THE MICHIGAN DAILY EI X, oo Mil I ..U.... _ 4 !''tom b"m 123 GRID0' TEAM1 LOOKSPOW ERFUL WONDER -FEATS OF PADDOCK ARE PLACED UNVDER CLOUD BY A. A. Farnr Regular hackc, Line }roil Tackle to Tackie IWill Be On R~and in FllI )IPARTFIN'G STARS LEAE RIG Z GAPS FOR YOST T O, ILL UPI With moleskiii and cleated shoe.;- )acked away W 9. at least six months. houghts of football on the catznyc s ave turned tt, what the 1923 season , olds in store for the MANize and BMae,. Before the wires, bearing the story )f Michigan's victory from Minneao- Qis Saturday, were cool the dopesters ad begin to figure wvhat the new sea- on, and the prospeci s ~oed glowing. to even the confirmedi 1lill iL os e.S bir s Michi-?z'Wili lose solar, of her r v) t >rilint stars fro~.c t , s ear's to : 'I n~ daptaji P ,al Gool-el and Berie' Cirk, probaiy the b'.ez pair of wij'1. nen Yost has ever h-..( on the .;a,-e eleven.' Eddi Johns, 'wno hais plc..{ Ui a'terr .ii gahe ~.&adand tackfe or tht'eo yeairs is ineligi-i le for furj her compnetition. Doug Roby, veteran )ark, and' Cappon, the smashing force; n this year's attack, will be available or no more games and Knode, a valu- l1e man in anybody's backfield, has played his last game. In addition to the first string play- !rs last, strong' substitute units have peen lost in Van Ordien, an M wvinneF in second. string guard for three ears, and Garfield, who has playedl or two years at tackle. Even with hiere seven men gone Yost has a pov-i rful machine Text with 15 M mhen still n the job- It is 'hard to see how Mich-,gan can. esopdnxtya ihth ieQ material that will, be on hand, but Bose who rememiber the Disastrous eso~n of' 1919, when probably ther reatest galaxy of stars M ichigan ev-1rh d ,as e p c d to e u n b tI ailed to materialize, and the Varsity )st every one of the four Big Ten amtes. As Yost, has said so often, cams are n iot built by the way they, ppear in 'the. spring. However, iti ould be hard to imagine anything Wore pleasing than the way the 1 923k lichigan eleven shapes up at thi, Creat .Backfield, Prospects i To begin with there will be a backs eld composed of Captain Kipke, ;Jack eefer, Herb Steger, 'Uteritz, Dunj envy, Guinther, Vick, Gruibe, the latter :.,o from this 'year's all-fresh team~i nd a numiber of others who the coach- ti re even now looking to for some reat footba ll. It is reasonable o xpect that the first five backs namedl ill bear the heaviest share of the uties but as has been the case in he past, several unkif'owns may show nough to warrant service on the 'arsity Kipke should have his greatest' ye'au text fall with two years of phenoi~i- nal success, on the gridiron behind (Continued on Page'Seven) 'I bar the " marks would reflect directly1 COACHES TO HOLD I - oaiile Clubs Pledge Drive Support. on the integrity of the officials of the A H E~IP R E Campus .organizations with masonic U et wihte 15yadasrnaffiliations are going to give their i He points out that the men re rree- Isrnetspott h aoi # oinized officials whose work never has( (Continued from Page One) . been questioned. Yotwl ted ilb eda '-Temiple association campaign that Decossiol aItndelwll beheldat 2 '- (will attempt to raise the necessary As ar s te ctr e flloersof.l'clock Saturday afternoon. Around this, amount to finish their new home. atletcsareconered he ecsio 1hinges much specuilation as to just athetcsarecocene th (ecs~o~ '1atteas il opos o te gid Doste Daiymwllhind? it.assiie. of the A. A. U. in the matter wl o wa ms wil ppsIo he jL othe D somethl ingi.-Adcasifed. lessen the wonder achievements ofE iron next season.. With the Wisconsin_ Paddock on the cinder path. Paddock and Illinois contracts expired, there will remain~ as he is now, the greatestf is room for two new games for Mich- sprinter of the (lay. While they doj igan. The teams that Michigan will ' not want hint to hold records not prop-! play will not be, announced until Sat- erlY earned they do not want to see udy him deprived of them through trivia] Yost Explains Sccedhiles reasons. ; In reply to those who are looking , j, Just now the matter stands aboutI for a Michigan intersectional contes !:t like this:Coach Y ost said A football schedule Track authorities of the coast saw~ that is in every wpay desirable from i k and timed Paddiock. when, he ran 175 'the standpoint of MVichiigani is a y1ry yards in 17 second... 'There, is no difficult thing to get. There are nine . q uesticon as to the legality of the meet; other Conference schools whose de- of th~e handling of it. And the in- sii'es aresila to ours, that is, togrity of. the officials, is not directly satisfactory schedule. So- far as 11questioned. But the members of the; know a desirable eastern game on a , he a3 ,o record c'ommittee have decided that itL hove and home basis isj not possib~le and The ( c e' W' : ou ~it is physically impossible for a human "Th~e qcfietion of a game wi~th hc-tnosP0'diPleIl J being to run as fast as, Paddock dlidIhmn go is o ne that must he decided by .A olm U un Ar to -e41 oo according to the tiners. tpartice; It is very, easy to ay ',< Ce s a 0r - light °,11lunch," EIf that is really the only reason the 'a grw. e with Chicago.'