Section Two Ar 4w t Aq an jIatj Section Two VOL. XXXIII. No. 60 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1922 PRICE FIVE CENTS CANAIANWHEA9T EXPO RTMANIFESTS SHIPMENT OF GRAIN TO UNITED STATES DISPLAYS DEGREASE PRICE OF COMMODITY DISCLOSES LOWERING Slatistics Given Reveal New Facts Pointing to U. S. Prosperity FIRE MAK1ES 1200 PEOPLE HOMELESS Newbern, N. C., Dec. 2.-Approxi- mately 1200 persons, most of them ne-j groes, were made homeless when about 200 residences, two churches,' two warehouses, and several small stores were destroyed, and loss esti- mated at $1,000,000, was caused by fire which late Friday swept 20 blocks in the western section of Newbern. The flame, starting in the negro sec- tion, gained great headway before, a high wind at the start because the lo- cal fire department was engaged on the opposite side of the town at the Roper Lumber company sawmill. where $300,000 damage was estimated to have been done. Aviator Dies As Army Plane Crashes WINES PLENTIFUL IN GREAT BRITAIN l .i , I, 1, 1, (By Associated Press) LGUE TO STEDAC Ottawa, Ont., Dec. 2.-Canada ex-G ported 158,549,757 bushels of wheat; valued at $196,168,771 to. the United IINtetenUKgoaUhr countries in the year ending August EACH SORORITY TO HAVE BOOTH 31, according to a report compiled by WHICH IT WILL the Dominion bureau of statistics. DECORATE This was an increase of more than _ 22,000,000 bushels over the shipment Ayt of the previous year, the report stated. Although customary to have but two Shipments of flour in this period to- affairs each year in Waterman gym- taled 7,878,589 bushels, valued at $50,- nasium, the J-Hop and the Military 634,601, compared with 6,886,560 bush- ball, this year another has been added els in the previous twelve months. in the form of a dance which will be While exports of both wheat and flour given on Saturday evening Dec. 9 by were mucli greater in quantity this year, the value showed a considerable the Women's League. The party will; drop, due to the slump in price which assume many aspects of the Hop and occurred throughout the world ,last practically the same scheme wll be spring, according to the report. used for decorating. Each sorority An intersting feature of the report and residence hall will have a booth' is the fact that exports of wheat to' the United States showed a decided which will serve as a rest room and decrease this year, due mainly,:it- was gathering place. The University trucks said, to the Fordney tariff recently have been promised, in which'the fur. United States this year amounted to nishings from the different houses will only 15,968,169 bushels, compared with be transported to the gymnasium. 49212r:1 bushels in the 1920-21 per-_ London, Dec. 2.-London markets have been flooded recently by large shipments of champagnes and wines from France and Spain which, how- ever, find no ready sale here. The wine shops of England are already overstocked with pre-war vintages which the merchants are unable to! dispose o.! Most of these stocks were purchased during the war, or just after, and at high prices, with the result that the dealers are unwilling to lose their profit in order to get rid of the stocks. MIMSTOURNEY WINS SUPPOR OF STUDENTS ENTRIES COME AFTER TALKS BY' STUDENTS TO GROUrPSc More than 20 teams have signified their intention of entering the Mimes dramatic tournament the first roundc of which the Mimes dramatic societyt will hold within a short time at the Mimes theater. The tournament is toR be held to encourage dramatics, andt will consist of any short acts, skits,s or plays, their principal qualification being that of proper time length. The teams having signed up are groups of fraternity and non-fraternity men, many of them offering their actsf as a result of the explanation andI commendation which students repre-1 senting Mimes recently gave the tour-f nament in their talks to the varioust group-.t The names of the team winning the' tournament will be engraved on the' silver loving cnp which is now on flis- A I I I 1U11 U! [I iL.. 1IIIIUL STATEMENT ISSUED BY III. M. A. PREDICTS PERIOD OF PROSPERITY POSSIBILITY OF LABOR SHORTAGE LOOMS NEAR "Boom Times" Will Probably Begin in February or March (By Associated Press) Detroit, Dec. 2.