THE .MICHAIGAN -DAILY____ E'xhibit Shows Functions Of .library Departmenits In an attempt to acquaint the stu- the gradual imporvement in bindings dents more thoroughly, with the var- sdi ulclbais ious departments of the Library and The last section of the displayj thieir funictions, a special exhibicionz shows in detail the work done by 'tho" hasbee arangd i th loer or-extension department in supplying Woman Considered For Bench Vacancy -oe The class in playground work ill mieet at 2I'll 'l- kWednesd~vaytr 4. nflO~nr; in Bar'bour gymna_.slu??. KSocial Worker TO H eadh'Deleg ation IAt Hague Meetzng )VI1 sings tob e Issued For Taxi 25c, 445. Huron 5CTari.- Letters of wrarning and probation AY will have been sent from the office of prof. WV. R. Humphreys, assistant dean Lost Something? Let "a "Daily~ class- of the literary college, by 'the end of ified ad find it for ,you.--Adv. next week.. Reports of the mid-se- Wtrs o~f {cors~resart- pnflyl a'll in I ridor of the Library whicre it will re- main on displayi for several weeks. It is divided into five sections eakch o: them dealing withi one of the five ihaiu departments of the library. The fir'$t section, dealing withth t order departmeant, shows by saimple forms, ,maps, and other disp7lays Allof the work connected with the procur- ing of new b~ooks. Afte arr iving iat the j';nivers~itu through the order depa-rtmnent, adl books are turned over to the clatssi- fication department. This deparf- ment is perhaps the hmost highl'y tech- *nical of the many divisions. The see- ond section of the exhibit is devotedl to a display of the work of this depart- ment. Several volumes from the rare hook department are also shown in this display. 'Phe third section is devoted to an explanation of thee workings of the circulation departmrent, A feature of this exhibition labeledl "from index card to call slip", is a diagrinm ex- plaining, the meaning of the variouqj symbols found on the index cards and their utse in drawing a book. Twql graphs also contained in this section of the exhibit show the fluctuations in volume of circulation for the days in the week, and for the various nmonths of the year. Samples of the materials fused in the rebinding of books, and' illustra- tions of the various stages of its work takie up the greater part of the bind- cry department display., Copies of wvork from the University's cdllection of rare bindings are also shown; Among them is a volume done by Al- dus (1515), said to be one of the first, volumes ever printed in italic type. it is also cloined to be the oldest sample 'of morocco binding owned b~y the 'itn iversit~t. Another important group in this section is a display ofi PHYSICAL EUCATION SOLONS TO .MEET HEE i snoos aaL ILUI d1 e LIII.)tlgI1UL flet yt"state with reading matter dealing, rwith current economic, social, and po- Li litical problems, and supplying lists of dlebate topics, pla~rs and other mad- terial for high school work. Any wcmen, with tetiI~ Xl)tionl0 frieshimen, w.ho swish to try out for the advanced (class in gyminast ici are requested to attend the next mc u whiich will be held at 4 :1i5 oWl"4 Tuesday afternoon in Parhour byn- nasium. 1 11 OLC n U1* :U~~t.'C A ile *leul-l* . Aall I and those students who are delinquent in their work will be "notified officially by this office. ]hirsley Leaves for Coniference Joseph . Burslev, Dean of Students, Ilft Thursday for New York to attend FOLLOWW THE TRACKS OF 'IPOPORTIO I BSI OF GHRUiKDVELOPMENT, That proportion was the basis of a ,eek greatness was the opinion ex- pressed by Miss Dorethea Spinney, i- *terpreter of Greek drama, who lire-, sented "The Medea" Tuesday even- 1ing in Sarah Cas ell Angell hal. The -athletes ot the dlays of reek c. flture (developed both body~ anl amind equaly, and they had a mental- ity which we cannot touch," Miss Spinney wenti on to say. She pointed tut how the Greek youths found their Ipleasure in re-creating their minds, in' Ith e mental refreshment and stimula- Stion of the thought found in greatj drama. She further pointed out how such recreation is not oftensought by the athletes of today, the majority of whom would rather find forget- fliness in jazz and movies.' Miss Spinney declared that she could' not imagine a well proportioned person being content to fox-trot around a room for many hours.Fow- ever, she expressed 'her belief that there can be no such lives as these which