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December 03, 1922 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-12-03
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,; ;.








Mary Grd A' Modern


An Appreciation of Lithe, Moon-Blonde*
Wonderful Mary'

(Mar: Ewin) Ish^l never lose my vision of that dis- her body. Her every dramatic ge -
Mary Garden, one o.. the worl turbing, restless figure of silver and ture is a poem in line, unfaltering in
greatest singers is coming to Ann Ar , flame moving, lissom and vivid, across its expressiveness. In her have com- I
bar to sing in Hill Auditorium nex the sultry, moon-lit terrace of Herod's bined so many rare qualities in sucht
Tuesday night, Voilal The words arc palace. Here was a Salome whom profuse abundance that she is almost
spoken In my mind's eve I see i!Wilde would have approved, one of an incredible figure, a personification
great multitude o eyebrows swiftly whom it were truly written that "she of an ideal of whom more artists than{
lift themselves to supercilious heights, is like a silver flower." But a Flower Debussy have dreamed. But just at;
and. Ihear a great chorus lift up its of Evil. Whenever I want my heart the moment when we place Mary Gar-j
voice in sophisticated accents crying to beat faster I have only to recallher den on an unapproachable Parnassus
"What a naive remark! Mary Garden declamation of the oft-repeated phrase all her own, half deify her, and declare;
is of course a great actress, but she "La tete de Jokanaan!" near the close her not of this world, down she comes our time. In another of his books Van
can't sing. Everyone knows that." of the drama, after she finished the with one leap-an energetic, cosmo- I Vechten promulgates his conviction
Dance and demands her reward. Above politan, practical, modern woman-of- that to future generations Mary Gar-
However, there are many cases in;
which what "everyone" knows is only the boiling tumult in the orchestra the-worldt who wears spats, carries a den will stand out as the one singer
comes the voice ever more avid. stri- swagger stock, and who for two years representative of our era, as Jenny
a half-truth--and this is one of them.;
On the subject of Mary Garden al dent, and penetrating until it becomes trned business woman to direct the Lind and Adelina Patti stand out to
the ublic t is cacay d d nt almost a shriek of swooning desire. Chicago Opera Association through its us as representatives of theirs. And
the public is cassically divided into And this is as it should be Could time of trouble. ye+ Mary Garden, this Superwoman if
knher on anyone fancy Salome carolling prettily This Scotch-American chameleon there ever was one, destined for not
preciate her, those who knowher onfor a head? Marv Garden in her Sa- aoly a seat but a whole divan among
ly as a vague namesake of the Rigaud I a ha g aven Gard i herrfa- can never be described adecuately. The O mly ta s, a whoe d ea aong
toiet rtiles anth leionwhosay lomne has given the world a fearful ft'sicn oof contradicting elements in ' the immortals, goes through her mort-
toile articles and the legin who say 'ift, a full length tragic portrait, a heis o Subtrad comlete i al life having it said grudgingly or
" -rearhrsta de' She can't sing Beardsley drawing come to life. rerhaps wise to say that she has ev- ppartly on every hand that she is
The second group is out of the run- Her Melisande I have not seen. It erything, and therewith be content.;o course a great actress, but my dear,
ishestillntime for the she can't sing. Of such is the human
ning. But there is still time for the is tenerally considered her greatest T se people who have read Carl Vans
third to learn what the first has long achievement. Indeed her death of Me- Vechten's "Peter Whiffle"-and to understandming....
known-that Mary Garden withr, lisande has been called the most mov- those who have not I extend my pro- *y * *
voice of only limited resources is nev- ing bit of artistry in the whole modern foundest sympathy-will recall a con- Mary Garden is appearing in no
ertheless one of the greatest singers theater. As Melisande, Garden is per- versation carried on in Martha Baker's new role this season. She is singing
who ever trod operatic boards. fection not only to the public but to sudio in the days when Mary Garden. only ten times with the Chicago Opera.
This is no nlace for any prolonged the creators as well. It is widely "t'e winsome little devil," was adding and is devoting the rest of her time
