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December 06, 1922 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-12-06

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Published every miorning excetpi Monday
during the University Year by the Boardit
Control of Stude::. Publicationa.
Member of Western Confierenice I dnia
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of al
news dispatches credited to it or not other'
wise credited in thjis paper and the iuca,
news published therein.
Ew~ered at the postoffice at Alin Arbor,
ilchigan, as second, class nirauer.
Subscription by carrier or mavil, $310O.
~Offices: Ann Arbor Press Bujldung, zMaj
oar d Street.
jPhones: E~ditor'ial, 24 14 ant i176M; Rum
ness. ujti

E elimination of the Illinois game and r r
the substitution of a game with Iowa.
- $ The Iowa-Michigan game, ( coming as, 1Z
Michigan's second Conference gameI
of the season, will undoubtedly be the
,curter of tremendous interest, since I N U1
a these two teams tied this season for
_- Conference honors. A great' many "igiltk ed eln 'be-
Sfootball fans wanted to see a post- efldtaehd.eri,,1
-season game this fall between Iowa ware! Gest, look to your laurels! A
and Michigan, but this could not beE nation has long paid tribute to you,
I; arranged due to a Conference ruling, but Mimes threatens to tape 'your
L.r Next year, however, these two teams glory for its own!
will 'clash, and although the.lperson- "Ziegfleld, you claim to glorify the
-nel of the teams will be different, thef'
.American girl, but Michigan's Thes-
battle 'will raz~ei inneth~ eesy"io-

Editor, The Michigan Daily:
Iii the last Sunday's issue of The
Michigan Daily there appeared a pic-:
ture depicting the 'wreck of an air~-
plane in Maryland, with the flaming ti-
tle, "Aviator Dies as Army Plane
Crashes". Thus giving encouragement
to the popular belief that airplanes


M C H Gd



" M

A T :-~:


are still

an extre.ly dangerous'

' The dropping of the annua~l game
with Illinois Icame as a surprise to'
- m~any football enthusiasts, because of

Communications not to exceed g~oo word'
if signed, the signature not necessarily to
appcar in print, but as an evidencee of faith.I
and notices of events wsill be iu,uhished ini
The Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if}
1,At Lt or mailed to The' Daily office. . ln}
signed conuiaunicaiions will receive no -on
sideration. No mnanoscript will be returnedl
unless the wi iter eucloses postage. " The D~aily
dcoew not necessarily endirse the sentin)ents
expressed in the coin municatndus.

the keen rivalry which has existed be-
tween these schools. This action was
taken merely because a game with
the Iowans was deemed f imperative
due to the nresent unsettle status of
the two teams.
Michigan will meet four worthy foes
in the Conference next tyear. If the
team emerges from these contests
victorious the 'nresent exalted position

piuns glorify the
American man.' Ber-;i
lin, your melodies1
(I have cnthiralled a
I ilk jazz-loving people,
you caused them to"
lrl lrlct pass under the yoke;
of syncopation, butr
the songs of "In and"
Out" will live long
after yours have
been sunk in the well of oblivion.'
Gest, your productions have dazzled
two continents, but when Mimes takes.

mode of travel.
Such an attitude of the newspapers'
in general," is doing more to retard:
the develormnent of aviation than per-t
haps any other- one factor. Granted,
that anything sensational is mnost ac-
ceptable to the press, yet, do0es i notI
give the public a warped vision oZ the
true facts? The biggest problem of
commercial aviation today, is that o'
winning the confidence of the public.
and in this they are continually re-
ceiving reverses from the big publicityj
given to airplane accidents by' the
press. One seldom sees the picture

Ti. ."A04liP4'44«~t" 14 ia il 76-



News AEditor..... ............. Paul Vh atzel
trty Editor..........James LS. 1 ougt
Assistant City Edit'. ... ....Mariirni Kerr
EdituriaI Board Chairman....E. R. Ma:iss'l
Fight 1Editor-I
Rialph Byers Ila?.zy ilocy;
'. D lawson. 3 J.I R..Mack
T. liershdoi'.er R. C.. Moriarty
11. A. DonahueE
Sports Editor ..............F. 1H. Mc~ijve
Sunday Mlagazine Eitor.......)Delbert Clark
Womel's I'dito...... ... riun tx.-caii
humor Editor....... ...onald Conity
Confierence Editor........ t. .Grundy
Pictorial V, itor..........t.ohettCu"
74ic 1j;cEiL r............t;, i Ailhsi~

