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December 05, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-12-05

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Y r











Phenomenal Treenique, Seintillating
Brilliancy, Exquisite Clarity
Mark Performance
(By Edgar H. Adies)
The pianoforte recital given last
night in Hill auditorium by Alfred
Cortot marked the Ann Arbor debut of
that distinguished French artist and
afforded one of the finest lxhibitions
of pianistic art ever heard here. The
audience was notably appreciative,
and was as large as could be expect-
ed in view of such distractions as the
Michigan Opera premiere and the in-
clement weather.
Unsurpassed Here
Local concertgoers who have long
followed Ann Arbor nusical events
must have sought vainy to recall any-
thing in their experience surpassing
Cortot's recital. From the first notes
of Vivaldi's "Conceto da Camera"
through a program of satisfying va- 1
riety, lie revealed himself to be a{
virtuoso of prodigious attainments.
Endowed with an all-conquering tech-
nical equipment, this side of his art
never obtruded itself tat the expense
of the musical. His touch is mascu-
line, brilliantly clear and infinitely
poetic. In the forte passages his vig-f
or is tremendous, his pianissimos haveI
the irridescent grace and precision of
de Pachmann, while his management1
of tone coloring is absolutely impec-
cable. An intellectual breadth and a
keen emotional, sense co-ordinate
these faculties in the most convincing
exposition of i musical content we
have ever heard..
Chopin's set of 24 preludes, Op., 28,
was the outstanding feature of the
program. Each of these exquisitely
beautiful and) endlessly varied frag-
ments is compQlte in itsolf, but togeth-
er they form a unity of enchanting
loveliness. Cdrtot played them in-
comparably, infusng into each his
powerful personality, yet maintaining
perfectly the spirit in which they were
conceived. His successhwas conspicu-
ous in readings of the "raindrops"I
prelude, No. 6; in the beautiful No. 14
which reminds us of f/3 finale to the
"Funeral March" sonata; inNo. 15,,
the most beautiful of all, with its de-
lihtfulycontrasted portions in D ma-F
jor and C sharp; and in No. 21 with its
peculiar quavering figure and smooth
Art Exceeds Substance
Chopin was heard to less advan-'
tage in his Andante Spianato in G
major and his Polonaise in E major,

Commemerating the 1922 Michigan mented upon. A second sport arti-
Union Opera "In and Out" and con-: cle is an interview from Coach Stur-
taining articles and pictures pertain- zene gger by Lincoln J. Carter on
ing directly to the production, the De- "Football Scouting".,
cember issue of Chimes will go on Opera features are again introduced
sale tomorrow. Short stories and ar- 'in pages of pictures. The first is at
ticles on various topics of general double page display of photographs1
campus interest will also feature the taken from operas of other colleges.j
number. Dartmouth, Princeton, and severalI
The cover is a color design that others have contributed poses of their
represents a general view of a general casts. A page of cartoons by campusj
opera. It is drawn by Halsey David- artists showing their views of operas
son, '25. The frontispiece is a com- and of the costumes that are wornj
bination drawing and photograph of will also be included.
Edwin R. Meiss, '23, author of "In and Fiction Included
Out". Chief among the articles of fiction
In the feature article of the month's will come a one act play by Thorntor
issue, Edwin R. Meiss tel~s about Sargent, Grad, in burlesque of the
some of- the inner aspects of the op- Student council. Wallace F. Elliott
era as it is produced and as it is '23, has contributed . another of his
written. The article is named, "The short stories, "The Mother of Inven
Ins and Outs of the Opera'". tion". "Notebook 17", a story by
Basketball I)cussed James A. Miller, '24, and "The Burn-
Sport subjects are treated in two ing of the Yule I tog", a poem by N.1
articles, surveyed in "Next, Basket- E. Martin, '24, complete the fiction oft
ball", by Wallace F. E'liott, '23. The the issue.t
prospects of the approaching basket- Articles of general interest are al-k
ball season are discussed and con- so pub'ished. Campus politics with
their evil and good features are dis-s
cussed in two articles "Campus Poli-.
.ftics", written by the general staff ofI
Chimes, and "A Dangerous Myth", by i
a "Campus Politician". t
A man who has never been to col-c
lege lays down a creed in still an-f
other article. le suggests that every
student ask not what Michigan does'
Chicago Opera Star Will Make Local for him, butt what he can do for
Debut in Hill Auditorium Michigan. Moving pictures, an ever
Tonight present topic of campus interest, re-a
ceives comment in "What's The Mat-T
FAMED SINGER WILL ARRIVE ter With 'Em" by Eugene P. Lyle, ar
IN ANN ARltOIf THIllS MORNING writer Of national fame and a fre- t
quent. contributor to some of the larg i
Marv Garden celebrated sar of thc- er. magazines,.




