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December 07, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-12-07

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f riA














Paslua Considers New Proposition
Sultable Basis For Dis-
(By Associated Press)
Lausanne, Dec. 6.-A strong Amer-
ican plea for the freedom of the straits
with the right of warships to pass to
and from the Black Sea was the out-
standing feature of the Near East con-
ference today, which received from
the entente nations a definite project
for the future control of this great
waterway. The Russian plan for the
exclusion of all but Turkish warships
from the straits received a bad blow
by the Allied proposal.
Al Neal Free Access
Richard Washburn Child, the Amer-
ican ambassador to Italy, adopted the
broad standpoint that the very inter-
ests of the countries bordering on the
Black Sea made it imperative to keepi
the Straits open; The United States
in common with every commercial na-
tion wished access to every free body a
of water in the world.
The entente nations presented a
comprehensive plan for restricted
opening of the Straits, which was de-
signed to prevent any one body from
acquiring iastery there. They sug-
gested demilitarization of the entire
Straits' territorial zone, and proposed
the appointment of an international
commission to guarantee the freedom
of the Straits.
Russian Ridicules PlanI
George Tchitcherin, the Russian,
soviet foreign minister, ridiculed the
Allied proposal, saying it meant re-
sumption of international rivalries,
but Ismet Pasha, for Turkey, Informed
the Associated Press that he consid-
ered the entente proposition suitable
balis for future discussion, whichI
Nv lb. ;'esoumeid Friday.:-..
In addition to the plan presented to-1
day, the Allies were arranging for thej
formation of a committee of experts toI
work out detailed regulation for pro-
tecting Constantinople."


Tickets for the NtoterDame-Michigan
basketball game Friday night will besl inteAh tcaso ain
sold in the Athletic association offico
Thursday beginning at 9 o'clock. Ath-
letic coupons cannot be used as ad- Fresh Engineers And All Architects
mission tickets. The tickets are pri"- Vote Quotas In Reimbursing For
ed at 50 cents. Rush Pamage>
The Athletic association will sell
tickets to the Conference games to GOEBEL AND KIPKE PRESENT
be played after the first of the year. SITUATION TO ASSEMBLIES;
The date of this sale will be an-
pounced later. Five classes of the University yes-
terday voted funds for the all-Univer-
sity re-imbursement of theater owners "
for losses which were siistained after -
the celebration of a week ago Sunday
night. The 'freshman engineers voted i ~ :>:; . ; "
$160, senior architects $13, junior archi-
tepts $14; sophomore architects $17,
and freshmen architects $21. The 44.;:.
.amounts in each 'case were propor- M
Twenty Junior Lits, Five Others
Appointed to Assist Offical The matter was laid before the en-
Body ginners in a class meeting yesterday
______ morning by Paul Goebe', '23E, and 4
APPLICATIONS FOR TICKETS the members unanimously voted the
DUE BY TOMORROW NOON funds. Harry Kipke, '24, explained the!
situation to the architects in class
Twenty juniors of the literary col- meetings, and the members of those
teclasses also took unanimous action -
lege, two of the engineering andt toards thsore-iburn t.
medical schools, and one of the den- towardste re-imursement, [
tal college were appointed yesterday Yesterday saw the start of the lay- The newly formed bloc, snapped at i s oganizatIon meeting. Senator La 'ollette, who called together the 34
by John P. Lawton, '24, chairman of ng of the matter before the classes;men who form the body, and Senator Norris, temporary chairana (e xireme right) indlcted by arrows.
the J-Hop .committee,. to act as a Hop and action by th~e other classes of the
thub-omittee. TieommtteswiHlpUniversity will follow upon the move- Political observers at the na-tional capital will watch closely the early activities of the newly formed
-eomptthe . 14s committeemen ecdby ment started by the five classes who "progressive bloc," organized by Sen ator LaFollette, of Wisconsin, with t he avowe"' intention of working. gov-
help the 14 comitteemen elected by held meetings yesterday. Presidents ernent reforms and innovations. The bloc, consisting of 34 Republican and Democratic senators and repre-
their classes oprepare the Hop. of the classes in a meeting Tuesday ev- sentatives and "elects" to both houses, plans, among other things, to fight for amendments to the constitution
W Ball, r H.iTs avaonaugh, ar C. 1411ening believed that the best, way of providing for the abolishment of the electorial college and the earlier meetings of newly formed congresses; a
W. Ball, H. T. Cavanaugh, G. CHill,making the movement an all-Univer- more extensive rimary system, extending even to the Presidential election, revision of the revenue law, rejec-
J. F. Idema, Quentin Klein, L. E. sity affair was to place it before the tion of the administration's ship subsidy plan, impeachment of Attorney-C eneral Daugherty and recognition of
Mack, Carl Weinman, T. G. Osius, tewart casses, and automatically reach the Soviet Russia. The loc is shown at its first meeting.

