEllven seems to,
e in his last season's form.. Already
his season he has cleared. 5 feet, 10
nches and is expected to reach over
' feet before the first meet. Smith,
he only other high jumper out tore
ractice is \getting better every day
nd although he is not the athlete
hat his team mate is, he is to be
.ounted on for points.
All soph !its interested in try-
ing out for the class bowling
team be at the Union alleys at
,,4:15 o'clock today or call -ur-
wich, 2980.

(Chicago Tributae)
Iowa went east in October and play-!
ed and defeated Yale at New Haven)
When such noncomformity comes outf
of the west and so conducts itself, it ist
eastern habit to demand that the of-j
fender return the following year and
take a licking, if it can be adminis-
tered. If it is administered the of-
fender is cut off the schedule. In oth
er words, Yale says to Iowa, you cat r
play in New Haven till we lick you
and then we'll stop p aying with you
Princeton made an honorable ex-
ception to the rule, and, being beaten
by Chicago last year on its home
grounds, came west this year to see
what could be done about it, and did
fwhat it wanted to do.
Yale, defeated by Iowa, puts the
westerners down on the schedule for a
gane in New Haven next year. Iowa
declined the date. Yale resents this
interference with plans. Iowa might
play Yale at Iowa and probably de-
feat it, but declines to go to the kit-
chen door tnd eat with its host in the1
Where does Yale get the idea that
it can meet superior western teams
only on it sown grounds, on its own
terms, and at its own pleasures? It!
should be glad to get a place on any,
western schedule, on Purdue's sched-
ule, or Northwestern's, turn in and
turn about, here and in the east. Then
there might See a hard contest and one
interesting to watch. Iowa might base
its refusal to play Yale, even at Iow a
on the ground that ii would like to
meet an eastern team of class, such
as Cornell or Pitt or W. and J., andl
not a team which any one could lick.
Football preeminence may be on the
Pacific coast, but it certainly is not on
the Atlantic, and it never will be there
again. It should be in, the midwest
and probably will,be in the great state'
universities of this section.
Harvard, Yale, and the o der east-
ern universities are not reproducing.
Statistically, Yale men and Harvard
men do not send each one son back
to their schools. The prospects of'
the eastern schools are dwindling.
Some of them recognize this and are!
limitin'g the meinbership.
The state universities of the mid-
west have the wealth of their states
behind them. It is greater than the
largest eastern endowments. They
have the wealth of a sturdy popula-
tion behind them. Strong boys go to
them from the cities and farms. Of
course, they will produce athletic
supremacy. The effete east is right:
Yale may try to assert a classic tra-
dition to cover confusion, but that da3
is gone forever. The west does not
wait on a bow from the east, but al-
ready wants to know whether the east
can produce anything worth its while.
There may be .a few early October
dates in a few years from now for

modesty which is the best, dress of Bieberstein and Miller both have.
mediocrity. .shown up extremely .well when they'a
------ have played this fall. They each have1
~~--~-~~ two years more to play and shouldC
-I-andbalb--Only Few Football Men Lost Through prove strong men for the line.1
Graduation; 1 ave Good YearlIng Center Material Abundant
Three more contenders for posses- Squad Next year's team will not lack for
sion of the can that will be given to IIa center with Bud Pearse and per-
MVST FIND NEW QUARTERB4 Ch hags Tom Nichols in school. They
the winner o1 the All-campus hand- TO REPLACE "SHORTY" AiRR havealternatedduring the entire sea-
ball touzrnament were eliminated yes- son and are pivot men of no mean
terday in the afternoon's play at the ! (Special to The Daily) ability. There is a strong possibility
handball courts in Waterman gym- Madison, Dec. 5.-Despite . all the! that Kibo Brumm will be able to play
n asiiurn. hue and, cry, which is natural, atth' again next year. He has played at
Fr'onczak bested Kinley 3-0 in the end y, seaso oe teapoor the tackle, guard, and center during his
i end of the season over the poor pros- two years of Varsity grid work andt
first match. Ie won the first w-it pects for a winning team next year, will be a strong addition to the 1923
ease, but was closely pressed for hon- material of good calibre isreseent at grid team if he can play. Teckmeyer,
orsin hese~ondwhn te gmeWisconsin, which will make the 'team I who was on the squad until declaredr
ended 21-20. His opponent forfeited rank with the best in the Conference. h th sl an deed h
tho third round Comparatively few men will be lost ineligible this fall, will again seek the
The second game went to Shawaker, through graduation, wcile a large Mnter position.
who defeated his opponent, Carrol, number of men on the squad this fall Must id Quarter -
3-1. The winner copped the initial will report for practice next Septem- While, the deveiopmcnt of a manAtoc
and second match, but came up on her. fill the vacancy left by Shorty Barr's
the under side in the third, which ne- While.Gus Tebell's loss at the wing graduation will be one of Coach Rich-
cessitated the playing of a fourth positioni will be keenly felt, two ex- ard's greatest problems, there is con-t
match. cellent players have. proved this sea- siderable promising material. Mill-V
Khemmani and Simonsky kept the son that they are capable of holding man will be after the job hgain nextt
crowd on its toes throughout their up the ends in true Wisconsin style. year and is a possible choice. He ist
centest which went to the former by a Many Fast Ends rather light, but works in the fashiont
score of 3-2. Their play was about Irish, who has been playing end of Allan Davey, one of Wisconsin's
the same quality and they returned during the past season, has a year of stars of former years. . If he can
the serves and drives with equal skill, Varsity competition left and will work emulate Davey's work, Coach Rich-
but the winner had the most stamina; next year. Irish is fast and has the ards can ask nothing more.
N hich was the deciding factor in this necessary height to enable him to nab Mike Stone, who played quarter on
serie.:. long passes. Steve Polaski proved in ,the 1920 frosh, probably will be back
A lew of those scheduled to plan in the Chicago game as well as in the in school next semester so as to be
the tournament have not. played off latter part of the Michigan game, that eligible for next year's competition.
their matches. It is the order of the he is an end of mudh ability. What He has gained considerable fame with
handball officials that these be play- I Polaski lacks in weight he makes up the Milwaukee Normal school in the
ed off and the scores tabulated not in speed and fight. past two years and will help to make
later than 5 c'clock this afternoon, or Below Will Star tle 1923 team a winner. O'Brien,
the men effected will be automatically In Captain Marty Below, Wisconsin captain of this year's All-Fresh, is.
dropped from the running. Follow- will have one of the best ends in the another likely candiditte for the pilot
ing are the pairings of the men who Conference . Below is a whale at position.
have their matches yet to play: Kline, breaking through the line and tackl- Tait to Play Full
136, vs. Langlois, Univ. 148-M; Hart- ing the opposing backs for big losses. At fullback Taft will do most of the
well, 909, vs. Ensinger, 2276-W; Sar- Although Fat Smith is listed as a sen- work. lHe is a plunger, a kicker, and
nachia, 1933, vs. Blauner, 751-W; Sa- lor, there is a possibility of his being a fighter ixrho will rate well with best
bine, 706 South State, vs. Bowers, 397,. in play again next year. lie has play- backs in the Conference next year.,
Stevens, 2085-R, vs. Brown, 751-W. ed only one year of Conference foot- RIadtke, a sophomore this year, is an-
ball and is eligible for two more years other good fullback and he can be us-
Dice Working in National Museum if he is in school. . ed at halfback if necessary.
. Dr. Lee R. Dice, curator of Mam- For the guard positions, Sykes is, ,Even with the loss of Captain Wil-
mals in the University museum, is ih the same position as Smith. If he liams and Gibson there are halfbacks
now-in Washington where he is doing plays next year, he will be a big fac- galore. Jack Harris is :4 plunging de-
work in the National Museum. tor in building up the center of the mon who will probably hold down on'e

