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December 03, 1922 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-12-03

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umber of Stars Give Farrell Big= as one of the star weight men of the I E PRQFESSIONALIZED
Chance; Burke, Hubbard, Lan - Big Ten and can be counted upon fou BYSANDS
dowsk iIsbell Strong ; points in both the shot and hammer.
Hubbard will ably take care of the (By Associated Press)
ARSITY OPENS SEASON WITH , broad jump as he has a record of bet- Chicago, Dec 38.'The mere bigness
MAROONS AT CHICAGO, FEB. 17 ter than 24 feet to his credit made of intercollegiate athletics, as evid-
while on the freshman team. Neisch enced by the erection of stadiums in
With football out of the way Mich- of last year's squad is also back. The which to stage the games, does notl
an sport fans are .now turning their high jump will find McElven and constitute a danger to the amateur
tention to indoor athletics espec- Smith as the Michigan entries. Mc- sport, according to Major John L. Grif-3
Mly basketball and track. Having Elven was one of the sure point win- fith, Western'Conference athletic com-
zme through a successful season on ners for Michigan last year and imlissioner; who today replied to ob-
Le gridiron and in cross-country, the should be even better this season. jectors who contend the immense
rolverines are anxious to keep up the --- stadia would breed professionalism.
cord this winter in track and on the S gtdia Are Asset n
asketball court.:II I IUlfl fhTIfll So long as the games are honestly
Good Sophontore Material 11 U Uadministered and kept from the hands
Farrell has a good bunch of soph- j of gamblers, the stadia are an asset,E
nore material upon which to call' Major Griffith said. The philosophy!
r men to fill vacancies. Last year's -1 M RdiL-the objectors is similar to the men
Carling aggregation is said to havE of a generation ago who opposed big
een 'the best seen at Michigan in 'CAPTAIN-ELECT .1,0ILLEN WILL business because of its bigness, he
ght years and with these men to add hIAVE 1 l1ETl1 MEN, STARl deelared.
i the mpresent squad the Wolverines FIRESIHIEN BACK . "Some persons," said Major Grif-
ould present quite a formidable fi?.h, "are inclinded to view with alarm
am when the season opens in Feb- That the "fighting Illini" will haie this unprecedented development of
tar. r t ih winterest in sports and fear that the
Leading the list- of sprint men of thi nw tadim wit fall see CrectIOin of these stadia -constitutes a
ngptheir new stadium niext fall seems . l1a1 oorcolg thletic. Tlhs
>)rse is Captain Burke. Burke is certain, unless something unforseen munace to our colege at ics. ise
fe of the fastest men in the Con- occurs between now and the begin- i'nen were afraid of large business in-
nrence and with two years of exper- ning of practice in the autumn. terests because they were so large
nce behind him should place first or Bob Zuppke will have 15 letter men scope. Theodore Roosevelt pointed
cond in every meet he enters this back and his squad should be enrich- outrt that time that there were gosd
ear. Following hin closely in abil- led considerably by the oncoming play- I ts an bas tut nd shugeste
y is Hubbard, star of last year's ers from this year's exceptional fresh- h.at a business insitution should be
'eshmen squad. Hubbard looks like man team. When it is remembered judged not so much by its size as by
te best 'all around man to wear the that Zuppke had almost no veteranlthe methods which it employed. And
aize and Blue since the time of Carl material this year and yet was able to so it is with our colleges tod y.
ohnson. and much is expected of almost wreck Iowa and even to drop «Keep me Clekeant
im on this year's Varsity. Martin, the Badger the prospects seem nus- If our great games are kept clean,
n experienced sprinter, and of last #ally rosy for a championship utfst if the men who , play do so for the
ear's freshman team, should be able in 1923of love of the game and the benefits
p hold the pace with most of the Big Jim McMillen, captain-elect, which they derive from playing, if we
onference dash men. will have as fighting mates the fol can keep our amateur athletics out
Weak in Iurdiles - 'lowing letter men; Agne, Clark, of the hands of the gamblers, both
The hurdle events present a diffi- Coutchie, Green, Happeny, Hill, Mc- professional and'.amateur, then these
ilty as both of last year's entries are Illwain, Miller, Oakes, Roberts, Rich- stadia and the contests will make for
one from the team. Hubbard is a ards, Robison, Schults, Umnus, Wag- a better citizenship, and this'means a
apable man on clearing the barriers ner, and Woodward. better America..
.it his se1"vices will in all probability 1_"Among thc® 10 universities in the
e used i1 the dashes and broad .* '! Western Conference all have stadium
imp. However, if Farrell is too bad-! Wzeman G -zves Uip building projects which are either
handicapped by the lack of liu d-lers completed or under way. Ohio"State
te sophomiore may be used in this uoacning /t s university has dedicated a stadium
rent also. which will seat 63,000; the cornerstone'
In the quarter Joyner and Siemans for a stadiumi at the University of Il-
ill again be ready to hold upthe Coming just after the victoryoven linois has been laid; a campaign to
TInivt-rin '.ne sota whaichvemade chigan th i raise funds with which to build a stad-

