THE MICHIGAN DAIL\ __ _________ !i 1., 1.1 "-, 4 AA " U- &A I I I - these pictures can be taken. All men desir'ing to try out. for the WHT 'S GOI G ON freshman engineers bowling team, must roll three gamnes, and turn in I. their names and scores to J. P. Vose by Wednesday night. NOw0TICE--Copy for this column shot~1d! Sophomnoro lits desiring to Cryout for be submitted by 5:30 'elock of a class bowling team send in name, the day before publication, address, and telephone number to --- iGeorge Haggerty, 1912 Geddes ave- TrU rS1AY nue. Please enclose biest scorer. x:00--Meeting of Chuines business sta Al! memibers of the ('ircolo lialianio Educator Scores. Illiteracy In U. S. mullillR I ___i 41 Tia uiu l IN*I 11111 inl {OW I- CAND4 S STEAM FITITING 215 E. HURON PHONE 214-Fl jand tryiouts. v.i ia u tL .=,l11C wll1ingness to lbe present at the 6:t-rs libdae banquet may do so by calling Mr., shop, corner of Fast and South Uni Mauriel, 1938-M, and Miss Scholl, iversity avenues. Gordon C. El 1141-W, from 6:30 to 7:30 this eve- dredge speaks. nin . 7 :00-Var.lty GIle tclub!, meet in read. Dnes for the junior c' ass of thel ing room of Union.f School of lEducation wil be collected 7 :00-Institute of Religious Education by the treasurer, Tuesday, Dec. 5, meets in Lane hall. Tappan hall, from 8 to 11 in the 7:00-Cleveland club meets ini room.; morning, and 1 to 5 :30 o'clock in 318, Union. thy: afternoon. 7 :30--Important meeting of the Box- Freshmni engineers -wito are inter- ing club. Michigan Union. ested in trying ont for the class 7:30--Round-Up club meets in Union. basketball or bowling teams, meet Important business. in room 308 of the Union Thursday 7:30-Bay City club smoker ini room at 7 :30 o'clock. 31L,, Union. 7:130-Underclass conduct c nimite ECKRALHSVUSA meetsin rom 32, Uion.PRAISE FOR WOLVERINESI 7 :30--AdelpidJ House of Repr.:seiita- tives meets in Adelphi rooms, (oniudfmPaeSx fourth floor. University hall. Stt(ae h njr etteWl 8 :0-Cora UionconertinHil au -verine leader from showing his true, ditorium. Mary Garden sings. I~omi h eaiiggms"h 8 :5--ecod erfrmace t l'viit Isaid of the Michigan leader. ney theater of Michigan Union op- Muirhead, placed on all-star teams era, "In and Out." by many critics, was given the berth on the second eleven by Eckersall,, WEI)NESD)AY giving precedence to Below of Wis- 4:0t-J-1lop committee meets., 302 consin, and Thompson, of Iowa.' Union. "Muirhead, of Michigan, was another. 4:l5-Organ recital in Hill auditor- good tackle nearly the equal of itum. Earl V. Moore plays. Thompson and Below;" was I~cker- 7:15--Traverse City club meets in s, all's comment on the star of the SLane hall. Plans for holidays will Michigan line. bn discussed.I The team chosen by Eckersall has 7 :30-A. S. 3%. E. smoker in Union. met with as much favor among foot- SProf. H. B. Merrick speaks on "An ball fans as any chosen in the last few Engineer's Observations in China" years and with the. exception of Cap- 7:30-illusic recital (of advanced stu. I lon's position on the second team, dents at School of M'~usic. Michigan is satisfied. 7 :30-Student council meeting inl -- room 306, Union. !SEA WEED COL~LECTION 7 :30-Saginaw club smoker in roomnI NOW ON DISPLAY HERE 310, Union. 7:30--Meeting of the Pennsylvania Specimens of rock-weed and otherl club in room 205, Mason hall. All water plants from the Pacific coast are members requested to attend. j(on display in the botany show-cases 8:00-Meeting of University ,post, An.-'on the third floor of the Natural Sci- erican Legion. ence building. The sea flora were! 8:15-Thirtd performance at Whitney, collected by Prof. B3. M. Davis at the theater of Union opera, "In and, Leiand Stanford biological station last i Out." summer'. Ul ru -NOTICES- :il roppictures for the 1923 iicit-( DR. W. S. MILLS 'iganensian must b)e taken during OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Ethe month of January. All frater- 616 First I At' Bk. Bldg. h 'nities, sororities, house clubs, and Ofce fHours Prone -cam pus, organizations must pay for 9-12"' 1:30-5 31F . their space in the 'Ensian before D)r,; J. W. Crabtree 1 . 4 i4 ;; :, .I f '' S .f STRENGTHEN OLD FRIENDSHIPS WITH A NEW PORTRAIT : FOR CHRISTMAS by "The United States has the highest percentage of illiteracy of the leadingt enlightened nations of, the world," Dr. J. Y. Crabtree, secretary of the1 National Educational 'association, de- clares. He is an advocate of better country schools I STRICTLY HIOMIE COOKING STUDENT LUNCH F. S. HEPLER 409 East Jefferson Street i .:. * "; x k PHOTOGRAPHER Christmas sittings must be ar- ranged for at once. Call us now and be sure'of delivery. STATE STREET Call 303-W for appointment The MICHIGAN A(NA1923~ LIMITED EDITION. 75'. AWAMM Wmr % F71 9 UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE A MICHIGAN INSTITUTION I ,. I , '. T _.. NOTIC E. THE MICHIGAN DAILY IS NOW DELIVERED EACH MORNING BY CARRIER ON THE WEST SIDE -OF TOWN. 'THIS WILL EN- ABLE THOSE LIVING ON THE XVEST SIDE TO R ECE I VE THE PAPER EACH MORNING BEFORE BREAKFAST I N S T E A D OF THROUGH THE MAIL AS HAS BEEN THE CUSTOM. No doubt, in the light of this change, there will, be many students and townspeople who will wivant to enter their subscription. Remember that the Michigan Daily is the only morning paper in Ann Arbor. It should be in every home. Subscribe Today USE THE COUPON MR. -CIRCULATION MANAGER$ Press Building. Enclosed find my check for $3.50 for which please send The Michigan Daily to ......... .................................. ...... ... -.u. - s: l