c may3 IOIVA Oct. 13-Purdue at Iowa. Oct. 20-Illinois at Iowa. Oct. 27-Iowa at- Ohio. Nov. 3-Michigan at Iowa. NOir* 10-Open. Nov. 17-Iowa. at Minnesota. Nov.24-Iowa at Northwestern. PU1RDIUt Oct. 13-Purdue at Iowa. Oct. 20-Open. Oct. 27=~-Purdue at Chicago. Nov. 3-Purdue at Notre Dame. Nov. 10-Ohio at Purdue. Nov. 17-Northwestern ;atPurdue. Nov. 24-Purdue at Indiana. CHI1CAGO0 Oct. 13-Open. Oct. 20-Northwestern at Chiago. Oct. .27-Purdue at Chicago. Nov. 3-Chi~ago at Illinois Nov. 10-Indiana at Chicago. Nov. 17-Ohio at Chicago. Nov. 24-Wisconsin at Chicago. OHIO Nov. 17-Iowa at Minnesota. Nov. 24-Minnesota" at 'Michigan.' NORTH WESTERN Oct. 6--Beloit at: Northwesterin. Oct. 13--Open. Oct. 20-Northwestern at Chicago. Oct. 27-Illinois at Northwestern. Nov. 3-Northwestern at Minnesota. Nov .10-Open. Nov. 17-Northw estern" at Purdue. Nor. 24-1owa~ at Northwestern. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. NOV. Nov. Nov. I NDIANA. 6-Franklin, at Inidiana. 13-Depauw at Indiana. 20}-Wisconsin at Indiana. 27-Indiana at West Virginia. 10-Indiana at Chicago.- 17-Wabash at Indiana. 24-Purdue at. Indiana. i I i s i I r i :c 'i Boston College 17, holy Cross 13. Georgetown 13, Lafayette 7. Marines 13, Army, 12. Univer,;ity of 'Tennessee 14, Wa-- bast 7. Florida 47. Crimson 14. Intra mural Items, (Continued from Page Six) Mont, yesterday. The winner had a great deal of trouble winning his set as. Simonsky came from behind in the third and fourth sets and won them' thus tieing the count which necessitae affhro n od cie he h m- pionshlip. Only three games have been played in the first round. The men who are to play in the remiaining 13 should -have their matchies off and the scores up on the entry Chart b~y Wednesday, !night, as it is wished byg the ocieials in charge that the tournameilt b6 con- cluded by Christmas v.acation. Burton, Dean Allen S. Whitney, ofI the School 'of Education; Dr. George] A. Mlay, director of Waterman gym- nasium, Prof. James B. Edmonson, of .the secondary education department, Coach Fielding I~1. Yost, Dr. John Sundwall, director of Students' physi- ca wA elfare in the "University, and Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell, director of in- tramural athletics. 3 Plans will be laid at the conv ention for next year's work in the gvmna- sium classes of the public grammar and high, schools in the state. Floyd A.. Rowe, director of the council, will be in charge of the gathering. Michigan Daily and- Chimes for $4.50.' F'OR. V 'ACA T!INi.- DRESS VESTS -$8 - $10 0$12 TUXEDO SHIRTS - $5 ti _ -- TUXEDOS Youman'S 5 $5,40O0 - $6 5.00 Whether It' (ry i 1 I ... Fifth Ave. Hats BUTTER O $4 - $5 - $6 UNIVER ITY OF CHICAGO 'NOT TOA HAESTADIUM EGGS o or ,. Oct. 13--Openi. Oct. '1O-Ohio at Michigan. Oct. 27-ILowy at Ohio. Nov. 3---Open. Nov. 10-Ohio at Purdue. Nov. 17--Ohio at Chicago. Nov.24-Illlneis at Ohio 1ISCQ1iSI1N Oct. 13-Open. Oct. 20-Wisconsin at Indiania. Oct. 27-Minnesota at Wisconsin. Nov. 3-Open. Nov. 10-Wisconsin at Illinois. Nov. 17-Michigan at Wisconsin. Nov. 24-Wisconsin at Chicago. Oct. G-Nebraska at Illinois. Oct. 13-Butler at Illinois. Oct. 20-Illinois at Iowa. Oct. 27-Illinois at Northwestern. Nov. 3-Chicago at Illinois. Nov. -10-,Wisconsin at' Illinois. N ov. 17-Open. Nov. 24-Illinois at. Ohio State. IAR ON', WILL U SIB: ( l C([i.6 STANDS, LA 6,i7 EV(lOMY 11IEASIiE Chicago, Dec. 2.-As a result of an editorial appearing in the Daily Ma.