aesthetic meditation on what consti- known that Claude Debussy, the coin- leer youthful luster to the general bril- o concerts. There was a rumor last
tutes a great singer. But certainly it pose dreamer, and constant seeker liance of La Ville Lumiere. Peter ex- A ugust that she might appear for the
is not 'mere throat and lungs. These of unknown beauties, wrote in her equmned. and very much to the point: first time this winter in "Madame
th , but it requiresscore of "Pelleas et Melisande" that "You haven't seen her? But she i; Sans-Gene," but it seems to have re-
in addition brains and intuition to "In the future others may sing Melis- stupendous-soul, body, imagination, mained only a rumor. Garden as
make the singer. And of these last jande, but you alone will remain the intellect, everything! How few there S ns-Gene would have been a delight,
two Marv Garden has as much or more jwoman and artist I had hardly dared are. A lyric Melisande. a caressing fhr. although it is not generally known
than any singer who ever lived. W. J Ihope for." Maeterlinck himself, des- Manon, a throbbingly wicked Chrysis. sh'e is one of the rarest of comediennes.
Henderson once ungraciously christ- pite his tone-deafness and his aver- She is the cult in Paris, and the Opera Tbe opera is a banal one to be sure,
ened her the "Queen of Lnsong." It is sion to music drama in general, when Cominue is the Temple where she is but one can forget the banality of any
delicious'y gratifying to note that at last lie brought himself to hear worshipped. I think some day this o'cra when Mary Garden appears in
even Henderson in attempting to de- Debussy's opera three years ago in new religion will be carried to Ameri- it. She is the great modern Midas and
preciate her is forced to hail her New York, was forced to admit that ca." verything she touches becomes for
Queen of something. And it really whatever the merits of the opera, Mary This new religion has been carried to tho moment purest gold,
matters litle what name is given to Garden was Melisande herself. America, and there is here as well as It is devoutly to be hoped that all
the domain in which she is Queen * * 'in France a-large and ever-increas- people who hear Garden Tuesday
There arc some of us who will always Mary Garden is still more than a ing band of worshippers, once led by night have heard her in the past or
take our "Depuis le Jour" sung-or. great singer and a greater actress. She Van Vechten himself, who see in Mary will hear her in the near future in one
if you like, unsung-by Mary Garden, is creative genius of the first rank, a Garden not only a phenomenally gift- o' her great roles. For in concert
with the glow of life ad the thrill of worker in all arts at once. She paints ed and accomplished woman, but the she is not the overwhelming, all-com-
Paris in it, rather than chanted in thj with her voice, and is sculptress with one supreme artiste chareteristic of (Continued on Page Seven)
chill accents, however faultless. c'
some of our so-called Queens of Song
Mary Garden is not for those peoplcI
whose ideal of the ,perfect soprano I
the one who can tr 11 the longest or.
high E above the staff. But those w',e
have a dream ideal of a super-St'>tleOLD AGE IN S U R A NCE
singer, whose song is not lInmlv sweet
and lyrical, but is capable of being
colored to express every subtlest de-(
gree of human emotion. a singer who I Youcarry life insurance, accident insurance;
is not adept in running silly racs. '
with the flute in tawdry Mad Scenes. fIre insurancer - W1N otcomfortable old aoe ;n-
but who in a few darkly colored tonesz c
can convey a greater impression of surance? Relatively small amounts, regularly
madness, or of -passion of any kind...
than Donizetti ever dreamed possible, deposited, will insure you an old age free from
need look no further than Mary Gar-
den. For she is that singer. Let it the worries of limited resources.
be said, if it must be, that her voice
.per seis second-rate. Judged by a j
certain threadbare standard it is. But after-you once get started, the habit of depos-
let no one for the love of Sappho soy *'11
letnoon fr heloe f aphosa Iiting. weekly your usuial amount will become a
that she cannot sing. For if song is
to be defined as a form of suitdspe ur. T e
speechdand not asmre atitudinous pleasure. The glow of satisfaction that fills you
spech.andnotasmer alitdin -s
tonal twittering, then. Mary G arden' te isrw asria
certainly one of the elect among the as you watch the balance grow has norval as a
great singers of her time. 1I1xT...t-Ircn cirer i n czcnire theiii-mcid- in

