THE MICHIGAN DAILY _________ IRELAND EINTERS BRTS M'PHInauguroition Ceremonies;. Unmarred by Hostility from Republicans President Ch ocoes M innesota Lawyer For Supreme Bench CONVENTION TO LAY PLANS FOR GYM WORK,~ 4" TINO RY IIEALY TAKES OATH AS NEW GOVERNOR-GENERALI 2i (By Associated, Press) Dublin, Dec. 6. - Inauguration of the, Irish Free state as one of the dominions of the British empire, took place todlay. The ceremonies were simple and unmarr~ed by hostile dem- onstrations by the Republican minor- ity._ The oath was *adlministered to, Timothy Healyr as 'governor general ; by the lord chief justice at Mr. Healy's r'esidence in Chapelizod. There were no crowds outside the *jparliament house 'when the' Dail met tonight. The ministers and others connected with the goivernm'ent made their wmay to parliament chiamber "by .a private entrance from the adjoining govern.- ment offices, and no visitors were ad-! witted. ' William T.. Cosgrave, president of ! the Dail, was the first one to be N' sworn and to sign the roll. The form of the oath of, allegiance was primar- ily, to the constitution of the Irish t~ree state, and then to congratulate IKing George as the head of, the jpeo- S ple forming* the British c~ommon- ' wealth, 7 POSTAL SERVICE NEDS f S TUDENF T ASSISTANTP z A'NY SOUGHT TO HANDLE MAIL CONGESTION DURING XMAS ' tiVACATION C s s 'dI t RE I)AY P~ROGRhAM INCLUD)ESC 1)1S(ATS$!ON S, 13ANQU ET.lS, A .II) SPEECHIESe :a I Next )"Er'~s course, ',.) gymnasium' work in the state public grammar and pp: high schools will be planned Belle SDec. 11, 12, and 13, at the fourth an- ' ~nual convention of the State Council' of Physical Education of he Michi-. gn Department of Public Instruc- tion, which will be head at the Union. f The first of the three days will be devoted to a discussion of the junior high scbool program. That evening :~President Marion L. Burton and' Mrs. I Burton will' be guests of the conven- tion at a dinner in the Union. 1 ' Tuesday morning. comparative ath- letics for girls and responsibility for the health program will be discuss-: edI. in the afternoon talks will kbe given concerning ability tests, the! present dlay trend of physical educa- tion, and plans of the American Phys-3 161l Education association will be mentioned. At 6:15 o'clock a dinner1 .' ( will be given for Coach Fielding H. IYost and Mrs. Yrost. Pierec Butler The program for the final morning President Hlarding has named Pierce of the convention will consist of three Butler, attorney of St. Paul, Minn.,talks from ,members of the council. justice of the United States supreme , Mss Florence List will speak on ,or.Bte s e nw mn "Professional Ethics," C. F. Tambling Domrt. ofu t h i e .lkno n i n ote c nra l discuss "State Basketball Tour- riemersof te br i thecenralnaments," and Floyd A. Rowe, director ___________ _____ of the State Council of Physical Edu- cation, will conclude thne meeting with Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv. a legislative program and an outline II FTSUGGESTIONS for the reorganization of the state' leers who are unable to do so are ask- i~r~' o1;c, held by :Mpln Ni fourth floor, University hall. Par council. ed to be present anyway. . All faChalum111-1 ni embers of Al- the program will be a debate on pha Nu, public speaking society-, -wi:l question "Resolved: that presider Veterans to be Photoed Engineering Society to hecar h(ales be invited to the meeting to be held candidates should be nominated A'1 members of the Veterans of R. C. Kales, the designer of the new totlnloro night in the Alpha Nu room. ,d~rect primIaries." *Foreign Wars will assemble at 1:,30, Field house on Ferry field, 'will speak o'clock Saturday afternoon in front to the members of the Engineering so -_______________________________________ of Alumni Memorial hall to have a! ciety at their next general meeting group picture taken for the Michigan- which will be held" at 7:30 o'clock ensian. Everyone is expected to ap-. Tuesday night in the reading room ~T ~~.1~-__ pear' in uniform if possible but mem- of the 'Union. """"I"~~JL LJ As to where to get the best quality meats in town-- call SILK HOSIERY HATS -3100 -- SILK AND WOOL .HOSIERY WOOL HOSIERY GLOVES JEWELRY COLLAR BAGS TRAVELING BAGS UMBRELLAS BATH ROBES SILK SHIRTS PAJAMAS CAPS OVERCOATS SUITS UNDERWEAR TWO HONES i I 3 i i k f 1 We have the largest and best variety SPORT COATS KNIT JACKETS SWEATERS BELTS AND BUCKLES HANDKERCHIEFS NECKWEAR __O F- OASTS STIEAK CHOPS AND POULTRY AS WELL AS A COMPLETE LINE OF CANNED GOODS i Wahmsand Co. U I TWO STORES STATE STREET MAIN STREET 11 Ii III a U -E 223 N. MAIN STR?- ET . - mmommurni ..... ii. 4J qf 113 I :I, :f ?iit As in former years,' during the Christmas rush, a limited number of jobs wi'l be offerod to students by the 'United States, postal service it Detroit, postoffice and on the firm' tr'ains. Three. types of ,,work 'will be avallabh*. The first. will consist in work in thc' Detroit p6stof'ce sorting . mail. 0n( hundred men will 1e. needed far' thi work, :which will start Dec.. 16 or 17 Twenty-five alen will also :be neede< in the Michigan Central railway term final to'handle mail. A third position will be open. to 11, nieh as sorters on mail trains.r Stu- dents are . preferred who~ live in o= near 'Grand Rapids, as 'the, majority of tlre runs, will be in this 'part of the state. For this position, it will be ne' cessary to appzy to' the Chief Clerk. R:i'way" Mall Service, Grand Rapids For all of these, positions it will be necessary to write a letter, of appli- t ation and to apply to the local, 'post- master for his recommendation before sending in the application.i Scabbard 'and Blade to Organize Organization of a local chapter o0 Scabbard and Elade national honor ary iilitarT fraternity, was esfecte here last week, and initiations wil be held in the near future. Cadet of ficers of the R.O.T.C. are eligible fom mnembership and in selecting mremberi military proficiency -iw the first con sideration, with scholarship Gnd par tciptionin acampufi activities alsi coutigas requirements.. 'Lose something'? A 'elasst$b.d the' Daily will find it.-Adv. Patronize Daily 'advertisers.-Adv. &You W1111 Learn Hore Rapidly I ' In a Few PRIVATE LESSONs IHALSEY'S DANCE' STUD)IOS I L-- .L---- 11 !,'~-1 Sweet Milk ChIracolate r. b~ #' ; °: ,, Be'cuse---It contains the richest, whole-cream milk in the world-R from Wisconsin, designated by the U. S. Department et Agriculture as the banner dairying State in the Union. Be'cause--.Wisconsin combines the two essentials for the rich milk which we use - emerald green fields and over 7,000 spring-fed lakes and babbling brooks. Cows that feed in brown, barren fields and drink from sluggish streams give barren milk. .because--Eline's contains no skimmed or powdered milk--would you feed your child skimmed milk?. Because--Eline's is made in the country in a model, up-to-the. mi,-~ ute plant, sun-lighted, sanitary, and perfectly ventilated. Because-Eline's contains the choicest of rich, plump cocoa beans and purest refined sugar. Because-Eliine's is marvelously smooth and velvety ; persuasive in aroma and rich to taste. Because-Eline's is a complete and concentrated food, nourish- ing, healthful, delicious and honestly made. Be cause-Eline's costs no more than common chocolate. f , f , 1 ,/ e; : Sc -c' 7f A l ' ' l TIP~ Ann Arbor 4 Re-arn %-- r ...- ...- ...,.- ...- , _:.- -- _ : , ... -.... .. -- 1 uy Eline's by the box On Sale Everywhere-Sc and l0c Sizes sc Eat 11\s te Al 01 Alm~ o 111 vzin rZZ IV" 1, -- - - ' " t/1111/tom