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December 03, 1922 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-12-03
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-- - a


Our Student Publications'

in the DtanatI Section, where the
same group of readers influenced by
the criticisms may haveth.-bnefits of
a different viewpint.
It would seem that a critic ought to




(Robert Bartron) iterviews and stories reeking with 'most popular of them all. Nobody ob- appraise himself of the facts before
bathos. Indeed, it is a campus Ameri- jects to this. The magazine is so con- venturing on the field of assertion. Mr.
It is my personal prejudice, blasphe- can Magazine, quite at its worst. venienit to read while a professor dis- Edward Bok, in last month's Atlantic,
masures of a university's greatness, However, its poetry, what little there courses on history or political science. reveals the not surprising ignorance
even more than its football stars ors is of it, is not so bad. The articles, It serves its purpose. On the other of a musical critic, who did not know
emor businss wizas, isthes nu- on the other hand, are not so good, hand, Chimes, which is hardly worth that the modern school of music was
emryof bliesarydenuse ith produce while the stories are nothing but gar- the paper it is printed on, manages to founded in the Netherlands. I take
Ier of literary geniuses it produces. bage. sell several thousand copies every time to quote the foregoing merely to
Ti this be in any way true, Michigan. month, while Whimsies, which reallyI bring out the lamentable fact that
is still nitifuly insignificant. The east- The Gargoyle, the official attempt at mons while Whie s, i ruaky ing ou the lametable ct
er oe mo teohe adhaehmoi uc ete hsyerta does -worth while things, is lucky iĀ£ it even the best of critics, while well-
ern colleges on the other hand, have humor, is much better this year than se.~t iv ude coisfu ie netioned, are too often ill-informed.
each a veritable hall of fame ri this it has been for a long time. Of course, sells. its five hundred copies four times intentio entoogmft formyd.
respect. Of course, nearly all of the the jokes it publishes are the same a year. at icthenay, the w or k ometin mst avd oih
dearoldNewEngandgrop o th asusul, ut ts amns stir s suppose, and incidentally, the way the work of the Masques and 'of the
aSt century graduated either from pertinent, and the cartoons are al- o ,a university which thinks nineteen Comedy Club, Mr. Bartron says, "in
s 't tismillion dollars'' worth of new build- direct contrast to these two organiza-
Harvard or Yale or their sister col- most works of genius. It is more or ings will makelit great. tions is the Players Club, which be-
leges. In modern times, Princeton, I less haphazard jumble, of course, asll. lieves in quantity production and ab-
in particular, has become famous be- such things usually are, yet it is soluestudenttrol.t Phap
cause of the unusual group of authors truly funny, and best of all, makes no The Club quantity production"rwas unfortun-
tlat matriculated there. For example, ridiculous boasts. at ty trmdctin was unfr.
tViere is Booth Tarkington, Stephen * .x' * Sunday Magazine Editor, Must the admittedlysplendid results
V ncent Benet, Roscoe Brink, and that The Sunday Magazine -of the Michi-' Tho Michigan Daily: of the Harvard Workshop be damned
prodigy of them all, F . Scott Fitzger- gan Daily is mainly a journal of criti- Following t.he publication of Mr. because more than two plays are
ale. j cism. It is oven to anyone possessing Rcbert Bartron's "A Review of Cam- written and produced each year? As
Compare these sugestive names merit, and offers a real opportunity pus Dramatics" in a recent issue of to "absolute student control," neither
with the few Michigan has. to her for students experimenting with the the Daily, I wish to address a few re- dces the University administration
credit. There is Avery Hopwood, an difficult subject of literary apprecia- warks to the review, particular re- permit it, nor does the Club believe in
author of melbdramatic thrillers and tion. Obviously, the quality of the finr ference to be made to the paragraph it, let alone practice it. If Mr. Bartron
risque bedroom farces. Each play he ished product cannot be discussed on the Players Club. Inasmuch as could find time to talk with an officer
produces is a little more nauseating here. scnie of my opinions are opposite to of the Club, he would be informed of
than the preceding one, but he makes Whimsies, a more or leis fly-by- those of Mr. Bartron's, I believe, Mr. 1 several facts as to the Club's direc-
buckets of money so is counted amongI night publication, continualy narass- Editor, your sense of fair play will en- tion, aims, and practices. He might
the University's seven greatest along ed by financial troubles, seriously at- able you to find space for this article (Continued on Page Eight)