Men's Chorus Reveals Tremendous
Improvement Over That of
1922 Opera
By Howard A. Donahue
Last year Mimes produced an opera
which depended almost entirely upon
its agile chorus and several clever
dancers to make it a good musical
comedy. In this year's show, the hon-
ors have unquestionably fallen to the
cast, and, especially to one Lyonel
Ames, '24, who as a singer, -dancer
and actor, is the most versatile "lead-
ing woman" in the memory of the
present generation of opera goers.
His co-star, Arthur Ho'den, is at
once a finished juvenile. He is the
ardent wooer; the dapper beau, an'd
is not surpassed by any other- mem-
ber of the company as a dancer.. His
acting lacks anything tinging of ,su-
perficiality. In the third performance
last evening these two men .Mood out
as finished products of nine weeks of
With the exception of James -Dres-
back, '24, in the role of Kate, . tjlh
he carries off with the' usual es-
bach effervescence, Buckley
bins, '23, as Mell and Howard 'SImp-
son," '24, In' another character; part,
the cast and- chorus is frill of stra.nge
Aaces.'IHere and there a familiiar,:face
and "figure" is noted in the chorus,
and naturally thistchorus. n uct of
last .year looks better than ,his. novice
team mates.
In the chorus aggregations lie; the
weakness of "In and Out", with one
exception, the men's chorus. In -this
department an inestiniable improyi-
ment has been made over last year.
In the girls' chorus the greatest


. . v Y a./ ., . N W 1 , M ." i L .1 . I ,
G. W. Troost, N. J. Walters. Harold
Latta, D. D. Loree, L. J. Franklin, ,0.
W. Kirsch, H. S. Stinison, K. H.. Val-
entine, and W. H. Church. -Those se-
lected from the other schools are: W.
C. Kratz, '24E , B F. ,Hausman,y'1241C,
R: L. Mustard, '24M, B. M. Stevenson,
'24M, and P. R. Miller, '20.".
All applications for Hop tickets
met be in the hands of the Hop
ticket committee by Friday noon if'
they are to get consideration. The ap-
plications will be considered 'by the
committee in the order in which they
arrive through the' mail, and will all
be returned to the applicants,.honor-
ed or rejected, the first of next .week.
Many bids from' ordhestras to play
at the affair this" year have been re-
ceived, by,.the committe'mand aree-
ing considered.' The o )r for the
programs and other- articles for the
formal have already been placed. The
publicity committee will send' out tG-
day through the Michigan. News bu-
reau more than 150 stories dealing
with the Hop as a social affair
and its history to various newspapers
throughout the country.

entire student body. The faculty is
taking separate action, in raising
The idea of re-inbursing the thea-
ters is looked upon as the most em-
phatic repudiation which can be
made to the small minority which de-
stroyed property and " which was im-
plicated ins the, general disorder. It
is felt that such a demonstration bI
the whole University will thoroughly,
convince other schools and the state
that rowdyism of the serious nature
o the Sunday night disorders is not
the usual thing at Michigan, and that
it is not tolerated. It is 'understood
that the affair was entirely different
from 'the ordinary good-natured thea-
ter rush.



influence of such men as Bunsen,
Planck, Rutherford, and Bohr on the'
historical development of this
modern notion of atom structure, he
Ipointed out certain fallacies which
might be corrected by a model, work-
ed. out by one of his pupils, which he