-Business condi- tions in Michigan at this time are such as to give added weight to his pre- diction, made a month ago, to the ei- feet that this state early next year will enter upon the greatest period of prosperity it ever has known, accord- ing to a statement issued to The Asso- ciated Press by John L. Lovett, of De- troit, secretary-treasurer of the Michi- gan Manufacturers' Association. Mr. Lovett generally is credited with being in closer touch with mahufac- turing and business conditions of the state as a whole than any other per- son in Michigan, as he makes frequent surveys of these conditions. Labor to be Scarce In his statement a month ago the secretary-manager predicted that within the next few months Michigan would be turning out manufactured articles at a rate never before realized, that labor would be scarce, due to the unprecedented prosperity, that ri- val firms would be bidding' against each other for employes, that wages would go higher, and that the state's PROSPECTS POINT' TO BUMPER YEAR FAR fl f ~ T HURI ~ I~ Wrtciage of the plane of Li Ut. E dwin G. Shrader, in nhich le lost his life at Logain Field, Netr Baltimore, Maryland, Rigid investigation of' the recent G. Shrader is the latest victim. He feet at L4gan field, near Baltimore, airplane crashes in which several s killd instantly when his plane tMd. Lieut. Francis A. March, his army fliers have lost their lives is ex- was pected to begin shortly. Lieut. Edwin crashed nose-on from a height of fifty companion, was seriously injured. iod. Shipments to England, on the other hand, showed a big increase,j jumping from 34,754,356 bushels at year ago to 112,294,680 bushels in the4 present year. "With a wheat crop this year that is as large if not larger than the bumper year of 1915, and ;vithi a de- creasein wheat production in urope- an countries, Canada is in a strong imA Azc2~1~ ~lUL~.~4A'IlIT~ yJwrw~ry. 4 I for wheat in the coming months should be particularly heavy.a "Flour mills in Western Canada are working to capacity in an endeavor to: catch- up with Far Eastern orders. There is an insistent demand from England -for Canadian flour. Ship- ments of both flour and wheat from the port of Montreal during September and October were unusually heavy." FARMER IS EDUCTED BY COMMUNITYEXPOSITION WUY HALL SAYS COUNTRY FAIRS ARE OF GAHEAT BENEFIT TO COUNTRYFOLK Toronto, Ont., Dec. 2.-The 'com- munity, county, provincial or domin- ion fair is the greatest single factor on the continent in educating the farmer, improving his home life and' stimulating trade,;Ovy H. Hall of Chi- cago, director of the National Insti- tute of Progressive Farming, said in an address here today before the con- oickets for the dance, which will be G [play at the Union, and which will be reputation a the leading one in the one dollar, are an sale at Graham's Grecian Mnisters i H pe lTo Prevent awarded to the team winning the tour- country from the standpoint of gen- okstores at both ends of the diagon" Given Fair Trial LI IN E E S P AN Bad Radio Wiring nament two successive years. eral manufacturing would be enhauc- al__walk.__g___Those who wish to enter the tour- ed still further Cnament must do so at once, and should thBarring buunfr ontinencies ADAMS CRITICIZES ~Lausanne, Dec. .-M. Venizelos, the seC .Debc,'4 uigtea-teei u n osblt pern IN EL E TCES Srereetai.s fte restoa, e- N I1 NA M ETNC D (B's2cit4 redutrrinagheMie te thrcl htofr ae toPthpe sate's former Greek premier, receiving the Detroit, Dec. 2.-Declaring that ra- se on the business horizon at this time INTELLECTfuET reprsetatives of the pressteal e- E ERTSrdowiring has become a distinct men- 1-him by the at 1460. that offers an menaoe to the statel Prused toemment on the:Athenian ex- EXPERTS SCHE DlEO T SPEAK ace to the lives of many persons, the rson topesh for an eraof great indtrial "I believe that the rrm intelige ecutione, t General Mazarkis, who BEFORE ONVENTION light and power industry of Michigan expansion, according to Mr. Lovett. S e t the Mudanma ar-E has,iin common wth similr interests Thi ossibility,the says, is a labor stir ; - . ~- ~campIgn t&qtsoacute as;to 'so iifp the, nomer" stated Pro.HeinA~is of the psychology department."Per-terview that the Grecian -ministersIeducate the radio enthusiasts of the DROPS IN ENGLAND industrial machinery and make It im- formance tests would be a much better were put to death because they were Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 2.-State state in the matter of contact hazards. possible for the various manufactur- and more corect name. So far the found guilty after a fair trial of crim- highway engineers, road officials from The announcement is made by the London, Dec. 2.