x ti. Y F 4 I Faculty Cocetf 1CAG1_V1f ',D OHIUO DEBA TE F4eatured aurdBvyBandi The-.,Faculty concert Sunday after- ::;' .,k< nooni gave to many an opportunity to at' nvriybn narp- s r": tltion- of . the band, bounce program. VTlomas, Dewey,. favorably known on the..camipus...as a. bass-baritone, -was -oioist. Director Wilson was obviozsy han- dlicapped, by an incomplete band. the lack of~ cornets and the absence of the baritone horn' being particularly noticeable. The band was at its best in the marches;. "Fairest''of the Fair" (Sousa); "Men of the Maize and(w Blue". "Gorutky-Wilson), and "Jack Tar" (Sousa). The selections froml "Carmen: went wel enough at first 3 but'the brasses were 'very uneven ini the last part. The burlesque of "The Michigan "tiuiez's Affirm iative i)ebttting Teamn Girl .1 Left .Behind Me0 .was easily The Michigan women's affirmative debating team, whichi debated here the most supecessful selection on the iFriday night with Ohio State. Left to right they are: Frieda Diekhoff, '24; program. Yone Moriya, '23, and Florence Fuller, '25. Thomias Dewey, who ordinarily I ___________________________________ sings, a full,. round tone, ward not at his best Sunday. HIs sustained notes ' nV terans CompIl notab ly in Massenet's "Vision Fugi-]OWN TOf0 l HROIT tive", went flat in the middle, and he Lis OE'B ddes manifested i ',inect tendency, to cut j E3U'I totthe siusta ned. notes. In spit( 1LEiMI N GYMNUSIVM 1)tainwbegcopldyth of this .lapse from his truly high Stan-Iaai o en opldb h dlard he sung Max kwing's "Song of l Veterans of Foreign wars for a his-- thie Tinker" with a grace and spirt) S()O.1l011IES AND DORMITORIES tory' of all ex-service men on the that, made this number the most sat . TO HATE DECORATED, aps h rgnztoIast ;lsfactory on his program. capB.TeOranztinpast In 'addition to these the following BOh have a complete record of all men who numibers were presented by the b.and: _ rsdn havce ever been in service. "Spanish Rhapsody" 'f:(Ferront), "Ven PvrsBurtn Marion L. Iuto a A fter the data is received, the men etian Beauty" (Rolfe), and "The Call Ms utn Dean Jean Hamilton andJ v1 edvldinotregup of the fllk". (A'ford)'.' Mr. Dewey al- the deans on the campus will act as present Federal B~oard men, men who so s;Ang "Temple Bells" and "'Til 1 patrons and patronesses at the dance have been in the cantonments in this Wake", both. by Wkolfe-Finden. wichl'is to he given Saturday ven- country, and men who have seen over- laugh after another, while a new quipI TheStage 1rm cnyeo et. I£Veslk wild fire throughout the town. WHITNEY "Red Pepper" perhaps is the most 1 elaborate musical comedy in which After enjoying a tremendously sue-:McIntyre and Heath have ever star- red. It was a real sensation when cessful run at the -Shubert theater,prentdlssaontthSubt ~ Yrk ~ ~ ad Hath theater, New York. Particular com- * pen an engagement next Sunday at1 pliments were paid the chorus, as the the Whitney theater, in "Red Pepper."I girls were considered more beautiful The engagement oji McIntyre and' and better dancers than any similar Heath here means tile iast word ini attraction playing Broadway. This hilarity, as the comedy efforts of same splendid organization comes thesw noted players is just ont, good inta.- a.1 i c } 10 t i 1 r ?i i ., j I _ I fr' M.L.V. PLAN FOUTBALBUST Detrcilt 1Men Prelare Record Event toI - lonort icehigan Team kans are being' pushed by Detroit IAlich n alumni to give the Varsity football -.team the biggest "fbust" yetl held lwhen .Coach Yost, his assistant coaches, members of the Varsity, re- Sserve, and 'freshman squads, hand anid cheerleaders,. arrive. in Detroit Sckt Sa-turday -noon for 'the annualI Detroit'celebration. As this Is a victory year, the com- mittee is planning a true victory cel- ebration in honor of Coach-Yost and the champion~ship team. 