PROGRESSIVE EN Flames Pour Forth From Shaft Of Mine,
JOINTO OAAfer Explosion That Takes 100 Live
FRIDAYYr-..rf *v 4
TO FUNCTION THROUGH x....,.,..."... ..:. .k : ".,r
Resolutions Passed Favoring Liberal
Legislation in Various ,'..
Washington, Dec. 1.-Another unoffi-
cial "blop" in Congress was born to
lay when progressives, republicans .. o. *" : :*'.
and democrats, called into sessionr
oday .by Senator LaFollette, republi,
an, Wisconsin, and Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Huddleston, democrat, Alabama, form- " .
d a progressive group for promo-.
.ion of progressive legislation dur- $ { ,r
ng the present and the next con_
tress, .. r .
About 40 senators, representatives,
nd members-elect, meeting behind as they enter
dlosed doors in the Senate agricultur- Codwse ee sgo aka hyetrDlrieiie
il committee room, adopted resolu- Flames pouring from the Dolomite mine set fire to the mine tipple and delayed rescue work for a short time.
.1 ommiteeoomy, tdoped resoeil Mine experts say that the explosion, which took a toll of nearly 100 lives, was caused by a string 'of dump cars
ions unanimously, 'to "drive special breaking loose and plunging back down the slope into the mine, sparks igniting the clouds of coal dust. raised.
privilege out of control of govern- -The force of the explosion drove the flames up and out of the slope, setting fire to the tipple. Thirty minutes
nent", and outlining a general pro- after the explosion the mine had been cleared of gas and afterdamp, but the disaster had already taken its
;ram of liberal legislation. toll.
SHIP uumnrnn Henry Ford Has
Words of Praise
F o r Wolverines
Two ILU -Although born and raisd within 25
ESir miles of Ann Arbor, Henry Ford nev-
er entered Ferry field to see a foot-
ball game until this fall when he at-
tended the Michigan-Wisconsin game.
MAPLEm 1TST. DRIVEN OUT BY As a result of what he saw, Mr. Ford
STORM, SINKS WITH has become a warm admirer of the
MEN University, of Coach Fielding H. Yost,
Captain Refuses to Leave Steamer in
Violent Storm off Houghton
Houghton, Dec. 1.-Eleven men,
members of the crew of, the Canadian
steamer Maplehurst, lost their lives
early this morning when the vessel
foundered near the upper or canal
entrance to the Keweenaw waterway.
Nine- others were saved by Captain
Charles A; Tucker and the members
of the crew of the Coast guard station
at the canal.
Not a single life would have been
lost, Captain Tucker declared, if the
mien on the doomed steamer had acted
promptly and jumped into the Coast
guard power boat when he told them
to after he had brought it alongside
the Maplehurst.
One Jumps in Lake
Ten of the twenty on board jumped.
First Mate Henry J. Smith missed the
lifeboat and went to his death in the
lake. The nine others who ,jumped
were saved, while the ten who re-
mained on the ship perished.
The vessel encountered a storm
Thursday and Captain Menard headed
his shi down the shore, intending to
enter the canal, but the storm in-
creased so rapidly that he feared to
enter. TheMaplehurst continued to
within three or four miles of shore
while the storm raged with increased
No Third Party Planned
Politics were declared to be ban-
ned, and it was announced officially
that no third party movement wa
contemplated. Republicans, demo-
crats, and a farmer-laborite joined in
the conference, which was declared to
be bi-partisan and legislative, but not
Organization of the new bloc, which
is similar to the unofficial Senate
farm bloc, and includes many of the
latter's members, is to be followed by
two open meetings tomorrow of pro-
gressives from all parts of the coun-
try. Between 100 and 200 are expect-
ed for the morning meeting, and the
program will close tomorrow night at.
a dinner at which accomodations for
800 have been made.
