ER G, 1922 THE MiCHIGAN DAILY RETURNS FROM SALE Of ruieTUc ir ei i i Plays Character Role In O pera : Ia 121 4 a i.4 [ 'r 4 W19 MW V MIRLL .. Returns on the 6000 Christmaq:I seals, sent out by the Business girls' club of Ann Arbor last week, are cozn- ing in :~lowly.a The Business Girls cub, which isĀ« in charge of the sale of the seals, has.. mailed a number of them to the homes' of citizens in Washtenaw county. Thi,,- seals are also on sale at a number of the stores in Ann Arbor.r7:t" In the campaign last year Washten- aw county made the second best rec- ord of any county in the state, more.F than $3500 worth of seals were so'd. The 'Business girls, club is trying to place the county first again this year. *Religious Discussion Postponed With the exception of the discussion group conducted by' Prof. R. D. T. Hol- lister, the Institute of Religious Edu- cation held its final session in Lane hall last evening . Professor Hollis- ter's group voted at a previous meet- f ing to post-o: a discussion schedul- Howard Stimpson, '24 ed for last e nng until Tuesday ev-. Stimpson has been seen in charac- ening, Dec. 12. . ter parts in several campus produc- tions. He is a Dutch villager in the cast of "In and Out". AT THE THEATERS ( ! GRAVE ROBBERS Sereen-Today BUSY IN VIENNA 0. As Ce ROAD SERVICE EXtENDED TO AN1ARBOR CARS WILL BE STARTElD O TOW- ED IN BY AGENTS AT ANY Ann Arbor and a surrounding ter- ritory of five miles has been included in the area in which the Detroit Au- tomobile club is giving emergency road service to its members. Gives Inmniediate AId It is the aim of the club through this emergency road service to come to the immediate relief of ameniber's disabled car at any time (luring the day or night. The man coming as re- lief wil start the car or else tow it to the nearest official garage where the necessary repairs can be secur- ed. The club does not make repairs on the car through-its official agents, only starting the owner's car or re- moving it from the street or road without expense. The following local garages have been selected to serve as official sta., tions for the club: Benz Bros., Ann i Arbor garage, Economy garage, Ann Arbor Buick company, Hudson-Essex, Overland, Marquardt,. Slittler's gar- age, and, Staebler 'and Son's. Will Link Two Cities The club has made plans to link Ann Arbor and Detroit road service together gradually. Official stations, will soon be. established along the Michigan avenue road. When this is' accomplished, club members will have' road service for a distance of 50 miles on this road. WHITNEY Fresh from Broadway triumphs, Mc- Intyre and Heath come to the Whit- ney theater, Sunday, Dec. 10, with their new musical comedy "Red Pep-. per". The same splendid cast as seen at the Shubert theater, New York, in sup~port of the - noted comedians has been retained by the. Messrs. Shubert. This brings Rorence Rayfield, Doris, Wayne, Dan Quinlan, Vivial Holt, Florence Leonard, and the Darling sisters. As in former productions. the com- edy has been furnished by McIntyre and Heath being in "trouble". It is the sort of situation that is funny if it happens to the "other fellow". Rel< Pepper, on' which the fun plot rests, demonstrates just how much trouble a race horse can make for a couple of humorous negroes who have traveled to Havana in search of a fortune. The horse goes to the post with all of the eerthly- belongings, of "Hennery" and "Alexander" staked on him to wir and McIntyre and Heath humorously point out that it "isn't the fast horses that spell ruination, but the slow ones". The race track scene depicted ir "Red Pepper" is perhaps the most elaborate reproduction of the famous race course at Havana ever construct- ed._ The scene in front of the Club House is very attractive, and gives an opportunity for fifty charming chorus girls to exhibit a gorgeous array of gowns. Ci4 to Haye Ice Rinks Axn Arbor is to be provided with ice-skating rinks if plans which have been formed by the committee ap- pointed by the city, council can be carried out. The committee will make a rink at West Park and several small- er rinks in different parts of the city. ATTRACTIVE NEW HATS -AT - PUYEAR AND HINTZ 328 SOUTH MAIN I Think It Over f) BI& WILD 7MAg 11 I ;(., f I 1 i 1 i I . f ; . Arcade-"Brawn of the North," featuring Strongheart, the wonder dog ;comedy and news,. Majestic-- Constance Talmadge in "East is West;" and Edu-. cational comedy, ,"Crash," with J:nmy Adams. Orpheum - "Some presented by the giene company. Wuerth - 'Harold "Grandma's Boy;" of Fortune," with De La Motte. Wild Oats," Social Hy- Lloyd in and "Fools Marguerite Venna, Pec. 5.--Ghouls have be- i cone so active in the great cem- eteries of Vienna, that police guards ! now patrol these resting places of I the dead every night., accompanied by dog. 1 The grave robbers are disinterring newly buried bodies and robbing them of clothing, little jewelry souvenirs, go'd filled 'teeth, and even shearing the tresses of women. Let a "Dai ly: classified a d ren t th, i -wt room for you.-Adv. PREMIERE HALS EII'4 DANCE STUDIOS W 'uei Iii Arcade Stoddard Hair Shoppe We handle the E. 2urnham and !larinel/o cosmetics ' Rain Water Shampoo M.anicuring } 707 N. U*NI V. T IIOPNE 26'2 Stretch the Allowance with an Ingersol Massi prcdudion makes t 'e lirst cost moderate. Tbe : ample mechanism nu.v r gets out of order arni each double length lead offers the same writing serviceaas a 7 in. wood pencil-atonly ic. 9I i I ,. i s( 7 F s t ' 1 t- - $tag.-This Week Whitney -- Michigan Union Op- era, "in and Out." Garrick (Detroit)-Pauline Fred- brick in "The Guilty One," an A. .1. Woods production. Shubert - Michigan (Detroit) - Bonstelle company in "East Side-West Side." The FEAThER- WEIGHT- shown here -of lightweight aluminum 50c. Rolled silver $1.00. Shirts, Ties, Socks, Knitted Vesis - All are appropriate Christmas gifts - personal things worn often by the person who receives them. ABERDASHERS TO MIC HIGAN MEN Ir I I . Staig-Nexf Week VSWiitney --1 tr and Heath in "Red Pepper.'' See this and other mod- els at your stationery or cooperative store. Ingersoll rtedipont Co.,Inc. Win. H. Ingersoll, Pres. 461 Fourth Ave., New York City / f H. I, 'J t f , --- .. ._._., r-- WhnGrandmtertewas a Cild a'r w -r tl ~a tub at home. ,Not so any more. Tdiesw have changed. Now - a - days people- send their soiled clothes to a laundry " where they are promptly and properly Ecared for. - -N IN ANN ARBOR IT'S- T h eWit-Sa-Lu n r yr 9-r 9-r Wht, wa.-unr 1WHTE SWAN 9- Phone 165_ Phone 1+65 9- 9 - ~r- 9-s It is not to late to subscribe IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY SUBSCRIB- ED FOR THE MICHIGAN DAILY IT IS To YOUR ADVANTAGE TO DO SO AT ONCE. IN THE DAILY YOU GET ALL THE NEWS OF THE CAMPUS AND MOST OF THE NEWS FROM ABROAD.' FOLLOW MICHIGAN ACTIVITIES THROUGH THE DAILY. If you are reading the other fellow's paper- stop today. Subscribe for yourself. USE THE COUPON MR. CIRCULATION MANAGER, Press Bldg., Ann Arbor. Price, Enclosed find my check for $3.50 for which please send The Michigan Daily to the following address: $3.50 I