of Michigan in vConference~ football. to the road and America sees the, of an automobile wreck in the newspa-
circes houl beeve mor fimlyopera, you will have great'need to ex-' pers of today,despite the number of
si tablish ed. ert. ourself." 'Ie Lilled eve'"y (1 iy in this raan-
r. - 1t 1 "rv zg i' the l,,ronmn-
SP1TRN1N4~ BEA UTY . R elrrh:ttcd in case you m issed it. on e w th hi h a r l e c i e s
~ * -* -'~teatel1. Cannot the tai, ss rec.og-'
Just as the beauty contest conduct- iz te ee of support rat'her * twn
ed at the University of Chicago,.was l ('(ONCERN.1NG >LFICEDthderuivinlnc xvi ty
attracting wide local interest, the: SAY, ROLL: Ihow 'boat calling our fester.? Insteadi of always stressing
humor editor of the publication i'e~ loud front-yard fro.i UT.2 I1LET. the dangerous, side of aviation, can
Wponsible for it decided to deprive the VOCIFERATING VAGABOND? Slhe the~y not bring Eefore the pubic the
contest of whatever degree of serif certainly' is vociferous. The-efore she spiend'dlper.'ern'ancrs of the c' h-
Ousness it. may have represented by is a she. GEED. inorial -ir rouites of lodav?
resorting to caricature- and cartoons 1'ETE. In view of' all whvlichl has beeci said
in order to arrive at a decision, Dammit man! She's a lie! perbaps it would ;e well to nxentig.1
Whether this. action was taken by the; * * * a few f"isL to substantiate my beliefs


't'' clrma :Aidre .s
1. A. Biacon
Do<rcothy Pcnnctts
,l auric(: Be'rmuar
fit. B. Ilutl:
11. C. Clan:
A. 1 . ConIiah
1Ber1nadette Cote
Eveln t. Coughilin
W1allace F., Flliott
Maxwell Fead
Isabc! Fisher
T. 1. Fiske
A1. 1', W ehil

lohii Carlingona~cr
l'orti;8 (oulde:-
Franklin h). ll e: btrn
Winona A. Ilibbard
Edward . I iggints
Lowell ' ",rr
Samuel M oore
M'. _ F. lirve:
Robcrt (;. R I'n'.sey
J. W~. lkuwitclh
W. 4-f. Stoneman
Fiederic GX. 'Tclmqzi
P. M.' Wagner

Telepliorne 964)
Advertising ........... ..John J. IHamel, Jr.
Advertising ...............Edr~ard LP Conlin
Advertising ...........Walier K. Scherer
Accounts ............... Laurence IH..IEavrot
Circulation ...............David J.' MN. Park
Publication ..........L. Beaumont 'Parks
Townsend H., Wolfe Alfrcd X. White
Nenneth Seick Win. D. Roesser
George Rockwood Allan S. Morton
Perry Al. Hayden lamnes A. Dryer
Eugene L. Dunne WVm. HI. Good
Wtn. Graulich, Jr. Clyde 1,.F lagerman
John C. Haskiii A. Hartwell, Jr.
Harvey El. Reed j. Blumenthal
C. L. Puntnam Howard Hayden
9. D. Armantrout W. KL. Kidder
H. W. Cooper Henry Freud,
kWalbace1 ioer herbert I' aistwielk
P7dw. 13 kiedlce L. Plerce
1In -otd T Mile
Fast. month The flrilv advocantecta