Faculty Joins With Great Majority of
Students to Repudiate
Sunday Disorders
Losses sustained by local theaters
in the disorders of Sunday night of
last week were practically all ascer-,
tained last night, preliminary to the
making of an all-University re-im-
bursement for the damages which re-
sulted. Although not all of the bills
for the property which was destroyed
have been turned in, it is expected
that the final figures will be available
by noon today. The check has been
carefully made, and the idea of beingI
fair to the students and faculty of
the University, and to the theater
owners alike, has prevailed.
Disorders Deplored
The desire to make the .reparation
an all-University affair assumed that
proportion Saturday when individual
members of the faculty asked that'
hey be given an opportunity to share
n the offer of reparation. They "feel
a joint responsibility of the entire
University for the regrettable action
ast Sunday night of some of our
members", according to the state-
ment made.
With practically unanimity, the
campus expresses its condemnation of1
he rowdy acts of a small minority.,
That the University has been thrown
nto a bad light in the eyes of other
schools and with the people of the
state is said to be responsible for the
widespread desire of students and fac-
ulty to clear Michigan's name. It is
elt that a whole-hearted offer of re-
paration to the theater owners for
heir losses will .demonstrate eon-,
clusively-that the. actions of, a smell

Applications for tickets to the 1924
Junior Hop will be given out from
1 to 5 o'clock this afternoon and to-
morrow afternoon at the Union. The
treasurers of the junior engineering
and literary classes will collect dues
at these hours on both afternoons at
the Union.
This collection of dues is necessi-
tated by the rule of the Hop ticket Wow
committee that no application will be
considered, unless the applicant':,
class dues are paid. Six hundred and
fifty tickets will be sold for this
year's Hop.
Applications must be mailed and
must be in the hands of the commit-
tee by Friday afternoon. They will
be given preference in the order in
which they are received.
Ismet, Tehitcherin Join in Demand
That Turkey Have Control
of Straits

He Looks
Off The



(By Associated Press)
Lausanne, Dec. 4.-Ismet Pasha is
sti'l being carried along behind
Tchitcherin's chariot tonight so far
as members of the Near East confer-
ence have been able to learn. Whether Lionel Ames, T4
Ismet is willing to allow Russia to who played the leading feminine role
speak for Mustapha Kemal's govern- in "In and Out" last night.
ment, or dares not assert variance,


Previous Standards Endangered - By
This Year's Michigan Union
By Leo J. hIershdorfer
Ziegfield, take heed! Berlin, be-
ware! Gest, look to your laure:s! A
nation has long paid tribute - to you,
but Mimes threatens to take your
glory for its own!
Ziegfield, you claim to glorify the
American girl, but Michigan's Thes-
pians glorify the American man. Tier-
lin, your melodies have enthralled a
jazz-loving people, you caused them to
pass under the yoke of syncopation,
but the songs of "In and Out" will
live long after yours have been sunk
in the well of oblivion. Gest, your
productions have dazzled two contin-
ents, but when Mimes takes to the
road and America sees the opera, you
wi'l have great need to exert your-
Mimes has triumphed! "In and Out",
the product of the fertile pen of Ed-
win R. Meiss, '23, who also combined
his musical talent with that of My-
ron E. Chon, '23, is an opera extra-
ordinary. It is a departure from the
usual type of Michigan operas, giv-
ing as much attention to the tevue as
to the theme, while in former years
one element was submerged' in the
Gredtest Honor to Ames
To Lionel Ames, '24, the leading
lady of all Union operas, the lion's
share of the honors are attributed. As
Wilhelmina Vanderdunk, the love-sick
Dutch niaiden, he displays adinfrable
dramatic abiiity, 'and sings. love' bal-
lads in a voice rich with. melody.
Arthur Holden, "24; theJtivenile
hero, carries his role in commenable
manner-he is a clever actor, a good
singer and a nimble dancer. Chon
scores as a humorist and a saxophon-
ist; James Dresback, '24, as Kate
Smith, is chief laugh-producer of the
performance; John P. Lawton. '24,
proves to be an efficient deviser of
swindle schemes, but fails to entice
that pair of "fun-making fools", Pell
and Mell, (Sherwood Jtidson, '25, and
Buckley Robbins, '23). Carl Guske,
grad, the he-modiste, is as typically
temperamental as all members of this
craft are, but like Howard: Stimpson,
'24, as Hans Brinker, he does not have
sufficient opportunity in the pay to
show what he is actually capable of