- This Michni committee had in trying to veto the gan t r od~ to do two years ago. Spil ; records it would be well for them to! suggestion has been made that Min-;. f remember that when trotting horses nesota should not be played on thli firstn rmC made milesc in something like two ast Saturday, in Minneapolis. Chcaer R[Fj1 __ ninutes and 20 seconds exp erts belie'v-; go a..d teisconsin ar'e 1paying on tao,; " ; oil the limit had been reached. If the! last Saturday as are Illinois and Ohiio officials are holding back the real rea-; State, and .Minnesota has always beenr son, in 'justice to. Paddock' and the: wiliing to schedule Michigan whewn ',1 prominent men, who handled the meet 1iany others would not. Schiedules: i a at which the ra:ee' was run, all the i cannot he inade on our desires 'but on s ~R ADES fcssolbegiven out. mutua. agr eem .ent with the partiesa. -, x ,z,- ,ey ou zrig Lt" As the matter stands now the pub- I ye are to play.",^ UC §-o lie knows only that Paddock's word- r__________ 3 a erful speed has been quest ioned. Harni Mictiigan Daily and Chimes for $4.50. 'l're, interesting studies of Paddock ien the track. Ai' left, his tfake-off form from 'which lie gets a "catapli>'f i ~ ~start.. At right-, ml; ay h ia dash. In (center, lbreasting' the tape at the finish I (Bay Norman E. Brown) The brilliant pages of athletic his- tory which Charlie Paddock, Pocific{ coast mercury, wrote in the last fewv years are in danger of being blue- penciled-scratched out--by the Am-, ateur Athletic union. ISeven new sprint record(s which Paddock, claimed and officials of nwetsI 'in' which he appeared 'claimied fom'> Charley may not be granted by thed IA. A. '1. becauise, in the opinion o record committee of that august bodIy it is- not possible for Paddoc or any. other human being to run live yards in one-fifth of a second.C Thlis case presents a new angle41. Other athletes in various bi:atiches of sport have been deprived of rec- ords through proved discrepancies in timning, measur~ements5 of track:, ii nfoi'-. tunate' managements of nmeets or for sonip overt acts on their own parts. But here is a case where 'a group) of men, experts in their field, are weigh- ing the matter of 'Paddock's recordlsI to their list because of their doubt that a human being can run as fastj as the watches snapped Paddock. Records of One Rack' Paddock asks recognition of s vefl records made in one race of 175 yards at Santa Barbara, Calif., July 4, this year. These are the mnark~s he claims: 6 :1.5 sr-cond:s for 60 yards, the incoming record committee. This 7 1-10 seconds for 70 yards. I committee will not meet until next 7 '34) st'cou&4 for 75 yardis. yaat this time. This means that 7 4. s~wiid for80 yrd; the entire matter will rest that long 19 4) secon.ds for WI") yards. land Padldoclk.'s status as a record- I % 1-5 seconds1 for- 124 yards. I breaker will be queAtioned just that i17 .seeonals for 175 yards. j long, ati least, by the A. A. U. officials. 3 I And at best, if the records finally These records vwere referred to the aro accepted there always will be that A. A. U, record conmmittee. The 00orn- bHot upon them-that their legality mnittee voted to rejiect them entirely. win; questioned. For,- they pointed out, if tue time. o Pafc hsnolsaprsng 7 >-5 secondis for 75 yards was correct the lime of 7 4-5 seconds for 80 yardsI than ttobert S. Weaver, president of could not be. And so on. I te Southern Pacific association and hutatfo the objection r'aised lby the ) for'mer president of the A. A. U. stand- SothrnPacific association, the lead- ug behind the records presented for in spirit in track and field activities aipproval. 'Weaver, whose protest fore- on the Pacific coast, the vote of the (,a the delegates to hold up the com- r ecord committee might have been ac- ' mitteo's, request to forthwith reject tihe c'epted as final by tile 'A. A. 1'. As it is,I records, has announced that he will the A. A. C1 delegates decided finally !fight to a finish to have the records1 to leaver disposit ion of the matter to! approved. \Veaver p~oints out thant to G oOD EATS& already has been done him if the con,- mittee is acting without definite rev- son. STA GG TO COACH TBEN YEARS MORE!I Coach Alonzo' A. Stagg of the Uni- versity of Chicago, who has just. turn- rd the spry age of 61, remarked a f'ew days ago that he intends, to coach football at the Windy City institution, for at least 10 more years. When friends of' his toil him that certain critics were' about to advise him to retire from coaching he in- formed the critics to come aroundI irk 10 years if they were ahve, andI see if he would listen to them. UVA AIIIUIC [QU IP~i .U O[ C[ IUNDS SPECIAL PRICES TO, FRAT'!ERNITY AD SWEAT SHIRTS SPECIAL, $1.651 DERRILL PRATT JACK DU t H PRONE '31 C2-j 1 osa someth inn? A Cli tllEs i I L: thle Daily will find it.--Acv. ... NOMWAMMOMMS.AUMNO r 4 See our display of these rugs in:the show window Among our large stock of Kicarfiax Rugs are .}some with slight defects in weaving,. hardly noticeable. FOR AN 01 Fahoed urey ine Roast Stuffed Turkey with Cranberry jelly, 75c Roast Stuffed Chicken, 65c Roast Stuffed Goose, 65ct Each, order includes Soup, Potatoes, Vegetables, English Plum Pudding, Coffee, Tea or Milk, Rolls and Butter. fDinner, served at J1 o 'clock Good Eats Cafeteria On W11liams, just offt1e Campus i i x.\ t y.+ 1 x ' '. w r ! . ... ' i a. 1 _ I' 'these are sold at price a, very special We wvould be pleased to show ,you the difflerent sizes We have some spalendlid Overcoat values 835 to $50 14 MoARTIN HALLER TOMP/ CORBETT FURNITURE RUGS DRAPERIES "You can't go wrong at Co rbett's 116 East Libery< Street wool looms%. I'SM 0% Mft &TV& Am gr-w - ,', Q&V%6mM Safi AM IS MWOMMMI, some I