Patss Resolutions
The congressional bloc's resoau-
tions today pledged members to co-
operate in behalf of progressive leg-
islation to be brought forth by com-
mittees of the bloc during the pres-
ent and next Congress. A general
program announced includes as sub-
jects agricultuye, labor, railroads,
taxation, shipping, natural resources,
direct primaries, corrupt practices,
and constitutional amendments to
abolish the electoral college and ob-
tain earlier meetings of Congresses.
Dr. John Sundwall, *director of hy-
giene and public health, Dr. Hugh
Cabot, dean of the medicalrschool,
and Prof. W. C. Hoad of the depart-
ment of municipal and sanitary en-
gineering, will represent the Univer-
sity at the second annual .Conference
of Health Officers and Public Health
Nurses to be held at Lansing Dec.
4 to 8 inclusive.
The conference is fostered by the
Michigan Department of Health and
the Michigan Public Health associa-
tion for the purpose of enabling health
officers of all cities to come in con-
tact with a large number of men in
similar lines* of work, and thus to
bring forth new ideas and new meth-
ods for their consideration and use in
all parts of the state.
Alex. J. Groesbeck, Governor of
Michigan, will address the convention
at a banquet the evening of Dec. 7.
A total of over 35 speakers from all
parts of the country will be heard
during the five days of the confer-
ence. .
Frost as ot Encounter
With Southern
"If I should ever leave the North,
(may that time never come) 1 would-
go to San Antonio", said Robert
Frost, Michigan's resident poet, 'when
interviewed concerning his ' recent
lecture trip through th.e South. He
returned to Ann Arbor last Sunday,
"San Antonio is the most interest-
ing town that I visited. As the cen-
trr.l point of much of the fighting in
the war for the independence of Tex-I
as, there are buildings and locations
of historical interest. A Spanish or
Mexican quarter has some 40,000 in-
habitants who are, to all practical
purposes, full-blooded Aztec Indians.
I found it an exceedingly fascinating
"While. in the South I found some-
thing which, I hadt previously ha;. a
glimpse of in my thoughts. In a girl's
college in Georgetown, Texas; I saw
an institution in which intellectual
and practical courses were minged
in what I believe to be the best man-
ner. These are colleges of a purely
efficient nature, there' are those of
the entirely intellectual variety, ;.ndl
there.are the kind that favor techni-
cal study but temper it with culture.
"In Georgetown I saw a. college in
which the two are mingled in such a
way, ot that the practical may bene-
P~jWtI violence.' 'The wind's velocity was
T,00/phgo r, s more than.40. miles per hour.
Appiroaches 10irm es
Seeing signals from, the distressed
ship, Captain Tucker ordered the life-
There seems'to be a disincination to boat mianned. Captain Menard, the
discuss the klan in the South survivors said; told his men to jump
"Another thing. which.iskept out if they wanted to, but said he was
f it bteral a nvbu s tatsoe ti t gtht iemasgea to stae b0 the seime
1n b-- erat aag x 'tcy y e up. httmels
fit by the culturaI," but 'so,that some- Oti h ueto vito.On httm atya ery5 members
tetich ujc fe j~tin n were taken' in. The fall election is a
tiing of the practical is brought in . minister .i a town' that I visited was comparatively new feature in the
to make sounder the 'intellectual. The decidedly opposed to the theory and Michigan chapter, this being only the
old saying 'Hitch your wagon to a had carried the town with him. The second year that it has been used, am
star' should be rather 'Hitch your" situation is like this ,in many parts of only associate members are taken in
ideal to a wagon'. As I see It, the add= the South. The biology departments rn at this time.