Chicago Opera association, will ap-
pear at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill audi-
torium on the secdhd program of the
Choral Union serIes' of concerts. This
will be Miss Garden'q Ann Arbor de-
but, for, though sh'e has been inter-,
nationally famous for more than 15



Russian Baron Tells of Decline
Parliamentary System in



Mary Garden
Chicago Opera association star, who,
will make her Ann Arbor debut in the
concert to be given this, evening in
Hill auditorium.
years, she, has never before , sung
To Arrive This Morniig
Miss Garden is scheduled to arrive
in Ann Arbor this morning'-from Al-
ron, Ohio, where she .sang . Monday
night. Wednesday she will leave foi
Springfield, Mass. Miss Garden statef

two unrelated compositions arbitrari-
ly conjoined and labelled Opus 22.
Both are immature in style and not
especially weighty in substance. Be-
neath Cortot's inspired fingers the
Andante seemed more attractive than
it really is. while the Polonaise leavrsi
an impression of bombast and super-
ficiality that is happily missing in its
successors in C sharp, A and A fiat.
Cortot's phenomenal technique was
heard to best advantage in the Vivaldi
(Continued on Page Three)

I .

Reds On Trial; ,
Nineteen Face,
Michigan Jury

that she is looking forward to her lo-
cal appearance with much eagerness.
Max Gegna, cellist, and Emil Polak,
pianist, will assist the artist in the
following program:
- Program"
Sonata..............lHenry Eccles
Allegro 'con spirite
Mr. Gegna
Aria from "La Boheme".....Puccini
Miss Garden
Minuet ...... . ...Savoverde
Mr. Gegna
Les Berceaux ...............:.Faure
Aria from "Manon" .........Puccini
Le Nil .......................Lereux
Miss Garden
Beau Soir...............Debussey
Berceuse from "Jocelyn" . . . .Godard
Miss Garden
Rhapsodie .....................Popper
Mr. Gegna
Aria from "Louise".....Charpentier
Miss Garden
House Sold Out
The entire house is sold out for Miss
Garden's concert, but officials of the
School of Music have arranged to sell
a limited number of stage seats at $3
each. These may be obtained from
Charles A. Sink, secretary of the
School. Starding room tickets will al-
so be sold at hill auditorium at $2 and
$1.50 each.
Gordon C. Eldredge, '14, of Detroit,
a nationally known advertising expert,
will speak at 6 o'clock tonight at the
regular dinner of the Press club, at
the Wisteria Shop. Mr. Eldredge has
assisted in svera1 natin-wide ..-

