THE MICHIGAN DAILY TSDYDEE VIBE R 5, 4 ECERAL PAIESWOVEINS O4 1INS OOPEN 'IGood Schedule 4 INAL-OFEECESLETONBCURT YENRONFRIAY I_ CRaise Wolverhu ~NOhE AM SE ~() i EP M H- With one of the most attractive Picking of C1appon For Seconid Teakin er and better in carrying the bal A rcksheue wihuh1hsha n Meets ItJhLittle A1 - around ends. The 'erro.-erine is' IItac!chdue1wic:heha adi I recent years ahead of her, Michigan proval strong defensive Mlayer andl wa:s one I st th rea n Wsconsn rd unrn Michigan 'wi:l llay the first basket- will again make a bald( grasp at Con-!. ball gaine of the season net Friday frnehnr hsya.Fi h ALL. F ;(CKTE'S MAIZE:AND tnaenuhhada xhis ~ iight in Waterman gyrunasiunr-againt st ontho mno fth ye.wFor th RL)E1,1'1CS IVN OOTSattack. Because of his all arounid paht month manyofotheomee whoea LE IiCSRVN1O T qualifications Cappoon is made the ;e hecortfi- INoreDae planning on. going out for the team. Altouh icign ws ivn wo. ralutliy laeron heiistele I While, of ccurse, the Woverine bas- have b)een training every afternoon Altoug Mihign ws gventwokeiba I schede doesIo under the tutelage of Coach Steve and is pllaced at full batck on Ithe c u t.nt iater hc hr nt isns l-Frel.Atoginnras aebe men on the first all-Conference eleven.eret ni fe h 'hitis111 arl.Atog otil aebe on d team." chosen by" Walter Eckersall, dean of ltplacedw at elac k illays~ Coach her heas had ilhe, men; run1 so far, the new material is prom., western football critics, in the Chi l th ecndtam e aueother out tor practice for the mast nrth, (ising whizle most of the men fronm last cago Tribune Sunday, and four other V h eod em easeo h hipping them into shape and teach-! year's squadl are on hand.; Wolverines were chosen for the sec- fn ackhat there o ny u tn them the rudiments of the game.' Every nmai who inttudcs to go) out lug ack intheeonernc.e.Ic ker- in ond." mythical aggregation, many col- IThe Wolverino lineup, naturally, is! for the team will he given ail oppor- lowers are inclined to be dissatisfied s h am try i inn that t h e still Uiidid(~d bcaulseor thle short; tunity to get in condition between now with the consideration shown soni f enme ofaI st o ai talIi tim-e that the men have been working,! and the end of Christmas vacation Yosts stars. -, qurnatrbadc inhouldbal ota E sbut the var.sity mentor has the squad when tile first official call will be sent Harry Kipke, captain elect of the tuna4dacn h al ot cut dlorn to 28 men and it is lposible out. Most~ of the distance runnersI 19231 team, at half back and Bernie the other hand, expects his quarter-9.1that most or these wi'l get into thr) have been in trim for the last month, Kirk, star left end for the p~ast two I bc oata il cca tlld game in order that M~ahlier may get a. and most of the middle distance men; seasons, were given posts by Ecker- bu itl.unig o ti lao ine on new men while playing real' have turned out during the past week.1 call on the strength of their perform- Utizha adht iteopotuiy lietball. U rntil the first trials are held there to show what hie could do tYA the rn- 1 lpoaiiy ati ywl il eltl potuiyt ug h ttc.ances during the season just closed: ;1.,al rbaiitiig attacwlk.wllb ltleopotniytojdg h These «1are popular choice% Laic there -Istart:. at center for the Wolverine sd strength of the team. which will rep- probably won't be one of the all star 1 PE' IAwith la. possibility that eithier Mac- resent M~ichigan this year. A bevy of teams- picked in tihe middle west this That TN was the leading quarter- Wood or Emery may get thte(call in his! stars from various prep schools whok fall that won't show these names in I back in the Conference was showni place. perform~ed on the freshman team to- the line up. by Eckers all in this statemient, "I r- The twro forwards will be picked# gether 'with most of the luminaries or, On the second -team Captain Paul -win Ulteritz, of Michig an, would be froml~ Miller, H-aggerty, t, Stegluci.ier, Co- last year's'Varsity track team will Goeel isplaed t igh en ad i I ivn te uarterback position had it ;wan and Buche-a with the first two help to increase Michigan's chances.