THE MICHIGAN, DAILY ..ter ,1 RISTMAS BAZAAR TO BE HELD THIS WEEL-ENDI xa Ye Each organized house is requested to send. a delegate to a meeting to be iHld: at 5 o'clock this afternoon in harbour gymnasium to discus:, thel question of interhouse basketball. ANTS FOR BOOTHS, CANDY .vv) 'TEA ROOM PRO. O1UESS SALEI ing booths at the bazaar dance which is to be given on Saturday evening in Waterman gymnasium, 'are asked to call M~ary Hobson or Miriam Reid at 62 omake arrangements for Uniiver- sity truck service. Women are urged to volunteer their services any day this week at New-, Iberry. hall, to assist in completing aj number of toys !which were started. in the Y. W, C. A. workshop and have not been completed. STUETS TO COOPERTE WIT H ,INDUSTRIL GROUP Arrangements for the second annual Michigan League and Inter-church bazaar which is to be given on Fri- (Jay and Saturday of this week in Bar- bour gymnasium are nearing contple-f Lion. Booths in which to display the various wares -are: being constructed,I candy is being made by the 100 pounds and all women on the campus are bus- ily engaged in putting the last minute :. touches on the fancy work articles which are to be sold. Home baked cakes and cookies, pies and doughnuts, and jellies and * jams are to be sold at this time by *the women of the Ann Arbor churches. A chicken supper will be served !an the basement of -Bar-hour- gymnasluw bjothi Friday and, Saturday evenings by the Catholic guild of Ann Arbor. En. -tirely separate from this wl~l be a tea room operated for the benefit of the Women's League. Luncheons' will. bq ~served on both Friday and Saturday ngon and tea roomy service will. be av4ailable during the afternoons and evenings.j Freshman Mixer, Union,-~Saturday, afternoon-Av Michigan Dames will meeting at 8 o'clock In the parlors of H14len idence. hold a regular this evening' Newberry, res- j ptTHREE. EXTENSION ids Women's club. Dr. Eloise M. KQ, , id d Walker, of the University Health Ser- HOSo Receive Toys L CT RS I E vice, at Tecumseh. spoke on "An Ad- dress to High School Girls" before the than 1 University extension lectures were Parent Teachers Association. Mor thn 10hspial Chrsen and ! gven by three miember's of the facul- Prof. William D. Henderson, of the othes o th~civ wll akeup hrit y' yester~iay. Prof. Thiomras C. True- Extension department, at Lansing, in mas morning much happier. than us- b'ood, of the public speaking depart- the afternoon, spoke on "The Signs of ual, because their stockings have been ment, gave the "Passion Play" at a New World" before the Michigan filled with toys and candy by the Un- Grand ltaupids before the Grand Rap-- State Association of farmers' clubs. iversity Y. W. C. A. which is to 'play_________________________________ Santa Claus again this year. Nearly 200 dolls have been dressed,I and several sets of paper hlls1aVe been completed for. the girls. There are also scrap-books, magazines awl1shebe Week-End books. Although the majority ofthe~ Pin eapple .Sherbetia toys have been completed, there are'tlafe whchveobeinsida this week. Women who can voluntee r en hO a g ra terservices are, urged to come to r e c.O a g ra Newberry hail any day this week toi hell'. Try tis IDuring the Christmas vacation a dilteius candy kitchen will be conducted iniiri! Newberry hall under the supervisionBrk of Alene Davis, '24, and Sayde H-i; Iwick, '23. for the purpose of making af c d nd po - r b ls it which to fill 140 small tarleton stock- ings., Women on the campus who are; remaining in the city for the vacation will assist in the work. ,, r® - W I. In the evening, Prof. Penderson (I livered the same lecture before t Uierscu ntesm iy i IAll senior class women will meet at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the league rooms at Barbour gymnasium to "discuss the Senior play. Ten members of the University Y. W.C.A. -were entertained at a dinnerj I The person on the play-reading Saturday evening in Detroit, by mem- i committee of Masques to who~m the herIs, of Pl Federation- of IndustrialI play, "It I Were King, "was loaned clubs. is requested to communicate with Miss, Mary Dingman, industrial sec- Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson at once. retary of the world's committee of the Y.W.C .A. was the speaker. She has The-.class in playground work will recently completed a tour of. Europe- meet at 2 ,'cI3,*k"Wednesday after. I an countries, studying industrial prob- noons in Barbour gymnasium. lems, and is now 'on her way to the -1 Orient. Some' interesting contacts Contributions to the bazaar must with groups of students and Indus- be taken to the basement locker ;room trial girls who are endeavoring to be- in Barbour gymnasium before 12 come better acquainted through study o'clock tomnorrow noon. Articles are of labor pt~oblems, were explained by. to be marked with two prices, namelyJ Miss Dingman. the cost of materials, and the estimated JA discussion of a group of joint. selling, pricg. r meetings which the Federation and : -I students will hold during January and All league or- sorority 'houses -desir- February, completed the evening. DELICIOUS COFFEE. Everyone has heard. of TUTTLE' and THEIR DELI CIO US COFFEE Come in and get .a lunch and try our blend. It's different! TUTTLE'S' 3W MAYNARD STREET South of the Maji. L Only 60~c a quart at your dealers or I FOR XMA~S RMINSTON PORTABLE STACY RI. BLACK Phone 1427- - ,. * w+, a..:,r r °,x x ., N >., .,, . ra~,... «.it.: .r. ., _.r,..::. r. c-;x, . "- R {rr ' y#PWINUS REGULAR Prnoi ,.., - Fr Staetng TODAY ajyi 1 f ," , i I K' Ill x "I 1 : s 1IF I 5'i a Tuec winder og otf f"The Silent Cadll" Strongheart--King of his line. A Mighty figure of thrill and throb and sheer ama.zement in _ op 66 VV 3 l 7 hme )RTH P ''I 40 * / !JUt Yj~ 0 -*1' LAURENCE TRIMBLErJANE MlURFIN PRODUCTION Afahtruhte.arWhite foam scudding from snapping javs- And then-- . ,F f!' l1 j rIr i t. w , Into the Wolf Pak 0 SEE i NOTHING but. a miracle could have saved the baby - all alone on a runaway dog-sled, pursued by a. pack f hungry, howl- ing wolves. No human being was within miles,_ nothing but Strongheart, the mlarvelous dog,, gaining on the sled with every leap. Those of you who :saw "Strongheart" in leis earlier photoplay,t "The Silent Call," -will be even more amazed and electrfted by this, his grea test picture, a grippr g screen drama of the Far North. WITH IRENE RICH AND LEE SlIUMWAV 1N THiE" CAST THE FAMISHED MADDENED WOLVES IN PACK FIGHT AND PILLAGE .r MATINEE PRICES EVENINGS All Seats........22c - Kiddies - 10c -Always4 11rar Tax. ...3c IAll Seats .. .. .. ...31 Total. .. 2 5C lWar Tax.........c Kiddies -- 10c - always Total ......... 0:00 A;ID 3:401 SHOWING 7:00 AND 8:30 'Mae Muomi ng Sunday dl Vot + ' ' i .,. L i - l> ' iY 1 ® i D i p t ,' .! i "BROADWAY ROSE" ITH. PUNCTURED ROMANCE" legistermig One Thousand Per Cent Laughs. Positively Her Latest and -4Aretest Pieture.I 1~A DD A4 ,- - MITIONAL -'A60OO) COMEDY AND) INTERNATIONAL NEWVS 1 r .-- y . ' _ t. }t + 7 i ,, ; y I(.0_- 9 i"'