"Political writers of Eurpoe are to-minority.have been repudiated.r.
day seriously beginning to realize the Whitney Rush Serious
efficacy of the American system of na- The. Whitney rush, in view of the
tional legislation," said Baron S. A, unusual incidents that accompanied
Korff, Russian, statesman and emin- it, is looked upon as far more serious
ent authority on constitutional law, than ordinary movie rushes. Some of
when speaking before a large audi-- those' who participated .showed an ug-
ence of students and townspeople at ly spirit and acted in a disgusting
4:15 o'clock yesterday -afternoon in manner. It was a different kind of
the auditorium , of the law building. rush than the ordinary good natured
Raps Paiament System affair. The news has gone out front
Baron Korff chose as his subject Ann Arbor, and the outside world, not
"The Pivotal Nature of the Parliament knowing who was to blame, has been
in Modern Government" and spoke at watching the University to see what
length on the workings of the parli- will be done.
amentary form of government. "The The announcement that reparation
important question to consider now in is to be made has brought favorable
this type of legislation is whether' or comment from many sources. It is
not the people are in reality securing pointed out that when the theater
representation. I should say that in owners have been re-imbursed, Mich-
most cases they are not. Most par- igan will have emphatically register-
liaments have but little means for as- ed a repudiation of the acts of the
6ertaining the national or local needs I small minority. The dividing linr)
of .the people. The elections are seems to be between the large major-
dominated by parties who have not ity of responsible people at the Uni-
the interest of the people at heart." versity who want to vindicate them-
There is not much incentive at the selves-in the eyes df the outside world
present time for men to enter into, because of the acts of the small min-
parliamentary work, was the belief of ority.
the baron. He gave as reasons thel
facts that most of the work is done SENIORS ASKED TO.
I by committees which give only a fewP
an opportunity for active participation HAVE PHOTOS MADE
in the affairs of the nation. The min-I
isters and the cabinet shape the poli- i Seniors who have not yet had their
cy, leaving no opportunity for many!pictures taken for the 'Ensian should
men to initiate legislation: ,
Need Better Representation 'do so at once to insure their appear-
When speaking of the main causes ance in the annual. Dec. 15 is the last
of the decline of the parliamentary time that photographs will be accept-
system, Baron Korff said that it was ed by the editors and it is said that
due to the "terrible increase of com- local photographers are extremely
plexity in modern life. We are living busy at this time.
through a social crisis that has not This means that if appointments are
yet crystalized the newer form of not made immediately, photographers
states. There is an absolute neces- will be unable to take care of every-
sity for a better system of representa- one before the time limit is up. No
tion, and if that can be secured, then further extension of time will be
we must establish a contact between made, it is said.
the representative and the people s
that will exist, not only at election Wallace Boosts Rural Credit
time, but when actual work of legisla- Washington, Dec. 4.-Secretar
tion is being carried on. h a
"The American system can be ap- Wallace in is annua report recom-
plicable in many more cases than mended enactment of rural credit
people formerly e'xpected,' continued legislation as an effective aid to far-
the baron. "I say that because so mers, who, he said, were still under a
many European writers have changed serious disadvantage becase of
their views. They are coming to prices.
realize the true effectiveness of the
American system of legislation."
Baron Korff will lecture at 4:15 o'- Want To Sell Your
clock this afternoon on "Russia and
Turkey". Opera Ticket?


I with Soviet Russia's view on control
of the Bosporus and the Dardanelles,
is not clear.
Ismet says he wants to hear the
views of England, France, and Italy
on control of the states before he sets
forth a definite treaty plan, but his
admission that Russia's proposal ap-
proaches nearer to the Turkish idea
than any other suggested, has created
the general impression that Russia is
dictating the Turkish policy.
M. Tchitcherin's pan was put be-
fore the delegates today; he insisting
that Turkey should have control 'of
I the straits and the Thracian territory#
That foreign warships should be pro-
hibited entry, and that Turkey should
be permitted to erect fortifications.
He declared that troops and ships%
would not influence the settlement of
the problem of the straits..
Ismet Pasha had a long conference
with Tchitcherin late this afternoon
and so far has not indicated to con-
ference officials that he has a defin-
ite Turkish proposal to submit.
Ames Thrills 'Em
As Opera Damsel

E ven


"Die-Iards" Leady
New Governpent On

(By Associated Press)
London, Dec. 4.-The century old
struggle between England and Ire-
land ended tonight when legislation
giving the sanction of law to the new
settlement with Ireland passed its
final stages in the house of lords,
which for generations has bitterly
opposed zany accommodation with Ire-
The constitution bill has gone
through both *houses of parliament
without any amendment and even
without being challenged. Lord Cur-
zon alone, whose influence was mainly
responsible for failure to settle the

