Women Debate Ohio State I UIomen Tryouts for the Junior Girs' play will be held at 4 o'clock Monday and Tuesday afternoons in Sarah Caswell;t Senior society will meet at 7:15: "clock Monday evening at Betsy Bar- .our house.ss Dean Jean Hamilton will be at >. h~ome to University women from 4 to. r -6o'clock on Tuesday, Dec. 5. Due to illness the dean has not been able to be at home to the women of the Uni- versity earlier in the year. She plans ni the future to be at home on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each 1)liciganii W'olictien' R Mgalh c IDe i 1fg 1 a month. In its deb>ate at Columbus Friday nigh, t his YMichigan women's teani, ~ Th clas inplayroun wor wil sipo1rtiiig the negative, lost to Ohio State ._Lftto right thecy are: :Leulah Theclas i plygrundwor wil IFox, '23, Celina Simonson, '23, and l m uile Wt, '28. mieet, at 2 o'clock Wednesday after.-! nioons in Barbour gymnasium. --" aelected captain of tbe 11318 foot- I Any women, with the exception ofbaltmansiehigrdtonI ktquestedto atten the nebameeting mr.and Ms. iemahis verlftion hay'~A freshmen, who wish to try out for ace sassat oE nteVr the advanced class in gymnastics are sity football squad. .reqestd toattnd, he ext eetng IMr.and rs.Wiemn hve lft:for j fieiLan l'oienu's A 'tiiriuai Tve andj which will be held, at- 4:15,'o'clock 'Los Angeles, California, where the; ~~LW Tuesday afternoon in"Barbour gym- willmaketheirhome nZaslum.___________ m____ Vic hig2, WC1NvoC1) s debatilngeail The advanced class in aesthetic " OA vvcl IITAIL' Wre defeated Friday. night by those. :dancing will meet at 4:15,o'clock Mon- of~l l1ltL ~ ( Ohio "itate university in a joint clay and Wednesday' afternoons in Idebate held simutltaneously in Univer- Barbour gymnasium. A AflT si; hall and at Columbus. The ques- S lLPI M ULi.flE tiou for debate was: "Resolved, that -ed e ureAS GAMMA hg ee mv- he Great, Lakes to the Atlantic canal efrom 303 South Division street to ; I j tshud econlaletedI joint 213 Suth Igalls Phon numbr isI staltinand initiation crno-,Cot btino aaaadteUie 2I~lSout Inalls Phoe nmberis es for the Alpha Beta chapter of Al- lot'i ~ui aad n Uie I710. State.." _____pha Gamma Delta, national f raternity On the Michigan affirmative team, T~hc~h~r 1~ti~ ~. h~ ~for women, were held at the chapter Iwnhdbtdi n roWr Frieda Diekhoff, '24, Yone M oriya, '23, and Florence, Fuller, '25. The nega tive team, whilch spoke at Columbus, was composed of Beulah Fox, '23, Cel- ire. Simonson, '23, and Lucile Welty, '2r. The winning Ohio teams -were coached by Prof. William P. Sanford, who is a graduate of Michigan, having debated twice on winning teams here.- A. B. See Denounces 14 Women's Colleges Alonzo B. See of the A. B. See Elec- tric Elevator ompany of New York created quite a ,stir in the educational circles in the East recently when he stated his views upon the women'sf colleges in this country. Upon the receipt of a communication from Adelphi. College soliciting funds for the erection of new college buildings, Mr. See gave full vent to his feelings .on the subject. The suin and sub- stance of Mr. See's reply to the col- legs was to the effect that all women's colleges should be burned as places in which girls learn to smoke cigar- ettes, use slang, swxagger, becoine 1hold and brazen and acquire other objectionable habits. Some of Mr. See's further charges, ored by the men, but that day is large- Roof Fire Cuses Little Damnage 1y passing. Aind this is due more per- Little damage was caused by a smlt haps to the effect that the colleges roof fire shortly after noon yesterday are having on the college women than in a women's roomning house at 418 anything else Nothlnt could be bet- IThompson stree. Two fire trucks ter for the girls who are nowN in coi-j were called and the conflagration was loge than toy-be taken out and put to, soon put out. hard manual labor forat least a year so that they might absorb some little lGCot a mromco rear': A Daily ctassi" trace of sense, fled ad will fina a roomer.--Adv. are: When women graduate from the cal-. loge they cannot write a legible hand. They know nothing about' the English language. They ceannot spell. They are thoroughly ignorant of the things they should know, and they have their k brains twisted by studying, psychol- ogy, logic, and philosophy; a lot of stuff which could have been concoct- ed only in the diseased brains of col- lege professors. Brooklyn women1 used to be highly respected and hon- " a THE GREY SHOP 60o E. Liberty After the Concert or the show Come into "The Grey, Shop" for a "Buffalo" Mavis French and Nunnally's gSouthern Chocolates STARTING TODAY I I I ORP HEUJM "THEATRE. oh .1 MARY A R DEN A. are due on or before Dec. 8. Many November piledges are still unpaid, ;nd those who wish to pay them may do so any day this week. Hlouse, ure. idents are requested to bring the November slips for signing out to the office of the dean of women. EFormer Michi*gan Students Marry., hlouse, 608 Monroe St., Fkridtay after- noon and evening. Alpha (Iarm:h.1Del- ta is now the