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December 03, 1922 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-12-03

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wide, and bloody score, and beat the
cIN AND OUT" finest girls' school of ti~e nmddie west,
With the opening performance to-
morrow night at the Whitney theater Northwes rn,. Well, we heat .',AC.
of this year's opera, "In and Out,:' semc li
Mimes of the Michigan Union will pre- Etae lg
sent their seventeenth production to The shovel will soon have to throw
the public. the sand at the, trucks. The blades i t osatyicesn ucs fgaswl onlo ieteShr
from year to year the poularity ofLdessert. Which reminds mne in its dry-

lr(New York World)
There is fresh mat rial for re~igious
coll.rversy 'of the sort the fundu-;
mentalists ought to enjoy in the de-
'cision of a California Court of Appeast
that the Kig James version of the
Bible is the gospel of a sect, rind there-z
fare cannot be used in the public!
schools of that SC ate. Mr. Bryan and
his associates in the war on evolutor,
b~ase all their arguments on the 1--:
fallibility of the King James tranisla-
tion. Yet it' is now judicially ruledc
that there are other translations;
that, in fact, not all Christians base{
their faith on the rendering which Mr.
Bryan trusts; that the King James
version~ is not a final authority among
true helievers.
This, of course, has always been
obvious, but the courts have +never
before given to the Bible the samo~
I legal status as the Book of Mormon,
-SC'ence and Health, the Talmud, tht
o. n and f-, le: 9,-red 1) coks, as the!
~le~'<riof th, California court uin,
v 1 dubtct'y does. In so doing it p~ro-
hibits from the schdbls of the State
snot alone the King James version but
sboth other versions, -the Douay and
othe Rcevised1. It bars public instruc-
tion in Chiristianity altogether. Thisl
ewill shock many people, but the de
cision seems to he wholly inl accorld
with the Constitution.
e;On the other hand', the King James '
eBible is a literar- heritage from the
days when Englishmen wrote great
poetic prose. It has survived in spite
of inalccuracies ot translation becauso
t is the gre-atest single piiece of tera-
4'.are in language.t
(Cornell lDilxSunt
1Last Pelor::arv the Yale News advo -'
sated the formation of a "triple aIli-
! ie" between Harvard, Yale and
1-rinceton, to save football from their
repc~lt(tive faculties, to providle means
for meeting only teams 'adhiering to a
Set of "standard" eligibility rules, and
'o ke the oport in its proper balance,.
Thle news took a wise stand on its
proposals, and realized the seriousness
of the situation. Buit this situation
was confronting piractically every ii..





thireencites.float it? All in favor can vote by buy-
j'Obviously then, the opera is one of n arcgg of Life Savers at the
the prime factors both in~ keeping the' fir L. canteen.
alumni close tc, Michigan and'in bring- F <unny game, football---aint sire?
ing the University the kind of public~ Kip skirts an Cendi and then Cappie
ity which any institution needs.--lithaI tears~ off soine yards from 2 the
obtained because of duality and ac- " center.
fEven though its handsomest girls
are men, the opera of last year was U i HALL, FARE.WEL
compared favorably by certain metro-j
politan newspapers with any profes--
sional1 shows which had appeared in xA - yk s ' a "
their respective cties during that;
Tomorrow night the curtain, }rises'a
Supon the debut presentation of Mimes' 3
seventeenth annual production. Upon1
its success depends, in a certain sense, jtewlaeothnmefMiig.;b
IM ay "In and, Out" not only, give to Ann A b rb t c ry t l m ia d oh r
throughout the country a new high'
point of achievement in Michigan dra-g*