°. given the additional honor of captain- not been for the wealth of. backfield appearing as the ones) likely to Start Probably the biggest obstacle Nilehi- ing the team. Next to Goebel at right men who must; be lphiced on the firstI the contest. Kipce, who has joinled tackle Eckersall :h-as placed Stanley eleven. Utz is a grand little general, the squad since the close of football, Muithead, veteran of the Maire and the best catcher of punts in the Con:-xil not get into the game as he willI ' Blue, forward line this. year. IUteritz ference, and a player who fits into be out of the city on that day. ./r at quarterback, and Cappon at full- the Yost style of play in a most pleas-I The defence men will be chosen j I T L I E T Al back round out the Michigan repre- ing manner." from Birks, Paper, Cappon, McGregor, sentation on the blue ribbon team of Kipke was given glowving praise b~y. andl Landre. The first three men are the Big Ten. I the Tribune writer. "larry Kilpke, of ;'former players on the varsity squadj Your bank should be hrlppon.,SuperIor o Locke Michigan, is the outstandling baick of while MVcGregor and L~andre have 3t. is the placing of Cappon on the the year. There is nothing about. come up from last year's Freshman efficient. But that ist second team that has caused great- football which this player does not sud I 5 ,o s nw e stik ndfsavrta fteprsn otal hr r fu(l.ra ~ evc t eo h though Eckersa l' pays tribute to tl all times to take "advantage of oppon- ofteIotbl quad who are nowv invalual~e services of -the Michigan ents' momentary hesitation and a working out for Coach 1!Mathier. Kipke. e lsitelgen n star who has played at end, tackle, triple threat performer. He was a Henderson, Cappon andI Keefer are aill half back and 'full Lack during his menace to all Michigan's opponents in rated as basketball p~layers of Varsity Ta swa hsbt career on Ferry field. To support the, that lie couldl pass, kick, and run. He calibre. Mather plans to make one !Ta swhtti a contention that "CapplO." has been un- was one of the hest punters in the j more cut in the squad before the open- der-rated we may point to the fact Conference and a reliable dr'op kici-- ing of the regular Big Ten sessioni FARMERS & ME he has out played -Locke, of Iowa, er.", which will come early in Jlanxiary. against at Least ""two of the three Kirk and GIoebel, Too ___________________1 -105 SO. MAIN tmsthat both mn worked against' Irirk, the other first team choice re- I!j and at the least was as brig a factor ceived the following comment. "Bern- (I FESH Las ____________________ against the third as was the Hawk- te Kirk, of Michigan, was' undoubted-1- - eye.ist6io lye apo as ~ the best end in the Conference. ! i reshi lits that are interest edK AgintOhoStt, ~inwa, 'I lThe Wolverine, while not of the spec- in'p - . bowling- are requested to call An P rosp being the victor by a 3-0 score. Se- TWO EXTFN IN gal, Varsity tennis star, showed thatLE T R SG ec S j he will have something to say in the l E T R SG latter' part of the tournament when t - t~n7e ;ihe annexed his game from Dumbuf-l Fen iirnct van~n7 IVEN rm Ao u't, .1Iw 3 UnH ierity e-.\Lnion l ctiures sly with a count of 3-4. Hoot won -!ydealtfomHaweg.\ re deliver ed yesterdaeasons a nd since that time they have succssfuI y (defended f hursday night will see t he finish ! sioan Play" in t he H ac Mey Art Cal- their title. Although manny of the; of the first round matches andI all Ily a ukgn 1Orange and l31tue stars front last lplayers who have drawn opponents - -- year's leamn have left school there arec andl have. not liayed their matches for Xo~ha Club toD Neet enough left to cause any other con- th iitalrondwil e utmaical- Mmcs of the Zoological Journal tenders a great deal of worry. ttWis- l dropped from the chart. I ([clul) will teet: at 7:30 I c'clpck, Thhu rs- cousin is also ready to p4t in a. strong( day eYeningutn the zoological l1abor- i it for honors with leer 1,921 telam hO11TEL ALLEN EL atory. I~i'of. L . V. Ilieilbrunn, of the Itra('tical1~s inlitfor tlhis season 'sI Is serving a splendid steak and fish' zoolog"' dei~artmnnett, wvill talk onl ''ie meets. supper every evening;, $1.25.--Adv. I l1 'ysical Basis of. Muscular Aotivitvy." EJadbl- Spectators at the handball courts were rat her di sappointedl yesterday k afternoon wvhen they witnessed -four men win a like number of one-sided gamnes fronm their weaker opponenlts. Greene won the admirgttion of the 4ludience with his stellar work ini his game with Swvager, winning 3-0. Ali- ramns had litt'e trouble disposing of I his competitor, Power, taking the m satch 3-0. Swartz eliminated Brow] from the running in a one way, affair, NID INTERESTED I r s ,"- . __ --- - -- wmm r o rrcrrs or rrrrf r. /' a ,....... ___ MARY GARDEN Assisted by MAX GEGN'E, VIOL .ONCE L.IST and in a in HILL AUDITORIUM, esound, accurate.:- and not enough. Banking nost use to you should iinterested. k tries to be. CHANKCS BANK i ... Tuesday, December 5, S P.MI/. Eastern Time 330 SO. STATE ST. ml-mWAMMwMNwM mmlmmmmmm 11 i &NED biate I HOTEL STA0MT I iRDERI 101DA, 1DECEMBER 5 fFall e.Mad Winter;) UsFuCrnistmasGifts aforSMesn By are listed alphabetically and priced in our Booklet "Christmas Suggestions" which we shall be pleased to send on request A limited number of stage seats are available at the School of Music IL. - -.,.....W - ammo m.4 rrsrrr"rwrrrirr.nrn rrnrrrrwrrwrr r arr rr -- f ,. N '° r Y X I i. W ~ i ~ ' n- v r ~ w ~ ff . .d ~ . r ~ u r ~ W * I ' d ~ i 8BOS TO0N TREMONT°:OR. 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