THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY SCORES ESCAPE DEA tI' IN WRECK . J . fMSTERLY ART OF CORTOT Star Of O era EXCELS IN LOCAL DEBUT"I An OtI (Continued from. Page One) number, in Saint-Saens "Etudes en forme de valse" andi "Boivee pour la 4main gauche seule", Allieniz's "Se- guidillas" andi Liszt's second H;ungar-I ian Rhapsody. The Saint-Saens num- bers are full of the felicities and in- genuities characteristio of that corn- pos5er, white their emptiness of exalted inspiration was amply atoned for by she consummate art withi which theyweernee.Tesm watue , ,. :x. :", of the Albeniz, andi to a less extent of x1 the' Liszt. The p~erformance of thea popular' rhapsody was a veritable tor die force, the orchestral effect origin- ated by L.iszt being splendidly achiev- edl and the striking melodies given with scintillating brilliancy and! verve. I Finally we cannot omit mention o1 the exquisite clarity with which he ,: ;;:.:;::: "; .:., : interpreted Debussey's tone picture :::..::1 I "La Clathedrale Engloutie ,one of the most original and truly poetic Df fthe great FrenIchman's inspirations. H-ere thle crystalline beauty- of his tone was most fully apparent and here-lie gave, Lionel Ames, 12I one of the most perfect nterpreta- in. one of the poses which were heart- tions of the entire concert. ily applauded at last night's p~erfornm- jEncores lieard were the "Butterfly' ance. etude of Chopin, Op. 25, which lie- __________________ played after his first group; the samre Bay. City Cli to M[eet composer's "Black Keys" etude, O1). All men students from Bay City will 10; and finally, Schubert's "Litany". meet at 7:30 'O'clock tonight in thie I Cortot's platform deportment is so re- IMichigan U7nion for their weekly freshingly difterent from that of many smoker. Plans for the Christmas va- performers as to .deserve n~ote. (cationi will be discussed. _ ..... I ". 1 "u AND OT"' EXCELLENT .. Alove, wreck of the Penusy flyer at CumlberlmAn d, and, below, closeup ventedl the coaches fromi telescoping Scores of passengers of the Pe nnsy flyer, which wvent into the ditch> :I'ves to the steel construction of 'the coaches which prevented them frog. to acid injury of the occupants. The ca use of the wreck has not'yet been asee an thorit ies