(Saul Carson) A.
Essentially, the difference between Ii va em
society's attitude toward youth and old,
age is that the one is loved, the other glands in the human organism. It ly published a book entitled "La Vie"
is merely tolerated. Youth leads the t has been, discovered that over, or (Life) in which he attempts to prove
procession; it strives forward, and is under, secretion of the pituitary gland! that it is possible to graft an ape's
full of oromise. Old age, on the other will affect a person's stature, and will testes upon a human, and thus re-
hand, is a drag upon progress; it fur- often have the effect of reducing the juvenate not only the individual's sex-
nishes the laggard factor in the ad- individual to a state of imbecility. uality, but also his entire organism.
vancement of civilization. And yet, The adrenal glands, located just above In effect, this means that life could
society as it is at present constituted, the kidneys, have been discovered to actually be continued to quite an in-
seldom fails to take care of old age. be bound up in some way with the in- f definite length. Doctor Voronoff him-
Provision is made for its comfort; at stinct of anger, supplying, to one who self makes the modest assertion that
least such provision is, in fully de-1 is angry, more rapid -flow of blood, when this method of causing rejuvena-
veloped states, talked about as one quicker beating of the heart and other tion becomes generally used, the re-
of the virtues of the state. useful functions. gular life span of the human should
Why does society, as a whole, take t One of the glands, however, about reach to between 140 and 160 years.
care of its aged? Stripped of all sen- which least is known; is the sex gland. Medical and biological theory, at
timentality, it is nothing but down- Its function as a sexual organ has al- present, disproves Voronoff's claims.
right cowardice and the shady motive; ways been known, but the effect of its It is admitted that temporary re-
of self-preservation that causes us so internal secretion upon the youthful- juvenescence of the sexual organs
to take care of our fathers and moth- ness of the individual has only recent- and, perhaps, increase in muscular
ers when they have grown too old ly been made a subject of study. strength, may be caused by some
to look after their own welfare. We Experiments have been conducted I methcd. But the rejuvenescence would
are too cowardly, in oi present state by an Austrian professor named Stein- be confined only to certain parts of the
of civiiization, to kill off those whose ach, in which rats were the subjects. body, and would last Qnly for a short
span of life has stretched further than Dr. Steinach performed operations period.
their span of utility. We haven't the uo asta aerahdsns
courage of the Indian tribe that puts upon rats that have reached senes- There are always, however, enough
cence, in which he tied up the duct quacks and even some otherwise re-
its aged men and women in a cage an6 leading from the testes of the male lal hscaswowududr
allows them to starve to death. Civil- ai tt liable physicians who would under
allows causing that gland to take anything, providing the conside-
ization has, among other things, soft-1 become enlarged and increasing itsrainslrg eouh Tecif
ened us to such au extent that we beoe nar" ndicra n t ration is large enough. The chief
eneddus to suha etent that sw internal secretion. After having these stock-in-trade of such pseudo-scient-
shudder at the mere thought of such ;ped-cet
operations performed upon them, the ists is advertisement and populariza-
an act. senescent rats displayed not only new tion of their excessive claims. And
And yet, it is only the motive of sexual vitality, but showed also other our none too ethical press is quick to
tslf-prevaio that isbeind all go- signs of recurring youth, such as the catch these succulent bones thrown
this varnish that civilization is gene- strengthening of the muscles, growing out by the fake gentry. Much ink has
rally credited with having given us. of hair and a general change to youth- been wasted on a "gland transference"
We support our aged not because we ful appearance. These experintents
expect to get any future use out of proved that the sexual glands serve l
-them, but rather because of what we (hot only the purpose of producing
call love, and because of gratitude for spermatozoa, but have also an effect I
what they have done in the past. We upon the stage of youthfulness of the IME WAITS
koony by diplaigti entire body.
gratitude, will we set the example for er o . using the principle of re-at
others to treat us similarly when we Frtnp ui.1ng th ri ni e A f re- cOt
,.:.._ ___ uvenescence, by means of the Rteili-!