'Ofie of the featu'res will. be a parade, led by the land through the. Detroit streets. "' Luncheon' will be ,served-at the, Uni- versity club, and the Board ofCo- mnerce. Later everyone will gather in. the Board of Commerce to-wind uip. the p rogram with speeches,. °cheers, and toasts to: the victors. In the aftermnoon -the - men will be ~uests of John H. $tusky, and the I ahlmiV at 'th~e Capitol theater. Belgium~ Honors Hoover Staunford 'University, Calif.,,. Dec. 4. -Belgium,. through an official repine- "" sedtative, formally dedicated here to-i day a bronze statue set up on the Stanford universtity -campus. in' rec- ogniti~n, of the: humanitarian servicesl rendeted to the' Belgian nation duringI the.Wrl War by Secretary Herbertj Hoover,, a Stafford graduate. ing at Waterman gymnasium. Arranu~e Booth s Plans for decorating include an ar- rangement of booths which will be placed around the sides and ends of 'the hall. The larger spaces at the ends will he taken by Betsy Barbour' house and Helen Newberry residepoi- respective-y, while each of the 18 sor- Iorities will have booths alo; J . sides of the gymnasium. Univovi-pt: trucks have been secured for~ the' ur- pose of assisting in the tranc- r..ta- tion of the furniture a)nd ilo °e r or, the various houses to Waterman gyiii- nasium Satur~day morning. Tickets A vailableI Music for the dance will be fur- nished. by Kennedy's first orchestral which is to tour the East during, the( Christmas vacation. The music to be played at 'this time is that which hasI been 'prepared by the orchestra for the trip, and this will be the only. op- portunity of hearing it in Ann Arbor before Christmas.' Tickets for the dance are $1, and may, be obtained at Graham's book-I stores. fArm,-,Wan 1Loss e~(ar41at 1Athens, Dec. 4.-The losses ex tho Armenian community in Smyr'na total 118,000,000, according to a tabuilation made by a. committee under the d- rection of the bishop of Smyrna. seas service._.,,..,..,.,. ,.. The principal purpose of this comn- pilationm is to facilitate the work of the miitary ball commnittee, and the r1work of the Veterans Memorial comn 1mittee, which is planning to complet- I the Union reading room. In order to make the record as comn- plete as possilble, it is urged that all e' -ser;:ee men fill in the blank which aYea:-°d in Sunday's issue of The' 1 V, or duplicate, and mail it to Ar-' tl. r ;' Anderson, 413 Thompson, im - mne =Gt ;I. jGoo. a room to rentY A Daily classi Pie ad will firm a, roomer--Adv. 'To Have Your 3Clothes Master Cleaned Means IThat They Will. Look-Better, and Last Longer i . 1 . ,, A IAN-ANN ..ARBOII -BUS Sehgje Ia isttOctober :r8, .1922 nirat"Time (Slow Time) ) X -X D .M. A:.ti. P.M. P.M. 3:45'.7:45., .... Adrian .,...*245 13:45 ?: o8:34' .... Ciinton ... zz:oo S:oo :+'5 9:1. Saline ..,. :rx 7:15 94 :41; l-s 4,flfArbortav. 10o:45 u:4J (L'oud House Square). A. M. D--Daily. X-Daily except Sundays and Hlolidays. Friday and Saturday specia: .."c t " fl, ,Aceaves Adiriaq 45 eae Anrn Arbot 4:-45.leve College men like low shoes. Your socks will look best if supported 'E--RP equally on both s~ides, EZGRP with the E. Z. 2-Grip Garter. Easiest On and Off- -no right or left to think of. 35c to $l,. everywhere, in single-grip and the E. Z. 2-Grip, and the E. Z. Sport Garter. Made solely by The Thos. P. Taylor Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Featured by Leading Student Supplies Stores -Anld This Service (Costs No More Than Ordinary Cleaning. 1 JAMEX U Phow 926-MN ELLIOTT, Proprietor Adrian, -Mich. A r . F t I, '4 i BRUSHES AS CHRISTMAS GIFTS We Are Offering EXTRA HIGH' GRADE MILITARY BRUSHES EBONAY, ROSE, ANI) IVORY BACKS T he .Eberbach &SonCo 200-204 EAST LIBERTY STREET 001 Auto obes and Steamer Rugs Right; now is the time you need them and we have all kinds in wool the plain- coloi'ed,-large size, all wool Army Blankets, the patterned and fringed Robes and the laid double bed blankets at prices to suit. Cordro and Blanket Shirts co. .4 * NATIONAL,-" - BANK ORG ANIZED 186:3I Overcoats, Sheepskins, Leather Jackets, Underwear, °Hose, Shoes, Packs, "Tor Wy" and "Bradley" Knit Coats and Sweaters Camel Hair, Angora, Heather, Etc. SUPLUS SUPPLIES, STOREI