"The Approaching Renaissance
Western Civilzation"
Is Topic{

o DI oi~ui I u r lI Eift

Excavation for Literary Building
Affected by Change in
Groutid IPlans


HoIme-town Alumni Plan Banquet for,
Three Football Players
Harry G. Kipke, '24, Edward R. Van ill
Devoort, '24, and James E. Johns, luLl
'23E, will be guests at a banquet wfi im
Lansing business men and friends of HOL
the athletes will hold Friday evening CON
at Lansing, the home town of the't
football players.
Coach Fielding H. Yost, and As-!

members of the University

All Cars Required to Be Tagged on
First Day of Year
Automobile licenses must be pro-
cured before Jan. 1, and are not to
f be' put on cars before that date. Coun-
ty .Clerk Pray urges that those re-
quiring licenses get them at once, for'
there is always confusion in the rush
of the last week, and it is then difficult
to straighten out irregularities in
A certificate of title from the Secre-
tary of State and a driver's license
must be presented and approved when
application for license is made.
The rate is the same this year as
'last, 25 cents per h. p. 'and 35 cents
per hundred-weight. The licenses this
,year will have white numerals on a
green background.

. Glenn Frank, editor of the Century !
magazine, who will speak at 8 o'clock i .Send 4%fciai Invit-
tonight in 'Hill auditori-um under tI e rototFootball Men for
auspices of the University Oratorical tF len o
association on "The Approaching !
Renaissance of Western Civilization," VICTORY FESTIVITIES SET
made a short stop here Tuesday on . A ,
his way to Washington. FOR NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT
The interest in Mr. Frank, it is ~~
said, is two-fold,'arising from the fact Official Invitation has 'een .received
that he is prominent in American by Coach Yost from the Detroit alum-
literature and that he came to his po- ni asking the Varsity football team,
sition as editor of the Century maga- 'coaches, band and cheerleaders to De-
zine when he was only 34 years old.; troit for the championship football
After receiving his A.B. from bust to be held at 8 o'clock Saturday!
Northwestern university in 1912, Mr.'night at the Board of Commerce aud-
Frank 'spent four years as assistant itorium.
to the nresident of that institution. He The gathering this year is to be in
then left for Boston, where he engag- the form of the greatest celebration
ed in research and organization work 'ever given a Michigan team by its
I with Edward A. Filene, prominent alumni. Elaborate plans have been
eastern merchant and authority on in-. made for the affair and and more than
dustrial, civic and business ques- 3,000 invitations have been sent out to
tions. every alumnus situated in Detroit or
After being made associate editor the near vicinity.
of the Century in 1919 his articles each The Michigan delegation, including
month in that publication won the ad- 'the 30 members of the team, Coach
miration of many in America, until Yost and the others who have been
1921 when he was appointed to the invited as guests, will leave Ann Ar-
position of editor in chief. . bor at 1:10 o'clock Saturday afternoon

AWork on the general excavation for
the nev Literary building having been
completed, the deeper diggbig for the
heating tunnel L) extend the whole,
length of the structure is now under
way. This finished, it will be possible
to go onlvith the tunnel construction
in spite of the fact that the details for
the foundations are not completed at
the present time. Recalculation of all
footings was necessitated by' thej
change in exterior design which was
made after the first study had been
I Contrary to the rumors that con-
struction will stop with the advent of
the winter weather, Prof. John F.j
Shepard, director of the building pro-
gran, states that the building'will go
on without interruption. Concrete
will be poured, as in summer,, during
the cold months, precaution being
tahen in covering the work and in
some treatment of the mixtures. Prog-
ress on both the new engineering
shops and on the model high school

313LU1L ioacl keorge V.
speak at the banquet. Coach
leave today for Lansing, wh
address the high school prin
teachers of the city this e'
large number of Lansing st
expected to attend the banq
Opposes Divo
I fMan Andl
Chicago, Dec. 6.-The h
man made civilization and t
forever stand inseparabl
Dinsmore, secretary of the
sociation of America, decl
in an address before the as
annual meeting.
."Since time began, the
been the servant and con
man, his courage and stre
won battles and decidedN
speaker said. "His speeds
earliest people who lived
herds and flocks, and his
docility aided in the first
tempts at agriculture and t