ed pull will bring out the best in the of the colleges keep their hands tight- Both r
ly over their mouths, for fear of FIE . Lrrv Bt graduate students and sen-
intellectual.ym ,_orswereelected this fall. The grad-
"Some amusing things happened to arousig unfavorable publi senti- uates elected were: Hazel M. Losh,
e during my trip in the South", con- ment. I co!1d say whatever I desired, li and Out", Opening Here Monday, George R. Strimbeck, Helen Upde-
tinued Mr. Frost. "I always tend to as I was always leaving town on the To Feature Special graff, and .John ;C. Wood. The sen-
tne MrFrs.Ialastntonext tanseFauenie-ieece ee rhrF
bend my readings toward the drama-I t Music iors elected were Arthur F. Dittmer
tie sort of delivery rather than the Mr. Frost expects to be in Ann Ar- __Dean B. McLaughlin, and Arthur H
chant or song-like kind, although in bor for some time. THOMAS UNDERWOOD, '2L, Stuart.
many cases they might be read in TO SING REMINISCENT LYRIC - -- .--
the latter manner. One evening, in POPE ASKS THAT THREE RARE BIRDS
the midst of my reading an old gentle-E Fifteen pieces will be included i
roan got uip {and. said 'Verse is not EXECUVTIONS'STOP' ite pee il eiclddi SECURED F RI W
blank verse unless one can chant the orchestra for the Union opera, "InFO
It'. I asked him if he were a poet and Berne, Switzerland, Dec. 1.-Pope and Out'', which opens its week's run Found by Professor In Backwoods of
added that I asked the question be- Pius has ordered Monsignor Mag in Ann Arbor Monday at the hitN eal
cause he resembled William Cullen ney theater. The orchestra is com-{
Bryant. This seemed to make him lone, the papal representative inI
utnb'Bi S n Switzerlandtointerveestronglplete in strings, brasses and wood-a t, Iowa,
quite indignant ,and he replied, "Sir, Sw. izelnd, thnere,erngly with n sth eteuipdee the rarest birds in New Zealand were
I would rather resemble Billy Sunday.' added to'teUiest fIw' r
" Is that your true attitude?" I tive at the Lausanne conference, n use y a Uon opera. inthological collectio by Prof. Day-
asked order to prevent further executions of The direction of the music will- rtbeha
sIt is the worst thing I could say former ministers by the Greeks .The by Thomas I. Underwood, '23L, who as atresult othe Fij-Ny ea n
to show my feelings', he returned, i Swiss press and population 'expressed sang- "Naughty Eyes" in last year's scientific expedition from the Univer-
talked to the old gentleman after the great idignation over what are term- production. This year he will sing sity last 'summer. These were the
mneeting was concluded and partly ed the political murders"- "Michigan ,Nights", a reminiscent lyr- north 'island robin, the bell bird, and
convinced him that it was permissible ic written by E. R. Meiss, '23. the parson bird, or tu,la.
to read in other than a chanting FREESTATERS RIOT Four violins, a cello, and a bass: Of these three, the iibrth island rob-
styl. 1 WITH IRREGULARS viol will complete the string division in is the rarest, Professor Stoner
Some tardiness on the part of the Wfof the orchestra. The violins will says. One of the staff members of a
trains in Texas caused Mr. Frost some be played by Robert R. Tanner, grad., New Zealand museum who accom-
trouble, also. "If one had been olf Dublin, Dec. 1.-Two Free Staters Frank Stiles, Jr., '24, John Dinwid- panied Professor Stoner on his col-
time I would have been afraid to ride were killed in a clash which took die, '24, and John P. Chandler, '24: lecting trip into the interior of the
on it because it would have jumped place at Chaipool, near .Tubbercur- William L. Newberry, '23E, will play f country said he never had seen one
the track before we reached the next. ry, Sligo, with irregular troops. Dub- of the birds although he was a na-
station, in order to get a little behind lin is reported quiet, ho'iever. the cello, and Joseph E. Michaels, ive of the country.
time", he said.. ' Official army reports says that Free.25, the bass viol..