operation recently pei
King of Plows. And
willingly given to hel
of flnding a suitable
ing a pair of healt
desire to furnish a se
a new hold on life.
lesser, celebrities wl
their senescence, quiE
ly await their opport
this "come-back" to 1
The cry for eternal
clearly th rMgh the a
persists. BaC to M
la Vie!
There is, in each msai
Chinese writing-
No man'can easily de
This blurred text co
and follies;
But now and then,
Reading his owl .
(So little sti. 1, s
He see- fragments
Old : ords ok truth
Illum:nated, red and
The study of this h
Is what I call
Translating from the
-From Chri
"Translations fi
es, Changeein Style.

with several politicians and baseball temptĀ§ to publish contributions that
stars. Then there is James Oliver aspire to literary excellence. Often it
Curwood, the man who turns out at lamentably fails and instead presents
regular intervals stereotyped novels a peculiar mixture of free-verse
of' God's Country where Men are Men. "poems" and sentimental stories. On
He also _has gone into the movie the other hand, it sometimes prints
game, I understand, and now furnish- unusually striking material. Its all-
es scenarios for good looking truck poetry issue ofsome two years ago is
drivers who have become stars. He, still remembered and discussed. Last
too, makes money. Hortense Flexner year it printed an extremely artistic
is also a Michigan graduate. She 'Japanese tragedy, two or three ex-
writes slight delicate poems, but she cellent western stories, several good
does not make money, and so does not poems, and a fluent essay on food. It
count. There is only about one other is these occasional works of art that
person to add to this incongruous ros- furnish Whimsies with a definite pur-
trum. I refer to Ray Stannard Baker pose, and, also make the magazine de-
(bavid Grayson), who has achieved serving of better financial support
some distinction as a journalist and from the student body. However, this
with his book of essays, "Adventures it certainly does not get. Perhaps one
in Contentment." But even Gratyson of the reasons is that the editors have
received his bachelor's degree at M. A. carefully fostered the myth that the
Ca. and only took special ~Work at this publication is highbrow, which in it-
University. self, of course, is enough to eventu-
* * ally kill it. Then, too, the Whimsies'
Of course, Michigan is comparative- [BeaAi takes its work entiieiy too ser-
ly young, and so one must nOt be too iously. Once I attended one of their
critical of her. But the discburaging meetinlgs, and truly you would have
thing about it all is that even now we thought them a coroner's jury or a
are doing little along literary lines. group of Presbyterian elders. It
There are some four or five nagazns makes me wonder sometimes in my
published on the campus, only two of wildest dreams what would happen,
which can, in any way, be classed ;as if, for example, they bound one of
literary. Most of them frankly admit their issues in a bright green cover
their commercial ambitions, and fran- with WHIMSIES printed in big orange
tically dehy any artistic aims, being letters all the way across it!

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quite content to imitate the cheaper
elements of journalism,
There is Chimes, for instance, the
"campus opinion" monthly. For the
most part it is composed of trashy in.-.

But the really incongruous thing
about this whole literary attenmt at
1ichiigan is the sales of the various
publications. The Gargoyle is the

e -

\ CR s

e re eth stage of senescence ach operation, upon the rat to apply
Ting the same principle to man, is but
a short step. Scientists on the con-
Mankind would give much for know- tinent, as well as in this country,
ledge that would help to keep it etern- have been working quietly the past
ally youthful. Had he such an elixir few years, trying to solve the new
of eternal youth, man could plan his riddle of rejuvenescence by means of
life work on a large scale, and be fair- ) sexual organs.
ly certain that the plans would have a! The orthodox view of the calm
chance of being completed. Life would. scientist is, however, that not enough
indeed, be life; not a mere flicker of is known about the internal secretion
existence. I of the sex gland to allow any claims
Modern natural sciences have, untilj for rejuvenescence of the human by
very recently, occupied themselves any such means. But not all who are
chiefly with research along lines other ( scientists in name are careful enough
than those leading to the abandonment Ito study the subject thoroughly before
of the old age factor. Only within the ( attempting to put it to practical use.
last three decades has a new field As a consequence, much unmitigatef
been subjected to experimentation by piffle and a good deal of exaggeratior
biologists, physiologists - and physi- has been attributed to the so-called'
cians. This field comes under the science of "gland transference" and
general head of "gland research." "gland grafting."
Much has been learned in late years, * *
about the function of the various' A Doctor Voronoff, in Paris, recent-
These and many other like adjectives
can be used to describe the
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