-Coal production in ing concerns to seize the opportuicity term intelligence has defied definition inal betrayal of the Grecian nation. all parts of the United States and rep- Michigan Committee on Public Utility England has dropped 124,000,000 tons, of a generation, and that is one reason why this term General Mazarakis, who recently resentatives of U. S. departmen"tof Information. or about 40 percent since 1913. The "Boom Times" Soon as applied to the tests is incorrect. was summoned from Athens by Veni- agricuture wht be h Mondaytto at One power company in Detroit re- heads of the coal miners unions de- A labor shortage already exists, he It s mpssbl t dawa in btwenzelos ais a military expert to advise tend the eighth annual convention of tsoanulestpscnb It is impossible to draw a line betweenthe American Association of State cently has cut down more than 500 clare that the decrease in the produc- points out, and unless stes can be native and acquire ability. A certain him on techncal subjects coming UP radio aerials that were strung dan- tion is not due to the lack of supply, taken for immediate relief of the sit- amuto aieaiiyi ee ayat the Lausanne conference, is chief Highway Officials. Experts in roadIE amount of native ability is necessary a taf ofuthe Grearmy i Trce construction are schedue to address gerously close to high power wires. but to the fact that the mine owners uation, the state, both in industry and before anything can be added, and of staff of the Greek army in Thrace. thnstructiongarscheuledmny ogad s It is held to me significant that where are closing down entirely or partially agriculture, must suffer. from that point on there is no separa- in the Southwest, interested in good most amateurs string their wires with as a means of forcing the unions to Mr. Lovett predicts that the "boom ting the two I WILL COACH UNTIL OVER 70 highways, will have delegates present bare hands, the skilled electricians 'make concessions in the matter of times" will start either in February or "If these tests do measure anything YEARS OLD, STAGG DECLARES to obtain the latest information on who removed them used every possible wages and hours. March. He says that business in the very definitely, speed of mental ac-. construction and maintenance. The precaution to prevent possible electro- i. state now is laying its linis for -the tivity and amount of information. of a Chcago, Dec. 2-Amos Alonzo Stagg, convention will end Thursday. cution. Highest Bridge n U S expected influx of orders and that particular sort are the only things 61 year old mentor of the University Monday morning's session will be A number of deaths have resultedgputinreadiness in different parts of the country DeReTxDe.2- ehihs^sofrapsibfrtetmewn we can put our fingers on. Even in of Chicago, intends to continue coach- devoted largely to the registration of oiugd arel tr of rdioy Del Rie, Tex., Dec. 2.--The highest so far as possible, for the time when reference to these, nothing very satis- ing football at least until lie is 70 delegates. After addresses of wel- through careless stringing of radio bridge in the United States is located factories will run seven days a week factory canbe learned, as the tests- years old. come by Arthur M. Hyde, governor of aerials. Several such deaths have oc- 50 miles west of Del Rio on the El and 2' hours a day. Therefore, he de- extend over such a short period.It I When admirers of the "old man" "Missouri, and Frank II. Cromwell, curred in Michigan. Pasocdivision of the Galveston, Harris lares, only two or three months re- is the ability of the mind to sprintI carried reports to him that his critics mayor of Kansas City, A. R. Hirst, burg and San Antonia railroad. It main in which to avert the calamity that shows up fn these tests and this lad suggested that he contemplated re- state highway engineer of Wisconsin, ikcrosses the Pecos river. of a possible labor shortage that would is not the condition that is encount- signing, Stagg declared "You can tell is scheduled to discuss the "Trouble- Familiadoalontempis1Thteridcopan ineMorbe so serious as to offer adistinct ered in school work and everyday those fellows to come out here ten some Problems Encountered in the Familiar to all on the campus is the to the railroad company in March, menace to industry year frm nw ad tey iil indme dinnisraton o a tat Hihwa D1 bcu der located at the northwest endi 1892, was excelled in height at that With egard to the tests given to stllon te job. partmentration of a State Highway Deof the diagonal. A memorial placed time by only two other bridges in the .othere by the class of '62, it was given; world, one in Bolivia, South America, students on probation, Professor In the afternoon, the program will to them by Cornelius and Mattha and one in France. Since then, two UIO UR L Adams said, "If these tests measure Mussolini Government Endorsed consist of addresses on highway de- Sheen, early residents of Ann Arbor, other bridges have been constructed anythinj different from the regular Rome, Dec. 2.