ganizations in different sections of t
Ann At-but and Jackson
( l.astern Stapdard 'l'imue)
Detroit Lirnued and Express Cara-
6:uo a. m., 7 :uu a.mn., 2 :uu a.in., 9:;C5
a.mn. and hourly to 9:0O5 P.M1.
Jackson Express Cars :looa? stop's
wetof Ann Arbor)-9 :47 a.m., atlxI.
Locl Crs astBouind7 :ooa.in.
and every two hvur., to 9 :ou p., n3.,
11 :00 p1.11.To 'Ypsilanti only--1 1:40
To Saline--Ch~ange at Ypilanti.
Local Ctrs West .BL:nd--7..u a,1m.,
To Jackson and Kalamnazuo--l tm-
I ttu Cia&i 8:7, 10:47 a.fl1., 1,1:47,. 247,
I 4.47 p'li1-.
To Jackson and Lansing-t,imit td at
3 4 a 6 7 S 9
10) 11 12 113 14 15 16
j 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23
214 :15 246 27 2S 29 :30
Start .Right With a Good Ilat!
W~e do all kinds. of HIGH
CLASS Cleaning and Reblocking
of hats at low prices for GOOD
We also make and sell POP-
! YOUR HEAD and save you a
dollar or more on a hat.
617 Packard Street Phoie 1792
(Where D.U.R. Stops
at State Street)
Schedule in Effect October 18, 1922
Central Time (Slow.Tinme)
D . X X D
l'.1. A.-4. P.M. P.M.
3 :45 7:45 .. Adrian ..72~:45 8:45
4:3,o 8:30... Clinton . .. . 12 :oo 8:oo
5 I :15 : t . Saline.. . 11-15 7:15
5:45 9:4 Ar Xnn Arborbv. 10o:45 0 :45
(Court House Square) A.!14.
D--Daily. X-Daily except Sundays
and Holidays. Friday and Saturday special
bus for students leaves Adrian 1:45, leaves
Ann Arbor 4:45.
.1 \ MIPS I i. I1L1 TT, Proprietor
1'hou~., 926-M Adrianl,, M ich.

Our Assortmeni of Boxed

and Greeting Cards. is .Better.t
than ever. -
Christmas Engraving and Emibossing Orders should be placed
at once. Bring your die or plate.
The ypewvriter and Stationery .Store

I y




So fare Well!,cold U Hall, to your grimy j t'ion in the East.
stones,;rThe Sun, realizing this, andi beiiev-'
Farewell, a long fareweJl to y'our leaf ingwith Th'ie News that something hau
covered walls. to be done, and done soon if the repu-
ffOnce the pride of the campus, You--' tation of the sport wais to be saved,
E and now? advocated at the time the formation of
'.n piles of broken brick and ragged 'an Eastern Conference, constructer'
wood You lie, broadlly along the lines of the other
Lik^ a bleeding heairt, torn from the football conferences in the country.
vitals of man.; 1In Wednesday's issue, the Yale :Newd
These years in your vne-coveredI glory~ contained a lengthy article w ritten for
I've passed you by the North American Newspaper All
Wondering, when -,ou, as a sacrifice to ance by Coach Jones of Yale a!.
time wou'd go. Coach Fisher of Harvard in which
Memory-maurdering spirit of recon-; both advocated the formation of an
struction--4 hate you! Eastern Conference as the best means

''Gvt t*sti .
Intl the "at800 QOO Y'

Pdfret it ~hdrng Ant

Canoe Capsiz ..-s on Rock River--

Night Editor-JUJLIAN ELLIS MACK vision,, of education. Fat may be said; ~
ful body, creeping,
that it is twice blest; it blesses lhn reig 'rtecumlnga
that gives and him that takes," reig 'rtecumlnga
THE ISUE 3SCLEAR CUTwl te campus waLls.
THE ISatsudenIsCar CUlbt \ Th tomcetraveh cmainAnd I curse you in silence--the thief
Miciga stdens ae gingto avewill. obviously be the hpublic school,,
the opportunity to erase the blot that' and if it succeeds in raising the effici- ot m memries
was put upon the name of the Uni' ency of this institution one inch it wi'I, y
versity and the student body by a4 in our opinion, be justified. The schools
smal mnortylas Suda. Fnanialofour9~~-ton avel-~en Irorig owv, t; oodgavvd Fl~eks, Let's lBe
sml-iort at udy-Fnnil for -t hv ~o ingREASONABLE About This Thing.
reparation will be made to the theater under a two-fold difficulty: first, theyDER(A:WlCsem liea
ownes, ave eenhanicaped y a.lac ofhow you hav missed out on one this
The issu~e is clear cut. It is 'a digv; c2pable teachers, and second theyt, i o a .0 apsSoe'
sion between the vast majority of real have in several instances been operat- nm sAfe.Afelsntahh'