that, his sense of humor permits -him And his "Advice to Young Men" stress 'are aot to give- vent to their
to stomach modern: Americanism. For sounds very nice. Many young men true feelings, which they have kept
a man ,who could discover such com- f have followed it, even before he gave smosthered bY convention hitherto: So
plete- delight in . national political it. A list. of their names. would in- the Whitney episode doesn't mean so
clowning could never persuade' himself elude that of Benedict Arnold and Ca-, much, after a1--just a little self-ex-
to depart for duller shores. ligula. It. is comfortable advice, and pression on the part c an nndis ip-
When a book of such untratmeled it is easy to follow. If you have as2 linc'' mob.
mirth comes; the -way of the reader it pirations along that line, followit.'
becomes his duty to forget' his' own I do not like Mr. Mencken's book. As mattr of fact, the so-called
cynicisn toward our 'political hocus WV. 1Jf. '. breakdown oi student salf govern-
pocus,- hi's sympathy with the author's ment 'can be traced to .a decded lack'
sociological. aims-and revel. The o respect for constituted authority.
Deity of the Rotary Club, the Im- You can't' lay it to the war-that ist
perial lagile spreading its wings over N oo'far away, and you can't lai it to
a nation "of' unbesmirched rectitude, ' DON EE and the building .program. It is the
the moral slime of the evil foreigner American student's childish way of
may. aisb'familiarfetishes. But the SI N.expressing his dissatisfaction with a.
Rabelaisian shoutsth- f our belicose system of absolutism whose authors
author reduce It all to utter joy, soul 'o can in no wise respect. Anmericanis,
filling, and sweetening to the taste. from th Unherity e despite their .vaunted love of liberty,
And after -envisaging' the national lfciihka1 the most striking charac. don't love it overmuch, but they are
pageant of plumbers, livery stable men teristic c; the Mclern American Ui , xceedingly keen to appreciate weak-
and university presidents, all breth- versity is the averon of its members ness in those whom they (or others)
ren in the glory of resplendent decora- is anything resembling culture. Michi- hPre ripointc to govern them. They
Lion, ito ould be Wel, I thind, toturn gan students have little or no appre- . once cap:.alize this weakness, and
over o Five Men At Random an c ation of anythir.g which might he -y svstmicer unsystematic ridicule
nd unerstanding th t liaeba fehi ng cIlLd "cultural." Shadowland is far 'rr 7eaboun the overthrow of the ob-
jeers. Studies of LincolFrank Han- mor widely read than the ookn"n, nc ; officalp. It takes strong iren
the Nation. or the New Republic; the ' l Se i and command tle respect of
ris, and Hlavelock4 Ellis are remark-
able for their prejudiced, thesis-proe - matinees at the n'viesaremh e ' ' tn thoUtand students, servile
in, and it al p ne tti n ansis. free'y patronized than the free twil'>ht {s th'-v may t e. They love to bow
iSentimentality here has no place organ recitals, and tile shows on te ae scrane, h z they wat to respect
Butie in gt o er on h as t d ofe. leri mn" ate stage whch attract he 'he.r idol. M ichigan should exercise
But e brings t bear on a Studof rget rowds ar not the best, but lnxcaps election.
personal quality all the resources of r o' s
a brilliant, bombastic style and the .ehClo things as "Sue, Dear." or ''Up in lsj""+'enSundaynightwasn't
mellow sympathy of a clear-thinking, The Clouds." The book shons realize -uhanyo"hodsh
sympathetic mind. this tendenc and quite wisely a .. ' an evidenc of "the old.school
The chief quarrel of'our old-school pati It by carryin in stock non- of 7 . ' it aves a revelling in the
writers and literary surgeons vith t a: better, m }a avines, tith -'e"vtr'ainto'.Ayeran gomsown
. .f the train ani e a winnin eam

