0 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Lady' Of 'In And Out-' lost Beautiful In' Cas t ____ BARDI KORFF LUS RECOJERY OF RM (Continued from Page One) there ij a surplus, but the lack of communication and transportation dloes not allow of much distribution." ;peaking of Ruasian foreign rela.- tioni Baron Korff showed that the Hague and Genoa conferences hate fbrought muany things to light, ;prine- pally that the Soviet governmnt wishes more than recognition. The ,question at the present time Is where to get ?Honey~ at any cost. "Russia is rapidly coming to a situation that has never been equaled by any other country-it iIs almost. out of funds withi .which,-.to. carry -on its outside, business. A plan. has been adopted whereby the, government will sell Iconcessions for cash payments. Rus- sia is well known to be rich in nat- ural resources and this means may 'serve to allevilate the situation some- what.". Baron. Korif >was extremely doubt- ful that hiere was any possibility of a .bolshevist revival. He tpointed out that because of war and internal strife caused, by bolshevism, another move ins such: a, direction would be futile. against the principles of -human na- ture," he said. "Trotsky is still at the head of the I Soviet army in Russia," said the bar- ! on in conclusion. "But for the past six months he has remained carefully in the background. Whether or not this is an indication that -he intends to m;.ke another attempt to fulfill his plans only the future Lean tell. Per- sonally I do not consider him inger- ous. A dictatorship cannot last with a democratic people such as the Rus- sians have shown themselves to ,be, and as I am sure they will ever re.- Imain." Baron Rorif will deliver the last of three -lectures at 4:15 o'clock tomor- row afternoon in the law building. His speech will bet on "Russia and Tur- key." MARY OARDEN GREETED BY ENTRUSIASTIC AUDIENCE (Continued from Page One) melodious "Berceuse" from "Jocelyn". her success was tremendous,, both from an artistic and a popular stand- point. Any attempt to evaluate Mary Czar den is obviously futile. Her person- ality and methods are so unapproach- ably different from those of other singers that there °are, no standards by which to judge her. To those t thinking, reading public of this coun- Ladles of St. Thomas Church yil whose musical ideal is a Galli-Curci try. serve a chicken dinner Friday and trilling on F sharp in altissimo she is Mr. Frank is considered one of the, Saturday night fromh 5 to 7:20. At in- an inevitable disappointment. More most polished and effective speakers ter-church -nd the Women's League judicious critics may well deplore her now before the public. His appear-' Bazaar, Blarbour Gym,--Adv. occasional sacrifice of tonal beauty ance this season particularly creBated to histrionic effect and her deficiency,; widespread interest, through his reel SUER IhN 075510 in some qualities of refined vocaliza- ognition as one of the great literary M HIA .Pop. Mat,. Tues.jhurs. tion. But all can and must agree that men of the day. P4 Wan cd Eat., 25e nan~d 50c as an interpretive artist, she has no ____ ---______' 0,T , , H Ch~77 O. superior among the singers of this) Call 445 Huron Street Taxi.-A.k T HE BNSEgerainadththesbl rfcInACmyofLLfe C tion of her art is p -ofoundly affecting. 14cinDiyadCie o 45,"EAST SIDE , AWE S'1 SIDE"' Max Gegna a 'cellist who served MihgnDiyad hmsfr$.0 Another "Peg 0' My H~eart both as' accompanist and as soloist -_________________________________ during the intervals between Miss RIDC1~ Nights - - 5~c to 2.00 Garden's appearances, proved, to be a LEARN T DA'CI" K Wed.Mat. 59cto 1.50 S performer of more than ordinary at- A.t.H.aWOO5SCPtese.t0 tainments, but one whose artistry; is y~S Y PAULINE FREDERICK hardly commensurate with the ap- DANCE> STUDIOS I laWoeoe hiln r plase he received. Emil Polak con- Hours 1.5, 7-14) WuertlI-rae I taa hoeoe hiln rm tributed much to the performance by, "The Guilty One" his sympathetic accompaniments. . CENTURY 31AGAZINE EDITOR WILL SPEAK HERE TOMORRIOW (Continued From Page One) League of Nations, considered by the Peace Conference that same year. His. "Politics in Industryi", publish- ed in 1919, attracted wide attention,I and his articles each' month in Ceni- ury have won the admiration of the SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10 A WtIALE OF AE-HOW-WITH A aPL'itZNJJ 9 CA7T- AND A TRULY AMAZING CliollzJI "The bolshevism- experiment in Rus-;' siat did'° not' work, because - it was 3 f. W. S. MILLS O8,TEOpAT$ICV PUYSTCIAJ ftt First Nat'l BL Bldi2. 0TV ee onrs Phone We Guai'antee to Teach You a Dance Allof thde N DERN =DANCES In One Course -HALSEY'S DANCE STUDOSR The telephone at your elbow transmits your own voice- your own force--your own per-. sonality. Use it, no matter what the distance. MICHIG~AN STATE TELEPHONE CO. Lo! Them Haar Your Voie-Use Long Dis eanco $1.10 1.65 2.20 2.7 d5 Over 3,500 men and women have already seen it here Your Last Change TOAtimikm N dT MOTHERS AI GU FATHERS JQTHE ACCU$I,1RNG, FINGFRiOF YOUR lthe, parents, 1,