"I had no encounter with the Ku State troops' recently raided Quaker In the brasses, Carl A. Weinmann, University Club Holds SmCker
Klux Klan in Texas, but on a certain Island and captured the leader of the '24, will play cornet, J. K. Altland, '24, Members of the University club held
occasion, at a gathering of some size, irregulars, Matthew Davis, and a trombone, and Thomas E. Fiske, '251 a smoker last night in Alumni Me-
'a .young man who was with me said number of his men. . and Calvin A. Campbell, '24, saxo-l morial hall.
that it was safe to assume that two- j Mary and Annie MacSwiney are phones.
thirds of those present were members, said to be recovering from the ef- Hubert Bush, '25, will play clarinet: t
fects of their recent hunger strike. and Hoard M. Osman, '23E, flute. Tho
drums will be h'andled by Richard C. Visions W
Russions Send Thanksgviing Message Travis, '25M.
Moscow, Dec. 1.-A Thanksgiving The orchestrations have been writ- jation
the orcoeItretiintionetoeenLaidmessage to the American people ten by E. R. Meiss, '23.
thanks them for famine relief contri-
Before President SOon butions, and "hopes for further help' Rl HOM ESrPno ,Polo Grounds, New York, Nov. 30.
in the re-establishment of Russia." (Special)--Ina a
'. .,. .. ii rI~rrd~II~l (necil)-n agame of thrills heap-
Is Asked to Testify in Support
mand for Daugherty's
of De-1
Washington, Dec. 1.-Chief. Justice
Taft was named in a statement to the
house judiciary committee by Repre-
sentative Kellar, republicah, Minneso-.
ta, as a witness to be called:in sup-
port of his demand for impeachment
of Attorney Gener .l Daugherty. I
ing around Princeton's ends
through the constantly weake:
The Chiei Justice was desired to A three day investigation by th
testify, Mr. Kellar wrote, in. connec- .Student council of the rushing of 0-
DARWIN THEORY tion with his charge, formerly filed,th
GETSNIEW, 'that Attorney General Daugherty had cal theaters last Sunday night is
GETS NEW JOLT I appointed untrustworthy, corrupt, nearly complete and'uthe results will
and dangerous men to high office, be laid before President Marion L.
Stockholm, Nov. 13.-A declaration knowing at the time that they were Burton shortly. In comment on the
that Darwin's theory of evolution is men of such character. ' spirit .n which the investigation has
wrong comes from the Rev. Dr. J. George W. Wickersham, former at- beenicnducdthe comittof
Enander, a Swedish country minis- torney general, Samuel Gompers, been conducted, the committee of
ter, more famous as a botanist, who president of the American Federation which John W. Kelly, '24L, is chair-
has just returned to his congrega-' of Labor, Guy Orster, Mr. Gomper's man, has issued the following state-'
tion and an orchard of at least a secretary, !also were .,mentioned by ment:
+ mi a .rit+43. -,f mllwr nta r, tr ln. nhar wii~nsse hA "The council denlores. as it feels
Are You Going to Hear
Mary Garden?
Mary Garden will be here Tues-
day night. The seats have all
been sold. Will that keep you
from going? It shouldn't. Some
persons have bought tickets, and
now are unahe. to zn Avil
edupnthis, bringingthe60,000line, and on several occasions br
ed upon .thrill, ing up seemingy serious ttacks
Henderson, Strauss, Merrick, Immel cheering spectators to their feet'time brilliant defensive.
Give Outside Talks after time in frenzied excitement, This is the picture Hugh Fulle
Four faculty members yesterday de- Michigan's wonder football team tri- gives us in an article which appez
livered lectures in other cities Prof. umphed over Princeton's eastern yesterday morning in the Chic
W. D.Henderson, of the Extension champions in the Polo grounds this Tribune on a "dream" game bet,"
department, spoke at Lansing before afternoon before a record throng, the two teams. He gives a play
the Community club on the subject thereby 'establishing its indisputable play account of the imaginary ge
"Modern Science and the Bible". Prof. claim to the football supremacy o' with Princeton getting away to
Louis A. Strauss, of the English de- the country. I early lead in the first quarter onl
partment, gave the second of a series When the final whist:e blew the be overcome by a shower of passe
nf Poiht leetnroen vnwnin heforenWolverines were on the long end of tlhe second half.