--The Senate today sign and construction. A. B. Fletcher, 'and was placed in its present location in Africa tht surpass the Pecos bridge, Astronomer Credits PlanetWith xew subject examination we do not know passed the bill granting the Mussolini state highway engineer of California, on February 22, 1860. The stone is a making it at the present time the what it is. The questionaire that is government full power until the end is to address the delegates on financ- on Feruarye2 186 ye on eisa makg igt the prn tgVeilocityark -fine specimen of jasper conglomerate fourth highest in the world. ihVoctIlak given out at the same time is really of 1923' to put into effect its program ing, construction and maintenance of and, before it was removed to its res- The bridge is 326 feet above the low the most important thing about the of financial readjustment and beaur-- a state highway system. This will be ant be, was remved ty es- The bridg, isig26afeytwabove8theelo Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 2.-Nearly tests. cratic reform. The vote was 170 to 26. followed by a speech on "The Service ent siteas suh insie s. g lo wa le iginally was. ' two and a half million miles per hour, Test of the Bates Road-a Step To- or 1,100 kilometres per second, is the wards the Rational Design of Road- ' speed-record set by the star RZ Cephci, Nineteen Michigan Graduates Now way Surfaces," by Clifford Older, which, according to a bulletin issued chief highway engineer of the Illinois - Today I T e C hurc es --by the Harvard observatory, has been department S atepun Cowgrks.dfound by Harvard astronomers to be Tuesday the various committees moving through space with a greater In the next session of Congress, ed .to the Jackson bar in 1895, and 'will meet. Wednesday morning will velocity 'than that of any other star which convenes this week, the Un- since then has been an active politi- be . devoted to discussions of federal "Every thinking person doubts at tions of the Christian" is the topic for: whoe speed has yet been determined. versiti wil be represented by i.n clan. aid, and construction and maintenance times", said President Marion L. Bur-' this evening. This star, a variable star of the so- unusually large percentage of alumni. Michigan Grads. in Congress will be discussed Wednesday after- ton in one of his addresses. There M. R. Olson, of Chicago, to Talk called cluster type, has long been Michigan men have gone \out from Other Michigan men. representing noon. Thursday will be taken up by men, trained and interested in the Regular services will be held this known 'to astronomers, but its velocity the portals of historic University hall the state of Michigan in Congress are: reports of committees and election of religious problems of students are morning by Dr. Barrett in the First was never measured until recently. and have chosen many and diverse representatives Earl Cory Michener, officer v visiting Ann Arbor churches today. Presbyterian church. Dr. Barrett has It is far too faint to be seen with the paths to follow. Many have served of Adrian; George P. Codd, '91, of De- Dr. Allyn K. Foster of New York, who taken for his topic, "The Inescapable naked eye, being of the tenth magni- their country in other ways, but even troit, who was a regent, of the Uni- was in France during the war with God". Dr. Marshall R. Olsen, director tude. though comparatively few have chosen versity of Michigan in 1911, J. M. C. A 1 THE THEATERS the U. S. troops, is to speak this eve- of the Howell Neighborhood house, to guide the poecies of the nation in the Smith of Charlotte; Patrick H. Kelley, ning in the Baptist church. Dr. Mar- Chicago, will speak to the noon class. ,Work on Harris Hail Pending halls of Congress, as compared to '00, of Lansing; Louis C. Crampton, ARCADE shall R. Olsen, director of the Howell At the Young People's meeting, die Work on fixing the ball room of other institutions of carning. the '99 of Lapeer, and Frank Douglas A sparkling comedy with a society Neighborhood house, Chicago, will cussion, lead by Jacob Helms, '24, will Harris Hall so as to be able to give aeaeis ih ct,'i fApn.r ct A s r klaisgcomeyto th arscade the average is high.y t Scott, '01L of Alpena. r. Scott has speak to the noon class at the Presby- center on the subject, "Who Is the plays there is in the hands of the Fi- A careful survey of the sixty-sey- acted in the capacity of city, state and r s is e