edlitor in question in order that he Furthermore, if i Alfred is a frosh zflcramtn oning the cause. in the sct-
might secure for himself a place ittsz udh ealwdt ioeapezo rt(ae ~~r~vi"~pa~-
the sun is not known, 'but, at any!. on the cam-us? nr route l etwe~n ic ruat nau-i (vo-
rate, the larguments " that no decision 'I land carried 1.8339 passmngers and
could be reached in any bona tide ! 2.K4 pounds of freight withiout. a mis-
beauy cntes, ad tht sch aon-For, a long time
beuycnesadta sc o-we have otthought bl. Not alone this record,but even
tes wul brngriicle po te"and touh..............more outstanding is the record' of the
U~niversity are not satisfying. AeoaieArasCroaino
'about picking an allainerican AriaieArasCroaino
The average ,modern college stu- ; team which the above company is a part,
dent comes much nearer to resembling and we have been egged on by which has, in the last three years,
the slender athletic figure and hand- b flown over 1,000,004 passeng-er mi'es
somne features of Apollo than the'withiutiesi...................it
so here is our choice wtotasnl ciett a t
youth. of America ever has. Athleticl (a) Harry Kipkce record. But perhaps the greatest test
grace and, faclial beauty w~ere the()t rs'eam. or all to which airplanes have been
qualities most admired in. men by the I * * *}suzb jetted is that of the air mail. The
ancient Greeks. And it -doesn't takeL air mail. has in the short space of the'
an aortie beuty ontet tocon-ouXMAS Np OTEoSh ii' t last fifteen mronths flown over 2,000,,
vine, Ius that 'these attributes are Fifty t:~osn oiso h u'a 000 miles, speeding tin the mail from
' still valued more than any amount of wi be given this Xmas. (30,000 ofE coa~t to coast, without a. single fa-
mere brawn. which will be second-hand,) talit.y or oven seriou s accident, not-~
(The modern youth has learned * ' * t ' withstanding: the difficulties of cross-'
much from the opposite sex in the ;It has been estimated that 150 in= ing the great co ntinenatal mounztain
way of beauty secrets. Hie now knows! fants w1ll be christened Gallagher and ranges ini snow, rain, anid fog. Last
all of the tricks in the application of Shea~n. of all, look at the rpecrd1 made at the
cosmetics, and is ready ,to compete ! - ti*~ ~:--> ~I~e nt"D etiot ,air 'meet;' Aside from
with his fellows in a genuine beauty? ye t'ngt al plan e cut oWerefowtrom ~h
cotet.W nt hmtodoso holed ztoibler eyesOne. li'h
contet. Wy no permt hi tod 50 And I asked her' if I had beet rig litafoert-otoTeritth
in~stead of resorting to the buffoonery' In kissing I' ' cotestants flew over 200,0,00 miles at
of merely" drawing tartoons of the She sad, I was all right top speed in t0e vari.ous races, attain-
various 'applicants. Inkss ghef ng an average of 170, miles per hour.
Women 'have invaded al1most every j If I wouldn't hold her so tight- and y'et not a single person, pilot, or
field of endeavor which man has held inksnge. passenger was injuredl. Such facts'
sardto hmef and have done soFULMOec should be given the publicity N)which
without bringing ridicule t~o bear up- *hyrghfly eeve ano*u
on themselves. Cannot man at least own Michigan Dail'y set an example,
be elevated to the position of a nov- 1EIIG by supportinmgrather than weakening
ice in the quest for beauty without Dear Clig:' this nc~vest branch of science?'
beigsdiuldDaily advertises: "Fine room for K IARL J. FAIRBANKS, '24E.
ben iiuetwo or three men provided with dor-!

Got a room to rent? A Daily c lassi-
lied ad will fnao a roomer.--Adv.
Aun Arbor and ,Iacks(,n
DetroiteLimitdandaErd esCas
Derit Lite SandaErdesinies
6:oo am1., 7 :0o a.m.', 8 :oo a.im., 9 :05
I a.m. and hourly to 9:05 lp.m.
r Jackson Express Cars (local stops }
west of Ann, Arbor)-9 :47 a~im, and 1
ever-3 two lhours :o 9:47 l).ml
j Local Cars East Bound-7 :oo a.rn.
anld every two hours to 9:0o p. n';,
1100 unp...To Ypsilani oidy-11a :40
1).11.., i1:15 a.m.1
To Saline-Cbanige at V'p~iilanti.
Locai Cars West BLe1nd-7:5o a.mn.,
12' 11- 111 -
To Jackson and Kalamaoo-im-
ited cars 8:<+7, t0:47 aain., 12:47, a :47,
i 4:47 P.m.
To Jackson and Lansing-.irited at
j 8:47 ' .
11922 t1) C t'..13ER 1922
1 2 i
1t) 1 121t 13 14 14 1i
1"r 18 1) 20 21 23
S 4 25 2i 27 28 29 3I
We have just made up some
very Snappy Hats for the
Holiday 'Trade. Step in and
look themr over .&
We (10 all kinds of Cleaning
and Reblocking of hats at E
low prices for H-IGH CUASS
617 Packard Street Phone 179)2 I
(Where 1).V.R. Stops
at State Street)
Schedlule in Effect October' z8, z92
Central Ti=.e (Slow Time) D
P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.
3:45 7:45 .... Adrian .... 12:45 .8:45 p
4:30 8 :3o ... . Clinton .... 12:00 8 :oo
5 139:15 ...Saline .. 11:15 _7:15
5:45 9:115 Ar Nn ArborLv. 1o:45 0:45,
(Court"House Square) A. M,
D-Daily, .l-Daily except Sundays
and Holidays. Friday and Saturday special
Imns for, stuidents leae~Ns Arian 1X45. leaves
Ann Arlor a4:45.
j:\1I S IH. JLI OTT, Proprietor
P'inncz926-M I Adrian, Mich.