- roonm student publication at the l3n1- versity of Chicago, saying that a new stadium was not-.needed to accomo- drate Chicagoans desiring to witness football, games and that the Univer-: sity was not "an integral part of the city", Harry. Pratt Judson, president of the University, recently issued 'a1 statement declaring 'the institution planned to utse the new city stadium,, seating 60,000 persons, when the oe casion demanded. President Judson said that to builxc at new stadiuim at the University would cost probably one million dollars, that it wolild be filled probably only once or tw ce a season, and that the educa- tional needs of the institution wer l more pressing than the need for a new stadium.' Homne-made P HY SIGAL TRAINING PROGRAM ARRANGED A-three day iogriil bd'been plan- ,nett for'the fourth aiu'OalConvention obf the state council of phyl sical edluca- .tion of the 'state &-pavtliont of public instruction, wheii th~a. grou p mect, in the Unionl Dec.' 112, and 13. University faculty memibers. on th~ i'ograin inclutd: President M arion L. FRIED. CAKES POLO SHIRTS e. . . r .s .$2.50, $2.75, $3.00 WOOL HOSE.a e ". e d. .."."$1.00, $2.50,' PLAID WOOL, HOSE... . $5.00 FOIULARDS - BOWS.. . . . . $1.25 buy them direct from THE ANN ARBOR CREAMERY GREEN OOD At KIGORE From 123 W. LIBERTY OVER CALKINS* Ii Members' of the Bay City club will given a smoker at 7:30 o'clock Tues- day night in the Union. All mem- bers are urged to attend. f Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. 13-Open.1 24---Open. . 27-Minnesota. at Wisconsin. 3-Northwestern at 'Minne6sota. 10-Open. Thirty-five Years of elperience at' your disposal at .ulian R. TrolanoW- ski U. of M. Barber Shop 1110 So. ,. i. m POKTBLIRS I c Fourteen tabled one seconffor Yudoote Sbe tin expiert to eiijoy .l m m OMMAA1DS .C14ARS CA.NDIES 1~PES LUNCH EISSOA M fewer trwy to treat you wright4" } i I' SMNA THRU TUESDAYj STARTS T~faY PHIONE 664 INOv xunder new mianalugemni.itt i ,} $ .. ^~ STATLE STREET SMILES- CHUCKLES - ~A -GU AANTEEB! i ;. _ COLUIMN tS CL *1.SES OLOE AT3 P.M. ADVERTISING A .l A' { t a I t t ;!CHA7 . I I I "" hTIPIOfA'N fDAILY jClassified hates. Two Cents per word a day, paid In advance. Mit- forum charge for first. day, 25c. Minimnum thereafter, 20c. 'three cents per word per day if charged, White space charged for at ra't6 of .5c per agate line. Classified, charged only to those having Mhones. Liner Rates: Twelve cents pet line, without contract, paid in adviance. PA0ONE 90 i .:." fi i' . ,.rAIdIII . FOR SALE M411 SALE-Beautiful country resi- dence 1 1-2 iles south of camnpus. Large lawn and grove for quick sale. $4500.00 small pay ment down. t Also large lot with buildings that can' be made into fine residence' for small amount. Drive out and take a j look. Box 107 S. State Street. Phone' 7113-F21. .60-3 FOR SALE-Wooed flute. 13 key mey-1 er system. Price $10. ,Good condi- . tion. Good case. -P-hone 1521-J- about 7 p.. m. 66-5 FOR SALE-2 tickets to Michigan Union Opera" for Sat. Mat. 8th rowf Centel: down stairs. Call 2$88-J. 60 FOR SALE--Over-coat.. High class goods, black. Large size. Price reasonable. 1902-J. 59-2. FOR SALE-Modern eight room house. Furnished or unfurnished. S.E. Box R.S. 5J-2. FOR S -l-B-flat double case, $26. clariniet, with a Seeley, 2902-M. 58-3 FOR SALE,--Onel two $2O50seats for Mary Garden:'.concert. Call 2878-R between 7 and 8 p. mn. 60 FOR SALE-Two tickets for, Mary Garden concert. Main .floor. 'Call 2637-W . 12-1 p. m:. 60 FOR SALI4E-One' Choral Union course ticket and one for. Extra Concert Series. Call "Ray" 3083-M. 60-2 FOR SALE-Log-Log slide rule with leather case. Good' condition $36.50. 