Ion Pi, Phi Chi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi
Sigma Kappa; 10-10:30 o'clock, Psi!
Omega, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma Chi, I
Sigma Delta Kappa. On Tuesday
night the following practice schedule
will be in force on courts 1, 2, 3, and
4, 6-6:30 o'clock, Sigma Phi, Sinfonia,
Theta Xi, Zeta Beta Tau; 6:30-7 o'-
clock, Sigma Deli- t i ,Delta ISig-
ma Pi; 7-7:30 o'clock, Detla Tau Up-
silon, Phi Beta Delta, Phi Delta Ep-'
silon, Phi Beta Pi; 9:30-10 o'clock,
Cygnus, Trigo , Peers, Theta Chi;
10-10:30 o'clock, Phi Tau, Alpha Chi
Rho, Delta Tau Epsilon, Phi Delta
Theta. The time and schedule for the
next practices to follow these will be
announced in The Daily at a later
Interclass basketball will get away
to a flying start in, a short while, the
main drawback being that the manag-
ers of all the schools and classes have
not been picked as yet. The pretsi-
dents of the classes that are not listed
j below should select their managers
and have them report to the Intramur-
al office at once. Class basketball prac-
tice will also be held before Chist-
mas and the 'managers of the respect-
iye teams should'watch these columns
for the announcement of the sched-
Following are the list of the class
managers: senior lits--. Mudd, 1121-
R, junior lits-T. Tarcy, 355, soph
lits-Hall, 319, fresh lits-to be chos-

education, lower medics and fresh time that has been allotted to the as any man may that is in a class
lits have no managers as yet.. class teams. where the managers have been select-
Bowing among the classes and A strict check will be made on the
schools of the campus will be given men that play on the different teams J. J. Johnson, D. Steketee, G. S. Hag-
great impetus this year. Many of the gerty, and H. H. John, will enter
classes have already, entered teams and managers should see to it that teams in the tournament independent
and the others are expected to do so their men are members of the team of the class teams, composed of men
within the next few days. because of hours of credit in the Uni- from the, following classes: senior
All teahms must roll their qualifying versity rather than by reasons of a lits, junior lits, soph lits, junior en-
score by next Wednesday, in the Un- man's length of residence on the car- gineers.


ion bowling alleys. The teams may
get in action anytime in the afternoon
or evenings before that date. It is
not known at this time just/how many
teams will be eliminated on compar-
ative scores as all of the entries are
not in, but if 24 or more teams are en-
tered 16 teams will be' allowed to sur-
vive, or if less than 24 teams enter
the tournament only eight will be al-
lowed to play' after the qualifying
round is held..
Each team will be composed of
five men and they must roll three
full gan-es to make scores in the qual-
ifying round. The class managers
which are listed below will enter a
team, but plans have been made so
that any man in a class can enter al
team providing none of the members
are on the class teams and are all
of the same class on tl~e campus. If
anyone decides to enter a team -de
pendent of the class team he must rol
his qualifying score within the same
A symposium review of Henry L.
Mencken's "Prejudices: Third Series;',
in The Sunday Magazine for Decem-
ber 3.-Adv.

Numerals with jerseys will be given I
to the men of the winning team and IKhemmani defeated Simonsky 3-2
a silver loving cup will be presented in the third game of the initial round
to the man that makes the highest of the All-amnpus handball tourna-
score in three rounds of-consecutive (Continued on Page Seven)
play. I
Following are a list of the manag- Colmbus Ciizen
ers chosen by the Intramural depart-
ment: senior lits-Kreis, 1114-M; AfIMCc
junior lits-Merner, 355; soph lits-
Iurwich, 2980-M; fresh lits-Cherry,
2638-W or57 senior engineers-l i . . .....
Goldsmith, 2878-W; juniorenier Thompson, Iowa....... ......L.T.
-tlPi gott, 2726-M i;soph engineers- McMillen, Illinois ...............L.G.
W. A. Jones, 114; fresh engineers-J.P. I ieldt, Iowa .......... . . . ... . . C.
Vose. 8056-J; architects-Kline, 1366; Pixley, Ohio ...... ..........
upper dents-Olsen, 753; upper medj K1tirhe1dichian .............
ics-Le Fevre, 609; pharmics-Mor-Itirkiz. Mchian..............E.
ris, 11.62-M; education-Douglas, 2528- Klpke; 3i han...............Q..
R; upper laws-Jeffries, 2578-R; Kipkc,11icigan,.........L.H.
Homeops-Crino, 2605; graduates-- Martinea, Minnesota..........R.H
Purdon. The lower dents, lower med- I Locke, (Capt.), Iowa..........F.I3.
ics, and fresh laws have no managers
as yet. The presidents of these classes "Back to Methuselah-A Shavian
should pick their managers as soor,, Dream Come True," by Saul Carson in
as possible and instruct them to re- The Sunday Magazine for December
port to the Intramural office at once. 3.--Adv.
Any mien in these classes that have
no mnanagers may come to the Intra- Student desires to tend furnace for
mural office and enter a team, as well room or cash. Box A.Z.dv.