Choice of aC aree
From the Yale News
Someone, probably an insurance5
agent, was quoted recently as saying
that from the mass of one 'hundred'
college graduates one in divi dual onl y '0
rose to the Polo and butler class,,peril-
ously near the top of the financial lad-
de~. Five others became comfortably
off and found themselves after twenty
years at the small yacht and chauffeur
stage. The other ninety-four presum-
ably congregate in the great section of
the American people who drive their
own Buicks to the golf club. In other
U words,,- dreaming about being. a rich
man is one thing, and making the grade
is "something else again."
Yet the ninety-four presumably work-
just as hard as the sumptuous six. Their5
business is the axis on which a small.
and uninteresting world revolves. They
have become devotees of. the 'dollar r
and when that fickle deity deserts, '1ave
nowhere else, to turn. Jammed in a
dull, straight rut' of business they can vrlaetera n uptefne
into finer fields of life., This, then, is
the portion of ninety-four men out of
every hundred now on the campus.
The answer to the problem lies in5
the proper choice- of a career.
1 Between now and Commencement
we shall have something to offer on,
the- subject of "Careers«" Watch" for
the space with the Famous. Signature,. 10

" - ri...r. i .ri+ i Iw... Mr4 i rr.rr}rY:.. . ..


i '

planforsegegaingheg ood"1stu-CIAL VI1AR SERV,4Cr I itory." I could qualify if restric-E
planforse~rgatng he god tu-tions were not too terse-I have a bay
dlents from the mediocre ones in the ; iie nme fpmplt ae window.
interest of securing a higher degree been received at the office of the Dean I
of efficiency in the conduct of courb- o tdnsfrtitinto mn
es.Eve wih te peset lrge~eI students who are interested in Amer- , Gonna make me a placard to .wear
rollnment this plan seems feasible, at ica.n consular service,.eti t ass
least, in 'the literary clee i A consular service career offersj NO THANKS. BOUGHT ONE AN
unuualavataeseTe al-s c-HOUR AGO.
though apparently' no action has been uusaadntg.Thmebr =
takn i reard~o arringit ut. copy positions of dignity and consu-
Briefly, the proposal is that in, quence. fTeir duties bring them ii o Foec, h ai st ke h
contact with leaders of thought and shovel in the hole. And theii, too, they
courses opien only to upperclassmen ag ,y 'eluthonofheresisono
-ystem of "honor classes" be- intro- action in every Lfield.TvIn foreig n eyesteluthoeofteresisono




duced, for which only those students
whose work in previous courses had
stampejd them as being 1)th able' and
deserving of being elevated to a plain
above their fellows would be eligi-
ble. The extra classes might 'be con-
ducted 'according to the Oxford plan;
amzple opportunity 'being given for re-
search work, although a rapid survey
of the routine work of the course.
-might bey made if necessary. Meet-
ing~s might be held at hours to suit
the convenience of those concerned.
It is difficult to see how a profes-
sor can conduct a class in which a
majority of the members are indif-
ferent to the work as kffectively as,
a whole, as hq might if lie shoultl seg-
regate the able and conscientious stu-
dents from the mediocre ones. It is
also 'inconceivable that a majority o1
professors in the literary college
would not be willing to devote the ad-
ditional time required for holding
these extra classes, and that the few
students eligible would not welcome
an opportunity to attend them, were it
possible for them to do so.
And while this system of "honor
classes" if inaugurated, would serve
primaril-. as a check against the
p'resent inefficient manner of conduct~
ing classes by making it possible for
the professor to divide the class and
thereby instruct each faction nmore ef-
fectively, it would. also give the con-
scientious student some. impetus to
work, and furnish the University i po-
fiot VVzzfl any fl ra rno*ti in cr Pond onhnl-

they represent the United States and
its institutions. Exact'ng duties mustr
dbe performed by them without regard
for discomfort or personal danger.{
_ The reward of the consular service is
not a money reward. The appeal is
to those who seek other than. pecu-
niary gain- It offers the cultural ad-
*vantages o' foreign travel, contact WithC
leaders in other lands, and the oppor-
tunity of. distinguished patriotic
Sky advertising seems to be the
latest innovation in air stunts. Per-
-haps we may soon be sending play-
4by-play reports of inter-planet game,
via the airplane. "Mars dlodges!
_Earth's interference, circling Big
aDipper for three leagues." Perhaps!
a Seniors have only until Christmas
-vacation to get their pictures taken,
and as photographers are certain to
be busy these last few .days, the only
way for a man to be safe is to grab a
t telephone now and make an appoint-
If the giving of automobiles to foot.
-ball players is made a tradition or a
-custpm, - there ought to be a tremen-
dous turnout for footb all practice next
The Chimes, hailed as Michigan's
aliterary m agazine, discusses authori-1
tatively athletics, 'jolitics, and dra-