Yale out here, when Yale learns the

of the halfback jobs. Sid Eagleburg- culty may correct itself as soon as
er will be back with all of his speed. Mather determines who will- be the
Whitten and Saari, two men who flr.,t five or six men.
played good football this season, will N. . Has Veterans
be eligible again next year. Stengel Notre Dame is bringing a squad of
and Carlson will be after the halfback 10 men of which a majority are vet-
berths. Herb Opitz, one of the finds erans and the Wolverines/,will meet
of the season, is eligible for two year soie sti-ff opposition when they face
more and is looked to for good work. the Catholics tomorrow night. While
~~~~~~~ Notre Dame is not noted for her court
teams as much as those which repre-
Tf100 sent her on the gridiron, Mather is
taking all precaution to be sure that
JOTFIDAME TOM0HOW ihan does her best to start off the
"No ineup Chosen
Coach Mather drove his men hard bTheVarsity line-up has not yet
yestrda evnin inprearaionforbeen made public but it is expected
yesterday evening in preparation for that Miller will start at one forward
the opening game of the basketball while either Henderson or Haggerty
season against the Notre Dame court i will be his running-mate. Kipke who
live at 7:30 tomorrow night in- Water- I is now out for practice will be in
man gymnasium. Lansing tomorrow night so that he
Teamwork Lacking will not be able to get into the open-
Scrimmage was held last night in ing game with the Varsity. Ely in all
which most of the men who are now probability will start a- guard instead
on the squad took part and the coach of his regular place at the jump off
was somewhat disappointed in the re- position and this leaves the center job
suits which were shown. At present* open to either McWood or Emery,
Sappears to be a lack of team- with McWood probably startimig the
work between the men and Mather is fray.
trying hard to overcome this deficien Ely, Birks and Paper will take care-
cy. This may be due to the fact that of the'guard positions -with Cappon
the same men have not been playing also expected to get into the game be-
together with regularity and the difli- fore the final whistle.
Stu den ts Sipply Storec
1111 South University Ave.
Engineers' and Architects' Materials
Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books
Cameras and Supplies
Candies, Laundry Agency, Tobaccos







Z will do my Chfistmas Shop-
ping now. One-half the pleas-
ure is in anticipation anyway
and I want to be free when I
get home for Christmas.
The first thng will be one of
those good reliable Rider's Mas-

terpens for Dad. Then some of
those beautiful Wahl Ever-
sharps or Le,. Boeup Sautoir
pens with ribbons with color
and design to match.
You bet I'm going to have
one of those green gold Ever-

sharp sets in one of those ex-
clusive cdesign leather cases for
my girl.
I will trade with Rider be-
cause he knows what will be
most sure to suit.

School of Music Tuner
PHONE 3002 -
Office at Rles., 418 N. Divisiop St.


Fountain Pen Specialist. IN COLLE2GE INN.

I- r 1




account of the delicate subject
d scenes men and women will
t be admitted together to see
s picture.

Oratorical Association Lecture Course

Time to Step Out!






Editor Century Magazine

Brilliant young speaker,

H AVE you noticed that more men
than ever are stepping out in formal
clothes? The reason probably is that
good dressers prefer to be attired cor-
And the season is here - the dance, the
theater, the club, the reception, the wed-
ding - all demand clothes that fit the
occasion. Ours do, for they were made
right and priced right.

Matinee and Night


Subject: "The Approaching Renaissance
of Western Civilization"




Last Day for Women

309 S. Main

Course tickets for the six remaining lectures $2.50 and $3.00

I. -'- *'1



Dances Friday nd

otu rday

mmm" ,Im

-ur,- - - rInu

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