)f her art. If her in;
at all times leads b
more-.rash than to w
chief we should spoi
muaylit wave!"
We have in Mar"
concert tour the
menon of the sun ,
earth. 'The only .wa
eiate the blinding g1
to go and .worshin it
ple-now-'the Chicago
since- this is not the
ble worlds, and it is
everyone to make t
the Temple, let us
the operatic cosmos
the sun to go aroun
to stop at Ann Arbo:
Boos 1R
The Hounds of Bai
Corkery . (HeubE
A Youn Gir I 'ar
S bySigmund F
Seltzer). $5.00.
Fantasia of the ince
Lawrence. ('T
TI'e .Driver, by Gare
Dutton & Co.)
T14 Cathedral, by
(George H. Dora
Twelve lectures oi
are announced by A
denweiser, author of
tion" (Knopf), to be
at the Art Centre, N
days during the win
-'' ir .Y

Mencken. of course, is his lack of c('l-
ture, his resounding, belligerent
dogmatism. This is not the-place to
argue over his aesthetic development.
And it is certain that too great a dose,
of Mencken makes him a bit of a hve
-his uproar dins' the ears. But it
cannot be denied that he shows signs
of an arriving maturity, that in such
vignettes as his "Five Men At Ran-
dom'' there are glimpses of a will for
peace, for a cultured repose still con-
sistent with an abounding conceit.
And those glimpses offer encourage-
ment to those who enjoy greatly the
Mencken fireworks, but wish for the
human weakness of an occasional
X.L. V.

Sr cior. TI c will
tall you fiankly that they dare not
ca-ry the Dial, theBooiman, the Yale
Review, or any of the better publica-
tions, because they would not sell
wcmre than two or t'r.3 cOpic3. Prm

and the, certainly should on every
oc csion, ?ut how many would have
been at the train last Sunday night
if the team had lost, and had also lost
other games during the season? Wat-
son, the micro-cope!

X Thl Novel
XII )ieinorial Service
XIII Education
XVII Reflcctions on the Dirama
XVIII Advice to Yonng Meen

The wise crack about the novel in
Mr. Mencken's newest book of wise
cracks says just two things. The first
is that by virtue of their nature and
their environment, women are better
fitted to write novels than are men;
and the second is that the less a wom-
an is a woman the better fitted she s
to write novels. When I went to
school it was always said that two
minus two or four minus four equaled
nothing. I think that is still true. un-
less there is some phase of the Ein-
steIn theory that I have missed. There
is a good bibliography of worth-while
novels in the chapter, however.

has been on sale at one of the State
street boo: shcs, but its sales. I im- MARY iG EN-A MODERN MIDAS
. were lar'e'v induced by its -
wierd covers, and by a consuming de- (Continued from Page Two)
e to decipher the title from the jum- pelling figure she is in opera. People
Nie thereon. You can't expect busi- who are familiar with the incompar-
n'aes men to have for sale a commodity able wonder of the Garden art on the
which no one will biry, so if you want stage can accept and enjoy a Garden
a good nagazine, or many of the good recital as they would the foam on a
hooks, y'i have to order from the pub- glass of wine, knowing well that the
lsher and wai. The University spirit, substance is concealed beneath. But
much boasted, is typified by the stu- those who are so unfortunate as to
dent who recently stood aghast at his hear her for the first time in concert'
friend, because, he forsooth, an- may be ant to decide that she is more
nounced his intention of buying a poppy than an orchid. And it is
book, which was not a text book or a not without some reason that they
Christmas present. should do this.
* IUnles' the lade has greatly changed
VOh!rn is g- ttinig back to the old- her tactics since I heard lier in concert
timre spirit, the spirit of which we talk twc seasons ago. she will give u: ;
so much but seem to have lacked for breath taking performance Tuesday
some time until this fall. The fresh- night quite anart from her singing.'
men are hazed by the sophomores, and We may expect anything. But let
the sophomores by the freshmen; we whatever comes be taken in the spirit
iad atheaters, causing considerable in which it is given. If magical Mary
damage to fixtures, we don't wear our comnes tripping resiliently onto the
pots when we-should, we don't listen platform, waving her handkerchief ri-
to the Dean when he speaks for half otously in salutation, and coquetting
an hour-in fact, the Evening Contem- outrageously behind her feather fan,
porary says front pagevise that stu- do not sit back in your chairs, good
dent self government is breaking people, and say she is utterly lacking
down. So.ch Dummheit! Michigan is in dignity. If you can say that, you
siiply returning to her own, with the have yet tc see her Monna Vanna.
good oldtime spirit. And if in the course of a song she
. * * should start to move nervously across
Now this chaffing the Dean isn't so the platform clanging together her
very significant, if you.look at it in the jade bracelets, do not say she is only
right way. It is simply the overflow- indulging in silly, affected manner-
ing of animal spirits--a rising to the isms. Remember rather that she is a
surface of the true feelings of humans tigress, and that for her the concert
under pressure. It is a truism that p'atform is a cage in which she is de-
humans under considerable emotional prived of half, indeed the greater half,