'i beleaving.
WE NOMINATE Ifor our honorary,
society of Rho Damya Rhzo all the
con tri'bs who give us patently intei -,
esting stuff we cannot read Lecause or
the odd writing.
1Fcoite lei,
anant (f l e1CIlItt,
Et 1)1lWC tl l.%l!
-V Iua
J lair like Juno, goddess mighty,
Crowns a face like Aphrodite;
jVelvet, shining, pensive eyes,
Blue as Summer's azure skies,
Cheeks, rose-kissed, the gaze enrich-
Ruby lips, half-curved, bewitching;
Min, 'tis sure a bloomin' hell-va
Note to lack your favor, Elva!
Alcohol has a multitude of pur-
It fulfills its destiny in many forms.
It is used in automobile radiators in
chill weather for calorific 'reasons.

(Ohio State Lantern)
What a differ4 ice has occ-urr-ed in
e nthe past few} years ini the met hods of
farming! Even the chickens have
come in for tho' share of the inves-
tigation andi on the farm instead of
th e motley flo .k of hens of every lhue,
size, and breed, one find, the seeon-
tifically selected flock of one strain,-
carefully picedot for known chiaractor-
istics of i-reced'ng generations.
4 orn, if not wi~thl a silver sp:)on in
its mouth, at least with a thermaonme-
ter by its ,side, the chic'( is carefullyE
rieaed in the luxii0iu)sns of a
brooder, and la or moved to a feedlng
,wn It, b tiecomles a more maiiae n for
p~roducing eggs. It htas no) per'sonalI
contact with. the older g-neration, for
it is ke-t from all1 associations wNithi
individuals outsidIe its own flock. Only
enf exceptionally rare occasions (des
the young chick ever nma:e the ac-i
(luawint.1n e of.. its immediate parents.
What a shock it wvould 1)0 to grand-
mother, w~th her noade:;cript flock of
"b~ddies," ton see this cold-blooded,
inr'hod of raising pou'try. When one of
her flock was ill with the roup, or,
whatever chickens have, she called it
by inme, and after dosing it with
Cayenne peppri, wrapped it in an old
shawl and put it in the box behind
the kitchen stove to recover.
But today, with balanced rations,
new methods of incubation and bod
bro-ing, andi( last but not least, the latest
wordi in efficiency, -the trap nest,
which is eni1barmassing to the respec-
able hen who likes to go her way un-
hindered-the individuality of the sin-'
gle hen is submerged in the consider-
ation of the flock. Truly, this is thne'
age of efficiency, when all things must
give way for the producer.


A Very Special Sale of

J UST when Milady is
early in the. season
she can easily afford to
winter wardrobe!

becoming a bit tired of the woolen frocks that she. selected
comes this sale of winter dresses at such a low price that
buy one, Just for tine sake. of breaking the monotony of here

Crepe 'and Plaids
O NE ;Troup) of those dlresses is com-
posed of smart little frocks fash-
ioned in a long waisted style. The
skirts are of b~lack or brown and
white Jamestown check or of dark
blue striped or checked'material with
blue or brown wool crepe blouses.
Bias pipings, of the checked or striped
material effectively trimn the blouses
meaking frocks that are especially
smart in appearance. These dresses
come in sizes from 16 to 38 and are
on sole at

...-- '
,, ,

Ma telasse Jersey
THE other group of dresses are. of
jersoy in matelasse effects and
may be had In biue, tan, henna, or
black. Some of the dresses combine
two contrasting shades. White wool
crepe collars add a touch of smart-
ness to,- these dresses and the long
rwaisted style pronounces them' mod-
ish. For class wear one of these Jer-
sey frocks is quite unequalled for com-
fort and style. They are warm enough
without b ing too heavy for house
wear. These dresses are now on sale


$9 75


It can be used in fountains to keep
the ink from freezing in those lec-
ture halls which are subject to our


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