the Greeks lcd until p6ple live in smaller communities and can de- Ivelop in proportion. She, stated that i the enthusiasm for classic drama is growing in America, ibut that the most appeciative audiences are to be foud in England. Display Ofl=DolIs Delights Dancers Those who attended the W[tomn's, League party yesterday afternoon had 1an opportunity to inspect the collec, tion of dolls which were :dressed bey different Women on campus adl des- tinedI for the sick children of the lio- pitals, ,Several h~uses sent in collec; tions o dots and these were display- ed in groups. There. were about 75 dolls in all, presenting a variedl array of costumes. Perhaps several attraed more than the usual attention. One buried in a suit of angora would delight the heart of any child. An evening gown of sequzinsgave -one litte lady a stri- ing apipearance. The whole display was well received. ii 1 i r .in 2A ~ *auvn et c ,4s ~ (lancing will meet at 4: d (ay andl WedneCsday H1arbour gymnasium. after2noo-.s i inj JThe Nurses, registery, has been mnov-j ed from 303 South Division street to1 1 213 South Ingalls. Phone nmber Is 1710. December pledges for the Y. AN C.I A. ate dune on or before Dec. 8. Mn November pledges are 1atill unpl-,id, and those w,,ho wish to pay them mnay do so any day this week. the interfraternity conference. Hle will not' return until the latter part I of next week. SHUSE RT Niahto 50-715-.$ 1.0 I IHIGAN Pop. Mats. Tues.,Thirs. OPPosite Cadlillac Hotel Main 7700 THE BONSTELLE CO." In Shearidan's Brilliant Comedy "The School for Scandal" A Play of Manners, Romance and Satire t GARRICK ThJL MAT. E Best Seats.l.g 1.50 SNights St>c'to $;2.50 Sat. Mat, 50c to $2.00 Leo Ditrichstei n "In den Hecht's Hilarious Comedy lit "Under False Pretenses" the wo d-. d stralght to the ARCAD)E lV ednesday in a' RAWNHEF THE NORTH"9 "B.leats ."The Silent. Call°. M'iss Florence lRing rpy 'Remiblican Woman's Chicago, ifs boomzing Miss King, Windy City attorney years' practice, to fill the v, the federal bench for the nom trice of Illinokis. H ardingi be considering her appoiuni ''4 ": 7^ 'a vs J at Add ans 's club of Chaperones for the dances this eve L Janie Addams, promiftent American Florence are as follows: Armnory, Mrs. HI. C . social worker ahd head of Chicago's of twenty lerger; Union, Mrs. Mtlble E. Cake, famzou~s "]3zlull(House," now is an her a cyway to The Hge edn a party of 'thern (is- ;Hlouse ure~idents are Creques ed to iall,;ecn is said tol bring the November slips for1' ni- jAme ricaa wcomen who will take part ent. out to the office of the dean f N, 01 w °o:,n. ill r &I'li ionarl neace meetings there. ,4 Ii' ~r, PAVLOVO BLOT 1°LW I JACK H0 ""THEMAL DAY KIE ('O-3E -v at Reas onble Prices SUIT .OVERCOAT 'S 'LJXEDOS 41 WH-EN W AKE YOUR SU IT IT ITWILL FI2T RJGIT VE1 'flELU~E IA. N Til EAT i.I t Ull OU T'FO3ERS SQITARE Once Your Tailor Your Tailor Aln'a )s ;3 33 ° ¢ '' AWaterproof Arctic by ood rich. Just the thing for this' weather Others from $3.50 to x$4.00 ShoeItoe DO0WNTJOWVN Hosiery OF MONEYMI A. C. BARTH 619 EAST WILLIAM ST. E WS I - --- i Vi 'VAf'V('ITY MJE N CIOSEN' -SPe UIAlIT (CO1NVENTION TO 'Jany University people will he, guests and speakers at the fourth: an:]l convention olf the State Coun- Sof Phystiical 1Eduication of the Mich- nDepartment of lPublic Iustruction, 1 ,vcn it nicety here Dec. 11, 12 and 13 aft- the Union.I 'Tresident Miarion bL. laurtcu andl Mrs. Burton will be, intr'oduced to theI gathering at a dinner in room 319! ofr the Unign Monday evening. At this occasion Dean Allen S. Whitney, of the School of Education, and Mrs. Whit-' ni'tyy, will preside... e U e' Included 'among te niversity s1neahers are Dr. George A. May, (11 rti:tor of Watermian gymnasium, wyho will talk on "A pparatu.s 'Work for lIoyW; Prof. Jam nes 13 Edmionson, of th~o secondary education department,) whmo will serve as toastmaster at the fi t luncheon Monday noon; Dr. John ;ndwtall, director c-f students' physic- al- welfare, on "responsibility for the H ealth Program"; and Prof. Elmer D. I\litcholl, director of intramurtral ath- lefics discussing "Ability "Tests." Minisicr Coleman Lauds University P'residlent Marion L. Burton recently received a letter, of appreciation in answer to one. ef congratulation to tl~e 11ion. F.. W. B. Coleman, "99L, who Was recentlyr appointed, by President WpVrren G. Harding as minister to asthenia, Lithuania, and Latvia.