r j
i f


Male hearts fluttered, flirting eyes ; Irish question in 1916, and who has l Ranks WelI
riveted their gaze on "her"--who was throughout his political career been The music of "In and Out" ranks
generally acclaimed to be the most the bitter opponent of home rule, per- well with that of other great Union
captivating damsel in the opening per- sisted to the very end in his role of Operas. "Love 'Em and Leave 'Em"
formance of the Union opera at the "last ditcher", even when traditional and "Gee! It Must Be Wonderful",
Whitney theater last night. Lionel anti-home rulers, such as the Marquis with "Michigan Nights", rendered by
Ames, '24, as Wilhelmina, was crown- of Lansdowne and the Duke of Dev- Thomas I. Underwood, '23L, in the en-
ed Queen of Beauty-and none dared onshire had gracefully yielded to the tree act, and "Dream Waltz", are the
dispute his claim to the honor. govrnment's view and resolved to most pleasing of the many-melodies.
He danced, he sang, he moved a bout give Ireland a chance to prove her The scenery and the gowns, while not
with the grace of a woodland nymph sincerity under new conditions. the actual contributions of Mimes, are
and the winsomeness of a country There now only remains royal as- works of skill and art.
maid. His eyes shone with the wis- sent, which is a pure formality, and Following the custom common to
dom of Minerva, they sparkled with everything will be ready for the new musical comedies, "In and Out" has a
the vivacity of Diana, they twinkled Irish government to come into exist- story woven around a galaxy of love
with the joy of a young I debutante ence with excellent omens, and the. affairs. From the entrance of Jim in
making her first bow to society. expessed desire even of the "die-hard" the first act, and his meeting with the
Cleopatra was a daring vampirebut statesmen in England to give it every fair Wilhelmina someone is continual-
I Wilhelmina used more subtle means opportunity to succeed in its work, ly trying to marry someone else.
to ensnare her too-willing victims. I not only unhampered, but aided by Wilhelmina is a simple little Dutch
Her figure was that of a Venus, her England. girl until she is Americanized by a
pride that of a Juno. group of New Yorkers, under the chief
SENATECtutelage of one Jimmie Van, whom we
Beauty COMMITTEE are given to understand, has the us-
RECOGNIZES C L U B ual gobs of money that a New Yorkel
KIP__EGIVENAUTalways has-on the stage.'
Oflicial recognition had been given Jim presses his suit, but is ham-
BY HOME TOWN MEN to the Iberal club by the Senate red by the activities of one of the
Committee on Student Affairs, it was town boys, and the disapproval of
Harry G. Kipke, '24, Varsity football announced, at a special meeting of thePp. They part in the shadow of the
star for the past two seasons, address- club held last night at the Union. The old mill, in the prettiest bit of acting
ed te buines menof LnsI done ,in the entire show. The second
ed the business men of Lansing at a purpose of the club, according to its act r
banquet last night. Kipke spoke, ac- constitution, is "to foster among the act travels rapidly, proposals of mar-
cording to the Lansing club here, in i students of the University the free riage are accepted fast enough to meet
appreciation of a new Oldsmobile car discussion of political and social the approval of Ganna Walska, and
which was presented to him recently problems." Both men and women are the end of the show happens before
by the business men of his home eligible to active ,membership, accord- anyone is preparing to stop gazing at
town. The gift was made as a token ing to resolutions adopted, but facul- the very pretty face of Wilhelmina.
of appreciation for his work; on the ty members are eligible to associate She and Jim discover each other at a
gridiron for Michigan. membership only. style sho , Wilhelmina loses her job
The fraternal and business organi- Announcement was made that on as a model and finds another as Jim
zations of Lansing, will unite on Dec. Thursday, Dec. 1, the club will con- my's wife.
8, in an effort to put on one of the big- duct a debate between a representa- i Story, Not Plot
gest banquets ever held in that city. tive of organized labor andr a repre- "In and Out" has a story, but no
The banquet will be in honor of all santative of the National Association plot, for the obstacle to the gallant
the Lansing athletes who are now of Manufacturers on the question heo's love affair is nothing more ser-
playing on any college football team. "Resolved: That the Open Shop is'sous than the planning of a rather
The Lansing club of the University preferable to the Closed Shop inharmless adventuress who endeavors
of Yeticgan will hold no meeting this American tindustry." The exact time to ensnare him with her wiles. The
week because of the banquet Friday and place of the debate will be an- plan of the show is simply to set be-
fore the audience, a number of good
evening at Lansing. y nounced later. - (Continued on Page Three)


to Speedj

i WIlam L. Foster
William Z. Foster, leader of the

Adelphi House of Representatives I
will hold an important meeting at
7-20 o'elock tonight in the Adelnhi f

If you find that you are unable
to go to the Opera, and have
already bought your ticket, you
can sell it thru the Daily "Want
Ad" columns. Call un the office.

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