en by president, senior engineers -
Goldsmith, 2078-W, junior engineers-
Iland, 1460, soph engineers-Moody,
400-W, fresh engineers-Vose, 3156-J,
law school-Storz, 2999, upper med-
ics-Kerly, 609; architects - Kline,
1366, dents-Wagner, 1237-W, hom-
cops-Crino, 2605,, pharmics-Morris,
1162-M, graduates-Berham, school of

"Stevenson and His Art", by Iieen
G. Lynch in The Sunday Magazine for
December 3.-Adv.
Michigan Daily and Chimes for $4.50.

a s~~e't







vv vi vrnes aim wvi nave consiaer-
able support from Roessner and Jones
from the 1922 freshman team. The
half mille will also have some good
men from the yearlings of last sea-
son to draw upon as Reinke and
Marsh showed well in this event last
spring. Hattendorf is the only half
miler who returns to the squad this,
The mile' sh ould be one of Michi-
gan's strong points with most of the
1922 milers back and several good
men coming up .from the first year
runners. Arndt and Bowen both'
proved their ability last year and
with Slhenefield and Nichols 'as new

"Champions of the West" this year,
is the announcement that the Maize
aid Blue has lost one of the most
Svaluable men on its coaching staff.
Elton E. Wieman, '21, who has serv-
ed his Alma Mater for five years as
both a member of the Varsity foot-
ball team and later as one of its
coaches, was married yesterday and
will leave this week with his bride
for Caifornia where they will line,
He will go into business with the
Goodyear Tire and Rubber company
at Los Angeles.
Wieman's departure from Ann Ar-
bor marks the leaving of one of the
Wolverine's greatest linesmen and!

n h.i"I..

ium is now being conducted at the
University of Minnesota; the athletic
council at the University of Wiscon-
sin has a building plan which will not
be completed for several years. Mich-
igan, Iowa, Northwestern, have good
fields; Purdue plans a new field and
Indiana also; the University of Chica-
go, with stands that will seat 32,000
found that a stadium; four times as
large is necessary for intersectional
Intramural Items


Special Padded Basketall Pants $1.00
Sweat Shirts $1.65
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(en on the squad should easily take Y'ost's chief aid in building up strong Architects eliminated soph eugin-
are of this event, forward walls. Wieman played his oers ili the race for the championship
Isbell fi Two Mile . first college football in" 1915 oil :he of the consolation series in the inter-
Isbell, the phenonminal long dis- freshman squad. The next two yeari class speedball tournament Friday.
ance runner, should have little he was a menber of the Varsity squad IThe winner will play fresh ]its at 4
rouble winning the two mile event and was captain-eleet for the year 1O'clock Monday afternoon on south
n all the meets this winter and if 1918. Enlistment in the service, ioW- Ferry field in the final game for the
)avis is able to work off his ineligi- ever, prevented him from playing that championship. The winner of' this
ility the two will be sure point win- year game will be awarded third place in
ers for Michigan In the long grind. On his return in 1920 Wieman again the class standings.
The Wolverines should be strong- "held down his berth on the line. In
et in the field events. Landowski 1921 Yost made him assistant coach Fraternity basketball will begin its
vill be back and if in condition should with the .job of building up thme Wol-r c ti( sessions ext Monday night
uplicate his feat of last season when verine line. That year Michigan lost at W\'a1 ernmanm gymnasiumi. The fol-
ie won or tied for first place in the only one game. Again this year he lowing are the schedules for prac-
ole vault in every meet. Brooker, faced the task of building a wall with tieon Moiday and Tuesday, Ihe
rorm the yearling squad, does 12 feet a nucleus of one experienced lines- }ccur't on which to play also included:
onsistently and will be a great aid inman. The results of the games this ( MoI(Iay night on courts 2, 3, 4, and 5,
o L'andowski in the vault. The loss season speak for themselves, and for 6- :80 o'clock, Acacia, Alpha Kappa
>f Hoffman will be seriously felt in the strength of the Michigan line. Kappm, Alpha Rho Chi, Alpha Tau
he javelin as there is no one who can In speaking of Wieman, Coach Yost I Oimcga; 6:30-7 o'clock, Beta Theta Pi,
wield the wand as he did. said, "Tad's loss will be an irrepar- Delta Chi, Delta Signia Phi, Kappa
VanOrden in Shot 1 able one as his services extended Beta Psi; 7,7:30 o'clock, Kappa Nu,
Van Orden who was ineligible last lthroughout the entire,12 months 'of jKappa Sigmia, Lambda Chi Alpha, Nu
-ear is again ready to take his place the yeal' and because lie has been an Sigma Nu, 9:30-10 o'clock, Phi Epsi-
t active force in the devlopment of the l
A discussion of the practice of gland j Michigan athletic plan. He has al- "The Val'me of Mental Tests", in The
ransference, in The Sunday Magazine ways been of the greatest assistance Sunday Magazine for December 3.-
or December 3.-Adv. in coaching." Adv.








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