the c terian church. Dr. J. P. Sunderland, Balanced Man?nance committee and not much will enth Congress, now in extra session national legislator since his gradua- first half of this week. The picture is who was a minister in Ann Arbor for Mr. Jump of the First Congrega- be done -until the committee reports. "Alias Julius Caesar" with Charles ,b oeutltecmiterprs at Washington, wil shed much light tion. 20 years is to speak this morning in tional church will preach this morning However if a sficient number of on the part the University plays in Indiana Sends Two y t the Unitarian church. on "World Building." At the Open rstudents can be interested In this pro molding the destiny of a nation. Nine- William R. Wood, '82, and Milton Ray is cast as Billyyn K. Foster to Speak Forum, at noon, Mayor Lewis is to jectthe work will be started inime- teen Michigan graduates, three sen- Kraus,'86, are both from Indiana. fluent young club member who be- "Esau Down to Date" will be the speak on "Ann Arbor, Present and diat . ators and sixteen representatives fro Edward Thomas Taylor, '84L, a Demo- comes involved in a series of complica subject of the sermon at the morning Future". The sacrement of the Lord's The Hobart Guild will meet Sunday eight different states answer . to the crat of Glenwood Springs, came frop1 ticns in which he is alternately robbed service of the First Baptist church. Supper will be held at 4 o'clock. "What", Th HoartcGtb.dAuh rfhrdng d ttiday roll call in the Congress of the United distant Colorado to attend the Uni o his clothes, jailed as an escaped The Guild class, conducted by Mr. I Like About the Part of the World I evening and at that time a committee -r will be appointed to find out the senti- States of America. By comparative versity of Michigan. He was president lice of a sosty crook. Eddie Chapman, will meet at noon at the Come From is the subject chosen for ment onte tb nd a le wil figures, and with our knowledge of the of his class in his senior year. The ms y r E Guild house. The Friendship Hour group discussion at the Fireside Chat beshosen. number of universities within the state of Minnesota has one repre- Gribbon plays the foil for the star's will be held at 6 o'clock in the church at 6:30 o'clock. Ann M. Sheldon, '24 b chosen. country, this fact alone speaks highly - sentative of Michigan in Congress. humor in the role of the second story parlors and will be followed by the will lead. for Michigan's prestige. Oscar J. Larson, '94, of Duluth, has thief who preys upon the social fun- Guild Devotional meeting. Dr. Allyn "Rhythm in Religion," Webb's Topic Colorado River is Great Resource Seven From Michigan been elected to the sixty-seventh Con- tions- K. Foster, of New York, who is much First Sunday in Advent is being San Francisco, Dec. 2.-Describing In view of the recent political cam- gress. Mr. Larson was born in Fin- Between them, Ray and Gribbon interested, and who has had experience observed today in St. Andrew's Epis-' the Colorado river as the greatest paigna waged in Michigan, the best land. have to support a prolonged "bit" dur- in the religious problems of students, copal church. There will be Holy single undeveloped resource in Amen-- vention of the International Associa- tion of Fair sand Expositions.j "It is through your fairs and expo- sitions that -the farmer is kept in touch with the latest developments inI farm mechanics, which enables him to reduce his costs and produce more per acre," Mr. Hall declared. "I am one of those who believe that the' farmer's profits will never compare to those of the manufacturer until it iq possible to make as full use of time saving and labor-saving machinery on the farm as is done in the factory.j "The Toronto fairs probably are the greatest held on the North Americans continent but great value is attached-j to the fairs heldat Vancouver, Saska-! toon, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton amid Brandon. You have a little the better of us in these fairs, for you hold two 6 year, whereas for the most part our harvest fairs are the one annual even . "In the great wheat fields where the farmers had faith even during the of- ten discoiraging experimental opera- tions, the tractor now is seen every-' where. The rich acres of Canada have been a big field for deevloping -farm machinery. Vast strides have been made but they are as nothing compar- ed to what the future holds." Mr. Hall quoted the last census to show that 8,448,366 farms are in the Uniteds, upon which there are 138,169 trucks, 246,139 tractors and 2,146,619 automobiles. Study hall Record Broken