fifteenth national Parr- Hellenic sorority on t;he camipus. The formal initiation and installa- tion 'was conducted by lliss Louise Leonard, Grand Pres-Ident_ of Alph l Gamma Delta, an alumna of the Al- pha chapter of the fraternity, at Syra- cuse University, Syracuise, New York. She was, assisted by members of var-I ious sister chapters. Alpha Beta is the twenty-eighth chapter of Alpha Gai- mna Delta, which was founded at Syra- Bi'ide OfCoach I t Assisted by MAX GEGNE, VIOLONCELLIST and EMIL. PLAK, PIANIST cuse University in 1904. A11unonent has been made of,j Twenty-three members, of the local the marriage~ of Miss Margaret Gates s orority, which up to this time 1.us. Vogel to Elton Ewart Wieman, '19, been known as'Alphia.Kappa, were in- wich took place at 4 o'clock yester- itiated as charter members. After t y afternoon at' the' Congregational! the ceremonies the formal initiatiomn church in Chelsea, Mich.r Dr. A. L.f banquet was held at te Union. Yes- Wilkinson of Ann Arbor per for me4 terday afternoon the new chapter held the ceremony. a tea in honor of the guests and in- Helen E. Vogel, 'a sister' of the bride stalling .officers. acted as maid of honor. The best man was LeGrabd A. Gaines, '21E. Donald Meigo ae otoe J. Porter, '21, Fred J. Pretty, '21,Isar- ih n ae a old Votey, '22, and Maynard Newton, Mihia Dms a postponed its: regular meeting from 8 o'clock on '22, acted as ushers.. T Miss Vogel attended the University Tuesday evening, Dec. 5, to 8 oCnoCh of Michigan for two years and was a Io ensa vnnDc 3 h inembe r of Kappa Alpha Theta soror- meeting to be held in the parlors of ity. She is a graduate of Vassar col-E Helen Newberry residence. At 8: 30 lege. Mr. W'iemzan is a member of ;'clock, following the business mieet- Kappa Sigma and Phi Beta Kappa.' He i ng, Professor A. Franklin ,hall wl _____________________________ Ilecture on "Creatures o1f EIV ironjI _______________________ __________ment". kt 2crt o tdns 4 -uo t E . in a in HILL AUDITORIUMV Tues day, December Eastern Time 5, 8 P.M. iMs. 117. . Winman, who was Mis i Marugaret Vogel until her .marriage yesterday to E+lton E. Wiciran, '19. tfrnirc camtain and coach of the Var- Stumdent (de.sires to tend furnace for rocom or cash. Box A.Z.-Adv. AT' THE: THEATERS Screen-Today Arcad-Charles Ray in "Alias Julius Caesar;" and Christie comedy, "Choose- Your Wea Pons." Majestic- Constance Talmadge in "last is West;",and Edu- cational comedy, "Crash," with Jimmy .Adams. a Taxi.-Ady. Michigan Daily and Chimes for $4.50. A limited number of stage seats are available at the School of Music ii samommom r: r: f i, 1 f-- loom sew , 1 mw Orpheum - "Some presented by the giene company.w Wild Oats," Socialfly- The Dog that makes you choke and cheer! I /M W!hat's, cw.2 The latcst ;frocks to arrive feature cir- ciular skirts, display Bert/ia :collars land give considcr-' fable promnncc to P'aisley in jacgsuete effects an4 in comlibinatio:n willsvelvet! l J J ,\ :N I' Wuerth -- Jerold "Grandma's Boy;"ry. of Fortune," with De La Motte. Lloyd in and "Fools Marguerite _______________________I ~ Stag4-=TIids Week G (arrick (Detroit)-Pauline Fred- e rica In "The Guilty One," anm A AL H.Woods production. Shubert - Michigan, (Detroit) -- IBonsteile company, in "EastA Side-West Side."' CREATING A FURORE OF TRILLS I ': Silk frocks of caton and satin- Faced .crepes di - play circular and Sl r a p e di skirts. Sonic vse is made of Paisey in over- b Jo it s'e effects. Nav'y, black and brosun. $32.50 t0 $6.50. YOU TSAKE YOUR LIFE I1 YOUR HANDSI when you cross a crowded street= where the traffic endangers and where you must keep eyes and ears open every second. With a policy of our strongly protected accident insurance, you can cross any -street with a feel- ing that your loved ones are safe, from want. Besides, your own peace of mind must be considered. NOT JUST REPEATING - BUT OUTDOING, ECLIPSING HIS TIRIUMPHS OF "THE SILENT CALL" Exquisite But Quite - Inexpensive; Are These frocks;: EVER coulso ~ Inmuch beauty bebought at so small a cost ! We could .have waited to mark these dresses so low! .But holidays are coming! Arid they will make gay hours gayer still ! Namy blute is cur'ly iraer's ,most fa'vored color .for[ frocks of 'wool.. 'Tese are Poiret dery trim.- of yarn, silk and )nrt at tt r' e a d~s " hery smaart.. $27.59 to $65. A giaittt dog gu~arding~ a babe in the snows. F~a mtsbhe wolves slinkinig belhind. A silver slie-wolf calling to woo. Through the night ai demnented imother crying for her child! There's where the drama 'comes from!o S The Management wishes to possible thought that this is an ktake this precaution against any 4 ordlinary Ipicture like ail Canadian E . ? . ;. /..r f j " - y .4 ". F ti' I'i ,I j i "' . 1 . . + ; , , ( f t! ! , ),'? , ,G v: 1~ I. Northwest pictures. We wish to rep~eat again thiat this offering is unusual and compares with only one picture ever miade and~ that was "The Silent Call" with the same cast in this offering. t' ALL n ARE DISPLAYED ON TILE SECOND FJLOOR at Goodyear's I I a m w~ mm - A-°" ®m i I1 E