of afleviating the difficulties surround-
in,g foctball.
j"All manner of plans have been su--
gested as to how football might be"
benefited," states Coach Jones. "TI
formation of an E stern Conference
seems to me to be the outstanding coo?
structive idea which has been ad-
vanced.. . . While I cannot speak
for the Yale athletic committee, I am
sure that when the time comes th's
organization will be more than willin~
to enter such an institution as r,
Eastern Conference.... .In the past
Yale has always been ready and w:'
ing to adopt any and all ide:tsi
promised to help the development r'
football and if the Conference pro
tion is seriously presented for consid-
eration I don't think Yale will be
found among the missing."
rCoach Fisher's views in the main co-
incide with those of Coach Jones when
he says in part: "I cannot help but
agree with Mr. Jones of Yale when he
states that he thinks an Eastern Con-
ference would be a ;great thing for
football in general and for eas'ern
football in particular. Many p'an .
have been presented for consideraioxt
and not a few of these have hay)
number of good points, but none hay'-
had the strength and pro-visions forl
the future that are outlined in the
plans for an Eastern Conference."
-Thus the proposition has not died
out, but has been taken up by coaches-
in other eastern universities. We be-
lieve that such an organization,(Ide.
veloped here in the East would have a
marked effect on the status of the
game. Such an organization, thrOugh
a board of control could estab~ish es
maintain policies for the betterment
of football, and could do much to at'
leviate the stress of unpleasant sitar;-
tions such as have arisen frorr time
to time.
Many of the institutions in the FEas-
have had their name tainted througb
reports that they have grown la,4 a!:
thieir eligibility rules. Fortunately
fboinell is not among these, h-'t ft- t
does not say that there are not other
problems which confront the larger
universities which could be eradicated
through such an organiz-ation. Major.
issues have developed (luring the last

"Well! Well! I didn't expect
to meet you in Detroit, this fine
spring morning. How is Mr.
Rider and where is your son,
Kenneth now?"
"Oh, he is running a Pen Shop
in Champaign, Illinois."
"He gave me this pen,_,on
Christmas in 1909 and I hve
used it every day from that day
to this, over 12 years now. It

has never required any repairs
and has always worked perfect-
ly. I almost lost it once.. I. was
in a canoe, coasting the waves
behind the steamer 'Illinois' at
Rockford. The canoe turned over
and that pien was the first thing
I thought of. I' didn't have :my
coat on~, but it pocketed enough
air to keep it afloat until I man-
aged to get the pen out of it.

-I then swam ashore with the pen
in my teeth.. I remember that
accident vividly; not so much be-
cause of the- ducing~ I got, as.
because of the fact that 'I camne
so' near losing onae of my most
valued -possessions."
Wh~en buing a~ pen as ;a gift,
ask us;, how we will- make it a
lasting and appreciated remem-
branice of you. -
"R~iider for Pens"


Toimntai'n P.. n Specialists


"In, and ut"Scores
--And ---
Michigan's Famous College .19S,
- would make someone happyw
th 's Christmas. To make
c ~r dlf of getting 'yours, buy
e,,.ilas the supply is limnit- -


As we are "The Home of
Michigan Music we have
been granted the exclusive
s ale on the "In and OCut"
scores, on State Street

1d that the~y are-emCLp11aIC 112 Lueir to IbIl e. t,, ">n '-ta x I-.t~'-- ~t~ er

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