Yst wiLl have signified their intention of at-
e Yost will tending the seccnd 'annual state
ere hie ill Christian Callings conference that is
nicpalsnd being held at Albion college on Fri-
venig. A day, Saturday, a4d Sunday of this
udents are week The number that will go from
quete here is not btufficient to warrant the
running of a special, car, but the in-'
terurban 'company has suggested that
ce -''a trailer be attach'ed. to one of thei
_v regular inerurbans to be used exclus-


T 17..;..... ., r. T iL,,

vvnzmszes tio iviaae K
First Appearance SDISCUSSES
Of Year Tomorrow;
- - 'i T~tI'.T1RG fb e, AP

V0orse'ively for the members of the confer- Whimsies will place on sale its
encc. first issue of this year on Friday, ac-
The conference is a state affair at cording to the expectation of the edi-
horse and which will be representatives from 'all tors. The number contains a balanc-
hey should of -the leading Christian associations ed collection of poems and short stor-
e, Wayne in the state. The first conference of ies, and an unusual essay purporting
Horse as- !this nature was held last year in Ann to be a letter from Silas Marner to
ared today Arbor. i Miss George Eliot.
sociation's Chief among the many speakers A classical tale by Robert Bartron,
who will address the gatherings will '25, and a problem story of some
horse has be Dr. Samuel Zwemer, speaking on length by Lawrence Conrad, '23, form
mpanion of the subject of "The World .Call," Dr. the principal prose offerings.
ngth have Zwemer is one of the acknowledged The several poems by Eloise Street,'
wars," the world authorities on Mohammedanism.; spec., and Ruth Lechlitner, '23, are
served the said to posses rare merit, and alto-
by their Sigma Delta Chi Meets Tonight gether the Issue is regarded as ably
power andi Sigma Delta %Chi, national profes- maintaining the high quality estab-
crude at- sional journalistic fraternity,, will 'lished by previous Issues of the mag-
ransporta- hold its first meeting since Nov. 16, azine.
at 7 o'clock tonight at the Union.
lays Interestingly B DISARM TREATY
of Bach Numbers Played with Admirable Skill Washington, Dec. 6.--Iow the naval
it Twilight Organ ci limitation treaty already has curtailed
Lt Tiliht rganRectalthe manufacture of navy ordance was
portrayed in the annual report today
ofthe. Navy department's ordnance
ype of com- excellence of performance lay in the oftheNan
ion of per- careful weaving of the two antitheti- bureau
ight Organ cal themes.ii Although the treaty's scrapping pro-
yesterday Franck's Piece Heroique, in spite of visions willunot become effective un-
m. Professor Moore's verbal interpreta- til the instrument has been ratified by
Sthe pro- tion, was rather enigmatic. It. was, all the signatory powers, the govern-
in G min- however, colorful in the passion of its ntas stopped constructiosswork
ck's Piece melodic theme and the majesty oi' its on a sufficient number of vessels, to
being given victorious finale. effect a considerable saving in ex-
Mooe'e x-; Af the other numhrs. Noh'Ae- penditures for armor, armament and

Speaking on the general topic of4
atomic structure but emphasizing the
"Hydrogen and Helium Atom", Prof.
A. Sommerfeld of the University of
Munich one of the leading mathemat-
ical physicists of Europe, delivered theI
first of a series of four lectures before'
a large audience yesterday afternoon
in the west lecture room of the pliy-
sical laboratory.
Professor Sommerfeld first describ-
ed the structure of the hydrogen and
helium atoms as generally accepted
at the present. He pointed out that
this description was based upon the
modern conception of electronic struc-
ture of matter. Then after tracing the
The Michigan Daily
Classified Columns, for items of
interest. Under the various
headings there you will find
many valuable suggestions, and
you can save money by follow-
ing them up.
You may also sell something