328 E. Williams. 2578-R. 60-2 FOR SALE-Tuxedo, size 37. Bargain, $25. Call Seeley, '202-M. 58-3 M1IISCE LLAEO}US ANNOUNCEMENT-Do you know that Rider's 200 drop 'capacity Master- pen is the most popular pen on the campus? There is a reason. Call at Rider's Pen Shop. 21 P UBL I'C STENOGR~AHER-Also typewriting of Thesis, Notes, Let- ters, etc. Miss Leek, with Royal' Typewriter Co., 308 South State. St.41 over College Inn. 58-2 CHAPERONEiD' dances every Satur- day night at the Woodman Hall. .R- FO RENT FOR RENT-Pleasant room for two! 'boys. One half block from gain-!j lius. Double desk, -separate beds5! two lights, large clothes closet. $3 per student. Telephone 1668-J. 510' E. Jeffersoni St. 60' FOR RENT-House$ to acconodate ' fifteen or more. Imimediately or at end of first semester. Suitable for house club. Address Box S.C. In care of Michigan Daily. 59-2 FOR RENT-=Suite andl single room; well heated], private lavatories.' Board If desired. Meals served dlur-'I ing Holiday vacation. 1021 E. Hur- on St. Phone 4 1-1. '60-3 FOR RENT- Furnished or unfurnish-' ed' house, to club. Two blocks from Campus; Swezey, 2970-W. 59-2, FOR RENT-Nicely furnished room for two6 or three boys with dori. toary. 130,9 Washtenaw Ave. 60 FOR RENT-Five room steam heated apartment, near Campus. Phone: 2648-R. 59-2 WANTED WANTED-A Rider Pen which fails to write at touch. Rider's Pen Shop. 211 IWANTED-An expert to work on sweaters. Women's Exchange.. No. 10," Nickels Arcade. 69-2 IWANTED-Student to work for his room. Call 244. 69-3' WANTED-C-Melody or E flat Alto Saxophone. Call 855J. 60 WANTED-Two main, floor seats Gar- den concert. Call 544-W between 10-11 this morning. 601 FOUND. FOUND-On Washtenaw in front of the Homeopathetic Hospital a pain of glasses in a leather case with a pencil and pen. Pen has name on it. Owner can have same by call-' ing at Daily Business office and~ identifying same. 60 I VOUND-At 'Rider's Pen' Shop. A'real fountain pen for exams. ' 21 WINDOW SHADES '' 1WINDOW SHADES Cleaned.' New shades made 'to order. HI. S. Col- TIhe North Wind does blow And' we shall have snow. What will the Poor Radiator do then? IF you have not protected it from the Icy Wreather, add Denatured Alcohol before it is too Late! Any Quantity as you need it at "The Quarry" Drug and Prescription More '4. 1 '.4. U ' - s a f~l --- 1 N$a- ".friends, 1Romans. Countrymen! Lend me your' ears!" C AESAR 'was a 'wise old bird. He refused a crownl three tinges. ('has. Ray is "Crowned" jut onice. Once is enough. H 7k: WA.NDERS 1i1t streets in a bath cur- tain~ and a scowl. . Scowl 'won't comffi i. But ghat about at bath cur'tain " IF MARC A NTHO N could deliver the mrell known oration over what cop)s leave of Mr Alios Julius Caesar he'd have to call for a full line of new faces instead of just a brace of ears. fi Ci , .''' / -- 1 4 1, pl ! ' ; ? IIII I '1 AL IAS/ flfii , u SA~. '.4 fir ii fl lL - 1 + f I II I Ilj i l~l tlll I J i *I ' 4.I i, f.} fijsi'o t . , .;,. ,, "' ,, '1 ty.r. I II~\ ~.'.* .4 1 Il~U W 4 1~~~ II '1\'%1 ." ~ *1 ~ ~ N I I. 3p1ce- q ook S. givin g ad good,-bye? WHAT CAN A YOUN6 FELLOWV DC -a society crook makes him an accon -his 'girl. gets keen on' the crook- -and, the next thing he: knows the cr' him his girl's pendant as a token of fo, It's onie 2Mr. Edison won't answer.- but Charlie Ray will. o G. CLADE DRAKE SUNDAY PRICES Matinee, All Seals 31c War Tax . . . . . . . 4c Total i i 35 7...7 nc. 1 f1n rBOBBY "VERNON NS"IN" SUNDAY SCHEDULE 3f[ATINEE 1:30 -rye:00 -4:30 i i