scon be seen on the
can moving picture t
Delbert Clark,
Donald Coney,]
Leo L. Niedzie
Max Ewing, Mu
William M. Ran
Bethany Lovell,
James House, J
Virginia Vaught
W. Bernard Bu
Saul Carson
John P. Dawsc
Howard A. Don
Jane Ellingson
M. A. Klaver
Helen G. Lync
Hortense O. Mi
Dorian G. Sayd
Regular staff mr
heldl at five o'clo
day. Attendance
zine writers on th

But she is only incidentally a great
singer. First of all she is an actress-
an actress without a rival on the lyric
stage, and one whose rivals on the dra-
matic stage itself can be counted in
the wee, small numbers. She has not
won her renown as an actress by suc-.
cessfully portraying one type of wom-
an, as many a fatmous actress hasI
done. Her versatility is one of the
wonders of the modern world. From
the voluptuous, depraved Princess Sa-
lome in the Wilde-Strauss work to Me-{
lisande, fragile, flowerlike, and mystic, }
is the greatest psychological journey
any actress can take. And in both
roles Mary Garden has reached such
dizzy pinnacles of perfection that as3
long as she holds the stage any other
interpreters of them are unthinkable.
One of my greatest possessions is
my memory of Garden as Salome. I i

pJ lJL.L[ J . yV Li...- Li V .Li JLLJ '
and the highest degree of service, as a matter of
course, you will place your account with this
The Bank of Friendly Service"

Mr. Mencken probably had a lot
c: fun writing "Memorial Service"--
but I'll bet the linotypist and the
proof-reader got a lot of black marks
against their names in whateve 8e^-
tion of the Eternal Recoroa cuss
words are taken care of. But if Mr.
Meneken is right, there are no Eternal
Records-so it's all 'right anyway.
"A healthy boy is in constant r ,volt
e-gainst the sort of men who surround
him at school." True? Mr. Meneken
sa:ys it is, in -his _article on Education.
It seems to me that "healthy"boys.
n~s a general thing, are in, more or,
less constant revolt against any sc-t
of authority. It is the instinct of
youth to be jea'ous of all curbs. And
it is my firm belief. Mr. kencken not-
withstanding, that there is no place to
be found a more inspiring collection
of zealots than the men and women
who make up the faculties of our
schools. They have to be inspired'
and they have to be unselfish.. They
have to get some return for their en-
rgy-aund they have to get it in per-
sonal satisfaction--Heaven knows
they don't get it in specie!
What Mr. Mencken says about the
drama Aristotle said a great deal bet-
ter a long time ago. When he said it
it was original. NWhen Mir Mencken
says it over again, it i5 erely tire-

OR(GANTZJr) 1 3:

Everyone h
Come in and
and try ou
ft's diffo
'oti ul



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