on a special car. In the afternoon ihas been rapid since the relief from:
they will attend the Capitol theater;:; the earlier shortage of steel.
and dinner will be served them at the
Detroit' University club at 6 o'clock Preliminary decoration of an exper-
that night. imental nature has been done on the
The big victory celebration for the Clements Memorial library and awaits
team will be held at 8 o'clock at the the criticism of Architect Albert E.
Board of Commerce auditorium. All Kahn.
students, mem'bers of the faculty,.
alumni and others from Ann Arbor Chie (,ol pm on Reejcts Ford Plan
are strongly urged to come in for it. Columbus, 0., Dec. 6. - The State,
An admission fee of $1. will be charg-, Utilities commission today dismissed,
ed to help cover the expenses. for want of, jurisdiction, the applica-
_ ___--a'tion of the Detroit, Toledo, and Iron-,
Watrthin and Preston Addre a Society ton railroad, a Henry Ford property,
Dr. A. S. Warthin and Dr. Preston for euthorization for issuing $1,000,-
M. Hickey of the Medical school spoke 'On i nemployes' improvement certifi-
before the radiological society in D- c s. to e sold to employes of the
troit last night. 'mr.
Korff Scouts Fears Of War

girl is to'd t do is "smile
"ponies" of "In and Out"
smile except in an occasion
Ames had one serious fa
too reticent in showing his
ing face to his audience,
'lined to look into the win
stage instead of over the
John Grylls as Anasphasi
for a great hand In the
with some patter which h
atmosphere. Buckley R
Sherwood Judson, as Fell
bring a good round of app
sheer nonsense and some
and answers.
James Dresback, as the
of the Bowery has a voc
slang that would lmake a
professor gray halted c
Dresbach is one of the coni
the second act and his wo:
ing the chorus in "Ann Ar
:will make that number
one 6n ,the road.
"The Toy Soldier Mare
"Dutch Cleanser" dance a
act are easily the mosi
dance creations of the s
"Love Themes" and "Gee
Wonderful" are songs whic]
ty in themselves and are
good acting by the leads v
them. The end 'of the fi
made .iore effective beca
lack of a chorus finale, an
s;Pdom seen in a musical
Makeup Poor
The makeup in a few e
be improved. The father
mina is entirely too your
role he plays, would look
y ina pair of spectacl(
A-first night spectator a
last 7ight's performance w
art, all that an amateur s
~o make it a success is ti
to gaconfidence in itsE
arc shows marked improve
Menda night, and at the
week Mimes should have
ready for the road which
qef uailedirnd'any deip
a pre'vi'ous production,.

Russian Statesman Relieves P.sent Cond~iNons Tend Towards
tion, and That All Nations Want Peac



Moore P
Gives Verbal Explanations
interesting variation in ty
position and studied perfect
formance marked the Twil
recital by Earl V. Moore
afternoon in Hill auditoriux
Outstanding numbers on
gram were Bach's Fugue
or, his Chorale, and Fran
Heroique, the two latter t
..nr inaro.a+ byPonf~sar An

"I do not
ing toward
doubt there

believe that we are head- at the time. "Russia, at the time of
another war, but without the opening of the war, was relative-
will be considerable tur- IvT,)werful. and England and the Al-
:ies t'!r1p'ht it consistent to iunite



LIOT, '81,


moil before existing conditions are with her. They attempted to bribe
stabilized," was the opinon expressed Russia with promises of Constantino- Was U
by Baron S. A. Korff, Russian states- pie and the removal of. the Turks;
man, when speaking of the Near East from Europe. After the Russian rev-
situation in Europe at the last of olution, and the Russian army appear- Col.
three lectures on Russia yesterday ed less powerful, the promises of the War v4
afternoon in room B, Law building. Allies were revoked. gradua
"Control of the Dardanelles is at' "In the spring of 1919," continued Saturd
present a potent factor in the unrest the baron, "the field was swept clean Plains
which has been disturbing Europe," for the affair and Turkey's hold on pnuem
said Baron Korff. "It is true, that the Europe could easily have been re- return
fatal enmity between France and moved. Michig
Englanr has done mnch to disrunt the "Rci nt ln.t' innin nglan crl rln-Ar N',.ira'.,

Ine of Oldest 8 roving
ates of Unlverfty
Isaac Hughes Elliott,''61,
veteran and one of the
ates of the University, die
Lay night in his home in
, N. Y., after a slight atto
onia. Colonel Elliott ha(
ed from the annual gather
'an graduates in 'Manh
v 'n+ T 'P n n ra . an

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